Chapter 1260 Fantasy Township

Xingye stood up straight and scanned the surroundings of the warehouse with his eyes: "I'll go and look around, maybe I can find something."

"Yes!" K agreed without raising his head, and couldn't extricate himself from deciphering the code.

Xingye stood at the door of the warehouse, turned his head to look at the surrounding situation, night had already fallen, and the earth was plunged into darkness. The street lamps and colorful neon lights in the bustling city in the distance dispelled the darkness, but here only a few light bulbs emitting dim light illuminate an area, and other places are still immersed in thick darkness.

'Shua! ’ Xingye suddenly turned his head to look at the intersection on the left. R in black stood there staring at Xingye. Seeing that Xingye had noticed him, he immediately turned and walked into the alley, disappearing into the darkness.

"R? He really has something to do with this matter." Xingye ran after him, crossing a distance of more than 20 meters like lightning, and rushed into the alley at the fastest speed, chasing the fleeing R.

After running out of this small alley in a starry night, he saw R standing on an overpass, lying on the railing and looking up at the sky in a daze. There is no intention of running away at all, but it seems to be waiting for the arrival of the starry night.

"R, what role do you play?" Xingye stepped up the dilapidated overpass step by step and said to R in a deep voice: "You are the one who sent out the radio waves that lured people, right? Why did you do that?"

R looked at the bustling city thousands of meters away and said: "It wasn't the boat that lured them, but they themselves received the radio waves. Only those who subconsciously wanted to leave this world would receive this radio wave and go to the place of hope." land."

"Leave this world? Why? Are their families and friends in this world worthless to them? Can they just give up this world?" Xingye didn't understand this. What exactly did the ship give to these people? The promise can make them abandon everything in this world just like that, and want to board that mysterious ship in a hurry.

"You said it wrong, Jin, it's not that they abandoned the world, but the world abandoned them." A trace of sadness appeared on R's face, and his tone was full of sadness: "They used to trust more than anyone else. In this world, they believe that in this world they can find their own happiness, realize their ideals, and fulfill their dreams. They work hard for a little bit of hope that these dreams can be realized, and even think a little bit that they can really do it. Anything you like to do?' There is no time for this question. But they have worked hard for a long time but found that everything is illusory, and they can't even leave traces of their own existence in this world, let alone the dreams in their hearts. Everything is so illusory, like flowers in the mirror and moon in the water can only be seen but has no possibility of realization.”

R lowered his head and pointed to the bustling city in the distance and said softly: "Is the self who exists in this world really me? Are the things I do really what I like to do? I am desperately trying to achieve a dream that will never be realized in this world." Is there any point in working hard? If it doesn't make any sense, then what's the point in this world?"

Xingye opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. How many of the billions of people in this world are doing jobs that they like, repeating their nine-to-five life day after day, enduring the boss's pressure? Scolding, squeezing the subway like sardine cans, holding a meager salary, looking forward to the life and work of dreams, telling myself that one day I will earn enough thousand and go to the place I want to go, find a building facing the sea and spring flowers blooming house, and live there happily, but this house can only exist in dreamland forever.

The gap between a beautiful dream and a cruel reality is as far away as a moat. No matter how hard you try, you can never shorten the distance even a little bit. People often think that hard work will have results, but the reality tells you that no matter how hard you work, you will never be able to shorten the distance. There are irreparable things.

The sons and daughters of politicians are still politicians, and the sons and daughters of the rich are born rich. This is the reality and unfairness of society. If the passage for people at the bottom of a society to rise is completely blocked, then this society will quickly decay. What's the point of working hard if you can't see the possibility of realizing it even if you work hard?

Xingye took a step forward and persuaded: "The past is irreversible, but we can change the future. Don't be immersed in the sorrow of the past. There is still time to look back. There is still hope in this world."

R heard Xingye's words, slowly turned his head, looked at Xingye standing there, and spoke after a long time: "The ship is calling for those who still have hope in their hearts, telling people 'Go back, go back The hometown in your heart, there is the real you. There is no sorrow, no pain, no competition, no restlessness and panic, everyone is equal, and only those who seek stability can board that ship and go to this world.'”

"Does such a world really exist? Are you really R?"

"What should the real R look like?" R asked rhetorically, "Continue to work for DEUS, thinking that he is righteous and destroying the universe people one by one? I have no idea what the real R is, JIN, and you are the real one. of myself?"

Xingye put his right hand on the laser gun at his waist, looked directly at R and asked in a deep voice, "Who the hell are you?"

"Drip! Dip!" The VC communicator in Xingye's hand rang, Xingye raised his left arm, and pushed the communicator away with his right hand. At this moment, R suddenly jumped off the overpass. Falling into the carriage, the kung fu truck has already driven more than ten meters in the blink of an eye.

"What?" Xingye jumped off the overpass without hesitation, and then strode after the car with both legs. R stood in the carriage and shouted loudly towards the starry night behind: "JIN, I want to get on that ship, leave this corrupt world, and go to that land of hope, Katie must be waiting for me there. "

"Is this guy crazy?" Xingye looked at the direction of the truck in front of him, and immediately ran towards the small alley on the left. The extremely fast running made Xingye's ears full of "Huh! call! ’, after turning several turns in succession, he ran out of here, and the car carrying R had only the taillights left.

"Do you just want to get rid of me like that?" Xingye immediately took out the shock wave launcher and pulled the trigger towards the sky.

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