Facing her troubles, Nangong first answered the other party's questions:

'Do not rule out such a possibility. '

God knows how many places the mechanical weapon has dug, and how far it has dug. There is no new data in the TPC database.

'But you don't have to worry, I have a way to keep you from being fired. '

Nangong said that he had already thought of enough good solutions, so he wouldn't have to be a god of war in the toilet anymore.

'Why does it sound so unreliable? '

'Don't worry, it's [-]% reliable. '

The communication between the two stopped when they entered the campus and the teaching building.

During this time, most of the students are in the classroom, and the students on the playground are the types intended to develop on the sports field.

There is a wide playground, and people run around it.

'I really miss it. '

Unii remembered that before, she used to run around the track and field like this, and the instructor almost forced people to work hard.

'Before you miss it, it's 10:8 in 30 minutes, wouldn't it be nice not to hurry up? '

Nangong reminded, so Uniq started to quicken his pace.

The man who appeared in front of him was still wearing old-fashioned black-rimmed glasses, and his face was very serious.

"Good morning......"

I remember it was called...

'Director Jintian. '

"Director Jin Tian!"


They nodded and greeted each other, and after that, they entered the office and greeted colleagues who couldn't remember their names so quickly.

'Nangong, my superman! '

My convenient repeater guardian spirit!

'Were you thinking of something impolite just now? '

'No. '

Can this guy stop showing his intuition where it doesn't work?

Today's first class is world history. When it comes to world history, there is actually a very interesting thing.

'By the way, did you know that you were programmed into the textbook? '

'what? '

Nangong was stunned, what does this mean?

How could he be included in the teaching materials?

'Because no matter what, you can't get around the period of frequent monster disasters ten years ago. When it comes to the period of frequent monster disasters, you can't get around Tiga and Empat. '

Isn't the matter of deliberately avoiding Ultraman deceiving?

What's more, the people who become teachers today are all people who have experienced that era with Ultraman, such as Uniq himself.

Of course, since it is a textbook, it will definitely not be full of praise and admiration like magazines and the like.

Uniq flipped through the textbooks in his hand, and didn't see them until the last few pages.

'Well, here it is. '

Anyway, compared with the history of the world, Ultraman is just a special existence in a special period, which is quite close, so it must be placed later.

'Tiga and Enpat, the giants from the universe, fought together with TPC during the period of frequent monster disasters, and played a major role in the battle to protect the earth many times. Afterwards, they disappeared before human eyes. '

Uniq read out a short paragraph of content, it was really too simple.

Of course, it has to be simple. Is it possible that the textbook has to go to TPC to ask for a battle report?

'how do you feel?The name will go down in history. '

This ridicule made Nangong show a distressed expression. Although there are some sayings such as immortality, he himself does not have that kind of desire.

In other words, he doesn't have much desire left.

Appetite, reproduction, and survival, he actually only has the last one to relate to.

However, the act of voluntarily rushing to fight itself is incompatible with the survival instinct.

As for the sense of identity... even abandoning the human identity as 'Nangong Lan', what's the point of feeling of identity?

Changes in the level of life will inevitably have an impact on consciousness. Regarding this, he is very clear. Ten years is not just fighting and killing, but occasionally thinking about some things.

So about this textbook...

'At least there are not many words, it is fair, and the summary is also in place. '

'Eh?this one? '

I thought you would be more excited, as expected of Ultraman.

Uniform sighed and walked into the classroom.

But Nangong remembered what the other party said yesterday, and obediently followed the other party into the classroom.

At the same moment, the girl sitting in the middle had an ugly expression.

'Sure enough, it's entangled. '

That monster or wraith or something else that I don't know what it is came to the school again.

'If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come! '

Yanshan expressed dissatisfaction with his uselessness in his heart, and said that he would not come, but he came again, what the hell are he doing!

I knew it a long time ago, and I said it as if you didn't know it a long time ago!

'Crazy ah me. '

They all knew that they would run into each other nine times out of ten, but in the end they still came to school, what did they come for?Are you courting death?

At this moment, the class bell just rang.

"Then, let's start class."

UNIQ put the teaching materials on the table and issued a declaration for class.

So Nangong began to walk around in the classroom, which affected teaching very much, like a jobless vagrant with nothing to do.

Although it is true that it wants to be a vagrant.

At 8:30 in the morning, at this time, TPC is still active.

In other words, it relies on shift changes 24 hours a year to achieve full-time activities. Isn't this a matter of course?

Just as hospitals, police stations, and fire brigades have no holidays, TPC is of the same nature.

The Far East Comprehensive Base built in the barren mountains is the same as the original sea base, with floors with different functions from bottom to top.

One of the floors is the floor for the members to exercise.

In this vast indoor training ground, there are shooting ranges, gymnasiums, and basketball courts. Joining TPC means abandoning ordinary daily life. The average number of days they can spend with their families in a year is no more than 14 days.

So the base is equipped with all the equipment for spiritual construction.

It was in this kind of training ground, buried in the indoor gymnasium, that Asuka didn't do any so-called muscle training, he was just running.

Running in circles around the gym, running non-stop, trying to get rid of my troubles.

Of course, this is impossible, only the fatigue and heartbeat caused by intense activity.

The throat became thirsty and hot, and the legs that had reached the limit finally stopped.

The already slow speed came to a complete stop, and after a few steps of braking, Asuka supported his legs with both hands to pant.


There was only yellow ground in front of him, and at this moment, he saw a bottle of water wrapped in a white towel.

who is it?

Looking up, Captain Xibi was standing there.

"Boy, your health is really good enough, no wonder you are the first to wake up, and you are running here so energeticly early in the morning."

Hearing this, Asuka grinned and took the water bottle with the towel wrapped around it.

Five minutes later, the two sat in the lounge, and Asuka, who had briefly rinsed off, poured the mineral water in the water bottle into his mouth, and hung a white towel on his head.

"What's the matter? If it were normal, wouldn't you already be showing off how powerful you are?"

Captain Xibi's teasing made Asuka rub his wet hair with a towel again.

Looking at him like this, the captain has fully understood the opponent's situation.

'This is inevitable. '

I didn't make this trip in vain, and I really found the right place to ask Mai about the situation.

"Being frightened by monsters, you're starting to be afraid of death?"

In a word, right in the heart.

The movement of Asuka's hands suddenly stopped, and after another moment of silence, he spoke:

"What about you, captain? Aren't you afraid of death, captain?"

After experiencing life and death twice in a short period of time, isn't it natural to be shaken?

"Me? Huh."

Is it disdainful?

Or mock?

Yet neither.

"Of course I'm afraid of death, how could I not be afraid of death?"

Captain Xibi's answer made Asuka subconsciously turn his head to look at him.

"Except for those who don't feel the slightest joy in life, I don't think anyone in this world is not afraid of death. It's normal for you to be afraid, and there's nothing wrong with me being afraid."

This is a surprising answer. If you are afraid, why fight?

What is everyone fighting for?

"However, Asuka, sometimes you will be lucky and unfortunately find that there are some things that are more important than your own life. That is the reason for supporting people to fight. There is always a reason for people to live in this world."

Captain Xibi poked his left chest with his finger.

"That reason is hidden here. I can't die because of my family, I can't die because I want to realize my dream, I can't die because I meet someone again, I can't die because I want to protect something. Everyone has their own reasons. What about you? You And why did you join TPC?"


He opened his mouth and swallowed again.

Asuka fell silent, why did he join TPC?

Because he wanted to know what it was like to get his father so invested in it.

That is, the back of the child yearning for his father.

But now?

Fear is because of fear of death, so fear of fighting.

At this moment, the super small computer WIT that doubles as the communicator of the two of them simultaneously sent a notification sound, and Captain Xibi immediately took it out.

"It's me, what's wrong?"

On the screen is Mai's serious expression with a trace of anxiety.

"Captain, there is a signal from a monster near Tokyo Bay!"

In three days, this is the third monster that has appeared. This is undoubtedly the same period of frequent monster disasters as ten years ago.

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