"I see, I'll be there soon."

Turning off the WIT, Captain Xibi looked at the confused team members beside him.

"Asuka, can you fight?"

Straightforward question, how to answer?

Half a second later, Asuka nodded heavily.

"I can!"

I'm also a member of the Super Victory Team!

At this moment, in Tokyo Bay, the water surface became rough, and something was constantly approaching.

It was woken up from a long sleep, and the first problem it encountered was naturally an empty stomach.

Although it is not to the extent of starving to death, it is indeed a hunger that requires predation.

So, it followed the signal of foraging and arrived at this area.

The surrounding sea water is getting shallower and shallower. It doesn't care much about this, it just keeps moving forward.

Gradually, the sea water was broken open.

Under the sunlight, the monster's first appearance was not its head, but its round back covered with red holes.

Chapter Sixteen Answers

The Super Victory Team rushed to Tokyo Bay. It was completely different from the previous attack. They were driving the multi-purpose airship 07 for detection and rescue. This aircraft only had a basic beam cannon.

If possible, they naturally don't want to use such equipment, but the special plane of the Super Victory Team, the Victory Condor, was almost completely destroyed in yesterday's battle.

They can't wait, and the monster won't let them wait.

"Listen well, once you arrive at the scene, immediately drive the Seret car in the Tokyo sub-base to the scene to stop the monsters!"

Captain Xibi issued an instruction. In different cities in Japan, Seret vehicles for land warfare are stored. Compared with the Sherlock vehicles of the Victory Team, they have enhanced firepower and are equipped with protective covers that can withstand attacks.

It is reliable land combat equipment, but no matter what, it is not as flexible as fighter jets.

"Captain, I'll send the information on the monster right now."

Mai quickly manipulated the computer, and the monitoring equipment near Tokyo Bay was operating normally, and the strange monster was photographed.

"This thing..."

Compared with the body, the limbs are quite short, and the proportions are extremely strange.

Its body is like a hemisphere, with red holes all over the body.

Tagon, the oil monster that raged in the ancient times, woke up from a long sleep and came ashore.

It ignores all the buildings. This does not mean that it is so gentle and deliberately avoids the buildings, but that it directly smashes all the buildings that block the way, and goes straight to the destination it wants to reach.

The picture displayed on the control panel inside the multi-purpose airship 07 overlaps with the scene seen by the Super Victory Team at this time.

It's just that compared with the picture in the video, this way you can see the whole picture of the matter more clearly.

Huge monsters, tiny humans, taking one step is equivalent to running hundreds of steps, so panic is a matter of course.

If you look down from this high altitude, you can see dense crowds of people trying to escape.

They are not much different from ants under Tegon's feet, they can be crushed with a light touch without even noticing.

It is not a carnivorous monster, but a monster that acts on instinct.

The falling right foot crushed a shop from above, and Tegon didn't notice it.

The huge body scraped against the building, and in an instant, the shattered glass turned into a sharp weapon capable of killing people and fell towards the ground.

"Damn it! Don't try to act recklessly!"

The moment he saw this scene, Asuka was immediately dominated by anger.

Zoom in, shoot, and the emerald green beam spans the distance. This color explodes the moment it touches the enemy, and the high heat turns into sparks.

The trigger was pressed dead, the power furnace of the multi-purpose airship was running rapidly, and the attacks formed by continuous shots continuously hit the body full of holes.

Asuka aimed it, and the beam hit the hole, but it didn't cause any serious damage.

The distance is shortened, the climb is sudden, the G force is exerted on the body, and the multi-purpose airship is moving like a real fighter jet. After reaching the highest point, it falls weightlessly, the nose is turned, and the firepower is fully fired.

In just a few seconds, sparks continuously shot out from Tekon's body.

Feeling a little pain, as if attacked by annoying bugs, it stopped.

"A messy kid."

Captain Xibi frowned, and also pulled the trigger, shooting at Tagon's strangely positioned face, sparks exploded.

"it is good!"

Asuka applauded excitedly, just as he was about to continue chasing, the communication was connected.

"Asuka, you and Koda and the others go to the sub-base to change to the Seret car."

"Transfer? But I—"

"Compared to the multi-purpose airship 07, there is no doubt that the firepower of the Seret is stronger, and look at this monster, although we hit a lot of times, it did not cause effective damage. Hurry up, Asuka, please!"

Even rebuttals were not allowed, Captain Xibi's words were true.

When Sparks fell, the annoyed Tagon roared, and he changed his actions.

Kill all these disgusting 'bugs' before continuing to eat.

At this moment, the two multi-purpose airships 07, who showed no fear of this deterrent roar, opened fire again, and the attacks exploded on each other.

"Liang, you can do it!"

"of course!"

The two airships showed the agility not inferior to the bird's control, and quickly bypassed from the left and right sides.

The distance from the monster was not extremely far away, only the opponent's waving hands missed.

When humans are surrounded by fast-flying flies, it is often difficult to catch them. At this time, the relationship between the multipurpose airship 07 and Tegon is similar to that of humans and flies.

Contained by two aircraft, the remaining airship 07 went to the sub-base.

Asuka looked down instinctively. Compared with their speed, the speed of people running away with only their feet was too slow.

After arriving at the location, he made an emergency landing. The WIT in Koda's hand was filled with data, and the gate of the sub-base opened immediately.

Half a minute later, three silver-gray Seret cars rushed out.

The vehicle was speeding on the road, and at this moment, someone waved in his eyes.

The woman seemed to want to stop them, and the man next to him was still carrying an elderly man on his back.

Just when Asuka was about to step on the brakes, Vice Captain Koda's serious voice came directly:

"Asuka, ignore them, this is an order."

The always kind vice-captain is so unreasonable.

"The quicker we beat the monster, the quicker people are out of danger."

The tone of Kariya's team members is also full of seriousness.

The views of the two are the same, the faster the monster is defeated, the more casualties can be avoided. This is rational and correct thinking.

Time seems to stop as speeding vehicles pass by.

Asuka's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly.

The sidewalks on the left and right sides were full of figures, those who ran away alone, those who were with their companions, and those who were dragged to escape.

The faces of the children were not happy, their expressions were terrible.

Either tears, or discomfort, in an emergency, everyone is in danger, some children are led away, and some children are carried away.

Long-term memories are awakened in the brain, ten years, and this is also the scene.

The accelerator has been pressed to the bottom, but it is still instinctively exerting force.

Between buildings, gaps can be seen.

At this moment, Asuka pressed the trigger.

The beam cannon equipped on Seret's vehicle fired, and in the overlap of gaps, the shots accurately shuttled across and hit Tegon's body.

Deputy Captain Koda, who had stopped breathing because of Asuka's unauthorized firing, was relieved. Although this kid is crazy, he still has strength.

"That's right, kid."

The gaps between the buildings were accurately captured, and the beams hit one after another.

Cooperate with the harassment of the multipurpose airship 07 to fix Tegong in its original position.

Emergency braking, although not as superbly grasped as Asuka, but Koda and Kariya also found a position sufficient for shelling.

At this time, all the attacks of Seret's car were concentrated on Tegon.

The bombardment, which was more powerful than the multi-purpose airship 07, successfully hit, and Tegon, who felt the pain, let out a roar.

From 'Annoying Flies' to 'A Threat Enemy'

When the perception changes, the way of action also changes.

A little spark turned into a vigorous flame, which spewed out instantly.


"This is?!"

The flames directly vaporized the wings, and the multi-purpose airship 07 lost control directly.

Tegong, who looked very dull before, instantly turned into a raging flame, and the hole was the release port of the flame.

After solving one batch, it's the turn of the next batch.

Tagon turned around, and what it locked was the Seret car.

It wasn't Koda and Kariya, but directly aimed at Asuka.

It was too far away before, so I didn't notice it, but now Tegon felt it. There was a faint aura on the little creature, which was a disgusting light.

Asuka also felt at the same time, he instinctively understood that he had become the opponent's target.

"I'll lure the monster away!"

Step on the accelerator directly, the engine roars, and the Seret car roars out.

"Asuka, don't do something stupid! Uh?!"

Captain Xibi's voice echoed, and inside the multi-purpose airship 07 that made an emergency landing in the sky, electric currents and flames were flying around, mixed with black mist.

As Asuka expected, Tegon turned around, stared at him firmly and took a step.

"Very well, come quickly!"

Controlling the steering wheel with his right hand, he headed straight to Tokyo Bay, where he evacuated at the very beginning.

The left hand took out the flashing sword in his arms, as if it was shaking.

"The faster we defeat the monsters, the faster people will be out of danger!"

At this moment, Tegon's sight had been locked. It took a few steps forward, and there was a rapidly spreading heat in its open mouth.

The obstacles on the way were burned instantly, and the flames evaporated all of Seret's car in an instant.

At the same moment, with the roar of battle, the flying kick that fell hit Tegong's body fiercely.

The chubby body fell out of balance and landed on the ground, it was a newborn warrior.

'Am I afraid of death?How could I not be afraid of death! '

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