But, I don't want others to die either.

Dai Na chased the unbalanced enemy in front of him, he swung his right hand forward, and the blue light beam cut into a crescent, directly cutting on the opponent's body.

'I'm not good at thinking complex things, so I just quit thinking. '

After the sparks exploded, he jumped up, and his right leg was raised high to complete the charge.

'Just do your best to defeat the enemy! '

This way I won't die, and no one will die!

Slamming down, his right leg turned into a heavy axe, and slammed on Tegon's body fiercely.

Asuka didn't know exactly where the back was and where it was, so he just had to hit it.

Dyna clenched his fists, and made a series of punches, and his left fist hit directly.

Immediately afterwards, the burning flame made him instinctively withdraw his left hand.

As before, Tegon's body was covered in flames, and the street below it disappeared instantly, and the surrounding air was distorted by the scorching heat.

Just as Dyna recoiled from the previous contact, Tegon, who had adjusted his balance and orientation, opened his mouth.

The converging flames gushed out, and the sudden blow directly hit the enemy's chest.

With a muffled grunt, Dyna was knocked back, one step, two steps, and as the third step fell, his arms were crossed across his chest.

The crystal on the head is shining red, and the whole body is stronger than before.

The breastplate in the center of its chest disappeared, and the stripes on its body were different from the Miracle Type. The silver turned into crimson, and the blue turned into silver.

This is the strong type that maximizes physical capabilities.

Dyna moved forward with both hands, and the palms seemed to become an unbreakable city wall.

The spreading flames were blocked, and when the two approached, Tegon, who was covered in flames, was hit hard.

The bottom-up uppercut directly broke through the flame's armor, sending it flying towards the sky.

Without even the ability to resist, the ball of fire just flew into the air and continued to rise.

Dyna's fists collided before the timer, and the inhaled flame streamer turned into a huge fireball while raising his arms.

His left and right arms draw circles from top to bottom, which is the opposite of the light technique called Dilla Hume's optical flow.

When the compression of the flame ball transformed into light energy is completed, Dai Na's right leg is backward, and the left leg is forward.

Aim at Tagon and punch out.

Galanet bombed, and fire collided with fire. In an instant, Tegon's body was completely wrapped in fireballs, and the heat surpassed its heat resistance without any suspense.

In the blue sky, under the white clouds, it seems that there is a small sun that is very close.

And the sun exploded in the diffusion, the monster was vaporized, and the orange light particles slowly floated down.

I don't know when, people's escape has stopped.

Because they heard the voice that is unique to Ultraman, the meaning of which is unknown.

But people have already realized one point at this time.

"Dyna! Thank you!"


Whose voice was heard, it was the girl who called out first.

One after another, the voices of the children joined together.


After a few seconds, Dyna nodded, his right hand stretched out, making a V sign for victory in response.

The new giant lifted its head and moved away towards the sky.

On the street, teenagers, girls, men and women, they looked at the excited children, and suddenly felt as if they had passed away.

Ten years ago, when I saw Tiga and Empat, did they look like this?

The oil monster Tagon who woke up from his dream died, and the battle ended.

For the Super Victory team, this is not something to be happy about.


Captain Xibi gritted his teeth, he lost his life even though he was still so young.

What a joke!

Do you find a reason to fight?

If you don't find it, don't rush to die!

"Hey! Everyone!"


Suddenly, I heard that familiar voice.

Asuka came running from a distance, and after approaching, he suddenly noticed the eyes of everyone.

"Actually, I jumped out of the car and escaped before that, no, no, no, you don't really think I'm dead, do you?"

The idea of ​​asking was dispelled by the stinky newcomer's stinky expression.

"Asuka Shin! Disobey orders and act without authorization! I will punish you!"

Captain Xibi was furious.


I just saved the city!

What's Hiding in Chapter Seventeen

In the base of the super victorious team, the appearance of today's monster makes people feel uneasy.

It can be said that yesterday's Cilas Yima was awakened by the mechanical monster that arrived with Empat, so what about this one?

The current innocence is reflected on the top of the screen. What can be known is that this monster came from the sea, followed its trail, and finally arrived at the seabed thousands of meters below.

Unlike the land, if there are monsters sleeping under the land in the deep sea, it is difficult for TPC to notice.

That's why the monster, tentatively named Tagon, wasn't warned in advance.

"If you think about it carefully, the interior of this planet is densely packed with monsters, it's too scary."

Liang's words made everyone nod. Humans have never really understood what the earth looks like before.

Now they can feel the difference, plus the information that is open in the TPC database...

"According to the experience of the frequent monster disasters ten years ago, it can be preliminarily inferred that there is something that shakes the sleep of the monsters."

Nakajima, who has considerable research on monsters, explained to everyone.

This sentence can easily stir up uneasiness. If anything, what was it that shook the monsters' sleep ten years ago?

"There's no way there'll be another Gatange, right?"

Mai couldn't help crossing her arms. The tragedy ten years ago more or less left a shadow on people.

For her, the scene of seeing the severed limb falling in front of her eyes and falling to the ground during the escape is not a memory that can be easily forgotten.

"If there was one, it would have appeared as early as ten years ago. Now don't worry about it and scare yourself."

Captain Xibi said seriously, his voice was very loud.

"What we have to wait for at the moment is the actions of other forces and then trust them."

The Super Victory Team is a combat force and to some extent a front-line investigation force. To put it bluntly, it only serves as a combat investigation task.

And the real investigation team is now installing the latest equipment in different observation stations, so that if some monster is awakened next time, maybe they can follow the traces to find it.

"Everyone is tired today, right? Go and rest first."

Following Captain Xibi's order to disband, everyone pulled their tired bodies and walked out.

Just when Asuka wanted to go back to the room and lie down comfortably for a while, someone stopped him:

"Wait, Bird."

That was Vice Captain Koda, and his expression softened again, which was completely different from before.

"I was too tough in the battle before, I'm sorry."

"Eh? Ah, that one."

After thinking about it carefully, Asuka smiled.

"As Kariya said, the faster we defeat or drive away the monsters, the less people will be injured, and the task of our Super Victory Team is not here, right?"

Didn't Captain Xibi say something similar just before?

The investigation is handed over to a professional investigation force, the investigation is handed over to a professional reconnaissance force, and the evacuation is also handed over to a professional evacuation force.

Only by figuring out what your position is, you can properly fulfill your responsibilities.

"My mind was in a mess and it felt like I was the one running away."

Asuka felt that the TPC members who were about his age would probably feel the same way. Aren't the people who escaped from the monster's attack now the same as they were ten years ago?

We are all the same, and it is precisely because we have had the same experience that we understand that feeling, and therefore feel angry at the monster that has no mercy.

"But now I am different. Our mission is to defeat the monsters."

Not to run away together, not to take them away, but to work hard so that they don't need to run away.

"Asuka, you have changed."

Vice-captain Koda patted Asuka on the shoulder, experience will make people different, just like now.

"It's become more handsome and reliable, right?"

Asuka gave a thumbs up and smiled confidently.

"Reliability is reliability, but handsomeness needs to be discussed."

After leaving a word, Vice Captain Koda left with a smile.

"Half of a compliment is true."

Asuka shook his head dissatisfied, and walked towards his room.

Five minutes later, he was buried face down in the sheets.

Turning over in half a minute, he took out the copper-colored flashing sword from his arms.

"I decided not to run away, Father."

So let's fight together and become stronger, Dyna.

As long as you are stronger than any monster, no one will get hurt.

'Speaking of which, yesterday's dream was really real, and I still remember it clearly. '

Put away the flashing sword, close your eyes, in this ordinary noon, Asuka closed his eyes.

The drawn curtains completely covered the outside light, and under the spring light, the sun became warmer.

Of course, there is no way to go to the roof of Tiryu High School in Kumamoto City.

Usually the roof is locked because schools all over the world don't want to see the news of 'students jumping off the roof'.

"Want to go to the cafeteria together?"

It was a colleague who came to invite, so Unii took out the bread in the bag and shook it.

"I've already brought my own lunch."

On that right ring finger is a real looking silver ring.

"Then I won't bother you."

The male colleague nodded and backed away after noticing it.

"In this case, as a person who brings his own lunch, do you want to come together?"

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