"And then, if you can't find such an opportunity, what should you do?" Ai Hayasaka showed no mercy, and her words were quite severe——

"Are you going to continue suppressing and disguising yourself, and put your heart on fire?"

"...Can't it?" Shimizu Kaguya asked weakly.

"No way." Hayasaka Ai replied immediately, "You won't be able to stand it."

"Don't underestimate me, I'm much tougher than you imagined." Aroused by Hayasaka Ai's words, Shimizu Kaguya's scarlet eyes began to shine with the name "unconvinced". Come to Guanghui, "I can definitely stand it!"

"I can't stand it."

"Can stand it!"

"How many years do you think I've been with you? If I say you can't stand it, then you definitely can't. "

"It has nothing to do with time? Can you see me through? Don't underestimate me!"


The two who were usually as close as sisters could not help but quarrel at this moment.

However, it is said to be a quarrel, but this situation is actually more like two stubborn children bickering.

"Okay, since you said you can stand it, let's imagine the next scene." Somewhat resentful glanced at Kaguya who was still talking hard, Hayasaka Ai decided to crush her This idle fantasy—

"Since it is almost certain that I am the tenant of this house, I think you should be mentally prepared for what may happen next."

"What will, what will happen?" Although a bad premonition had already emerged in his heart, Shimizu Kaguya still said so with some reluctance.

"Of course it's between me and Ah Jing, stepping up the adult's ladder." Ai Hayasaka said without shyness, "By the way, I'm always ready, right here in the tightly wrapped Underneath the long skirt is what is called the 'winning underwear'."

The so-called decisive underwear is a name different from the plain underwear that is usually worn. It usually has less fabric, bright colors of solid colors (pink, black, white, dark red, etc.), conspicuous lace or lace, eye-catching pattern and other characteristics.

In short, it is a special equipment that has some elements that can attract the eyes of the sweetheart, so that it can't help but want to destroy it.

"Ha, Hayasaka!" After yelling like this, Shimizu Kaguya looked at Hayasaka Ai with some horror.

"Do you need me to take it off for you to see? Today's outfit is black lace..." Taking off the other glove, Ai Hayasaka made a pair of clothes that wanted to take off her dress posture.

"No need!" Qingshui Huiye stopped loudly in embarrassment. After she coughed lightly, she said, "I believe Ah Jing, he won't..."

"It's hard to say." Ai Hayasaka interrupted Kaguya's words mercilessly, "A Jing is a boy after all, isn't it normal to have such needs?"

"It's just a matter of imagining, imagining, if you really let me succeed, what will your reaction be?"

Shimizu Kaguya was silent for a while, as if imagining something in her mind, and then an expression appeared on her pretty cheek as if she had tasted gall.

"Then, shouldn't that be congratulations?" She said with such a forced smile, "There has been a breakthrough in the relationship between Hayasaka and Ajing, as your good sister and Ajing's subordinate, of course I have to celebrate... ..."

"So, so!" Ai Hayasaka said loudly, "Why do you have to add the prepositions [good sister] and [subordinate]?"

"Not as my sister, or Ajing's subordinate, but as the true thoughts of the girl Shimizu Kaguya, didn't she say it at all?"

"...What I think has nothing to do with the two of you!" Even Shimizu Kaguya didn't notice that her voice had gradually become higher.

"Oh, is that so?" Hayasaka Ai was also a little annoyed by Shimizu Kaguya's dishonesty.

"Let me say it first, since you said that, after that kind of thing really happens, I won't care about your thoughts anymore!"

"Then don't worry about it, I never asked you to do that! I don't care about such things at all!"

"Ah, is it? Don't care." Ai Hayasaka made a mocking voice.

Shimizu Kaguya did not speak.She bit her lower lip tightly, and stared at Hayasaka Ai so stubbornly, showing a very unconvinced expression.

Facing Kaguya Shimizu like this, Ai Hayasaka smiled generously.She turned around, exposing her straight back in front of Kaguya.

"Kaguya, you know that I actually have a slight M tendency."

"If there is such a day, I will definitely let him leave various marks on me."

"For example here..." She gently stroked her back and said in a somewhat confused tone, "I will let his nails crunch and scratch on it, leaving marks called scars .”


"And here." Ai Hayasaka turned around and turned her head to one side, revealing an extremely smooth and white neck like a swan and a collarbone as delicate as a work of art, "What will occupy here are the traces of teeth. "

"Because I like the reason why he gives me pain, he will show a 'I can't help you' expression while carefully printing a few..."

"Hmm..." Kaguya sealed his mouth with his hand, but there was still a whimper leaking from between his fingers.

"There will also be chest, but because it will be blocked by accident, let's not mention it for now." Ai Hayasaka stroked the left and right sides of her breasts with her hands.

"......do not talk."

"The next step is the important point." As if she didn't hear Kaguya's pleading words, Ai Hayasaka moved her hand down to the inner thigh, "This is the most sensitive part of my body... .”

"Didn't I tell you to stop talking!!!" After yelling like this, Shimizu Kaguya covered her ears all at once, then she turned around and fled away like flying.

Looking at the other party's embarrassed back, Hayasaka Ai also showed an extremely uncomfortable expression.

"Ahhh, it's screwed up."

Obviously because of the heating, the indoor temperature is quite pleasant.

However, Hayasaka seemed to feel the cold, and folded his arms.

She moved her upper body down, shrinking her whole body into a ball——

"Am I, a little too impatient..." Such words full of self-doubt echoed around her.

"A Jing, if you were in my seat..."

What would you do?

Such questions are bound to remain unanswered.

Chapter 41 Waiting until Christmas Eve, I...

"I am back."

"Welcome back."

When Yuan Jing, who had no air force, could be said to have returned home with a full load, he found that the only person who greeted him at the door was Ai Hayasaka.

Handing the bucket containing the big fish he caught to the blond girl, Yuan Jing asked curiously, "Where is Kaguya, isn't she with you?"

"There was a little friction between Kaguya and I." Taking the fish bucket handed over by Yuan Jing with both hands, Ai Hayasaka said this quite lightly.

"Huh, is it true or not?" Yuan Jing couldn't help feeling a little surprised, "Did something happen?"

Between Hayasaka Ai and Shimizu Kaguya, although the relationship between them is extremely close, there are actually times when their friendship is broken, and they are almost on the verge of death——

That's when the fact that "Ai Hayasaka is actually a spy sent by Shinomiya Koko to Kaguya's side" was revealed,

After that, Kaguya began to unilaterally reject Hayasaka Ai, and the relationship between the two entered an ice age in an instant.

However, with Hayasaka Ai's full efforts to heal, this period of time is actually not too long.

And after a series of events happened later, the two people who crossed various obstacles together were even better than the relationship before Ai Hayasaka's identity was not revealed, quite like half-sisters.

However, even between sisters, there will be all kinds of friction and bumps, as long as they can finally reconcile as before, then everything doesn't matter.

"Well, there's nothing between us, Ajing, don't worry." A faint smile appeared on Hayasaka Ai's face. Although she still didn't approve of Shimizu Kaguya's self-deception, she even had a big fight because of it. , but this is after all a matter between Shimizu Kaguya and Yuan Jing.

She could persuade Kaguya to express her feelings, but if she was to be the informer, it would be too difficult for her.


"Ah Jing has also heard such news? For example, a couple dreamed that they had won a 1 million yen jackpot in their sleep, and when they woke up, they were talking about how to use the 1 million yen. At that time, there were great differences between each other, and they fought each other as a result."

"The friction between Kaguya and I is almost at this level." Ai Hayasaka said so lightly.

In fact, this is not far from the truth.

Ai Hayasaka just talked about what might happen between herself and Yuan Jing in front of Kaguya, but this kind of thing that can't even be called a fantasy alone broke Kaguya's defenses all at once.

With such a heart, how could it be possible to persevere in front of Yuanjing?

Ai Hayasaka shook her head inwardly.

If it was Chika Fujiwara, no matter what she thought in her heart, she would still have a grinning expression on the surface.

'Take it as he is going to learn technology.As long as he will come back to me in the end, it doesn't matter. '

After she finished speaking, she probably would use such words to fight back against herself, right?

Well, after all, I'm just talking about it, and it's not an undeniable 'established fact' that has already happened...

Yuan Jing blinked his eyes in confusion, he realized that Ai Hayasaka was really good at being a riddler.

There are words in these words, and the somewhat "mean" look with guns and sticks makes him feel a little novel.

However, since she spoke so vaguely, it meant that she didn't want to involve herself in this matter. If that was the case, there was no need for him to be puzzled.

For matters between girls, there will naturally be girls' unique solutions, so he, a big man, shouldn't get involved in it.

Shaking his head, saying that after the matter was exposed, Yuan Jing's face turned serious, and he said seriously, "Love, is your information collection network still usable?"

After learning the information about the exchange student program from Concubine Sijo, Yuanjing was extremely keen to discover that there seemed to be another mystery behind it.

Undoubtedly, the possibility that this incident, which he originally thought was just a small side mission, was actually the second major incident after "Moramitsu's Attack" is actually quite high.

Then he will naturally attach great importance to it.

For example, collect the information of these 10 foreigners as much as possible, ah, if Shijo Tei is excluded, it should be the information of these 9 British exchange students.

After all, this world is based on the game he played, so there is a high possibility that there will be people familiar to him in the previous life participating in the event.

However, the British are arguably the most common foreign characters in ACG culture, and their frequency of appearance is actually quite high, so that Yuanjing himself has no way to determine what the subject of this incident is.

If there is a girl with pink hair and twin ponytails named Kanzaki H. Aria among them, then this incident is probably related to some international criminal group or the like.

If there is a girl wearing a pure white nun's attire who calls herself Index, then the possibility of religious factors is quite high.

Of course, when it comes to the British in ACG, Arturia should be the one with the most famous name. After all, she was the signboard girl in the previous life, a woman who supported the revenue by herself.

Considering that his mother Minamoto Raimitsu also came from Xingyue, the probability of this King Arthur appearing is actually quite high.


In the current world, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles still exist, and their family is the royal family of England, not the Pandaragon.

If Arturia Pendaragon really existed in this world, what kind of identity and status would she have?

Regarding this point, Yuanjing was actually rather curious.

"Of course." Ai Hayasaka replied without thinking, she was a little eager to get out of the previous emotions.

"Is Ah Jing going to collect information on certain people and investigate who?"

Is it finally my turn to come in handy?She thought so in her heart.

She was once regarded as an abandoned child, but she actually felt a little insecure in her heart.

Therefore, she is actually quite concerned about events that can help Yuan Jing and show her own value.

"En." Yuan Jing nodded, "Tomorrow, 10 exchange students from England will come to St. Eden Academy, and these people will live a two-week study life in St. Eden Academy."

"Two weeks?" The beautiful eyebrows were slightly tightened, and Hayasaka Ai was also extremely sensitive to discover the strangeness when Yu Yuanjing reminded her in advance.

"That's right, two weeks." Yuan Jing nodded and said, "There is a Shijo emperor from the Shijo family, and his Shijo family will receive the other 8 people except Rita Einsworth."

"And Rita Einsworth, as one of Shiina Mashiro's former roommates and best friends, will live with Sayuri Sawamura."

"Oh," Hayasaka Ai made a somewhat clear voice, "Ah Jing is worried that this exchange program is actually a cover. Is the fundamental purpose of these people actually Sawamura Spencer Eriri?"

"Eiri Sawamura is definitely one of the targets, it's almost certain." Yuan Jing affirmed Ai Hayasaka's statement, "However, if it's just to bring her to England, there is absolutely no need to mobilize so many talents Yes, there must be a deeper purpose hidden in it."

"I still don't know exactly what the purpose is. After all, the current information is too little." Yuan Jing said frankly, "I need more information to proceed with the next deduction."

"Well, leave the intelligence gathering work to me!" Hayasaka Ai seemed full of energy.

The reason why Chika Fujiwara was able to become the person with the fastest progress has a lot to do with the decisive role she played in the "Minato Raimitsu Attack" incident, but looking at it now, it is extremely related to it. A similar opportunity was right in front of her.

If she doesn't take good care of it and let it slip away, she will be "regret for life"... Of course, it is impossible to talk about it, but it is certain that she will regret it for a long time.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Yuan Jing nodded.

He didn't say anything like pay attention to concealment and don't startle the snake.

In terms of gathering intelligence, Hayasaka Ai is one of the experts.He had enough trust in her to think she needed to let himself be reminded of such a thing.

"By the way, I just went fishing in Arisugawa Palace Memorial Park. How did Ajing know these things? Did he just meet someone?" Ai Hayasaka asked curiously as if she suddenly thought of something.

"Well, that's right." Minamoto nodded and said, "I happened to meet Shijo Mako who was relaxing there, and of course Sawamura Eiri and Shiina Mashiro who were doing gyotaku."

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