Lu Qingyan was almost hoarse, tears fell on the boy's chest.

"It's already's a big mistake, I don't know how to face you, but...the relationship between master and apprentice is just deception, right? This kind of contact can't be called master and student, don't see me Okay, let me calm down, let me calm down...Wei Tu..."

He didn't know why the guilt in her heart suddenly surged up, but he knew that she couldn't let her go on following her thoughts.

So he took off the ribbon on his face without hesitation, just before she struggled to leave him.

... PS: It's always three shifts recently, and I feel that the occasional double shift is as comfortable as a holiday, or maybe it's because of a bewilderment... As for the new campus book I mentioned... Well, it may cost a hundred thousand The words will be posted next month, and as long as you don’t stretch your hips, you can create a unique skill of [-] words... But the premonition is always bad, I’m still a little scared, I’m used to being suspicious, and I’m going to pick up my dad from the hospital today , so I got up very early to code, and the next update will be soon.

59 People Who Can't Live Without

The moment Wei Tu took off the ribbon, there was only the light of a candle in the room.

And in this light, Wei Tu didn't look at the scene that made his blood boil.

For example, she was lying on her body, propping herself up with her palms, as if she was about to leave her.

She didn't wear any clothes, so it could be said that she was completely naked. Her jade-like skin was shining, and every inch exuded a seductive aura.

That snow-white chest was almost hanging in front of Wei Tu.

But at this time, the young man who was more anxious in his heart gave up on the beautiful scenery in front of him, he just looked straight at Lu Qingyan's face.

The face of the young woman who should be as glamorous as an iceberg and as proud as a snow lotus is covered with tears.

It seemed as if she had completely remembered how embarrassing she had reacted to the previous exercise, and this was the reason why she suddenly woke up and couldn't deceive herself.

Showing such behavior in front of my apprentice, what face do I have to be a master and apprentice?

It seemed that he didn't even have the courage to appear in front of him again.

It seems that the world in the past has collapsed. She hates the so-called sophistication, ethics and morality, but she has to admit that there are some things you hate but you must abide by the rules... I don’t care, but he doesn’t care?

Seeing Wei Tu take off the ribbon, it was too late for Lu Qingyan to hold back her tears.

"What are you close your eyes!"

Lu Qingyan said shyly and angrily.

Wei Tu stubbornly looked into her eyes, although his breath was still weak, but the scorching heat in his eyes seemed to be extra strength from other places.

"I won't close my eyes. If I closed my eyes just now, what are you going to do, Master?"

Lu Qingyan was a little flustered, under the burning eyes of the other party, she was a little at a loss, like a little girl, she didn't understand anything, and she couldn't deal with anything.

"I... I didn't do anything..."

"Then why do you say these strange things, why do you tell me that master and apprentice can't do it anymore."

Lu Qingyan looked into his eyes.

"How can you be a master and apprentice... How can there be such a master and apprentice in the world?"

"We are such masters and apprentices."

Wei Tu didn't use too much voice, his voice was very calm, as if he was just telling a fact that should be taken for granted.

But Lu Qingyan had already come to her senses at this time, or she had fallen into other obsessions, guilt, and immorality filled almost all her thoughts.

She shook her head, her expression pained and confused.

"But that's not right..."

"What's wrong? We haven't done anything yet, just exercise, what's wrong!"

"But what's next."

"What's next?"

"This kind of contact can still be used as an excuse for body training, but...but what happens next? Won't other things happen?"

Wei Tu knew what the other party was worried about.

Even though some words may be contrary to his true thoughts, he will still tell lies at this time.

In order to make her feel at ease, Wei Tu can go against his own heart again and again.

It doesn't matter, as long as she can accept it, it doesn't matter.

So he looked at Lu Qingyan, a beautiful woman who was almost shining in the faint candlelight.

"I will restrain myself."

"But I'm afraid I won't be able to restrain myself, Wei Tu..."

Wei Tu was stunned on the bed by the almost sobbing words.


Lu Qingyan closed her eyes in helplessness and pain, and tears fell down, soaking the young man's chest, as if to soak Wei Tu's chest.

She was almost sobbing, but she was still talking.

"Obviously I always comfort myself like this every's just body's just body training...but every contact makes me feel that we are no longer masters and apprentices...Even after every time the body training is over, I I want to hug you, I even dream of you in my dreams... It won't work if this goes on, there is no other way... there is no other way..."

She babbled.

Enduring the pain in his heart, Wei Tu looked into her eyes.

"There is a way."


"Then don't be a master and apprentice. If this can make you feel at ease, master, then you won't be a master and apprentice."

Looking at the young man's firm eyes, Lu Qingyan subconsciously shook her head.

"How can this be..."

"Why not? As long as we are still together, it doesn't matter whether we are masters or apprentices. In the eyes of others, we are just masters and apprentices, but aren't we already a family? Lu Qingyan, can you really leave me?" ? I can't leave you."

Hearing these words, Lu Qingyan felt as if a fire was burning in her heart.

But... There was an additional, unprecedented panic in my heart, as if something more dangerous would happen if this continued.

She shook her head.

" can't be done like this..."


Just when Wei Tu was about to get up and hug the woman, Lu Qingyan suddenly reached out her hand.

Wei Tu lay stiff on the bed, he could only look at Lu Qingyan now, unable to move his body.

Wei Tu probably didn't expect that when she was extremely weak and her internal energy was almost exhausted, Lu Qingyan recovered faster than herself, or in other words, she had always had spare energy, and now she sealed her acupoints, Immobilize him.

Lu Qingyan looked at Wei Tu's eyes, as if she knew what the young man was thinking.

She stretched out her hand to hold Wei Tu's cheek in some pain, but couldn't let her kiss fall.

She just seemed a little petty, a little tangled in her thoughts.

"I'm sorry...forgive me, just lie here for a while, and you will naturally wake up tomorrow morning..."

Although Wei Tu couldn't move, he looked at the woman fixedly.

"What do you want to do?"

Lu Qingyan froze for a moment, then shook her head in panic.


"Liar, Master, are you leaving? Where are you going?"

Lu Qingyan didn't expect the young man to see something in these few words.

She shook her head in a panic, her swaying figure and her proud figure looked so wonderful, but this was not the moment to appreciate it.

Because Wei Tu had figured out what she was going to do.

", I won't do anything, just lie down at ease..."

Lu Qingyan caressed the boy's cheek in a panic, just like when she was a child, stroking his face, so that he could sleep more at night and avoid nightmares.

But Wei Tu had already begun to struggle. He was using all his energy, or rather brute force, to attack the acupoints, to attack the aura that belonged to Lu Qingyan that blocked him.

Of course Lu Qingyan could feel Wei Tu's movements.

It's just that Wei Tu stubbornly looked at Lu Qingyan, and fixedly looked at Lu Qingyan.

" didn't tell the truth, you clearly wanted to leave."

Lu Qingyan was very anxious, because Wei Tu's brute force hitting the acupoints would have serious consequences for him at this time, and the damage would be great.


"You tell the truth!"

Lu Qingyan panicked to comfort the young man.

"I...I want to leave...I don't know how to face you at dawn tomorrow, just lie down, don't be like this...Wei Tu, don't be like this..."

"Why did you leave, just because I exercised for you?"

As Wei Tu said this, his face turned red. This was a sign that he had used his blood energy. Although he could open the acupoints, he would definitely suffer backlash, and it would be Wei Tu's own blood that would be hurt.

Lu Qingyan climbed down in a panic, and stroked the boy's forehead, cheek, even nose and lips.

I want Wei Tu to calm down.

"'s just that I can't face to deal with this kind of relationship, there's no way to deal with it...I can only go, I don't want you...I don't want you to be criticized because of our relationship, that's not okay , will ruin your future..."

"Shit future, without the shit future you want, where do you want to go after you leave?"

"I, I don't know...but I will come back in the future, please don't be like this, Wei Tu, please listen to Master's words, please don't be like this...don't use your blood..."

It seemed that there was no way for Lu Qingyan to look helpless like a little girl, her tears kept falling on the young man's face, her supposedly cool and beautiful face now looked pitiful, even pleading.

Wei Tu didn't care at all, the blood color became more and more obvious, and his temples swelled up.

His heartbeat was accelerating crazily, and his breathing seemed extraordinarily heavy.

"No, I won't let you go, I can't let you go. I won't listen to you if you leave..."

"But what if we don't leave? How can we get along with each other? Even if it doesn't happen, can we really deceive ourselves?"

"Then don't deceive yourself, just do what you want, develop as you want, why worry about what others think, I don't care."

"But I care... I don't care how I am viewed by others, but you are still so young, and there are so many good women who like you, how can you sink into the criticism of those people..."

"How can there be any criticism! The path I walk has never been told by others. I don't care about those things. I only care about whether you are by my side or not."

Lu Qingyan looked at the young man's flushed cheeks, her angina was almost unbearable.

I can only say sincerely.

"I'm not leaving, okay...don't be like this, stop quickly, this will hurt yourself, don't you want to die!"

"You are lying to me. Master, you are so obvious that you are deceiving. If I can't keep you, what are you doing with this life? I just think, I only want you to be happy and live a happy life, and in such a life, you must be happy. Have me."

Lu Qingyan stared blankly at Wei Tu, the shackles in her heart seemed to be broken at this moment.

And suddenly.


A mouthful of blood gushed out of Wei Tu's mouth, almost staining Lu Qingyan's chest red.

It's just that Lu Qingyan couldn't care about these at all, she couldn't stop crying, she quickly put her hand on Wei Tu's chest, trying to send her inner breath, and quickly adjusted his injury.

But the young man who had already opened his acupoint didn't care about his injuries at all. He hugged the naked woman with his upper body tightly, and hugged her tightly.

"Lu Qingyan, I won't let you go..."

Lu Qingyan's tears were broken, she could hardly think of anything, only the injury of this young man.

"Don't talk, lie lie down, don't move, I'll adjust your breath, lie down quickly..."

But Wei Tu ignored Lu Qingyan's pleading at all, he saw the woman's red lips and kissed them.

Lu Qingyan instantly felt the other's lips and teeth, which was unprecedented, including the obvious smell of blood in his mouth.

But she didn't sink quickly, she was still stubbornly sending her breath into the boy's body.

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