But it is a pity that many big families in Sakurajima, including the Shinomiya family, are still using such dross openly.

'In this case, Kaguya's extraordinary tolerance for Hayasaka Ai seems to be a reasonable thing. '

But here, the idea of ​​the four real concubines has obviously drifted away.

'With Yuan Jing's help, Kaguya has escaped from the clutches of the Shinomiya family and regained her freedom.In this case, Hayasaka Ai has naturally been freed from the previous tragic fate, and also gained freedom. '

'In this case, it seems quite logical that Hayasaka Ai would secretly agree with Yuan Jingfang because of this heroic act of saving the beauty. '

Shijo Zhenfei tried to 'clarify' the context of the whole incident.

'Hui Ye has naturally seen all of this. '

'However, because of the wrong education she received at Shinomiya's house since she was a child, Kaguya actually doesn't feel disgusted by the behavior of sharing a husband with Hayasaka Ai. '

'Because of the sisterhood between each other and the feeling of guilt for having troubled Ai Hayasaka for so long, Kaguya was not only not jealous, but took the initiative to build a bridge in the middle. her happiness...'

'Wow, to be able to do such a thing, Kaguya is really a terrible woman. '

Concubine Shijo couldn't help being in awe of Kaguya Shimizu, and she even trembled a little because of it.

As a woman in the new era, Concubine Shijo believes in the '1vs1' concept of love. In her view, the healthiest love is to remain faithful to each other and to be the only one of each other.

Even if her sweetheart falls in love with someone else and becomes a couple with someone else, she will not intervene as a third party, but quietly waits aside, waiting for the day when her 'he' returns to being single again, Only then will we sincerely launch an offensive...

Although it's a bit silly, but this is the four real concubines.

However, although she thinks so herself, she doesn't judge other people's views on love.

Although Shimizu Kaguya's actions had a certain impact on her three views, she was not to blame for it.

That's what she was brought up in, that's the way she was educated...she's a victim.

All the faults are the Shinomiya family's fault!

If Shimizu Kaguya, Hayasaka Ai, and Yuan Jing all accept this relationship, then as a friend, all she can do is naturally support and bless silently.

Maybe these three people are actually living a very happy life?

Concubine Shijo thought of the smiles on the faces of the two of them that had nothing to do with "reluctantly" in the photos she saw just now, and sighed softly in her heart.

'Wait a minute, from this point of view, could it be that Kaguya is quite a magnanimous person? '

Inferences based on wrong arguments are, of course, wrong.

But the real concubine Shijo obviously didn't know about this, and instead began to look for more evidence.

'Speaking of which, when Kaguya asked me before, she only asked me to create opportunities for [her and Yuanjing], but didn't say anything [help me keep an eye on him, don't let others take advantage of it]... ...'

'Does this mean that Kaguya actually doesn't care as much as she thinks that other women like Yuanjing? '

'In this case, does Yukinoshita Yukino also have a chance? '

Concubine Sijo's head is not quite sober at the moment.

The fact that the three of them lived together had a much greater impact on her perspective than she had imagined.

For the coherence and logic of the argument, Makoto Shijo used the method of substitution, simulating the way of thinking of 'Shimizu Kaguya'.

Of course, it was the way of thinking of 'Shimizu Kaguya' that she knew.

As long as she calms down and jumps out of this method to start over again, maybe there will be a result that is more in line with the facts.

It's a pity that she didn't have such an opportunity.

The floats that were floating and sinking suddenly sank all at once, and the loose fishing line became straight like a bowstring in a very short time.

On the fishing rod that the four real concubines were casually clenching with both hands, there was a sudden strong pulling force.

This force caused the absent-minded concubine Si Tiao to suddenly lose her balance. Not only did the fishing rod almost come out of her hand, but she also fell forward involuntarily.

And at this moment, a slender and powerful hand suddenly stretched out from the side, grabbed the four fishing rods that Zhenfei was about to let go, and firmly controlled them.

With such help, Shitiao Zhenfei, who woke up from her contemplation, finally stabilized her figure and regained her balance.

"Thank you, thank you." The concubine Shitiao, who was still in a state of shock, thanked her quickly, and her target was naturally Yuan Jing who had just helped her.

The latter shook his head, saying nothing.

This kind of thing is just a little effort to him, it is nothing at all.

Of course he could see that Concubine Si Tiao had something on her mind, but imagination was a person's freedom, so he naturally wouldn't ask about it.

After seeing the four real concubines gripping the fishing rod again, Yuan Jing let go of the fishing rod again.

After the fish is hooked, the process of fighting wits with it and finally catching it is the most interesting part of the fishing activity. He does not intend to deprive the four real concubines of this joy.

"It's a big fish, four classmates." Turning his attention back to his two fishing rods, Yuan Jing said to the girl, "Such a big fish is rare in this fishing pond."

"This should be the so-called 'novice luck'." He sighed.

"Luck..." Shijo Zhenfei slightly chewed the word, her eyes gradually cleared up.

After holding her breath and concentrating, she gripped the fishing rod even more tightly.

To be honest, she actually doesn't know what to do now.

Then leave it to God!

Although the big fish has already bit the hook, she is only a novice after all, and under such circumstances, the probability of catching her is only about five or five.

If so—

If I catch this big fish, it will prove that my guess is correct, Kaguya is a very generous person, Yukinoshita Yukino also has a chance.

Then, while helping Kaguya, I will also help Yukinoshita-san.

But if I'm unlucky and unskilled and let the fish get off the hook, it means that Kaguya is actually stingy, Yukinoshita Yukino is destined to be a tragedy, then I will hint her the truth and persuade her to give up.

The four real concubines pursed their lips in a serious arc, while holding the fishing rod tightly, their eyes were also extremely nervously watching the direction of the float, watching the looming outline of the big fish.

Left, right, and so on!


When Concubine Shijo left the Arisugawa Palace Memorial Park, she was holding a milky white plastic bag in her hand, from which the outline of a big fish appeared.

Although a bit embarrassing, but——

She succeeded.

Chapter 40 Kaguya and Ai's second confrontation?

"?~~" Covering her beautiful long black hair with a white cloth to hide the falling ash, Kaguya Shimizu, who was wearing a long black dress and a white apron, was humming an unknown song while moving walls and roofs. cleaning work.

Although what she was doing at this moment was the work that only the maids in the Shinomiya villa would do, but Shimizu Kaguya's face showed no trace of reluctance, and was even full of the opposite satisfaction.

Perhaps in Shimizu Kaguya's heart, this is not a simple and mechanical job that pays labor, but it is making her and Yuanjing's "love nest" more in line with what she wants.

This is the fundamental reason why she behaved so willingly.

On the side, Hayasaka Ai, who is dressed in the same way as Shimizu Kaguya, naturally has a panoramic view of the other party's performance. As Shimizu Kaguya's former personal maid and the insider of her true heart, and the pursuit of Kaguya's current boss Or, her face did not show the same joy as Shimizu Kaguya's face, but sighed softly.

""Dingling~"" In the pockets of Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai's long skirts, a notification sound came from the mobile phone to receive the message at the same time.

But compared to Hayasaka Ai, Shimizu Kaguya's reaction was much quicker.

Almost at the moment when the prompt sounded, she took off the rubber glove on her left hand very skillfully, revealing a palm that seemed to be carved from white jade.

She put this hand into the pocket of her long skirt, and took out her mobile phone almost instantly.

Turn on the screen, unlock the screen, click the message bar... Kaguya Shimizu completed all the above operations in less than half a second with one hand.

It's hard to imagine that this person who can make such a skilled operation was an electronic idiot who didn't even know how to use a smartphone a month ago.

If you want to learn English well, you just need to fall in love with an Englishman who can only speak English...

This sentence is really a wise saying.

"Hayasaka, Hayasaka!" After seeing the message, as if the light was turned on in a dark room, Shimizu Kaguya's delicate and pretty cheeks suddenly brightened.

Putting the cleaning tool in his hand aside, Kaguya Shimizu trotted up to Ai Hayasaka with his mobile phone in hand. His little feet wrapped in black socks stepped on the wooden floor, making a series of cheerful footsteps.

"Ajing, he caught a big fish!" Putting the phone next to his cheek, Kaguya Shimizu seemed to be showing off, showing the photos on the phone to Hayasaka Ai.

In the photo is an extremely handsome young man, holding a fishing line in one hand, and on the other end of the line is a big fish with a black back and a white belly.

It held the hook in its mouth and raised its tail, as if it was still struggling unwillingly.

"Although I can understand Kaguya's mood very well at this time, I have to tell you." Also taking off the glove on one hand, Hayasaka Ai also took out the phone from her pocket.

After operating on it, she put the exact same photo on the phone screen in front of Kaguya.

"I'm also in that group, please don't forget that."

Sakurajima's 'Line' has a group function, just like the chat group or WeChat group in Yuanjing's previous life, where several friends on the 'Line' can be brought together for various discussions.

And this photo of Yuanjing was posted in the group.

This group was actually founded by Chika Fujiwara. It was actually a member of the Lamb Club at the beginning, but now, except for the members of the Lamb Club, Yuanjing, Yukinoshita Yukino, Chika Fujiwara, and Kaguya Shimizu, Touma Kazusa and Hayasaka Ai were also invited to this group.

By the way, both of them were directly invited by Chika Fujiwara.

"Of course I know." Shimizu Kaguya puffed up his cheeks, showing a somewhat resentful expression, "Can't you cooperate with me, Hayasaka? After all, I usually don't dare to reveal my true thoughts at all."

In daily life, the role played by Shimizu Kaguya is naturally Yuanjing's loyal subordinate, or the kind of one who is only loyal to him, but not full of any strange feelings.

It's not easy.

Yuan Jing is actually a very sensitive person, any behavior and performance of Kaguya that contains "transcendence" thoughts will have a very high risk of exposure.

If it wasn't for the fact that during the 'interview', she resisted the temptation by relying on the pain of removing her thumb joint in advance, causing Yuan Jing to have some wrong perceptions, even if she tried her best to disguise herself, she was seen through by him The stakes can also be described as frighteningly high.

However, although Shimizu Kaguya was able to hide the truth from Yuan Jing by clever means, but for Hayasaka Ai who has been with her day and night for more than ten years, her sincerity has long been invisible.

But for Shimizu Kaguya, this is not a bad thing.

He took the initiative to put on a thick layer of camouflage, and obviously served the people he cared about most every day, but he had to forcefully suppress the blazing fire in his heart, not daring to show it in the slightest... .

As a person with a very similar experience, Hayasaka Ai can be said to empathize with Kaguya's mood at this time, which is the main reason why she is willing to help Kaguya cover up.

If there is no one who can make Kaguya relax and show her true self as a pressure relief valve, Kaguya will sooner or later be unable to bear such pressure, and she will suddenly break down from the bottom of her heart, right?

But even so, if things go on like this, Kaguya's mind will be broken because of this, and it is almost inevitable that he will do stupid things.

Hayasaka Ai is quite aware of this.

Because she was once hovering on the verge of hell, if Yuanjing didn't give her a hand...

The blond maid shivered slightly, and then drove the terrifying picture out of her mind.

She looked at Shimizu Kaguya who was gently rubbing her cheek against the phone screen, and couldn't help rolling her eyes slightly——

"So, Kaguya." Hayasaka Ai took a few steps forward oppressively, and the deliberate sound of footsteps woke up Shimizu Kaguya from some delusion.

The blond (former) maid approached the black-haired (former) eldest lady, and asked her a deafening question: "How long are you going to hide from Ah Jing?"

Staring straight into Kaguya's eyes, Ai Hayasaka said so in a slow but extremely firm tone.

As if the pause button was pressed, Shimizu Kaguya's movements stopped suddenly.

She looked at Hayasaka Ai with some disbelief, as if she couldn't believe her ears.

And after discovering the sincerity in the blue eyes of his former maid, Shimizu Kaguya quietly looked away, "No. It won't be too long."

She said with some hesitation, "Once I find a suitable opportunity, even if you don't have to urge me, I will definitely tell him my heart as soon as possible."

"Well, that's right, that's it!" Shimizu Kaguya said as if trying to convince himself.

"Hey, that's it." Hayasaka Ai made an emotionless voice, "Then, I would like to ask, what exactly is the right time?" She showed some annoying reluctance.

"Just, just, the timing when Chika Fujiwara was on the rooftop with Ajing on the first night of the cultural festival!"

Shimizu Kaguya began to pour out his inner envy.

As a girl who has a passionate love for Yuanjing, Kaguya Shimizu is naturally full of envy for Chika Fujiwara's experience.

On the roof of the cultural festival, under the blessing of fireworks all over the sky, you can talk to your beloved one, feel the warmth of each other, and finally snatch each other's lips...

How could such an experience make Hui Ye not feel envious?

However, the reason why Chika Fujiwara has made such great progress is not only her own painstaking planning, but also the result of the combination of the right time, place and people, which can almost be said to be a miracle that cannot be replicated.

At least for the current Shimizu Kaguya, she really can't think of a way to create a similar scene.

"How dare you think about it..." Ai Hayasaka opened her small mouth slightly, a little speechless.However, she had actually fantasized about something similar, so it wasn't that she couldn't understand Kaguya's thoughts.

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