Chapter 1262 Utopia

'call out! ’ The spaceship flew towards the outer space at the fastest speed, rising from a height of 100 meters to a kilometer in the blink of an eye, and it was still accelerating, and the speed had reached more than 2,000 meters per second from zero.

While the spaceship was flying towards outer space, the protrusions at the bottom of the spaceship were also continuously firing light bombs, densely packed like a torrential rain, rushing towards Nexus. Obviously, the operator of this spaceship also found out Nexus, and knowing that it is not easy to mess with, has already ignored the danger of exposure, after all, it is more precious than exposing life.

"If it's Noah's Ark, why don't you send people to a new continent full of hope? If it's not Noah's Ark, why give them hope?" Nexus suddenly raised his head, his sharp eyes fixed on the people who were moving at the fastest speed. Escape from the spaceship here.

"Do you know that kind of despair when you see an oasis, but when you go there, you find it is a mirage? Or are you admiring the despair after the hope is shattered?" Nexus flew away suddenly, leaving behind a The sonic boom cloud, shining bright silver light all over, instantly turned into a silver light arrow and rushed towards the spaceship in the sky that was moving away from the earth.

Before the light bombs exploded, they were smashed into pieces by the light arrows transformed by Nexus, and then exploded loudly. The tumbling flames illuminated the night sky, dispelled the thick darkness, and illuminated the entire world. The messy ground below.

Bursts of light flashed one after another over the peaceful suburban area of ​​the city, turning half of the sky red like a cloud of fire, and then the thunder-like roar of the dry land shocked one-third of the city, causing countless people walking on the ground The people above raised their heads in amazement, staring blankly at the sea of ​​flames that lit up half of the sky like fire and clouds, and the silver light arrow that pierced through this sea of ​​flames and flew towards the outer space, completely confused. What happened.

The TV airships in the whole city also changed the screen at the same time, and the host on the TV began to broadcast the news: "Unidentified flashes appeared in the sky of K area. It is suspected to be an invasion of aliens. The government has launched related investigations. Please Citizens can rest assured and enjoy a peaceful life.”

This spaceship shining with silver light rushed out of the earth's atmosphere at the fastest speed, but the silver light arrow behind the spaceship also penetrated all the light bullets all the way, and behind it was a road of death full of flames , the shining spaceship in front of him is already close at hand, and at this time, it is only eight seconds before the spaceship takes off and accelerates, and then flies here.

"The succubus' raving, disappear!" Nexus accelerated suddenly, and instantly hit the bottom of the spaceship. With the sound of harsh metal friction, the silver light arrow plunged into the spaceship. All the layers of metal panels and wiring inside were torn apart, and Nexus rushed out from the top of the spaceship in less than a second, condensing the figure of Nexus in the void of the universe.

And this spaceship, which was pierced with a large tearing hole up and down, no longer had the sense of sacredness before. The silver light on the surface flickered like a short-circuited light bulb, and the flight path of the spaceship was skewed to the left, barely flying It exploded after only a few thousand meters.

The raging flames spread, causing a fleeting fireball to appear in the night sky, restoring the light to the earth in an instant, and then plunged into deeper darkness again.

The flames formed by the explosion of the spaceship spread over a range of more than ten kilometers, and the remaining fragments fled away at an extremely fast speed under the strong impact and vibration, and disappeared from Nexus' vision in the blink of an eye. middle.

Nexus turned around and looked at the planet behind him that was still emitting blue light. From here, he could clearly see the dense dots of light representing the city, occupying most of the land.

"This planet will never die." Nexus clenched his fists and said firmly in his heart: "There is still hope."

The silver streamer fell on the ground, condensing the figure of Xingye, Xingye looked at the starry night sky, and put the trustee of the plan in his hand back into his clothes. Glancing at the position where R was standing just now, the pile of ashes had already been blown away by the wind, leaving only a little residue.

"R, have you arrived in Gensokyo? Have you reunited with Katie?" Xingye turned his head and strode forward: "I don't know if the Hopeland brought by that ship really exists. , but until you bring back the hope and happiness of Gensokyo's existence, this planet is for me to guard."

Back in the warehouse where K was, K was still sitting there, staring at the computer screen, turning his head to look at the coming starry night, sat up straight with a sigh and said: "I just deciphered the code, in fact, R didn't go to the sky at all. He found the radio waves, and he just wanted to board that ship. Why? What was he thinking? He actually believed in such illusory things."

"Why do boats lure people? When did they first appear? Everything is unknown now." Xingye sat on a chair and said in a muffled voice: "But I generally understand R's thoughts, rather than being like a walking dead Living in this world, it is better to die on the way to find the mirage, at least in this way his heart is full of hope and expectation to die."

"What are you talking about?" K muttered, wiped his face, leaned his back on the chair, and relaxed himself: "Is this world really so unworthy of nostalgia?"

"R He lost his most beloved person, and his heart also died. He knew that the ship was fake, but he still chose to believe that the ship was real." Xingye stood up and closed his hand. The computer in front of K put everything into darkness: "He wants to believe in the existence of Gensokyo, and then embark on the journey to the mirage, so that when he dies, he can still have hope and expectation for the future."

"Probably!" K said in a muffled voice, ignoring other things, but stood up directly: "I'm going back."

Walking all the way to the warehouse door, K heard the footsteps and turned his head slightly towards Xingye and said, "JIN, you... It's really interesting to perform missions with you." After finishing speaking, K continued to walk towards Xingye Walk forward and disappear into the night.

Xingye sat back on K's seat, and then turned on the computer, and the deciphered radio signal only had a few letters 'UTOPIA' (Utopia). This wave just elicits what people desire the most. The poor see money, the bereaved see their partner... and then let them disappear in the beauty full of expectations.

To live numbly in the real world full of pain, or to die on the illusory road of chasing hope, which one is what people need? R abandoned this world full of pain and chose to die full of hope. Whether such a choice was right or wrong, Xingye didn't know the answer, so he didn't interfere or fully interfere with R's choice, whose heart had long since died.

Xingye couldn't help but think of the moment when he faced Zijiela, the hidden ruler of darkness who destroyed the world would make people die in pain, but Qijiela could make people perish in a beautiful dream, and finally the giant of light defeated Zigela, then defeated the Dark Lord and saved the world.

But compared to a powerful monster, R's dead heart can't be saved no matter how powerful it is. His lover has passed away forever, and R can only reunite with her in that illusory Gensokyo, where R's heart is living. In fact, R has long wanted to leave this world, all he lacks is a reason.

Xingye reached out and closed the computer heavily, then took a deep breath, raised his hand and pulled the trigger of the laser gun, smashing the hard disk of the computer, burying everything in this deep night, making everything Return to silence.

Xingye stepped out of the warehouse and looked up at the sky. The bright moon hanging in the sky in the night sky exudes a bright silver light, illuminating the ground brightly, but no matter how bright the moon is, the cool moonlight can never warm and cold Hearts, false hopes can never save this decaying world.

Xingye stepped forward and merged into the deepest night, leaving only that lonely lamp, emitting a dim light, bringing a little light to the small area below.

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