"Go ahead if you care, I'm not a child anymore."

Her words made Kazama not know what to do. The situation here is orderly because the distance is far enough, so it should be fine.


'How much do you really know? '

Kazama never asked this question, but he knew from the very beginning that there was something unusual about this girl, otherwise it would be impossible to find him.

Perhaps it was some kind of strange tacit understanding, and Fukaha never asked him such crucial questions as 'who are you?'.

Probably because of this tacit understanding, she would say that now.

"You have to be careful."

After Kazama left these words, his pace slowed down.

"If you need anything, just call and I will be there as soon as possible."


Shen Yu gave a short response, and soon, the man was clearly moving in the crowd without slowing down, and disappeared into the distance.

She looked at the crystal in the distance again, the previous feeling disappeared, but she would not forget it.

The crystal is like a multi-faceted mirror, reflecting the surrounding scenery.

And who will see this scene?

The person who sees this scenery must be————

"Hey! I dream! I dream?!"

Students who were about to evacuate from the university suddenly discovered something. Their classmates disappeared to nowhere.

I was still looking at that strange thing together before, and now my dream suddenly disappeared.

"The shattering of the root causes the body."

Unlike the retreating people, my dream is to actively walk towards the crystal.

As a member of Alchemy Star, he and his companions were already preparing to fight against this existence.

But no matter who it is, they all have the same thought in their hearts, that is, they hope that this existence will never come.


Suddenly, I Meng instinctively turned his head and looked at the top floor of the building on his right.

Like a hallucination, he saw the dead man in black again.

The strange situation made him open his eyes unconsciously, but the next moment, that figure disappeared without a trace, replaced by a fighter jet flying past quickly.

"GUARD, finally here!"

In my dream, I clenched my fists subconsciously, and he was not the only one who noticed the three fighter planes.

"Lunwen, shoot that side, shoot that side!"

The three KCB reporters located hundreds of meters away, which should be regarded as a safe distance, were filming the scene at this time.

However, how can human movements keep up with the speed of fighter jets? The three fighter jets in the camera only appeared for less than two seconds.

"Everyone, after the appearance of unknown existences, strange fighter jets that have never been seen before appeared. What happened? Is the fighter jet a special force of the government? This is KCB reporter Reiko Yoshii, and I am reporting for you on the spot. "

"OK! CUT!"

Tabata raised his thumb, Lunwen lowered the camera on his shoulder, and moved his stiff shoulder.

"Okay, Reiko, well said."

Now that there is already a night attack team, it is not surprising that there are new troops.

The three of them looked into the distance. Compared with before, the three fighter jets whose speed dropped were observing the motionless crystal.

"Currently the target is 150 meters directly in front of me, no activity...huh?!"

While the report was going on, something strange happened suddenly.

The almost invisible crystals revealed their original appearance, and the dark blue ore exploded from the inside out.

At this moment, the splashing gravel formed a barrage that no one could ignore.

"Everyone avoid!"

Weiwei pulled the joystick while giving the order, and the tens of meters high ore exploded into fragments that were less than two centimeters apart. However, if these fragments were matched with high speed, they would become terrifying bullets.

Now, the bullets are flying, easily smashing the surface of the building.

There is no doubt that this is a malicious move.

What was thrown out were only fragments, and the life that had been sleeping inside woke up and fell with the gravity of the earth.

"what is that!"

While evading, Weiwei couldn't divert his attention, and the three fighters were suspended in the air and kept moving in different directions.

They were temporarily unable to react. On the ground, I Meng opened his eyes wide, and his eyes reflected the posture of a monster.

Its body is angular, its arms are like sickles, and four blue crystals of different sizes are distributed from its chest to its abdomen.

The huge body is even bigger than the alien beast Pedron that appeared a few days ago. How much weight does such a monster weigh?

It's different from Gaimeng who has better luck after thinking about it.

Those flung debris were catastrophic for the KCB trio, who were so contained within range that they didn't even know the crisis was coming.

Dodging fighter planes, falling monsters, scattered bullets, this scene is seen.

Kazama stopped, and a silver and black spark prism appeared in the palm of his right hand.

The next moment, the footsteps fell, and the intense vibration spread from that place to the surroundings.

Because the distance was the closest, the trio of KCB fell to the ground.

But no matter what, that's better than being riddled with debris.

The fragments enough to pierce the human body are not even scratching the giant's skin, and the blue giant stepped forward again.

Reiko, who fell to the ground, opened her eyes unconsciously. Since ancient times, human beings have longed to fly.

Now, is that blue figure jumping or flying?

The distance of hundreds of meters was spanned in an instant, and before the monster fell down, Aguru climbed into the sky.

"that is------"

After evading, Yuwei looked in shock at the blue giant Ultraman passing by not far from him.

Now this giant appeared at the same time as if responding to the appearance of a monster. He raised his right leg high, grabbed the flightless monster and attacked it at the moment it couldn't cope in the air.

Gravity, its own strength, and speed, the top-down tomahawk kicked hard on the head of the monster that would be called 'Gob' in the future.

Half a second later, a stronger shock than before caused the whole of Tokyo to howl. Those who knew the situation looked at the giant dumbfounded, and those who didn't know the situation either fell or held on to the wall.

Gobu, who was supposed to be the vanguard, fell to the ground, and Aguru, who fell down, was talking nonsense, without any extra movements, and rushed towards the enemy who was about to stand up.

Gaimeng subconsciously clutched her chest, staring at Kazama on the battlefield.

'Future Empat' who arrived in Tokyo by teleportation

Everything comes together here.

Chapter 38 Gaia, Awakening

Leaping up, kicking forward, a blow with superimposed speed landed on Gob's chest again.

It just stood up from the ground and staggered back, before it could stand still, it took another hand knife.

There is no sympathy for the enemy in Aguru's actions, but the enemy is also the same.

There is only one thing Gob wants to do now, and that is to smash the existence that hinders it in front of him.

Unlike the previous kicks, Aguru's hand knife didn't have much impact on it.

The next moment, the sickle-like arm struck quickly.

Aguru, who sensed the danger, took a step back, and he was keenly aware of the abnormality when he completed the evasion.

In order to verify this feeling, he clenched his fists and struck forward with all his strength at the same time.

Accompanied by the dull sound, Gob only took a step back, and swung his sickle again.

The tip of the knife cut across the blue skin, and sparks flew out.

'It's hard. '

Aguru realized that the enemy in front of him had an exaggerated defensive power, even though he had already shot first, he still couldn't cause much damage.

It seems that just relying on fists is not enough to penetrate the enemy's skin.

One retreats, the other advances.

The light flickered, and Gob's forehead erupted with energy that could not be ignored.

The moment he realized that he couldn't dodge, Agur's arms began to swing.

One shot, two shots, three shots, Gob's forehead kept releasing golden light bullets, and the attack that could destroy half of the city in one shot was completely blocked.

Aguru kept defending with both arms, and bounced away the light bullets like machine guns.

But if you want to defend, it is difficult to counterattack.

The distance between the two sides was shortened, and Gob, wielding a scythe, was about to slash the blow at its enemy.

However, at this moment, a series of explosions exploded from its head.

"Don't forget us!"

The three members of Team Lightning pressed the trigger, and the three fighter planes fired continuously. The beams hit Gobb's forehead directly. Although the missiles were delayed, they hit accurately.

Explosions and sparks continued, and the glare even blocked the enemy's line of sight.

The slight delay caused by this gave Aguru a chance. With a flick of his arms, he shattered the two light bullets, and pulled back a short distance with the flip.


At this time, Shi Shi, who was always paying attention to the situation, nodded.

Team Lightning carried out the instruction of 'help the giants fight' precisely, so Aguru escaped from danger.

Now, Aguru aimed at the spot where Gob was hit by the lightning team and attacked again. The cutting crescent shot from the front of his left palm hit the enemy's forehead three times in a row, and a blue-white long sword extended from the front of his right palm.

Advance, slash, hit, all in one go.

Gob, who raised his sickle in time to defend, was no longer as comfortable as before. Its sickle was embedded, and the continuous sparks proved the effectiveness of the attack.

Aguru's blow has already caused damage, and the light blade is constantly going deep, trying to cut the enemy's hand sickle directly.

Of course, Gob wouldn't just sit still like this, it swung another hand scythe to try to force the opponent back.

But just as the blue giant in front of him took a step back, he closed the distance again.

This time, Aguru's stab directly hit Gobu's chest, piercing one of the blue luminous objects, and the crack spread.

The growls were louder than the shots, and Team Flash's chain attack exploded behind Gob's back.

No matter how angry Gobu was, it was meaningless to Aguru. The light blade he swung was fast and precise, and he kept slashing at the enemy.

The whole thing was recorded, with Lunwen in the distance gazing out to the end, filming the battle between the two behemoths.

Who is the enemy?Who are friends?

Giant, Ultraman should be friends, right?

The fighter plane passing by in the camera fired again, cooperating with Aguru's attack.

But in the next moment, a new existence appeared in the camera.

The orange light beam attacked from the side hit Aguru's waist directly, and the pain accompanied by the explosion deformed Aguru's movements.


The almost certain victory was broken, and I Meng turned to look in the direction of the attack.

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