Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1420: , Lifeless!

Zhang Xiang never said that he was a good person. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Although, most of the time, what he does is good.

But that's just a coincidence, or it should be said that the victorious side must be victorious.

Therefore, he has always done things very carefully so as not to become the loser.

Therefore, when Zhang Xiang stepped into this empty space, he had already opened up his perception to the maximum.

Therefore, when Zhang Xiang and the others were shocked to feel the non-gravity state in the other's mental mind, Zhang Xiang had already discovered the other's existence when they quietly swept past.

At the beginning, Zhang Xiang thought it was the evil spirits that lingered.

However, after seeing the huge bones, coupled with the large amount of death energy in the opponent's body, it is magic that there is a place that has not been invaded by death energy.

Zhang Xiang already knew that the source of the spiritual power that swept them was probably the remnant soul of the half-demon city lord who had not completely passed away.

Thanks to Zhang Xiang's power of death entrenched in his heart, Zhang Xiang has a physique that is very sensitive to breaths of death.

Therefore, he was able to perceive the other side's existence so keenly.

Of course, for the sake of insurance, Zhang Xiang used an excuse to disperse the bellflower and the golden young dragon.

Next, is what just happened.

Zhang Xiang relied on the danger of the'power of death' in his hand and successfully forced the opponent out.

Then, Zhang Xiang did not hesitate to attack the opponent.

Zhang Xiang didn't think that the half-demon City Master would not attack them in order to protect himself. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Although, the other party promoted the coexistence of monsters, half-monsters, and humans in a city, a city lord who struggled for his ideals all his life.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't think that an existence that could reach the level of a big monster would be a soft-hearted existence.

Not to mention, don't look at what he did sounded very beautiful.

But in essence, what is the means of conquering another world?

That is killing, the boundless killing, killing the opponent to the fearful position.

Such a person will undoubtedly attack anyone for their own survival.

The facts also proved that Zhang Xiang was correct. Just after the other party realized that he was discovered, the other party had secretly arranged a killer move.

The other party came out to attract Zhang Xiang's attention.

However, what the other party may not have expected is that Zhang Xiang, who behaved so righteously outside, would make a sneak attack first.

Therefore, when he was unprepared, the remnant soul of the other party was eroded into nothingness by Zhang Xiang's power of death, becoming a trace of nourishment of the power of death.

"It's over..." Zhang Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly relaxed his guard.

But in reality, the inside of his body was still tight, in order to prevent anything that might happen next.

But it turns out that Zhang Xiang thought more, and nothing else happened.

And at this moment, the bellflower and the golden young dragon, who had witnessed what happened here from a distance, also rushed here.

"Are you okay?" Kikyo asked worriedly.

Because of the long distance, Kikyo only saw Zhang Xiang standing in front of the corpse, and then a mist of soul suddenly appeared, and Zhang Xiang wiped out the opponent.

In her opinion, it was someone else attacking Zhang Xiang, not Zhang Xiang's black hand.

Therefore, she was so worried.

"Don't worry, it's just a ray of unwilling remnant soul. Perhaps, the other party's soul has not completely dissipated and was infested by death, and it has undergone mutation." Zhang Xiang explained to Kikyo.

With Zhang Xiang's explanation and assurance, Bellflower can be considered relieved.

However, this time, she would never retreat with the golden young dragon.

In desperation, Zhang Xiang had no choice but to agree.

"No problem, but don't be surprised if you wait a minute." Zhang Xiang said to Kikyo mysteriously.

However, this time Kikyo looked at Zhang Xiang with a little anger.

"What, I won't be fooled this time" Kikyo looked at Zhang Xiang with suspicion and alertness.

She was still a little angry that Zhang Xiang deliberately pretended to be mysterious last time.

However, looking at the rare angry look of Kikyo, Zhang Xiang smiled once more mysteriously.

Then, he pressed his hands on the huge corpse.


A huge and fierce death breath suddenly burst out from the huge corpse.

For an instant, whether it was a bellflower or a golden young dragon, they felt their body stiff, and they couldn't even move.

"Zhang Xiang..."


Both the bellflower and the golden young dragon looked in Zhang Xiang's direction with some horror.

However, Zhang Xiang turned his head and showed them a relieved smile.

But above the reality, Zhang Xiang was secretly anxious in his heart.

Because, he really didn't expect that originally he just wanted to use his own power of death to release the huge amount of lifeless energy contained in this huge corpse a little bit.

However, when the power of death in his body encountered the death air, it seemed as if dry wood had encountered a raging fire, and suddenly burst out.

Originally, Zhang Xiang could only use less than a trace of death power, as if he didn't need money, it continuously rushed out of Zhang Xiang's body and came to Zhang Xiang's hands.

Then, something earth-shaking happened.

A huge amount of death energy, like encountering two super-powered vacuum cleaners, was suddenly swallowed by Zhang Xiang's hands, and was swallowed completely by the force of death covering his hands. .

The surging speed even caused a vision in reality.

The corpse showed a huge and fierce aura because of this one.

However, as time passed, Zhang Xiang gradually settled down.

The death energy contained in this body of about a kilometer high, which can destroy a large mountain with just a gesture, once released, can kill all creatures within a thousand miles, but it is passing death. After the transformation of power.

When he entered Zhang Xiang's body, it had shrunk almost a thousand times, and turned into a liquid form of death force.

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