Her (or were they?) chances—

It was only such a short seven days.


While Yuan Jing was enjoying his time alone for a long time, a room in the club building that was vacant was quite lively at this time.

This place was originally a private practice room specially allocated by the Classical Music Department for the ace Touma Kazusa.

However, Touma Kazusa has been on leave recently because he has to be busy with the recording of his first album, so this activity room has been vacant.

But the key to this activity room, Touma Kazusa did not keep it with him, but gave it to his best friend - Yukinoshita Yukino.

During the days when she was not at school, Yukinoshita Yukino could use this classroom as she wished.

She did not hide the news from her other friends.

Therefore, earlier today, Artoria went to Chika Fujiwara without telling Yuanjing, saying that she had [very important things] about Yuanjing, hoping to find a private enough place to tell it to Yuanjing Chika Fujiwara immediately thought of this when she was a girl with a relationship.

'What is the relationship between Yuan Jun and this classmate Lily, that she can know [very important things] related to him? Yukinoshita Yukino himself was quite puzzled by this.

Because she has been concentrating on studying, Yukinoshita Yukino actually doesn't know much about the current situation.

However, out of trust in Chika Fujiwara, she still reluctantly gave up the time to have lunch with Yuan Jing, and gathered in this place with other girls.

However, although Arturia said that she hopes to tell all the girls who are in love with Yuan Jing, but because she is not familiar with Yuan Jing's interpersonal relationship, and she needs to keep it from him. For this reason, you can't ask him directly.

Therefore, Artoria can only hand over this matter to Chika Fujiwara.

When Chika Fujiwara heard Arturia's request, although she didn't know exactly what this [very important matter] was, she actually estimated that it was almost inseparable from the other party's serious attitude.

Therefore, those who were notified by her were actually people who had already recognized each other, that is——

Touma Kazusa, Yukinoshita Yukino, Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai.

People like Ningguang who are too purposeful and carnivorous, as well as people like Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro who don't have a deep relationship with Yuanjing, have not been notified by her.

Let's just say it's a little selfishness.

As for Concubine Shijo... Chika Fujiwara, who had almost no contact with her, didn't even think about notifying her.

By the way, Touma Kazusa still didn't go to school today.

But this did not prevent her from attending the party.

Now she is using Yukinoshita Yukino's mobile phone to participate in this abnormal gathering that is extremely important to the future of the girls by using the method of "video call".

At this time, she was looking at Arturia who was walking onto the podium with curious and examining eyes.

To be honest, she may be the one among the young girls who is the most perplexed and at the same time the most confused about the current situation.

'One, two, three, four, five...' While the other girls were observing Arturia, Artoria was also observing the girls in the room.

Except for Chika Fujiwara, who she already knew as Yuanjing's fiancée, and Ai Hayasaka, who was also a student of Class A with her, Artoria didn't know the other three girls before.

After taking a deep look at the five girls and engraving their faces deeply in her heart, Artoria walked to the front of the activity room, bathed in their curious or expectant eyes.

"My name is Lily Spencer," she introduced herself, "and I'm an exchange student from England."

"Now, he should be regarded as Yuan Jun's teacher."

The air in the entire activity room froze for a moment, and after that——


Several girls said in unison.

Of course, one of them was faking it.


"I see," Chika Fujiwara stroked her chin after listening to Arturia's explanation, and said thoughtfully, "That is to say, you are not sure which of these four side effects will cause harm to you. Shang Ajing. Did you tell us about this for safety's sake?"

After learning that Artoria is Yuanjing's teacher, she subconsciously used honorifics.

"That's right." Artoria nodded, approving Chika Fujiwara's conclusion.

But before she could say anything else, Ai Hayasaka raised her hand at once——

"About Ah Jing's side effects, I'm almost sure."

After realizing that other girls were looking at her, Ai Hayasaka said very bluntly, "It's the fourth item Lily mentioned."

There was a silence in the classroom that could be heard falling needles, as if something was brewing quietly.

after that......

"I can also testify that what Hayasaka said should be the truth." Kaguya's voice cut in.

"Qianhua and Xue Nai should also know that yesterday afternoon, Yuan Jun extremely abnormally agreed to Concubine Zhen's visit..."

Kaguya began to use concise words to tell what happened yesterday afternoon and night, but before talking about Hayasaka Ai's confession to Yuan Jing and kissing, she paused for a while and threw a "Can you say it" to Hayasaka Ai? ? ' look.

Although the latter was a little shy, he still nodded quite firmly.

"That's how it is."

After Shimizu Kaguya finished talking about everything yesterday, the atmosphere in the entire classroom has completely changed.

After casting envious eyes at Ai Hayasaka, the girls fell into deep thought.

And the first person to respond—

It's Yukinoshita Yukino.

After the look of entanglement and struggle appeared on her face, the expression on Yukinoshita Yukino's face became firm all of a sudden, obviously she had made a decision in her heart.

With a light breath, she seemed to spit out all the regrets and a little bit of regret in her heart, Yukinoshita Yukino stood up all of a sudden, after that, she walked towards the door.

"Yukono, what are you doing?" Ai Hayasaka asked in surprise.

"Isn't that obvious? I'm going back." Yukinoshita Yukino's answer was quite straightforward, without the slightest sloppiness.

"I know what everyone is thinking about." Stopping at the door, Yukinoshita Yukino turned her head, her dark blue eyes rolled around the girls' cheeks, "To be honest, I When I heard the news, that was my first reaction."

The fair cheeks were stained with a blush, Yukinoshita Yukino only vaguely used "that" as a pronoun after all.

"However, I may be a little brainless. After my sister finds out, she may also scold me, but if I want to take a shortcut in that way, I still don't think it's good. Of course, this is not to condemn everyone, but I really can’t get over this hurdle.”

Being dignified is Yukinoshita Yukino's principle of dealing with things. She instinctively rejects the method of "get on the bus first and pay the fare later".

"To be honest, this is indeed a very tempting option. Although I look quite determined now, if I continue to stay here, I don't have the confidence to persist in myself." Yukinoshita Yukino sighed softly , and then touched the handle of the door.

"So, I'm leaving."

"However, don't worry, I will keep this matter from Ah Jing a secret. After all, I haven't heard anything yet."

It was Yukinoshita Yukino's own choice not to take advantage of this opportunity to do something.

But she also knows how precious this opportunity is, so she doesn't intend to be a hindrance to other girls.

In this matter, Yukinoshita Yukino is an impartial and neutral faction.

"By the way, Kaguya, I put my phone here first. This is Kazuya's right. When I return to class in the afternoon, return it to me together with the key here?"

After saying these words to her companion Shimizu Kaguya, Yukinoshita Yukino nodded to other people in the classroom, especially Artoria, and then pushed the door open and left.

Her footsteps were a little eager, as if she was afraid that she would regret her current decision in the next moment.

Even so, Yukinoshita Yukino did not forget to close the door.

After a 'click', the number of girls in the classroom decreased by one.

After a moment of silence, she glanced at the closed gate with some admiration, and Chika Fujiwara looked at the remaining people.

For Yukinoshita Yukino's decision, Chika, who knows Yukinoshita's character quite well, is actually not surprised.

"Anyone else want to leave?"

This time it was Kaguya Shimizu who raised his hand to speak.

"Let me tell you first, I'm not actually planning to leave."

She said in an 'I'm not pretending, showdown' tone.

"However, I will not cooperate with everyone to do something together."

"Actually, I heard Yuan-kun talk about the so-called [side effects] last night, and I was actually pretending to be surprised just now." While talking, Kaguya nodded apologetically towards the others.

"After that, Mr. Yuan entrusted me, hoping that I could help him as much as possible, and try to avoid getting close to other women in the next period of time."

"As Yuanjun's most loyal subordinate, you should be able to guess my answer."

The position of Shimizu Kaguya and other girls is fundamentally different.

She is not some woman who has an admiration for Yuan Jing, but his most loyal and capable subordinate.

...At least in front of Chika Fujiwara and others, she needs to show such a stand.

"In the coming time, as long as Mr. Yuan does not revoke this order, then I will choose to destroy everyone's plans."

"spare no effort!"

This is the announcement of war.

That's right, if Yukinoshita Yukino finally chose the neutral faction, then Shimizu Kaguya's choice——

It is the complete opposition.


Just when the girls split into three factions, Yuan Jing in the Lamb Club had already finished his lunch.

Because of the exhaustion of mental energy, the natural reaction after being full, and a little nostalgia for the current environment, a little sleepiness naturally hits my heart.

After closing the window and sitting on the chair, Yuan Jing's body naturally fell towards the long table.

After a while, he fell asleep.

Chapter 83 It wouldn't be kissing without lips!

"Ta Ta Ta Ta!"

Yukinoshita Yukino, who had already walked out of Kasa's private activity room, was naturally not aware of the declaration of war made by Kaguya and the other extremely young girls.

The white indoor shoes tapped the ground with a slightly irritable frequency, as if fleeing some kind of temptation, Yukinoshita Yukino walked out of the floor where the activity room was located.

After that, she finally slowed down.

"Tread, step, step, step."

Go down the stairs and around the corner.

The Lamb Club's room is in the corner of the second floor, and Hesha's private activity room is on the fourth floor of the club building.

But the position where the girl is located is the third floor between the two.

After coming here, it is completely impossible to go back.

Regardless of her high self-esteem and the reservedness of a girl, she is actually not allowed to do such a thing.

After rationality finally completely overwhelmed Qi Nian, Yukinoshita Yukino's footsteps finally returned to stability.

The community building adopts a very common design. On one side of the corridor are the activity classrooms of various clubs, while on the other side are bright windows.

And when Yukinoshita Yukino, who was quite preoccupied, was walking in the corridor on the third floor, some bright colors suddenly attracted her attention.

It was a bright red like a cloud outside the window.

Attracted by this extremely magnificent color, Yukinoshita Yukino's original straight route was slightly deviated.

She didn't stop her footsteps, she just moved herself from a position slightly inward in the corridor to the window.

Because of this, she suddenly discovered the bright color of the body——

"It's camellia." Looking out of the window at the garden that encloses the club building, Yukinoshita Yukino gave a somewhat clear remonstrance.

Speaking of flowers that will bloom in winter, many people will subconsciously think of the cold plum that is proud of the snow and bullying the frost.

Of course this is true.

However, it would be a bit narrow-minded to think that there is only one kind of flower that is not afraid of the cold and blooms in winter.

In fact, apart from plum blossoms, Tiehaitang, Clivia, cornflower... are all plants that bloom in winter.

And camellia is naturally included in this list.

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