"Where did the attack come from?!"

Weiwei also looked at it, and what appeared there was the same huge monster.

The gray body is not like a normal creature, and the spines on the back spread all the way to the tail.

At the same moment, inside the base of the night raid team in Tokyo, the incomplete alien beast radar responded, and it captured the vibration wave of the alien beast.

"This is......"

Dr. Mizuhara looked at the screen again. Is that gray monster also a strange beast?

How is this possible? How did such a huge alien beast appear?

If it has been lurking underground in Tokyo... This is simply impossible. The entire underground system is maintained every month, and it is precisely because of this that the alien beast has nowhere to hide.

Different from Pedron's rapid growth, this alien beast...

"Call the nearby monitoring immediately!"

The commander immediately issued an order, he wanted to know exactly how that alien beast appeared.

Everyone can feel an unbearable sense of strangeness, which stems from the appearance of alien beasts.

As if the 25 seconds between 28 seconds and 2 seconds of a video were forcibly cut off, the appearance of this strange beast was so abrupt.

For this abnormal situation, there are only two people on the whole earth who can understand it.

'Could it be that......'

Just a moment ago, Kazama noticed the completely opposite fluctuation.

He has mastered the skill called Meta Field, which is a different dimension of light.

But just before, what he felt was the completely opposite fluctuation, a dark different space, and that alien beast appeared from that different space.

At this moment, this wave appeared behind him.


Turn around and sweep with the knife.

At this time, the alien beast that kept attacking was still advancing, and it spit out the destructive light from its mouth as it advanced.

Real name: Rizari Aso

When Aguru fell to the ground, he barely turned over to dodge the subsequent follow-up attack. Without his blocking, the orange beam instantly tore the ground and cut the city apart, and the deep cracks continued to spread far away.

Without even touching, surrounding objects start to melt.

Glass, trash cans, vehicles, and the gas station passing by exploded directly, and the light beam went deep into the ground and spread hundreds of meters forward.

It is more dazzling than the sun, hotter than the flame, and has been scalded before touching it.

I dream, on the route of that attack.

The whole world was as motionless as if it had stood still.

No matter how fast the brain thinks, it is not as fast as death.

Only now did my dream suddenly realize that he was going to die.

It was also at this moment that his feet suddenly stepped into the air.


What he was talking about was not falling, but feeling.

Before, he had felt a kind of 'resonance'

At this time, what he felt was a stronger 'echo' than at that time

What is calling what, and what is responding to what?

When my dream arrived here again, he instinctively understood everything.

The red giant wasn't fighting this time, he was just standing there, watching my dream.

And I Meng, who was floating in the air, lowered his head, and his chest was shining with the same red light as the giant.

"Are you calling me? No."

The moment I asked this question, I realized in my dream that he already vaguely knew the answer.

What is a giant?

Giants are the earth's defense system in response to foreign enemies, and they have been guarding the planet since ancient times.

The shattering of the root causes the body, which is the foreign enemy.

It is for this reason that giants appear and begin to move.

But the Giants seem to be missing a decisive element, and that element is...

'If I can do it, I must...'

I Meng raised his head, even if he hadn't lost his confusion, he knew that just standing still would not solve any problems.

"Giant! Please lend me your strength! Lend me your light!"

He stretched out his hands, wanting to hold the brilliance.

As if sensing his will, the red giant also stretched out his hands.

The size is very different, but the palms are facing each other.

There is no delay at all, and there is no slightest hesitation.

When I dreamed of contacting the giant, red light particles wrapped my dream.

"This light...so warm..."

It was like returning to the arms of the mother.

The exuberant glare is constantly spreading and converging, as if the time that has stood still begins to flow again.

The strafing orange light beam was blocked, bursting into waves like water spray.

Against the blue, the red stands.

The scarlet giant has a thickness different from Aguru's sternness. With his palm forward, he blocked the attack that was about to sweep further away with one hand.

"What the hell is going on in this world..."

The camera on Lunwen's shoulder was still filming, and he murmured in disbelief.


Aguru, who was lying on the ground, supported his body, and he could feel the light in his body becoming more active.

The red giant who blocked the attack was also the same, he finally understood what the echoing lights were all about, it was the lights of the two giants present that were shining brightly together.

'Light of the Earth, Gaia...'

I dreamed to name this power, to name myself.

"I believe you said I was dreaming..."

Weiwei's mood at this time was extremely agitated, and he didn't know how to describe it.

In the city of Tokyo, there are two giants and two monsters.

In this era, it can be said that the old-fashioned routines in movies have really appeared in reality.

On the street, Kazema, who threw out the light arrow with his right palm, missed the enemy. The enemy covered in black mist said nothing, and the mist turned into tentacles and entangled.

Who was the enemy who attacked him?

To find this answer, he is fighting.

And Gaia's left hand moved forward, and the same cutting crescent moon as Aguru hit Lizali Asu's shoulder directly, bringing out a long series of sparks.

The pain-eating alien beast couldn't maintain its attack, and its body was shaking.

Aguru, who rolled over from his original position, left behind a long series of explosions, and Gob's forehead kept flashing.

The next moment, Aguru didn't make any other movements, but his body floated up.

Using the anti-gravity ability, he floated into the sky and faced the enemy with both arms forward at the same time, cutting the light and using it again.

The two hands brought double the rate of fire, and the speed of continuous fire surpassed Gob, knocking him back the moment it hit.

Lizari Asu, who was about to sneak attack on Aguru, firmly swallowed the kick aimed at its abdomen. Gaia raised his right hand high, and crushed the enemy with his fist.

After adjusting his movements and landing, Aguru quickly shortened the distance, and together with Gaia, he grabbed Lizariasu.

In that explosion, the angry Gob immediately counterattacked, and a series of light bullets precisely hit the alien beast thrown out by the two giants.

The situation reversed instantly, and then, the situation reversed again.


Aguru, who sensed the danger, quickly pushed Gaia away, and a hot flame exploded between the two.

The fluctuation of space reappeared, and the three-headed vicious dog appeared.

At the same moment, Feng Jian, whose arm swept across, collided with the enemy's defensive arm, and a silent sound came.

The palm he launches carries telekinetic force, but is neutralized before it can hit.

The black mist was like armor, blocking the attack.

Before Kazama continued to attack, the intense explosion and energy fluctuation caught his attention.

A momentary distraction is an opportunity, the existence wrapped in black mist takes a step back, and the black space door opens.

'Chasing me or saving someone? '

Silence, but it expresses such a meaning.

On the already devastated streets, Gob and Garubelos besieged Gaia and Agur.

Lizali Asu, who opened the distance, kept looking for opportunities. One after another, beams of light passed through the gap, and precisely hit the waist, legs, and arms of the two giants.

The blade that Aguru slashed was hit before it could hit, and the orange beam that struck from a distance blocked it.

Gob's scythe sent out a long chain of sparks.

Gaia defended with both arms, but lost to the enemy in wrestling.

Galubellos's double head opened its mouth, and the fireball shot hit and exploded.


The enemy in front of Kazama merged into other spaces and disappeared. He raised the spark prism and disappeared in the leap of thunder.

At this time, Gaia, who was hit by the fireball, was unable to use force due to the pain. Garubelos took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the three heads opened their mouths full of sharp teeth at the same time.

However, it failed to achieve its intention, and the silver giant that fell from directly above used its weight, gravity, and speed to launch an attack.

There was a loud noise and waves of mud flying.

Empat, with his legs bent, completely destroyed Galubellos' posture. He used the enemy under his feet as a pedal, and jumped out suddenly.

The crossing of the two sickles shows that Agur's Gobu has a new enemy in his eyes, but he can't react.

An uppercut directly exploded on its face, and the explosive force caused its feet to leave the ground and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Even if Gaia and Aguru's brains have not yet reacted, the fighting instinct still controls the body to make movements.

They threw out the crescent moon at the same time, and precisely focused on Liza Liasu in the distance.

Empat, who fell, stood up straight. Compared with the other two, his body was intertwined with black and silver.

After five years, the extraterrestrial life forms that arrived on the earth reappeared.

He clenched his right fist tightly, and the radiance overflowed.

When the arm is raised upwards, the light particles gushes out like a fountain, and spreads down after reaching the very top.

Be it monsters or giants, they all disappeared in this shining gold.

Chapter 39 Inside and Out


Fighters flew across the sky, no matter how Weiwei searched, he couldn't find the enemy and his companions.

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