Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1422: , A harmonious meal

An hour later, Zhang Xiang and Kikyo were already formed on their way home with the golden young dragon. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Behind them, a bright light suddenly burst out. Accompanied by the loud rumbling noise, a huge mountain range was suddenly divided into two halves from the middle.

A huge gully spread from the center of the forbidden area to behind the mountains in the distance.

Then, the sound of rushing ocean waves came continuously from behind.

If you look from this direction, you can still see that under the afterglow of the setting sun, a large amount of sea water that was irradiated by the setting sun, poured in from that gully, quickly submerging this piece of land. Up among them.

A large saltwater Hubo covering a huge area is gradually taking shape.

The cracks shattered by a large number of battles have formed deep invisible lake bottom gullies, countless bone meal bombarded into fragments, and rich nutrients contained in the depths of the earth, are gradually being washed by the sea. Differentiate and nourish this piece of Hu Po that is gradually enriching.

And as the sea water poured out, countless traces of fighting were concealed, and a large number of marine fish also poured in with the torrent, and are gradually bringing a lot of life to this land.

Although, due to the heavy suffocation and impact on the ground when they first entered, most of the marine fish died instantly.

However, when the lake was filled to nearly five meters, and the evil spirits were almost diluted to the extreme, the marine fish that came near by the torrent finally became familiar.

Although, under the influence of that evil spirit, these marine fish will look more aggressive.

However, there is no other major disadvantage.

After waiting for three hours, the diameter of that one did not know how big it was. It could be said that it was the largest Hu Po that Zhang Xiang had ever seen, and it appeared in front of Zhang Xiang. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

As the last rays of sunset light scattered, a large amount of moonlight was also projected from the sky, illuminating this place.

The surface of the lake was phosphorescent, and fishes wandered down the bottom of the lake.

Except for the mountain passage that was clearly separated by a powerful force.

No one can see that this piece of land was the most dangerous piece of land in the West before a day.

And riding on the moonlight, Zhang Xiang, after recovering the ‘position’ that had absorbed a lot of moon brilliance and consumed a lot of angel power, also flew towards the village.

And with the speed of the golden young dragon, how much time can it take to fly to the vicinity of the village?

Only after more than half an hour passed, Zhang Xiang and others had already arrived outside the village.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang commanded the young golden dragon to descend from a high altitude to a low altitude.

Then, Zhang Xiang poked his head out seriously, not knowing what he was looking for through the dense woods.

"Zhang Xiangjun, what are you looking for?" Kikyo asked curiously.

And Zhang Xiang didn't turn his head back, he began to respond to Kikyo's words.

"Do you remember that when I left the village last time, I promised Xiaofeng something?" Zhang Xiang said to Kikyo.

"What was promised?" Kikyo frowned slightly, thinking.

Then, she suddenly remembered something.

"Could it be that one caught..." Kikyo said with a little enlightenment as if thinking of something.

However, before she finished speaking, Zhang Xiang was already bright, as if he had found something.

"It's here!" Zhang Xiang sighed in excitement.

Then, he jumped off the golden young dragon.

Two seconds later, when Zhang Xiang expertly jumped out of the forest and walked on the road towards the village, he had already carried a thick flesh on his shoulder. , Eyes braved the wild boar in the circle.

That's right, Zhang Xiang once promised Xiaofeng, when he returned home, he brought her a wild boar and cooked her a big meal.

Although this wish is very small, it seems a bit strange.

But for Xiao Feng, who couldn't eat enough when Zhang Xiang came for the first time, it was already a very luxurious wish.

After all, Kikyo is a respected witch.

But that was an era when everyone except the nobles was hungry.

Others can't eat enough, where will there be surplus food for her and Xiao Feng.

Not to mention, the Kikyo was just over fourteen years old at the time, it was impossible to hunt!

Perhaps, it should be said that it is precisely because of the identity of the Kikyo maiden that she can live tenaciously with Xiaofeng.

Otherwise, in the chaotic Warring States period, families without male labor usually represent the end of starvation.


At night, in the house of Kikyo.

"Here, braised pork with red braised elbows, stir-fried pork with leeks, steamed pork, and the last piece of boiled pork" Zhang Xiang continued from the kitchen, taking out a large number of dishes as if by magic.

Every time the same name is called, Xiao Feng's face will show a hint of excitement.

Although Kikyo was very qualified at the beginning, he waited.

However, as Zhang Xiang reported the names of the dishes one by one, even Kikyo couldn't help but swallow slightly.

After all, the name of the dish that Zhang Xiang reported was too tempting.

Plus the scent surrounding the incense.

Well, even if the Buddha comes, you can’t help it

Of course, Zhang Xiang wouldn't make all meat dishes.

Kikyo and Xiaofeng are familiar with eating relatively plain food. If they all turn into meat dishes at once, they will inevitably feel sick.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang also made some light soups and dishes to complement each other.

After half an hour, a big meal was already in front of everyone.

And in the yard, the young golden dragon didn't know where he pulled out some giant knives and forks, with a napkin around his neck.

This was specially prepared by Zhang Xiang for the golden young dragon.

And what is placed in front of it is a huge basin, which contains dishes similar to theirs, but the weight has increased several times.

And not far away, the bonfire was burning, bringing a fiery glow to the land.

In the sky, the stars are also shining, and the half crescent is hanging high in the middle, giving the world a bright brilliance.

This scene seems so harmonious...

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