Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1421: , Humanoid self-propelled ‘nuclear bomb’

And after two minutes, the huge amount of lifeless energy contained in the huge corpse had been completely absorbed by Zhang Xiang. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

What was left was the huge corpse that was infested by death and became extremely hard.

At the heart of Zhang Xiang, the two powers of death that originally surrounded Zhang Xiang’s heart have once again differentiated into two other powers of death, forming the four powers of real death. The earth circled his heart back and forth.

But in his heart, there is a large amount of absorbed death power hidden in the position of his heart.

That huge force is being transported back and forth throughout the body along with the special meridians built in the heart.

If it were to be described with adjectives, then Zhang Xiang now has formed a super powerful, humanoid self-propelled ‘nuclear bomb’ that can wipe out all creatures in a radius of a thousand miles in an instant.

Moreover, he is hundreds of times more harmful than nuclear bombs.

This is not only a matter of the scope of damage, but also because of the continuous influence.

If it is a nuclear bomb, after the outbreak, as long as nature is allowed to evolve naturally for thousands of years, there will always be time for recovery.

However, a place that is infested by maliciousness will always be shrouded by that infinite maliciousness.

Because, anyone who enters this place, as long as there is a malicious existence in his heart, whether it is a human or other creatures, it can provide a lot of nutrition for the growth and maintenance of this malicious land.

However, Zhang Xiang at this time was not worried that he would suddenly explode.

Because, after absorbing that huge amount of'death force', he suddenly discovered that his control of the'death force' is even more handy, no longer the time when mobilizing higher energy. It's difficult. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Zhang Xiang thinks that this is very possible because of the four powers of death surrounding the heart.

No magic book exists simply.

Not to mention, the power of death surrounding it was brewed by the magic book.

And feeling that the ‘power of death’ in his body under his own control has become more, Zhang Xiang’s original plan has changed a little.

‘Since the'power of death' that can be controlled has increased, let’s try that method! A crazy idea flashed in Zhang Xiang's heart.

That is, abandoning the previous idea of ​​just collecting the power of death, but to use the taboo magic recorded in the magic book to refine the huge half-demon corpse in front of you into a powerful body The fighting corpse!

This is a simple thing for him who once owned a magic book!

"Then, let's start...!" A gleam of light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.


After half a day, Zhang Xiang appeared pale and walked out of the dark palace.

If someone who doesn't know Zhang Xiang sees what he looks like now, he doesn't know where he will misunderstand.

However, the Platycodon grandiflorum and the golden young dragon following Zhang Xiang were shocked.

Obviously, they knew what happened.

After calming down a little, Kikyo also spoke again.

"By the way, what should we do in this place?" Kikyo looked at the barren land and asked Zhang Xiang.

After all, without the guard of the dog clan, there will probably be more and more monsters or humans coming to this land in the future.

And after there is no malicious aggregate here, with the suffocating aura left over from the killings of this land, and various miasma, it is not difficult to breed a large number of monsters again.

"Don't worry, I will take care of it. After I leave, this land will be submerged by the sea." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and pointed at the spinning crystal in the sky.

At this time, because it had absorbed enough moon brilliance, it was emitting a bright light.

Then, point to a big mountain ahead.

"A thousand meters above this direction, there is a sea. As long as this mountain is opened up, the sea water will naturally infuse into this valley, submerging it again. The sea water is the best thing to guide the evil spirits. After a few years, the soaring evil spirits will be evacuated." Zhang Xiang explained to Kikyo.

"But, what about this palace? If it is found by other monsters, it will be a storm. Especially since we have already made such a big noise here." Kikyo said with some worry.

However, Zhang Xiang smiled mysteriously.

"Really? Is there really a palace?" Zhang Xiang pointed at Kikyo's back.

Then, when Kikyo turned around, she suddenly discovered that the dark palace that was supposed to be behind her, but when she turned her head, it seemed to have gone through thousands of years, suddenly transformed Countless dust collapsed.

It's also a pity that Zhang Xiang opened the barrier in time, and didn't let the dumbfounded Kikyo be fascinated by the smoke.

"What, how come?" Kikyo's face was full of surprise.

"Why not? The existence of it is just ordinary obsidian. After such a long period of time and a strong attack, there will be no chance to survive." Zhang Xiang explained to Kikyo .

"Yes, but..." Kikyo was still a little puzzled.

"You want to say, why did nothing happen just now? That's because the energy source that maintains this palace has been brought out by us. Without energy maintenance, it is impossible for the natural palace to remain as it is. Things." Zhang Xiang continued to explain.

As for what the energy source is, it is quite obvious.

That is the huge corpse of the half-demon city lord. The opponent may use his own body as nourishment, while continuously sealing and killing the malicious assembly, he may also try to use the dead energy in his body to destroy the malicious The aggregate is killed.

But it is a pity that when its plan is about to succeed, it has already sealed the malicious aggregate to the extreme, as long as it continues to kill.

The back hand arranged by the malicious assembly-'Cong Yunya' appeared, and also brought the fragments of the jade of the four souls capable of carrying the malicious assembly, giving it a chance to break free from the seal.

Then, everything that happened not long ago.

These things were sorted out by Zhang Xiang after a long time.

However, what is the truth and what does it have to do with Zhang Xiang?

The important thing is that he destroyed the ‘Cong Yunya’ and reborn his ‘Shadow Demon Blade’, and no one he cared about was injured. He had gained great benefits.

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