Three giants and three monsters left devastated areas disappearing, just as they did five years ago.

Shi Shi squinted his eyes in the command room. According to Alchemy Star's deduction based on his performance, the giant named Empat should have created a special space to take the enemy away.

This space is the borderline.

Located in the center of the positive and negative world, a special field composed of pure light energy.

"here is......"

I Meng, who was sieged and injured in the first battle, had an incredible feeling, everything around me was so warm.

The land under his feet and the golden sky seemed to be full of brilliance. This brilliance wrapped around his side, slowly entered his body, and repaired Gaia, which was made of light.

"The strength is increased."

And Fujimiya also had the same feeling, and he who had fully mastered the power could appreciate the difference better.

Aguru's power is unimaginably enhanced in this world.

Unlike the two who recovered and even got better, Garubellos and Lizariasu who were pulled into the space together felt a strong sense of discomfort.

The originally powerful regenerative ability was suppressed, and the wounds Lizali Asu suffered before could not even heal.

In a sense, the Meta Domain itself is a special domain created to suppress alien beasts and darkness, but Gob, who exists purely as a biological weapon, does not have that feeling, it is simply for the environment. The change is puzzling.

Due to the formation of the Meta-Tail domain, the original battle was briefly interrupted.

"That, thank you!"

Gaia looked at Empat in front of him. If there is no rescue from the opponent, it may become a very bad situation afterwards.

'Eh? '

At this time, my dream suddenly found something wrong.

That is, Empat's body looks different from before, from the main color of silver to the main color of red, and the black pattern has also been replaced with silver.

His doubts were not known to Kazama, but now Kazama is a little bit unable to respond because he heard my dream voice for the first time.

Gaia is completely different from the thick appearance, and the voice is immature.

But now is not the time for small talk or complaints.

"Let's get rid of the enemies together, and we'll talk about the rest later."

As he said this, he clenched his fists tightly, with his right fist in front and his left fist behind.

The power in the body is displayed in the form of light, which is the shape change produced by Empat in order to adapt to the environment in the Meta domain.

Listening to his words, the red and blue giants also responded differently:

"it is good!"


One agreed, the other was silent, but the action was the same.

Red and blue, two cutting crescents hit the enemy directly, and in the center is a golden beam, released from the crystal between Empat's forehead.

In an instant, the explosion produced when the attack hit directly involved the three monsters.

'So strong! '

Gaia can clearly experience the contrast between the front and the back, and the enhancement of light in this space does exist.

In the explosion and the splash of particles, the monsters opened their teeth and claws, but did not suffer much damage.

But just when their sights became clear, they were completely occupied.

Galubellos received a heavy blow in the chest, the leaping Empat was like a swallow, the spinning body seemed to fall off, and the falling kick was like a shooting star.

The alien beast that was hit by precision kept retreating, and then, it raised its hand, kicking from the right side to create a gust of wind.

Empat's movements were extremely smooth, he kept swinging his body, and kicked one after another aimed at the head, the waist, and the legs, suppressing the enemies in front of him.

At the same moment, Lizali Aso's destruction beam was forcibly interrupted.

Instead of an attack like a fist, Gaia superimposed all the strength and weight of her whole body on this blow.

The whole body is like a moving mountain, slamming into the enemy's body fiercely.

Lizari Asu couldn't bear this force, it was about to fall backwards, but its arms were firmly grasped.

This is not a handshake that represents friendship, but that it will be thrown out in the next second.

Gaia let out a battle cry, directly pulling the enemy from the ground.

No matter how loud the battle cry is, it can't cover up the fierce echo produced when the sharp blade touches the sharp blade.

Unlike before, the blade of light extending from Aguru's palm is sharper.

Sparks flew everywhere, and Gob's right arm was cut off directly.

In the previous battles, Aguru had already demonstrated the strength beyond Gob, and the reason why he was in the wrong place was entirely because of the need to protect the city and the intrusion of two alien beasts.

Now in this empty world, he didn't need to think about protecting anything, nor did he need to think about battle damage.

Under the full attack, the light blades in the palm are intertwined into a gorgeous sword shadow, constantly approaching the enemy and suppressing the enemy.

The hand sickle that Gob was cut off first was the one that had been cut out of the outside world before. With only the other hand sickle left, how could he resist the attack like a huge wave?

Sparks, sparks, sparks, sparks, sparks.

The blue ones are swords, and the orange ones are wounds.

Aguru raised his right hand, slashed down obliquely, and cut horizontally.

At this moment, two more conspicuous traces appeared on Gobb's scarred body, just like the symbol ∠ in mathematics.

It stopped moving, and slowly fell backwards, the light energy pouring into its body exploded directly.

The first monster was dealt with destructively, Aguru turned his gaze, and the two alien beasts had also been cornered.

Galubellos flung the fireballs as if he was going crazy, and the explosions became one piece.

But in the firelight, Empat's figure walked swiftly.

Aiming at him like this, Garubelos managed to limit him within a certain range with a fireball.

Aiming at such a narrow location, this alien beast that can only create hallucinations locked the eyes of the two heads.

In the next moment, Empat's palms rotated relative to each other in front of him.

The overflowing light particles form a strange mirror surface, and the enemy himself is reflected in it.

'The same trick doesn't work. '

Empat stepped on the brake with his right foot, and his right arm was combined with his left arm to form an L shape.

Flame-like orange light shot out from the front of his arm, directly piercing Garubellos who was stuck in the original position due to the illusion.

On the other side, Gaia quickly jumped back a short distance after smashing Rizaliasu to the ground for the fifth time.

Just like the previous actions, I Meng relied on instinct to fight, and all the moves appeared naturally in my brain.

He clenched his fists and stretched them left and right, and at the same time he moved his arms in front of his head while concentrating energy, absorbing the surrounding light energy to form a red particle storm.

After the particles converged, they turned into red light whips extending from the head of Gaia, who was squatting down, and he straightened his body again, leaning back slightly.

The originally irregularly shaking light whip also formed an arc ready to go, and was launched towards the enemy with the guidance of both hands.

When Gaia's raised arms are crossed and lowered, the photon blade strikes the enemy.

Lizali Asu opened his mouth, destroying the laser beam.

When the two energies collided, the violent wind spread to the surroundings, and the brilliance became brighter.

But there was no stalemate, the photon blade's shot directly crushed the destruction beam, and poured it into Lizali'asu's mouth.

For a moment, the raging energy caused the body of this alien beast to swell, and finally the power that erupted from the inside out destroyed everything that constituted its existence.

The battle within the US-Ta domain came to an end here.

There are no alien beast factors remaining, even if there are alien beast factors remaining, it doesn't matter, because it is impossible for them to escape from this light-filled world.

Empat looked at the two giants that existed here, and Gaia and Aguru did the same.

For Empat, he didn't know who these two giants were or why they appeared.

For Gaia and Aguru, both of them are able to perceive the similarities between each other, but also the differences in Empat.

What happened to this giant from outside the earth?

Where and what did he disappear for five years?

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

I reached out, but couldn't touch it.

The future Empat chased the jet-black figure that appeared in front of it, and a purple light blade extended from the special armament on its right arm.

The quick consecutive cuts only cut through the black body that looked like fog and flames.

The two who defied gravity and flew in the sky fiercely confronted each other. In the future, Empat aimed his armed forces at the enemy at a distance. From the shooting port, the purple light bullets had the rate of fire of a machine gun and scattered from a shotgun.

In an instant, the pitch-black figure was shot, and its body kept swinging while being hit.

The 'exterior' that seems to be broken up is a swirling 'wound' one after another

From this wound, a large number of tentacles burst out.

These tentacles were then sliced ​​open by one of Empat's slashes in the future.

The distance is widened, the distance is shortened, and the two broke into the cloud.

In the clouds was a shimmering purple light, until the clouds were cut too.

Beyond the capabilities of the Ultra Armor, the punches that Empat swung in the future even carried a diffused Mach ring.

The pitch-black figure that was completely blown away did not show any reaction to injury at all, it just stretched out its right palm.

Once, twice, three times, successive green flashes emerged from between his palms.

In terms of power, it is not considered strong.

The speed is unimaginable.

In the eyes of Future Empat, the attack had already hit it just as it saw the flash.


The continuous explosion of sparks on its body made its flying speed drop, and its direction became confused.

But no matter how you change direction, the attack will follow you.

Floating in the air, the pitch-black figure had its palms forward, and the green flash never stopped.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. There are already countless attacks that exploded on Future Empat's body. As it fell downwards, its palms moved forward, and the purple light shield kept vibrating when it defended.

After completing such an attack, the pitch-black figure turned around and quickly fled towards the distance.

The surrounding wind and clouds are all stirred up. There is no propeller, no engine. I don't know what kind of creature it is, and it has an exaggerated flying speed.

At this time, Future Enpat, who had just thrown off the shield, was a bit late, but still chased after him.

Located at an altitude of nearly [-] meters, that is the altitude at which the plane is located.


A little sleepy talk leaked from the passenger's throat, he moved his body and continued to fall into a deep sleep.

'It's a really good movie. '

Passengers watching the movie stretched out their hands, ready to choose the next movie.

'Oh, this one's good, and this one's good too. '

Passengers who checked their cameras were quite pleased with the pictures they took after their trip.

In this tranquility, the airliner flies smoothly.

In the captain's cabin, a warning sound came from the airliner's system.

That's because a rapidly approaching object was detected.

It is larger than a bird and about the same size as a human.

The flying speed surpasses that of passenger planes, and even fighter jets are difficult to compare with it.

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