
"Not enough..."

"If Ah Jing doesn't cooperate, I can't do anything..."

It seemed to be a scream, and it seemed to be a sound of prayer, which suddenly melted into the night sky.

Yuan Jing's height exceeds 1 meters, while Hayasaka Ai's height is only 8 meters.

This usually inconspicuous 20 centimeters is like a natural moat to Ai Hayasaka at this time.

"Even if I stand on tiptoe, I can't reach it...Why is it like this?" The already soaked clothes and the pool water stuck together, which added to the burden of Ai Hayasaka.

Ai Hayasaka, who had exhausted all her strength because of this confession, finally had no choice.

She glanced at Yuan Jing who had been silent all this time.

Really, it would be nice to bend down a little...

Obviously, as long as he bends down a little here, after tonight, everything can be pushed on her.

After all, she was the one who took the initiative to seduce from the beginning to the end, and Yuan Jing didn't make any gestures from the beginning to the end, so he is naturally a complete 'victim'.

Afterwards, whether it was Fujiwara Chika's parents or other people asking, he was able to deal with it calmly, at least he had an explanation on the bright side.

Hayasaka Ai is not going to ask for a title or anything like that.

As a blooming girl, she naturally fantasized about wearing a wedding dress and having a wedding with her sweetheart in a church, but after knowing Yuanjing and Chika Fujiwara's engagement, she silently sealed it in her heart.

As long as she can continue to stay by Yuanjing's side, then she is satisfied.

Other than that, there is no other luxury.

This is Ai Hayasaka's truest thought.

With Yuan Jing's intelligence, it is impossible for him not to guess the girl's mind.

However, he still stood straight, and his body did not bend down so slightly.

Facing Hayasaka Ai who stood on tiptoe, who kept trying to reach him, Yuan Jing who had been silent all this time, gave his own answer——

He gently held Ai Hayasaka's face.

After wiping away the remaining teardrops on his cheeks with his thumb, Yuan Jing said in some irrefutable words——

"Love, close your eyes."

Although the current state is still a bit wrong, he has not degenerated to the point where he wants the girl to take full responsibility.

Ai Hayasaka naturally understood what Yuanjing meant.

But before she could say anything else—


She could only make such a sound.

It may feel like a split second, or it may feel like hours, but it's more likely that it's only a few seconds.

"Uh... ah."

Lip points.

Ai Hayasaka put down her heels, but she also had a dazed expression on her face, looking a little dazed.

After a while, she took a quick look at Yuan Jing.

She naturally knew what Yuanjing's actions meant, but she didn't know what to say.

In the end, she could only say softly: "You... don't stand still."

She no longer has the strength to stand on tiptoe.

"Do it all over again..." Ai Hayasaka said softly, since this is Yuanjing's meaning, she will naturally obey, "This time, take the initiative to hug me and kiss... ...are you okay, Jing?"


As if stimulated by Yuan Jing's calmness, Hayasaka Ai hastily continued: "Also, this time, I'm not satisfied with just sticking my lips together."

"Is this okay?" She stared at Yuanjing with some stubbornness.

The latter smiled, and then, as before, answered directly with practical actions.

Hayasaka Ai suddenly thought of what happened when she was a child.

When I was a child, I really liked eating candy, but my parents were afraid that she would damage her teeth, so they only allowed her to eat one a day.

She was reluctant to bite the sweet candy, so she held it in her mouth, and kept flipping the little candy with her tongue until it disappeared.

How similar is this to the situation at this time.

But what was in her mouth was much softer and sweeter than a candy bar.

And, it will never be...

Just at this time--

"What are you doing!"

From the direction of the living room, there was such a reproach.

This is the voice of the four real concubines.

Chapter 81 Getting closer to the water... Failed? (5k)

"I like you."

"I like Ah Jing, and I like you the most."

"I have a crush on you."

"I love you."

At this time, it was already the early morning hours when everything was completely quiet. In this, which can be said to be the most upscale residential area in Tokyo, it was natural that no sound of noise could be heard.

Quiet is the best loudspeaker.

With the help of a little breeze, the girl's confession, which was full of affection and seemed a little trembling, passed through the huge French window in the living room so lightly, and got into the ears of the two of them.

Concubine Sijo's face became hotter and hotter, and she became extremely uncomfortable all of a sudden.

It's not that she hasn't been confessed.

Because her family, appearance, and ability are all the top choices, Concubine Shijo has been a legendary "love letter collector" since she was in junior high school. Men who have confessed to her can fill the gaps in St. Eden Academy. A whole classroom.

However, before the confession of men and women, there is naturally a big difference.

Moreover, it is the first time for Shijo Zhenfei to experience as a bystander instead of being the 'confessor', that is, the protagonist.

In other words, is it not good to eavesdrop on this kind of behavior?And I was caught peeking just now... Hey, peeping, what peeking, I didn't plan it for a long time and did it on purpose.I just accidentally saw it, it was just an accident!

Yes, it was an embarrassing surprise!

Although she convinced herself so in the bottom of her heart, Concubine Shijo didn't know why at this time, she secretly glanced at Shimizu Kaguya with some guilt.

Concubine Shijo didn't pay attention to Kaguya's somewhat cold and terrifying expression when she 'caught' herself.

In the eyes of Shimizu Kaguya, who is Yuanjing's official girlfriend, she looked like a complete voyeur before.

To be honest, even if she didn't listen to her explanation and slapped herself directly, it could be said that it was her own fault and she could only suffer in silence.

After all, although the beginning of this matter was indeed a complete 'accident'.But Shijo Zhenfei has no way to answer a question, that is——

Why didn't he choose to go forward to say hello, and didn't directly avoid it?

If Concubine Shijo really thinks it's okay to watch the boys' swimming postures, then it is the most correct and blameless way to go forward frankly and let Yuanjing see herself.

If Concubine Shijo thinks this is an offense and blasphemy to her friend and boyfriend, then after the initial surprise, she should immediately choose to avoid it.

But these two roads, the four real concubines have no choice.

She ended up just hiding in the shadows of the living room, just spying quietly.

Concubine Shijo didn't know why she chose the most wrong option, but after being caught by Kaguya, she didn't know why, she just didn't dare to look at Kaguya's face.

After all, there are some, with a guilty conscience...

After hearing Hayasaka Aina's shy but still sincere confession, while feeling embarrassed, Shijo Makoto didn't know why, and felt a little bit uncomfortable.

But before she could get to the bottom of her current mood, there was a chill on the back of her hand for some unknown reason.

That's a few drops of water.

No, to be precise, it should be a few teardrops.

Concubine Shijo was taken aback for a moment, then she reacted immediately, and then looked in the direction of Shimizu Kaguya——

"Kaguya, are you crying?" She whispered half surprised, half worried.

"...I didn't." The scarlet eyes looked at the man and woman hugging each other very harmoniously without blinking, Shimizu Kaguya's voice was colder than the temperature outside at this time.

Liar, you obviously have it, otherwise, where does the cold touch on the back of my hand come from?

Si Tiao Zhen Fei was about to blurt it out, but she finally swallowed it all at once.

She hasn't gotten to that point yet.

However, when she was fishing with Yuan Jing, she once asked him insincerely why Hayasaka Ai lived with him and Kaguya, and Yuan Jing's answer to this was because of "Kaguya's mediation" .

It was also because of this that she was quite upset with Yukinoshita Yukino at the time, thinking that Kaguya's "two against one" tactic was too unfair.

However, looking at Kaguya's reaction today, it seems that there is something hidden in it?

Could it be that......

"Kaguya, was it difficult for Ai Hayasaka to do these things without your permission?" Madam Shijo seemed to have figured out the joints in a childlike manner.

Concubine Sijo is the daughter of the Sijo family, and she has been used to seeing the corruption of the upper class on Sakurajima since she was a child.

Although she appreciates the pure love of "a couple for life" because of this, she is actually not against the situation of Yuan Jing and Hui Ye's master and servant.

In Shijo Makoto's view, as long as Yuanjing does not use any indecent methods (such as coercion, violence, coercion, drug use, etc.), but simply relies on personal charm to win the admiration of girls and make them willingly If you are with him, then others are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks.

Hayasaka Ai is the former personal maid of Shimizu Kaguya, in other words, she is the housemaid of the previous feudal society.

If it's the old society now, she will help push the fart [wow——].

The personal charm of Yuanjing is so great that Concubine Shijo herself actually quite understands it.

Then, in order not to let the little whore outside pester Yuanjing, when she found out that her former personal maid was secretly in love with her boyfriend, Kaguya would take the initiative to provide help and match the two, which is quite understandable Behavior.

This is actually the original idea of ​​the four real concubines.

If this is the case, then Ai Hayasaka should know that Kaguya, the official girlfriend of Yuanjing, generously shared it with her.

Then, if she really wanted to have something to happen with Yuan Jing, she should get Kaguya's consent.

But judging from the current situation...

Hayasaka Ai's behavior tonight can only be explained by "the love is so strong that I can't help myself", and Kaguya's approval was never obtained before.

There is no doubt that this is a betrayal of Kaguya's trust.

This is also the behavior that the four real concubines hate the most.

"...This has nothing to do with you, Shijo-san, right?"

If Ai Hayasaka wants to do this, there is no need to ask her permission.

I am just Yuanjing's subordinate, not anyone of him at all, naturally I have no reason and no right to control this kind of behavior.

The reason why she cried was not because she was jealous of Hayasaka Ai or anything.

In fact, on the contrary, when the love affair with Hayasaka Ai finally had the possibility to blossom and bear fruit, she was actually happy for Hayasaka Ai from the bottom of her heart.

However, because of this, she also suddenly thought of her own situation.

For myself who can't even reveal my true heart, is there really a situation like Hayasaka Ai tonight?

she does not know.

In this case, naturally there is no way to explain to the real concubine Shijo.if not......

After discovering that she has been lying to her concubine Shitiao, she will definitely break up with her

'It takes a hundred lies to cover one lie. 'The current Shimizu Kaguya has deeply realized the importance of this sentence.

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