She shed tears again, struggling on the verge of sinking and rationality.

I didn't want the other party to suffer more injuries, so I didn't resist his behavior, but firmly used the remaining rationality to send inner breath to the other party.

And Wei Tu didn't care, just kissed the woman fiercely.

He held her firmly, not wanting to let go for a moment.

Bloody kisses, his breath, her tears.

It seems to be a picture that will never be forgotten no matter how long it takes.

Until Lu Qingyan finally let go of her palm, and closed her eyes as if accepting her fate.

The blocked lips and teeth slurred.

"I'm not leaving...I'm not leaving..." PS: There are not many things to see if there is any addition to the hospital today. If there are any, it should be in the afternoon or evening. I forgot to vote for the monthly pass~

60 Bewitched (Monthly ticket plus 15 more!)

The one who cultivates is himself, this sentence has been said by countless people.

But it can be said that there are tens of thousands of ways to go out. Everyone seems to know this truth, but the choices they make are always so different.

Some even keep telling themselves that too many things are forced to make compromises due to helplessness.

Some people cultivate themselves, that is, they overcome themselves.

Some people choose to be fulfilled.

To complete the avenue, to fulfill that unattainable dream, to fulfill those who once walked side by side together on the road.

Fulfill the regrets that you can't get, and fulfill all the good things you missed.

Or comfort, or really relieved.

But for Wei Tu, the best interpretation of fulfillment is to make up, and only all their happiness should be related to themselves.

This may be a kind of conceit, or it may be a kind of overbearing that has no reason at all.

Not many people really understand him.

Only he knows what it feels like to really lose them, what it feels like to see, feel, and even just hear these women, beautiful lives passing by in this world.

It hurts more than now, even more painful than the sky falling apart.

Therefore, he will rarely lose his composure, and will use this method to open the acupoints, not hesitating to hurt his body.

The boy's viscera were churning, and his blood seemed to be out of order. The blood oozing from his mouth was the best proof.

But Wei Tu didn't care about these things, he even cried with joy.

It's just that he didn't cry, he was as firm as a rock.

Kissing this woman regardless, a woman who is his master.

The blood and saliva were mixed together, and it was hard to tell what it was. It was just a strong breath, and the smell of blood was mixed together, and the two of them seemed to be immersed in it.

Unknowingly, apart from the hand used to adjust the boy's breath, Lu Qingyan tightly hooked the boy's shoulder with the other hand.

It seemed as if he was reluctant to leave for a moment.

How could you be willing to leave...

He is such a dazzling man...

Lu Qingyan would never have thought that one day she would use the word man to call Wei Tu in her world.

Wei Tu should always look like a teenager, like a child, who needs to be protected and taught by himself.

If you make a mistake, you will be taught by yourself, but if someone bullies you, you will stand up for him.

Seems like it should always be like this.

But when did it change?

Lu Qingyan herself could not know all of this accurately.

But it seems that unconsciously... this young man has grown up, maybe it was just a rough jade that he was looking for at the beginning.

And later.

He defeated Li Hanyang. At that time, some people still felt that he was just doing some heresy and opportunistic tricks.

Then there is Lu Chenzong's Yuan Jiacao, such a step-by-step leap makes people unable to say any ironic words.

Because none of the young disciples of this generation is confident that they can definitely defeat Yuan Jiacao, and Wei Tu only used three swords.

Although the three swords, it seems that they were not taught by themselves.

But seeing the simple and dreamy appearance of the elegant and brisk three swords, Lu Qingyan was still uncontrollably dazzled.

Perhaps at that time, I realized that I still underestimated the talent of this young man.

He is so dazzling.

Like the rising sun, it is a bright daylight.

Almost without making a sound, he had already flown above everyone's heads, as if in a few years, the entire Yuan Jianzong would not be able to accommodate him anymore.

Or maybe it was at that time that Lu Qingyan gradually had an idea.

Maybe his success has nothing to do with him, because his teaching seems to be of no use at all.

It's just that during the sect's trial later, when she heard that something happened at the Hundred Thousand Monster Mountain, Lu Qingyan still went there without hesitation.

Almost no danger was considered, even if all the elders of the sect felt that they should not act hastily and should find out the situation first.

But she still wanted to go, and she wasn't prepared at all.

Perhaps it was also at that time that Lu Qingyan realized... So this young man is so important to her.

He finally returned safely, and even became the only survivor.

At that moment when Lu Qingyan saw that he was still alive, it was as if she had seen a miracle, she couldn't believe it.

I even felt that that moment was God's favor for me, or a sweet dream given to me.

It must have been at that time... Lu Qingyan was finally convinced that this young man could be alone, even at such a young age, he could survive without needing himself.

This kind of awareness made Lu Qingyan feel relieved, but also a little bit disappointed.

What is gratifying is that this young man with a tragic background has finally come to the fore, and his days and nights of practicing swords were not in vain.

Unfortunately... it seems that he no longer needs anything he gave, his own experience, his own swordsmanship, his own strength... he may not need it anymore, that is to say, the master has actually become a relationship that exists in name only, At first, she thought it was the feelings of the parents of the wandering son traveling far away.

But after the body training happened, she learned the truth that made her panic from the pain and tenderness time after time.

Her relationship with this young man is not only the friendship between master and apprentice, but also cannot be accurately classified as a family.

To him... I suddenly had emotions beyond the situation.

This was absolutely unexpected, something that Lu Qingyan herself did not expect.

She didn't even have such emotions because of the handsomeness of this young man, but because he insisted on giving herself the truth and exercising for herself, even if she was taught a lesson by herself, and was swearing at each other by herself, and he didn't understand again and again. They didn't even betray themselves and left Xiaoyuan Peak.

I also realized that he was no longer that little boy during those painful and blurred exercises.

He is a young boy who has grown up, a man who can hold up a piece of sky alone...

It's not that Lu Qingyan has never thought about whether it is possible for her to make a Taoist couple and live the life of a so-called fairy couple, but that kind of imagination is so far away that she can't even remember clearly.

Then there was no time to think about it, as if Jiang Ying was the only one in life besides Wei Tu.

to now.

Who is the little bastard who passionately kissed his lips and caught the delicate tongue?

Who is the man who wants to rub his body into his body?

Who is the person who makes me feel dizzy, confused, and doesn't want to leave...


When the lips parted, the two gasped heavily.

Wei Tu's face was as white as paper, but there was a smile, a satisfied and joyful smile.

Happy like a child who gets a favorite toy.

Wei Tu seemed to be falling into the clouds.

"Master, you won't leave."

Lu Qingyan glanced dully at her palm, which was still on the boy's chest.

But he didn't pull it back, because his face was still so pale.

She didn't know how to reply to this sentence, but can what happened just now be regarded as never happened?

The one who kissed him... was his apprentice.

Even the lips and tongue are...

Lu Qingyan's cheeks turned rosy involuntarily, but she looked at the boy stubbornly and complainingly.

"Who told you to be so foolish...?"

Feeling the warmth in his chest, Wei Tu sat in front of Lu Qingyan, looking at the woman's beautiful face and giggling.

"Who told Master to leave, to scare people..."

But Lu Qingyan barely wore any clothes, it was too dazzling and alluring.Wei Tu couldn't look back for a moment.

Sensing the boy's gaze, Lu Qingyan immediately turned around and quickly put on her clothes.

But he didn't expect that Wei Tu who was behind him stretched out his arms to hug him at this moment.

Once again, the body temperatures of the two were intertwined, and their breaths were also mixed.

In addition to the familiar feeling, there is a more honest thought of not wanting to be separated from him.

Wearing a thin dress, there was no way to stop his breath from penetrating, and the touch of him embracing him was so warm that even the candlelight became gentle.

"Is it overkill..."

Although Lu Qingyan felt that this was normal, she was always shy, and she couldn't let him think that after kissing her, she could do whatever she wanted now that she didn't refuse at the time, right?

Previously... I just felt sorry for his injury.

"Well, it's getting bigger."

Wei Tu admitted this matter frankly, with an unimaginably thick-skinned face.

"You... how dare you?"

Lu Qingyan said angrily.

Wei Tu's chin leaned weakly on the shoulder of this glamorous master.

Even if his face is pale, he must be stubborn and thick-skinned.

"Because Master likes me."

Lu Qingyan got angry for a while, and wanted to teach the other party a lesson, but when she remembered the lip-tongue contact just now... Later, she also cooperated, and she lost her confidence when she didn't intend to refuse at all.

It can only appear to be a bit of a murmur of complaint.

"Don't talk nonsense, you... have always been a teacher's beloved disciple."

"Huh? Why did you become a lover again?"

"Otherwise, what nonsense are you thinking, you rebellious traitor."

"I want to hug Master and keep hugging."

Lu Qingyan's aura weakened, as if no matter what happened, she could only obey this young man in the end, completely losing the majesty of her master.

"Didn't you already hold it..."

"I want to be with Master forever."

The youthful voice made Lu Qingyan's expression soften.

She thought for a while, as if accepting her fate, she stretched out her hand to cover the back of the boy's hand, and his palm was tightly pressed against her soft waist.

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