True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 941 Bosom friend

As the third level challenge of Qingyun Pavilion was successfully passed, the crowd in the square was increasingly looking forward to the next higher level challenge.

"The battles at each level are immersive and very rewarding."

"The third level passed. I don't know who will challenge the fourth level and who will guard the tower."

"In short, every game is exciting, and the next challenge will not disappoint everyone."


At this time, the Yudaomen deacon walked up to the high platform, took a careful look at the list in his hand, and then announced loudly: "The challenge on the fourth floor of Qingyun Pavilion has begun. The next challenger is Guigu Zan from Tiangui Sect. Guardian. The guardian of the fourth floor of Qingyun Pavilion is Dong Hongyan, the peak master of Huang Yu Peak of Yu Dao Sect. "

The crowd in the square immediately became lively.

"Dong Hongyan, the peak master of Huang Yu Peak, is said to be a peerless beauty who is proficient in music and is known as the most talented woman in the Yu Dao Sect."

"In the Northern Territory, the peak master of Huang Yu Peak is a legendary figure. The five strings are colorful and the loud sound is a tribute to her."

"Beautiful women often exist, but talented women do not. A talented beauty is naturally a gentleman."

"Gui Gu Zan of the Tian Gui Sect is a young hero who has emerged in recent years. The title of Zhen Gui Fang shows how powerful his methods are."

"This battle is very interesting. A strong ghost cultivator versus a talented Confucian female cultivator."


When Guigu Zan heard his name being read, his expression did not change at all, and his skeletal hands were crossed on his chest.

The white-bone skeleton man lying on his shoulder suddenly raised his head, stretched out a bone finger and lightly pressed Guigu Zan's shoulder.

Guigu Zan said calmly: "It's my turn."

As a fellow disciple, Xu Yang stood beside Guigu Zan.

Xu Yang said with concern: "Senior Brother Guigu Zan, I wish you a successful challenge."

Guigu Zan nodded and said: "Passing the challenge on the fourth floor of Qingyun Pavilion is my goal."

Ming Lin, who was squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, stretched out a dragon toe to praise, and the skeleton man lying on Gui Gu Zan's back also stretched out a thumb to praise in return.

Guigu Zan walked out of the crowd and came to the gate of Qingyun Pavilion. After saying hello to the deacon of Yu Daomen, his body flashed, leaving only an afterimage on the spot, and then disappeared into the gate like a ghost.


The psychic stone realm in the square reflected the scene on the fourth floor of Qingyun Pavilion.

In the martial arts arena on the fourth floor, there was a man and a woman, standing opposite each other.

The one on the left is a young man with a skeleton lying on his back. The boy's skin was smooth, and his exposed cheeks and arms were slightly glowing with light blue. There was a strange aura all over his body.

The one on the right is a woman wearing a yellow skirt. The woman has a delicate and dignified appearance, and looks to be in her twenties. A ray of breeze passed by and could not help but quietly stir up the skirt of her clothes. The skirt of the clothes has clear waves, like a golden chrysanthemum blooming quietly. There is no fragrance but there is fragrance, there is no sound but there is sound.

The two stand face to face, giving people a sharp contrast, one is a cold ghost, and the other is a warm and virtuous man.

Some people were talking among the people watching in the square.

"Tsk, tsk, Dong Hongyan, the peak master of Huang Yufeng, is really a natural beauty. Don't tell me what kind of talent she is. She is so beautiful just in terms of beauty."

"Temperament, the key is temperament."

"Look at Guigu Zan opposite, he doesn't match, he doesn't match."

"It's not that it doesn't match, it just ruins the scenery."

"Oh, what are you looking at? This is a competition, not a beauty pageant. After all, this Dong Hongyan is a beauty pageant, and she must be at the level of an oiran."


The fourth floor of Qingyun Pavilion.

"Gui Gu Zan, a disciple of Tiangui Sect, comes to challenge the fourth floor of Qingyun Pavilion." Gui Gu Zan said calmly.

"Yudao Sect Huang Yufeng Dong Hongyan, accept your challenge." The woman in the yellow dress said.

A loud bell rang, and incense was lit according to time.

The white skeleton man lying on Guigu Zan's shoulder turned into a white aura, climbed along his shoulder, and wrapped around his right arm.


Guigu Zan has a pair of bone armor on the surface of his right arm and right hand. The strange thing is that this arm armor has been integrated with its body, as if it had grown like this without any abrupt feeling.

Guigu Zan moved his five sharp, blade-like fingers, brushing them with great dexterity.

The woman in the yellow dress opposite had a stern look, "It's the bone-controlling technique of the Ghost Dao. She is really a ghost cultivator."

"Here we come." Gui Gu Zan called out softly, and a touch of light gray ghost energy stirred up from the soles of his feet, leaving only an afterimage in the void before he arrived in front of Dong Hongyan.

Without stopping for a moment, the five fingers of his right hand thrust out.

"Ghost Escape—Bone Claws and Fangs!"

Tsk tsk tsk.

The sharp bone fingers bit the void like fangs, leaving five white scratches. A seemingly simple grasp has already torn apart the void.

The woman in the yellow dress opposite had a cold look in her eyes. Her figure was as graceful as a golden chrysanthemum in the autumn wind but extremely fast. She stepped forward to greet her and turned to the right.

He reached out his hand and moved his fingers dexterously at the same time.

On her five fingertips, a number of green light threads flashed out. The light threads were like strings, and as soon as she moved her hand, a rapid horn rhythm sounded.

"The art of five tones - Jiaoyinmuyu!"

When the two moves touched, clusters of sparks flew out, like swords clashing.

Soon, the two sides fought for dozens of rounds. But the woman in the yellow skirt had the upper hand. There are subtle scratches on the surface of the skeleton on Guigu Zan's right arm, and there are tiny green arcs jumping on the surface of the scratches.

Guigu Zan quickly calculated in his mind: "My bone-controlling skills are different from those of ordinary ghost monks. The outer bone armor transformed into a human soul clone can increase my physical strength to the level of a magic weapon, which is the same level of physical training." Not as good as me. The moves of the peak master on the opposite side are even more magical, using soul power to transform into music, interfering with every move I make. Moreover, the attribute of her moves is wood, while my bone control technique is earth, and wood overcomes earth. In terms of attributes, she has taken advantage again. If this continues, the bone armor of my human soul clone will be damaged. I wonder if I can last longer than a stick of incense."

At this moment, the left hand of the woman in the yellow skirt that had not been used started to move. The five fingers of her left hand pinched out the magic formula, and golden threads came out one by one.

"The art of five tones - the sword of Shangyin!"

The golden light strands condensed in an instant, turning into a pale golden dagger of light.

Swish swish——

The woman in the yellow skirt popped out her left hand, and three golden lightsabers flew out.

Guigu Zan was already in some decline, and the two were fighting in person. He suddenly dodged and barely managed to avoid the two golden lightsabers among them.


Guigu Zan's left shoulder was rubbed by a golden lightsaber, and the clothes on his body were ripped open, and there was a wound on the flesh underneath.

I don't know whether it was because Guitani Zan felt no pain, or because of his super endurance, his movements were not messy at all, and he struck out with a claw with his right hand.

The woman in the yellow dress on the opposite side lost the chance to continue the attack and was forced to dodge and block the grabbing force with the "corner sound" technique in her right hand.


The two figures are separated.

The flesh and blood wounds on Guigu Zan's shoulder healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Next, the fight between the two became even more inextricable.

The woman in the yellow skirt defends with the "Jiaoyin Technique" in her right hand and attacks with the "Shangyin Technique" in her left hand. Although they cannot be used at the same time, they are used interchangeably, and there is no gap, just like a perfect melody of Jiaoyin. .

Over time, Guigu Zan's shoulders, chest, arms and other places were left with traces of "Shang Yin Golden Sword".

But Guigu Zan's physical body recovery power is super strong, and the wound heals quickly before it even bleeds bright red. His clothes were torn and he looked a little embarrassed, but he had no intention of losing.

What surprised the woman in the yellow skirt was that as time went by, Guigu Zan seemed to understand the rhythm of her music technique, and could even predict the trajectory of her attack in advance so that she would no longer be injured.

The battle becomes even.

At this time, the two collided with each other, and the figures separated.

The woman in the yellow skirt was startled for a moment and thought quickly in her mind: "This Guigu Zan not only attacks fiercely, but his body's recovery power is also rare. At first, I could use the art of music to suppress him, but now he seems to have heard my music. The inner fluctuations of my art. No one in the entire Yu Dao Sect understands my art of music. Only those with much higher soul power can use my soul power to directly suppress it. His strength level is almost the same as mine. How can he be my close friend if he is a ghost cultivator? "

The woman in the yellow skirt glanced at the burning incense next to her that was used for timing. Half of it had already been burned away, and she felt a little anxious: "Qingyun Pavilion is the facade of the Yudao Sect. How can we allow others to walk through it at will? It seems that it will take one stick of incense to burn." You need to show some real skills to defeat this Guigu Zan.”

The woman in the yellow dress said loudly: "Guigu Zan, your willpower is admirable. I wonder if you can withstand the five-stringed sound of the master of this peak."

After saying this, the woman in the yellow skirt turned her hands, a colorful brilliance swirled, and a wooden five-string Yao Qin appeared in her arms. The surface of the five-string Yaoqin is engraved with the shape of a phoenix, exuding a simple aroma.

The next moment, the figure of the woman in yellow skirt rose up and hung in the air.

The dress is like a chrysanthemum, and she plays the qin with both hands, and the five notes of "Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu" are heard on the Yao qin.

The five tones are mysterious, with ups and downs, sometimes like the spring breeze playing with the willows, sometimes like the summer rain splashing on the clear waves, sometimes like the autumn wind rolling down the leaves, sometimes like the winter snow covering the thatched cottage.

The powerful soul realm of sound spread out like a tide.

Miraculously, the sound of the five strings actually passed through the constraints of Qingyun Pavilion, came to the square, and continued to spread outward. The seven peaks of Yudao Sect could hear it, and the world could hear it.

The crowd in the square changed from noisy and amazed at the beginning to silence later, and they were intoxicated by it.

The beauty of music is something no one can resist.

Unexpectedly, all the stringed instruments within a hundred-mile radius of the Yudomen began to sing along with the five-stringed music.

Thousands of music played together, the sound was natural, and the power of the music turned into a huge river of sound entrenched above the Qingyun Pavilion.

In the sky, the appearance of a colorful phoenix gradually appeared.

In the fourth floor of Qingyun Pavilion.

The ten jade fingers of the woman in the yellow skirt moved like gurgling water. As the five-stringed music sang, the aura of her body rose from the first level of the Daoming Realm to the second level of the Dao Ming Realm.

At this moment, the woman in the yellow skirt stopped plucking the strings with her fingers.

Miraculously, the five strings on the five-string Yaoqin jumped up on their own, but they didn't make a single sound, or in other words, no one could hear the hidden melody.

The sound of nature is silent and the sound is loud.


The colorful phoenix form above Qingyun Pavilion spread its wings and arrived at the fourth level of space.


A phoenix roared, and colorful threads of light cut down from the sky. Every strand of light is sharper than the sword's will, just like an array of music.

"Piano skills - colorful phoenix!"


Just when the woman in the yellow skirt launched the Yao Qin technique, Guigu Zan also made a move.

As the five notes entered his ears, Guigu Zan's originally cold and expressionless face actually showed a long-lost smile.

In the past few years, Guigu Zan has only laughed a few times. It's not that he has a cold heart, but that no one understands him.

He looks like a ghost, but his heart is human.

But in the eyes of others, Gui Gu Zan is an out-and-out ghost cultivator, a ghost.

I have no close friends, so I am lonely. Because of loneliness, so cold.

Maybe every day, the white skeleton lying on his back, sleeping soundly, accompanied him, which made him not feel lonely.

The highest state of loneliness is to appear not to be alone.

Guigu Zan's most powerful fighting move is the technique of three lives returning together, which is performed by the avatar of his three souls of heaven, earth, and human. Use the technique of three lives to return together to transform into a skeleton of a hundred feet, open a different space, take out the ghost blade and golden bones, and kill the ghosts in the world.

But for some reason, Guigu Zan didn't want to use the technique of three lives to die together at this time. He didn't want to use the ghost blade and golden bone to slash at the woman in yellow skirt opposite who could play the Yaoqin.

At this moment, in Guigu Zan's state of mind, the sound of the five strings was like a gentle wind, making waves. The sound was so beautiful, and the girl playing the Yaoqin was so beautiful...

Guigu Zan's consciousness even briefly fell into a trance.

When he was a child, he was just an ordinary child with pseudo-spiritual roots. As the direct descendant of the Guigu family, he should have been respected by others, but he was despised.

"He's a loser."

"How could the Guigu family have such a rubbish child?"

"It really makes the Zong family lose face."

"Let him see the stables."

His ears were filled with the taunts of his family members every day.

But he is just a child, a child with an extremely pure heart.

By the river, he could hear the little joyful tinkling of spring water.

Under the eaves, he could hear the little sadness of the falling summer rain.

In the forest, he could hear the melancholy of the withered yellow leaves in the autumn wind.

Outside the thatched cottage, he could hear the whirling sound of snow falling in winter.

But this time, he heard the music emanating from the five-string Yaoqin held by the woman in the yellow skirt opposite. A song called "Colorful Phoenix" is the emotion in the girl's heart.


Blue light swirled out of Gui Gu Zan's body surface, whoosh whoosh whoosh.

The three skeletons transformed by the three souls of heaven, earth and man landed in front of him in an instant.

One was lazily stretched out and loved to sleep.

A car with a scar on its forehead is capable of fighting.

One has a golden necklace around her neck, which is for beauty.

Guigu Zan turned his right hand, and a fist-sized Tao Xun appeared in his palm, but it was just a mortal object without aura. It was given to him by his mother on his fifth birthday.

In response to the five-stringed music played by the woman in the yellow skirt opposite, Guigu Zan played the xun.

Wind, flowers, snow and moon, high mountains and flowing water.

If the melody is consistent, the meaning is consistent. It's a song, it's sentimental.

And the three skeletons started dancing to the sound of music. Although he looks clumsy, his steps are always in rhythm.


In mid-air, the woman in the yellow dress who was concentrating on playing the five-string Yaoqin looked startled.

There were waves in her originally calm state of mind. The state of mind is unstable, the soul power is unstable, and the fingers are unstable.


One of the banjo strings broke.

The majestic piano skills - the colorful phoenix stopped suddenly and turned into the colorful colors of the day, like fireworks.


The figure of the woman in yellow skirt fell from the sky.

Guigu Zan's figure turned into a shadow.

The next moment, he appeared in front of the woman in the yellow dress, put his arms around her, and held the woman in the yellow dress firmly in his arms.

"Girl, you are so beautiful." Guigu Zan smiled.

The woman in the yellow dress blushed, "My, my name is Dong Hongyan."

On this day, Guigu Zan remembered this girl named Dong Hongyan.

He and she are close friends.

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