Wei Tu laughed at this moment.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not...but it's getting late, Master...how about going to bed?"

Lu Qingyan's snow-white cheeks instantly turned rosy, brighter than the candlelight... PS: Hey~~~ I have to change the chapter again, and I got caught!

58 False Master and Apprentice

No matter how much Lu Qingyan wanted to refuse or welcome, it was obvious that her apprentice's will seemed unstoppable.

Especially the sentence that people can't refuse: "Anyway, it's not once or twice. It's a pity to give up at this time. My hard work, Master, and your suffering are all in vain."

That's right... Lu Qingyan would also hypnotize herself in this way.

If my apprentice wasn't for himself, he wouldn't think about how to refine the medicine bath every day, how to help him reshape the sword bone...

It seems that he took advantage of his intimate contact, but in fact, Wei Tu almost collapsed every time he was about to pass out, and the energy he consumed was unimaginable.

It was just because of my shyness that I felt that I violated ethics and let all his efforts go to waste... Lu Qingyan felt that she still couldn't do it.

It's not because the suffering I have suffered seems to be in vain, because this is the way of the world, many times it's not how much you work hard, suffer as much, and suffer as much in exchange for the same return, but... She doesn't want to make Wei Tu feel bad.

At least he can't let him down because of himself.

So she sat on the bed again and asked Wei Tu to close her eyes as if she was hiding her ears. This time Lu Qingyan even took out the black ribbon she had prepared and wrapped it around the boy's eyes.

Wei Tu was a little surprised when he saw the black ribbon.

"Master...you have already prepared?"

At this moment, Lu Qingyan's face was so red that it was almost bleeding.

Of course she had a premonition that she would not be able to firmly reject Wei Tu and this young man.

So I thought that since I couldn't refuse, at least make myself feel more at ease.

After the young man tied the ribbon and it looked like he couldn't see anything, Lu Qingyan slowly took off his already flimsy clothes.

In front of Wei Tu again...

This time the feeling is clearer, because she feels that her bottom line has been broken repeatedly.

I don't know when there will be no bottom line, and what will happen if there is no bottom line?Lu Qingyan couldn't guarantee it, she just abided by the last thought in her consciousness.

The master-student relationship... The master-student relationship cannot be broken like this.

And when the opponent's palm touched his skin again, the familiar breath was transmitted to his body.

A clearer touch came, as if every meridian in the body was cheering because of the arrival of this young man's breath.

She was a little afraid of such a reaction, as if... her own body was welcoming him.

There was no resistance at all, and some wonderful reactions were caused by it.

In addition to being afraid, there is a rare...excitement that I have never experienced before.

It seemed to prompt the young woman to whisper, but no matter how stupid Lu Qingyan was, no matter how careless she was, she knew that any sound she made at this time would be like a silent invitation.

It will be like those shameless women... the performance of unrestrained behavior.

So she began to restrain herself with difficulty.

But this process will seem very long and tormented. When you are enduring something, you will clearly feel how slow the passage of time is.

When the opponent touched his sword bone inch by inch, the unbearable feeling changed again.


Familiar pain.

The pain was almost unbearable. She did not expect that the second body training in the second stage would still... still make people feel like the body is about to be crushed.

The corners of her eyes almost glistened with tears because of the pain, and she could no longer display the aura that the icy and pure master should have.

Just like an ordinary woman who has been bullied.

She was even a little confused in her head, and she couldn't help crying out in pain.

In the storm, I couldn't grasp an effective support point, and felt that the feeling of fragmentation was still spreading.

She could hardly bear the grievance and trembled and said, "Liar...you...you said that the pain won't hurt the second time..."

Wei Tu almost trembled and lost his breath when he heard such words, because he never thought that he would hear Lu Qingyan say such words at this time.

My own master...

It should be the fairy on the iceberg.

It should be a sacrosanct existence.

She is a female sword fairy that no one can touch.

Has a sharper edge than Dongxue...

But to say such words in such a rare and weak tone, Wei Tu's blood was almost aroused by such a contrast, and because of the reaction in his heart, even his breath became hotter.

Lu Qingyan shook her head slightly in front of her.

"It's hot... it hurts... it's so hot and it hurts..."

This is simply not body forging...it's even worse than...much worse than that!

Wei Tu held his breath and concentrated. Even so, even though he knew that what his master said was completely true feelings and not talking nonsense, he still thought of some bad pictures because of it.

These scenes were unimaginable before, but now everything is like mushrooms after the rain, and they can't help but get out of the soil.

His eyes became a little red.

He tried his best to control it, and even forced himself to comfort the other party in order to make the exercise smoother.

"Master... don't be afraid, it's okay, I'm right behind you... Just bear it, bear it, and it will pass."

However, Lu Qingyan felt as if her brain had been scalded by the scorching breath, and she no longer knew what she was muttering under the pain.

It's just nonsense, as if it's just to shout out the truest feelings, so that it can relieve the pain.

She intermittently exhaled a hot aroma from her mouth.

It was as if he had lost all self-control.

"Liar...Little liar...You are a little liar...You will lie to Master...Woooooo...Master let you lie to me...It hurts so much, Wei Tu, Master hurts so much! Stop it , Master can't take it anymore!"

Wei Tu was a little messy.

What are you doing?

If you read correctly... it's body training!

Can we stop calling it that!Can we stop doing this!Who can control this! !

Wei Tu was almost dizzy. He didn't expect that he would not only have to endure the weakness caused by the passing of breath, but also listen to the other party's words and endure his own evil thoughts, adding another layer of suffering out of thin air.

It was as if an invisible fire was burning this beautiful pair of master and apprentice.

"Master...don't...don't say it, hold back, you must hold back, otherwise we will all be finished. Master hold on..."

Wei Tu speeded up the speed of helping the other party disassemble the sword bone, which of course would increase Lu Qingyan's pain.

But there is no way, and now, he is gradually on the verge of losing control.

He didn't want to be backlashed, and he didn't want Lu Qingyan to be seriously injured, so he could only cut through the mess quickly and solve all this as soon as possible.

And Lu Qingyan's head shook violently, as if the pain had penetrated deep into the bone marrow, all actions were the instinct of the body, struggling to escape from such pain.

Wei Tu knew the other party's situation.You can only hold the opponent's shoulders.

But Wei Tu couldn't control the strange force that Lu Qingyan surged up when he was struggling.

"Don't...I don't want to...It hurts...It hurts so much! Liar...Tu'er is a liar! A liar! I'm going to be broken, I'm going to be broken...Liar, how can you be like this...Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo , don't treat me like this, let me go...!"

No matter how messy Wei Tu is, she can't let go of her hand, but if she continues to struggle so tenaciously, she will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

The process of body forging cannot allow such a big error.

So there was no other way, Wei Tu stretched out his arms and put his arms around Lu Qingyan's waist at the moment when the other party was about to break free from his palm.

He straightened her body so that she faced him, even though all his sight was still covered by the black ribbon, he could still clearly feel the other side's straight chest pressed against his chest.

His hands wrapped around the woman's shoulders.

While Lu Qingyan shouted wantonly, all the last breath was sent in.

until there is nothing left.

In the end, Lu Qingyan seemed to stop shouting, as if she had passed out.

But Wei Tu also didn't have any strength, he fell on the fairly spacious bed, lying on his back, he didn't even have the strength to take off the ribbon, he just breathed rapidly.

He thought that Lu Qingyan had passed out, so he didn't take any measures against the woman for the time being, and didn't let her take a medicinal bath.

It was just lying like this, with the palms still sticking to the back of her waist.

The delicate skin, which seemed to be dripping with sweat, was warm and silky in his hands.

And the two of them were covered with sweat all over their bodies, as if they had been evaporated by the heat.

Whether it is hair or hands and feet, there is a thin layer of sweat.

Just breathing now.

But Wei Tu soon heard a burst of crying.

He knew that it would not be anyone else except Lu Qingyan, she did not pass out, her consciousness was very clear.



The other party didn't respond, as if he didn't hear it, and was still crying because his chest was already wet.

He understood that she didn't want to face the identities of the two masters and apprentices at this time, it was always like this... always belatedly.

So he still looked a little weak and said softly.

"Qingyan... If you feel sad, take it as my fault. After all, I forced you to exercise. It's a lie... It's true, don't cry, I feel bad when you cry. "

Wei Tu didn't take off the ribbon because Lu Qingyan didn't speak.

He just tried his best to make Lu Qingyan's sense of immorality lighter.

But he heard her words.

"I've always... kept telling myself that we are masters and apprentices, such things are understandable, after all, you are doing it for my own good..."

"Then it's fine if you think so. No third person knows. I think so too. What's the problem if you think so too?"

"But it's not like that!"

The sudden outburst and raised voice silenced Wei Tu's expression.

With her trembling voice, even if Wei Tu couldn't see the expression, he could still think of the woman's painful face while weeping.

His heart hurts.

"Qing Yan..."

"Are we still masters and apprentices? Wei Tu, are we still masters and apprentices?"

She seemed helpless and confused, and finally raised this question after extreme pain.

Now Wei Tu can no longer feel the beauty of his body, and his heart is filled with a sour feeling, which seems to overflow his eyes.

The pain that can't be spit out is the most hurtful when the chest is blocked.

"Of course...we will always be master and apprentice..."

Wei Tu said this sentence almost out of his wits.

But Lu Qingyan struggled to get up with her weak body.

"No...it's already like this, how can it be regarded as a master and apprentice...it can't be like this, it can't be like this again."


"Don't call me master!!"

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