Because of this, Kaguya said such a sentence, not wanting Shijo Zhenfei to meddle in her own business.

However, Concubine Shijo obviously misunderstood this sentence.

In her opinion, although Kaguya was extremely saddened by Hayasaka Ai's behavior, she still chose to 'forgive her' and not to investigate further...

How does this work?

Not only that, but tonight's Yuanjing was obviously not quite right.

As a person who can talk to the usual Yuanjing, although she didn't react immediately because she was a little "obsessed with beauty", but now that she has woken up, she immediately noticed the strangeness in the boy.

If Concubine Sijo was asked to describe the usual Yuanjing, she would generally compare the boy to a bottomless but vast lake.

Although it looks calm and not turbulent, if you look deep into its inner world, you can see countless treasures.

But tonight's source scene gave people the feeling of a volcano erupting.

There is no longer the restraint and calmness of the usual time, but to spread his own charm wantonly.

Such a huge contrast is also an extremely important reason why she was "successful" before.

Something must have happened to Yuan Jing.

The extremely keen perception of the four real concubines is telling her so.

On the one hand, they are not angry with Hayasaka Ai's behavior of "betraying Kaguya", and on the other hand, they are worried about Yuanjing's current state.Of course, Concubine Shijo didn't deny that she didn't want what was happening outside to continue.

Only so 'a little bit' really.

Well, it is the 'little bit' that is very characteristic of Zhenfei.

In short, when she found that Ai Hayasaka was going too far, Concubine Shijo pushed open the door leading to the outside of the living room.

Her move was actually quite sudden.

Kaguya's heart was already a little sad, so his reaction was naturally a little slow.

Before she could react——

"What are you doing!"

Such a delicate drink suddenly reverberated in this space.

At this moment, Kaguya naturally couldn't continue hiding in the dark.

After sighing helplessly, Kaguya also came out from behind the curtain in the living room, and walked to the side of Concubine Shijo.


"What are you doing!" When hearing these words, Hayasaka Ai and Yuan Jing paused.

With some reluctance to separate the overlapping lips of the two, Ai Hayasaka turned her head to look in the direction of the voice.

Of course she recognized it, it was the voice of the Four True Consorts.

But if there are only four real concubines, she is not afraid.

As an intelligence gathering officer, Ai Hayasaka actually knows a lot about this young lady of the Shijo family.

Shijo Zhenfei has a rather fatal weakness, that is——

Too thin-skinned.

Her toughness and toughness are just her protective appearance, but her essence is actually a quite innocent person.

Such a simple princess, there is no way to defeat this 'filthy' woman like herself.

As long as I poke my tongue a little, I can easily put this spoiler into a red-faced situation, and then...

Just when Ai Hayasaka was thinking this way, Kaguya Shimizu's figure flashed out from behind Concubine Shijo.

"..." Ai Hayasaka, who was about to say something, suddenly fell silent.

As possibly the only person who understands Shimizu Kaguya's current situation, her mood is actually quite contradictory.

While some hate iron for being weak, but at the same time some are worried.

If Kaguya saw what she did with Yuan Jing before, what would she be feeling now?

Just thinking about it for a while made Ai Hayasaka feel a little uncomfortable.

If the words he originally wanted to say to Concubine Zhen would definitely hurt Hui Ye.

Thinking of this, she was quite speechless.

Now, the three girls stared at each other, and the atmosphere froze for a moment.

In the end, it was Yuanjing who broke the silence all at once——

One arm hooked Hayasaka Ai's leg, and the other arm was placed on her back, Yuanjing hugged Hayasaka Ai.

After that, the two walked out of the swimming pool with the sound of "crashing" and splashing water drops.

There was only a layer of soaked clothes between Ai Hayasaka and Yuan Jing, so she quickly discovered that the abnormal heat in Yuan Jing's body had dissipated all of a sudden.

The current Yuanjing has suddenly returned to his normal appearance.

On the one hand, it was because of the cold water bath, and on the other hand, it was because of the intimacy with Hayasaka Ai, Yuan Jing had temporarily restrained the desire in his heart, and turned back to his normal self.

"Ah..." Ai Hayasaka puffed up her little face cutely.

She didn't know if it was a pity that she didn't do something more daring with Yuan Jing at this time, or she was relieved that Yuan Jing finally came out of the 'bewilderment'.

At this time, the real concubine Sijo also seemed to have noticed the change in Yuanjing's temperament. She was a little bit indignant, but now she couldn't help but hesitate, as if she didn't know what to say next.

It was Shimizu Kaguya who finally smoothed things over——

"You're wet, but you'll catch a cold." Walking between Concubine Shijo and Ai Hayasaka, she said, "Anyway, why don't you go and wash yourself with hot water first?"


Bathing is certainly not mixed bathing.

Although Hayasaka Ai really wanted to do this, but she already got a big score tonight, and she was quite satisfied.

Considering the Sijo Zhenfei who was staring at him, and of course Kaguya's mood, she finally parted with Yuanjing with some regrets.

"I see, because of what you learned from [Lily Spencer] classmate, will Gen-kun's resistance to female sex become weaker recently?" Holding Yuan Jing's change of clothes with both hands, Shimizu Kaguya leaned his back over the bathroom door.

Listening to Yuan Jing's words accompanied by the sound of crackling water, Hui Ye was silent for a while, then continued the conversation——

"How long will this intermittent phenomenon last?"

"About a week. After a week, I should be able to control it." Yuan Jing said after estimating.

"A week?" Kaguya repeated this important information, as if he wanted to engrave it deeply in his mind.

"Then please forgive me for presumptuousness. I would like to ask, is Yuan Jun going to blame everything that happened tonight on this state?"

she asked tentatively.

"If you really plan to do this, I will explain it to him in the most tactful tone later, so that what happened tonight..."

"No need." Although the words were distorted due to the sound of water and the door, Kaguya did not hear the slightest bit of regret from Yuanjing's tone.

"No matter what state I am in, I am moved for her. It is indeed an iron fact, so I will never deny such a thing."

"...Hayasaka will definitely be happy because of this." Trying to suppress the envy in her tone, Shimizu Kaguya said in a calm tone as much as possible.

"However, if possible, I actually don't want to be in contact with other women in this state." Yuan Jing's tone became a little distressed, "Although I was still me at that time, but because of the relationship created by this state It always feels a little strange to make progress.”

"I understand," Kaguya nodded understandingly, "It's like taking [哗——] medicine by mistake, so you have to have sex with the opposite sex [哒——] to detoxify, right? Although the distance will be 'swish' However, compared with what happens naturally, it must still be a little uncomfortable."

"...Kaguya, don't learn weird things with Ai."

"Relax, Gen-kun." Sticking out his tongue mischievously, Kaguya Shimizu's mood suddenly became quite good, "Your chastity, leave it to me to protect it!"

"So, why am I the one who loses my virginity? Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Yuan Jing, who has always been more inclined to play dumb, took up the role of complaining after a long absence today.

"That is to say, when Yuanjing is in that state, try not to let other girls approach you, shouldn't that be the case?" Kaguya confirmed his mission.

"Well, that's about it."


Kaguya nodded with some satisfaction.

As Yuanjing's most trusted subordinate, only she knows this information, so things can be said to be promising.

This 'other girl' naturally does not include Kaguya Shimizu...

But before Kaguya wanted to use this intelligence advantage to do something——

"What, student Lily wants everyone to gather and say that she has something to announce?" After the first get out of class of the next day was over, she received a message from Qianhua.

She tilted her head, and a bad premonition emerged in her heart:

Why did this exchange student from England gather all the girls who have a relationship with Ah Jing?

What exactly is she trying to say?

Chapter 82 Three points today...

"Speaking of which, it seems that such a day has not passed for a long time," Yuan Jing said with some nostalgia as he put the bento box on his exclusive table and looked at the empty room.

"It always feels like going back in time and going back to the month when school just started..."

This is the house of the Lamb Society.

It is also Yuanjing's original secret base and resting place in St. Eden Academy.

Unfortunately, his exclusive right to this small classroom only lasted about a month or so.

After that, first Yukinoshita Yukino, then Fujiwara Chika, and then Shinomiya Kaguya (the surname had not been changed at the time)... The permanent population of this place suddenly quadrupled.

If you count the floating population who came to entrust it, then it is obvious that this place that originally belonged to Yuanjing can no longer be decorated with poems like "the flower path has never been swept by guests".

Originally, Yuan Jing thought that there would be no way to return to the state he was in when he was just in high school, but unexpectedly, today's noon was an exception.

"Qianhua, Yukino, and Kaguya all sent me messages, saying that they have something to do at noon today, so they can't participate in the club activities at noon as usual." After sitting on the chair, Yuanjing began to unpack his lunch box Come on, "This kind of situation is quite rare."

His curiosity has never been too heavy, so he just thought about it for a while, then shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Panduolagon's "I Am a Dragon" is a very labor-intensive skill to practice.

It is also the first time for Yuanjing to practice this kind of "ideal martial arts", so it is inevitable that he is not used to it.

With the help of the proficiency panel, although the progress of this 'ideal martial arts' is the same as other skills, it is progressing at a speed that makes Artoria dumbfounded.

But the speed at which Yuanjing's energy and willpower was consumed was terrifyingly terrifying.

In addition, now he still needs to wrestle with the "heart fire" that hits him from time to time, which undoubtedly adds to his mental burden.

Fortunately, this situation is only temporary.

This is just a short-lived 'labor pain' arising from 'not adapting'.

Regarding this point, after Artoria found out that he had already started, she also told him about this aspect.

According to her, the "side effects" are actually caused by the contradictions and frictions between the "human state" and the "dragon state". , in fact, the so-called 'side effects' will no longer exist.

But, according to her, the process often takes years, even for the most gifted.

Such a long period of time is enough to solidify this 'side effect' into a habit.

Take Arturia herself as an example. The side effect she encountered during her practice was 'gluttony'.

Arturia was considered by the Pendoragon family at that time as a person who 'really bleeds the blood of the red dragon', and she also lived a life of overeating for almost 9 months, eating almost as much as her body weight every day. food.

After that, although she no longer had this need, but on the one hand, it was driven by habit, and on the other hand, it was because "eating is indeed a beautiful thing", so the title of "big stomach king" on her head was It can never be removed again.

But Yuanjing will not have such a situation.

Just like what he said last night with Kaguya, according to his estimation, it only takes about a week for him to practice the martial art that Arturia taught him to enough to eliminate its side effects.

According to modern scientific research, the formation and solidification of habits takes at least 20 days, which is much longer than a week.

As long as he passes through this period of weakness for about a week, Yuanjing will be able to recover and become even stronger.

And the so-called 'insatiable desire' debuff on him now will also dissipate at that time, and will no longer have the slightest influence on him.

Well, of course, the prerequisite for all this is that no extremely important 'special event' will happen because of the current debuff.

It's the kind that will burst out with CG and will also come with flashbacks.

In other words, if someone wants to take advantage of this opportunity and do something about it.

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