"You can meet so many girls when you go out for a walk..." Hayasaka Ai sighed helplessly in her heart, "Should I say that I really deserve to be A Jing?"This kind of peach blossom luck is really scary. '

"However, Shijo Zhenfei..." Hayasaka Ai secretly remembered the name in her heart.

Of course, she knew about Kaguya's appointment of Concubine Shijo as her and Yuan Jing's wingman.

But to be honest, she doesn't really approve of this kind of behavior.

Kaguya also lost his head in order to draw in the relationship with Yuan Jing. Could it be easy for outsiders, especially another girl, to intervene in such a matter?

No one else knows the extent of Yuanjing's charm, but Kaguya, you still don't know?

Yes, with Shijo Zhenfei's personality, even if you have a good impression of Yuanjing, because you are the 'first come', you probably will forcefully suppress this throbbing in your heart.

But Kaguya, were you the one who came first?

You are not!

Not to mention establishing a relationship with Yuanjing, you don't even dare to tell him your own feelings.

If Concubine Shijo didn't discover this, then it's okay, if she knows...

That's where you cry.

I hope that before Madam Shijo discovers the truth, Kaguya and Yuan Jing can have a clear result.

Hayasaka Ai prayed in her heart.


The time has come to night.

In her own room, wearing glasses, Hayasaka Ai was studying hard by the lamp.

If he can win the top three in the final exam, he will be able to go to Vienna with Yuan Jing, and even have the opportunity to share a room with him.

For such an opportunity, Hayasaka Ai will never let it go.

Although Hayasaka Ai is actually not bad money, even if her parents don't pay for it, if she only uses the savings she accumulated from working in the Shinomiya's house, it is actually quite easy to go to Vienna at her own expense.

But that nature is different.

Not to mention that this cuts off the possibility of being in the same room as Yuan Jing. The other girls kept up with Yuan Jing's pace through their own efforts, but she relied on money to forcibly catch up... ..

Based on this alone, Ai Hayasaka felt that she had already lost.

Don't underestimate this small gap, as the saying goes, "a small mistake can make a thousand miles away", maybe it will be so small in the end that some events that might have happened between her and Yuanjing were taken away by others up.

This is something she absolutely cannot accept.

...Well, that's what I said, but if after working hard, there is still no way to win the top three in the grade, Hayasaka Ai will not have any hesitation about going to Vienna at her own expense.

It is better to be left behind than to be left behind completely.

What, girlish reserve and pride?When had she Hayasaka Ai ever had something like that?

The process of pursuing Yuanjing is hard enough, if you have to set up various obstacles for yourself, isn't it too difficult to see the situation clearly?

Here, she wants to name and criticize Shimizu Kaguya again!

As the saying goes, "good girls are afraid of being stalked by men, and strong girls are afraid of idle husbands", Ai Hayasaka doesn't think there is anything wrong with stalking.

This is the most suitable strategy for her.

Anyway, in this life, she has already identified Yuanjing, no matter how hard she is driven away, she cannot be driven away.

And at this moment, there was a knock on the door of Ai Hayasaka's room.

She raised her gaze from the book in some surprise, and looked towards the door - in this house, only she, Yuanjing and Qingshui Huiye lived.

In Yuan Jing's case, it is very unlikely that he would come to find her at this time.

In that case, the person knocking on the door should be...

"Come in," Hayasaka Ai said.

After getting her approval, a black-haired girl in a light and thin nightgown pushed the door in. She was holding a heavy-looking backpack in one hand and a jar containing black powder in the other. .

Judging from the label on the can, this should contain refreshing coffee.

Facing Hayasaka Ai's surprised eyes, Shimizu Kaguya came to her desk, put the pot beside the desk and threw the backpack on the ground, then she pulled a chair from her bedroom to Hayasaka Love's side.

"Kaguya, which song are you singing?" Of course Ai Hayasaka saw Shimizu Kaguya's intentions, but she still forcibly held back her smile and said in a slightly teasing tone.

"Ask knowingly." Shimizu Kaguya gave Hayasaka Ai a white look.

After she sat on the chair, she unzipped the backpack she had brought, and a pile of notebooks lay quietly in it.

These are the study notes written by Shimizu Kaguya herself, and now she has moved all the inventory of this semester here.

She spent an afternoon sorting out these things, and also specially designed several sets of questions for the key points of the exam.

"Since I promised to help you get into the top three in the grade, I will never break my promise." After looking at the books Hayasaka Ai read, Shimizu Kaguya dug out the corresponding notebook from it , "I'm here to help you with your homework."

"Hey, aren't you mad at me?" Ai Hayasaka said in a somewhat exaggerated tone, "I thought that as long as I didn't admit my mistake, Miss Kaguya would never forgive me, and she wouldn't even tell me It's the last sentence."

"...You will bully me." Shimizu Kaguya said a little angrily, but soon lost his temper——

"I'm not someone who doesn't know what's good and what's wrong. I can tell whether your words were just to anger me or think about me."

"I went back and thought about it for a long time, and I think what you said is right, I can't continue like this." She said frankly.

"No, but, even if you want to tell Ah Jing what you want, timing is also very important, right?" Different from the calmness just now, Shimizu Kaguya was a little flustered at this time.

"Wait until Christmas Eve on December 12th. Vienna will definitely hold a very grand celebration ceremony. At that time, I will fully reveal my true heart to him."

"Before that, let me be brave for a while."


Chapter 42 Encounters Above the Water

The night is dark, the crescent moon is curved, and the stars are blurred.

The twilight is like a huge net, sprinkled from the sky, covering this piece of land.

And at this moment, Yuan Jing who was already lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked at the clock on the wall, and through the light coming through the window, Yuanjing was able to confirm that it was almost 3 o'clock in the morning.

Well, the time is almost right.

Nodding his head so lightly in his heart, Yuan Jing quietly 'slid' off the bed.

After taking off his nightgown and changing into dark casual clothes, he slightly opened the door of his bedroom with a gap, then folded his body and squeezed out of it.

He has a little work to do.

Like a gigantic tabby cat, Yuan Jing didn't make the slightest sound as he walked on the corridor with wooden floors.

His bedroom is on the second floor of the villa.

And when he came down the stairs to the first floor, he stopped deliberately, listened carefully, and then blinked his eyes in surprise.

The 'guest room' where Ai Hayasaka lives is quite close to the stairs, while Kaguya Shimizu's bedroom is farther up from the stairs.

Originally, Yuan Jing wanted to hear whether the noise he made had woken the two of them up, but at this moment he discovered that in the 'guest room' where Hayasaka Ai was living at this time (Yuan Jing felt that he might not be able to receive it. Back to this room), there were actually two breathing sounds.

Just like the sound of footsteps, everyone's breathing sound while sleeping will have their own imprint, which is slightly different from other people's, but definitely exists.

Yuan Jing could hear that in Hayasaka Ai's bedroom, besides her own even breathing sound, there was also Shimizu Kaguya's somewhat unique breathing sound.

'Is this already reconciled? '

Yuanjing thought to himself.

"Obviously in the daytime, they still look like they don't like each other, but at night they become so close..."

'Is this the friendship between girls? '

He couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

However, that's fine too.

Now, after all, it is due to the situation that three people live under the same roof. If two of them do not see each other, the atmosphere in the whole house will be a little tense.

If this situation of cold war between the two continues, then he has to consider separating the two and calming down each other.

It would be best if the two could reconcile as before without him taking action now.

Feeling much more relaxed, Yuan Jing walked through the living room and came to the entrance.

After changing his shoes here, Yuanjing gently pushed the door of his house open.

The cool wind with a little bit of chill rushed over, but he didn't feel cold, instead he felt a little refreshed.

'The fun night time is about to begin! '

With a little joy in his heart, Yuan Jing closed the door behind him.

His figure quickly dissolved into this deep twilight......

And at about the same time.

In the Minato District, in a bedroom belonging to the mansion under the name of the Shijo family, a pair of jasper-like pupils opened suddenly.

She didn't get up immediately, but just listened.

'There was no one awake nearby. ’ was her conclusion after a few minutes.

In addition, her keen intuition did not feel the very familiar feeling of prying like needles.

This means that the Shijo family did not install cameras or the like in this bedroom.

'I have already left England, and now I am stepping on the far eastern land called [Sakurajima]. '

Artoria clearly realized this again.

'Is this what I will live in in the future, the new [cage]? '

Her eyes stayed on the ceiling of the bedroom for a while, and then a very beautiful smile appeared on the corner of her lips——

'It's not too bad. '

She stood up and reached out to touch the clothes she had taken off before going to bed.

In modern England, the life she lived had nothing to do with the word 'freedom' at all, but if the 'plan' was followed, she would have to live a good life as another person in two weeks. for a while.

Comparing the two in this way, in this period of time, she is the closest to 'freedom'.

Especially in this silent night.

That being the case, let me cherish this extremely hard-won time.

After thinking so, Arturia put on her clothes, and instead of walking towards the door of the bedroom, she came to the window of the bedroom.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but the villa in Sitiao's family has extremely complete security measures to ensure safety.

If she walks in the corridor, even with her skill, she is very likely to be discovered.

After all, in order not to expose the shackles on her ankles, her attire is a long skirt that is extremely inconvenient to move around.

Arturia rolled up the long skirt and tied a few knots, revealing her slender and slender legs.

The silver-white shackles entangled between the ankles not only did not damage the beauty, but added a little charm, like a pair of extremely beautiful anklets.

After opening the window, Artoria glanced around, relying on the keen perception honed by stepping through the bloody sea of ​​​​Sura, and the information obtained when visiting this place with the servants of the Shijo family during the day , she immediately planned a route with the highest safety factor that would never be discovered.

After thinking about it several times in her heart, she jumped down from the window very lightly...

Tokyo in Sakurajima is a city that never sleeps.

After walking out of the somewhat quiet residential area, what greeted Yuanjing was the hustle and bustle.

Unlike Tokyo during the day, this place at night has become more presumptuous.

Bars, discotheques, KTV, nightclubs...Compared with daytime, night is where these places really 'open'.

Although it was already early morning, there were actually not many pedestrians on the street.

Of course, the drunk lying on the side of the road is also a major "characteristic landscape" in Tokyo at this time.

But these hustle and bustle have nothing to do with Yuanjing, and he didn't come here to have fun.

Turning around and avoiding the street girl who wanted to strike up a conversation, Yuan Jing passed through the hustle and bustle, and finally returned to the tranquility.

The reason why Minato District is called Minato District has a great relationship with this place adjacent to Tokyo Port.

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