True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 942 Ruobing! Like jade!


A loud bell sound rang out, playing the final chapter of this song "Phoenix Harmony".

The incense in the censer has burned out, and the time is up.


The psychic stone mirror in the square reflected Dong Hongyan lying on Guigu Zan's chest.

The crowd watching suddenly became excited.

Almost everyone felt a burst of envy, jealousy and hatred towards Guigu Zan, "How is this possible? Guigu Zan let go of that girl and let me come."

"Gui Gu Zan actually won, he just danced with three skeletons."

"Peak Master Dong Hongyan unexpectedly fell from the sky. Something is fishy."

"You can win this way. It's okay for me to go up instead."


Among the crowd, Zhan Yunfei, who is also a disciple of the Yu Dao Sect, nodded slightly and thought to himself: "The rhythm technique of Peak Master Dong Hongyan is the most mysterious and the most difficult to crack. But once the opponent understands the rhythm of it, It becomes the easiest to decipher. In this situation, Guitani Zan probably realized the rhythm of the "Colorful Phoenix" she just performed. This is the so-called soulmate. "

Xu Yang showed joy on his face and said: "Congratulations to Senior Brother Guigu Zan for passing the test of the fourth floor of Qingyun Pavilion."

The black demon dragon Ming Lin squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder said: "What's going on? Do Gui Gu Zan and the little girl in the yellow skirt see eye to eye?"


The challenge on the fourth level of Qingyun Pavilion was successfully passed, and Gui Gu Zan obtained the qualification for the palace level trial as he wished.

From this day on, Guigu Zan had a goal in his heart, which he kept hidden in his heart and never told anyone. When he is alone and quiet, he will occasionally giggle. Then he would play the xun and dance with his three skeleton clones, no longer alone.


Four consecutive challenges have ended, and the sun has reached the sky.

In order to give the crowd in the square a better viewing experience and a proper rest, the Qingyun Pavilion Challenge was suspended for half a day.

In the early morning of the second day, the sun rose and the mountains were green.

In the square in front of Qingyun Pavilion, the crowd was full of energy and looked forward to more exciting challenges in the future.

"The rule this time is that the challenger can remain undefeated for one stick of incense. Every previous game has left people unsatisfied."

"A stick of incense is also a wonderful time. If you and I were to go up there, we would probably be defeated in just a few breaths."

"Today starts with the fifth level challenge."

"The remaining four trial disciples who have not yet participated in the challenge happen to be the young heroes who participated in the True Lotus Glorious World Conference not long ago and won the top four."

"Zhan Yunfei of the Yu Dao Sect, Liu Haiyu of the Qinglian Dojo, Xu Yang of the Tiangui Sect, and the Golden Jade Holy Son of the Golden Buddha Temple are all the envy of us."

“It’s really exciting.”


The deacon of Yudaomen stood on the high platform and announced loudly: "The challenge on the fifth floor of Qingyun Pavilion has begun. The challenger is Zhan Yunfei from Yudaomen. The guardian of the pavilion is Ji Wuhen, the peak master of Moyu Peak of Yudaomen."

In the square, the crowd started talking.

"This competition is another battle between Yu Dao Sect disciples."

"Zhan Yunfei is known as the number one genius among the younger generation of Yu Dao Sect."

"Peak Master Ji Wuhen is also a big shot in the Yu Dao Sect."

"It is said that the Moyu Peak under the control of Master Ji Wuhen is the one with the most calligraphy and painting charm and the most gentlemanly temperament among the seven peaks of the Yudao Sect."

"A gentleman writes books on feathers, and paints the universe with ink. Not everyone can afford this kind of prestige."


Since Murong Yu, Yao Jun, Xia Yu and Gui Gu Zan had successfully challenged before, the four of them were arranged to sit on the viewing platform on one side of the square to watch. There are still four people left in the center of the square who have not yet participated in the challenge.

Zhan Yunfei, Liu Haiyu, Xu Yang, and the golden jade monk stood side by side.

When Zhan Yunfei heard his name being called, he stepped out, turned around and clasped his fists, saying: "Four fellow Taoists, Zhan Yunfei goes to challenge first."

"I wish my friend a successful challenge, and I look forward to us fighting side by side in the next palace trial." Xu Yang said sincerely.

"We are both sword cultivators, and my fellow Taoist Xuan Bing Sword Technique will definitely shine in Qingyun Pavilion." Liu Haiyu encouraged.

Only the golden and jade young monk seemed to have his eyes closed, and only the third golden eye between his eyebrows seemed to be looking at Zhan Yunfei without saying a word.

Zhan Yunfei's eyes fell on the golden jade monk, and he thought to himself: "The golden jade saint is an enviable practitioner."

Zhan Yunfei nodded, then turned around and walked generously to the gate of Qingyun Pavilion.

After the Yu Daomen deacon confirmed his identity in person, Zhan Yunfei stepped into the gate of Qingyun Pavilion.


The psychic stone realm in the square reflected the scene on the fifth floor of Qingyun Pavilion.

On the martial arts field on the fifth floor, two Confucian scholars stood face to face.

On the right is a middle-aged scholar, wearing gray robes and cloth shoes, with regular features and gentleness. As is commonly said, a gentleman is like jade and his tentacles are warm.

On the left is a young Confucian scholar with white hair and white robes, and a stern appearance. He is born with an unusual icy temperament. If a gentleman is like ice, he should be cold even from a distance.

"Disciple Zhan Yunfei has met Master Uncle Ji." White-robed Zhan Yunfei clasped his hands and bowed.

"Senior Nephew Zhan Yunfei, you don't have to be so polite. When you come here, you are the challenger," Ji Wuhen said with a solemn expression, "Ji Wuhen of Moyu Peak accepts your challenge."

Zhan Yunfei said seriously: "Please ask my uncle for advice."


There was a crisp sword cry, and a white stream of light flashed from the sword box behind Zhan Yunfei. As soon as the stream of light converged, it came to his right hand. It was an almost transparent ice sword, which was his Ice Soul Sword.

Zhan Yunfei pointed the tip of the Ice Soul Sword in his hand towards the other side and said loudly, "My nephew is being disrespectful."

When a swordsman points the tip of his sword at his opponent, it is the time to prove his swordsmanship.

Ji Wuhen nodded and thought to himself: "My master nephew is currently the number one young genius in the Yu Dao Sect. His cultivation is improving with each passing day. I don't know what level he has reached now."

Ji Wuhen just pointed his right hand towards the opposite side like a sword, and said loudly: "Looking forward to your performance."

Zhan Yunfei's eyes were sharp and he raised his sword. There was flying frost rolling around him, his white robe was covered with flying snow, and his sword was cold to the nine heavens.

Ji Wuhen stepped out to greet him. His body was protected by an ink dragon, with a gray robe and ink shadow. His hand was a pen, and the stroke of his pen shocked the mountains and rivers thousands of miles away.

In the blink of an eye, the two were fighting.

The white robe cuts through the flying snow, and the gray robe falls into the river. One is the extremely cold Xuan Bing Sword Way, and the other is the gentle and gentle way of Mo Yu's transformation.

The two come and go, attacking and defending each other. At the point where the moves collide, the glacier suddenly explodes, and the Mo Mountain collapses, which is shocking and astonishing.


The crowd in the square was already stunned by this battle.

"Zhan Yunfei's ice-cold sword is so overbearing that even just looking at it from the stone realm will make people feel chilled all over."

"Look! The sword that Zhan Yunfei just slashed is already a hundred feet of ice."

"That's the height of the sword, and it's extremely cold."

"Peak Master Ji Wuhen's ability to transform shapes with pen and ink is truly miraculous."

"His soul realm is an extremely rare painting soul realm. Only one person among thousands of people has the talent for painting."

"Look! Ji Wuhen wrote the word "sword" with his hand, and in a blink of an eye, there was a sword intent like a river turning back."

"The gentleman who writes about Yu Dao writes the world with his ink pen. He is also a strange person!"

Xu Yang also kept his eyes fixed on the battle situation on the Spiritual Stone Realm, and couldn't help but worry: "Peak Master Ji Wuhen is indeed a famous figure in the Yudao Sect. At the moment, he is probably only using 50% of his methods. It's just that. Being able to do this with bare hands is indeed a formidable opponent.”

Ming Lin, who was squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, was also attracted by the intensity of the fight. In the excitement, the left and right dragon claws gestured to each other, muttering, "beat, beat, beat." I wish I could rush forward and have a fierce battle.

The violent little black guy has a deep love for fighting.

As a sword cultivator, Liu Haiyu watched carefully and whispered: "Zhan Yunfei's Xuanbing swordsmanship is unique in the world of cultivation, and it has its own advantages. His sword moves are equipped with the power of ice. If you fight him with ordinary weapons, , the weapon will be frozen by the cold power of his sword.

It was Ji Wuhen who used his bare hands to attack the sword, but he didn't use any weapons. From this point of view, Zhan Yunfei's Frozen Sword Technique lost some of its original advantages. "

From the sword box behind Liu Haiyu, the voice of Sword Spirit Qing Xiaoyu came out: "These are just warm-ups. Zhan Yunfei's kendo peak is definitely more than this, and Ji Wuhen will never just do it with bare hands."


On the fifth floor of Qingyun Pavilion.

The fight between Zhan Yunfei and Ji Wuhen was inextricable, and half a stick of incense passed in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Zhan Yunfei understood in his heart that Ji Wuhen, who was opposite him, had not yet used any real means, and thought to himself: "Master Ji's bare hands are enough to deal with my sword skills. His soul power and cultivation are still there." One level above me.”

Currently, Ji Wuhen's cultivation is at the second level of Daoming Realm, and Zhan Yunfei's cultivation is at the first level of Daoming Realm. In terms of cultivation alone, Ji Wuhen still clearly has the upper hand.

Normally, a high level of cultivation means a strong soul, a more stable state of mind, and a more powerful spell. It can be said that the level of cultivation is the fundamental factor that determines the quality of a cultivator's fighting skills, but there are many other factors that determine the final outcome. For example, the will to win, the mutual restraint of skills, the right time and place, adaptability to the situation, magic weapon assistance, etc.

At this time, the two collided with each other, and with a crash, the figures separated.

Ji Wuhen smiled slightly, and then said with a solemn expression: "Brother Zhan, show your true skills. With your current performance, you are not qualified to go to the palace realm space for trial."

Zhan Yunfei responded: "My nephew is showing off his shame here."

He opened his mouth and spit out a white stream of light. The stream of light converged, revealing a small ice crystal figure about an inch in size. The little ice crystal man whirled around and turned into an ice clone that looked the same as Zhan Yunfei, except that his body was covered with ice crystals.

"Supernatural power - ice lotus armor!"

Zhan Yunfei shouted softly, and the ice clone turned into a stream of light and fell on him.

Click, click, click.

Ice lotus helmet, ice lotus shoulder pads, ice lotus wrist guards, ice lotus breastplate, ice lotus leg armor, ice lotus combat boots, Zhan Yunfei has a set of crystal clear ice lotus combat armor outside his body.

His physical defense and attack power suddenly increased by a level, and his physical performance had reached the second level of Daoming Realm.

Zhan Yunfei, who was blessed with the magical power of Ice Lotus Armor, suddenly rose up.

In mid-air, he slashed out with his sword.

"Swordsmanship - Ice Lotus Sword Seal!"

At the tip of the sword, a huge ice lotus formation was blessing the sword field. The petals of the ice lotus opened one after another, and the power of the sword domain bloomed.

In an instant, the sword energy spit out flying frost, and the ice lotus swallowed the heaven and earth.


At the same time that Zhan Yunfei was using his magical power "Ice Lotus Armor", Ji Wuhen also made a move.

Ji Wuhen turned it over with one hand and found an ancient scroll in his hand.

When a gentleman holds a book, his appearance is modest and gentle as jade.

People who read are the most beautiful. (Those who read Liangshui Shuishui are more beautiful.)

Immediately afterwards, Ji Wuhen unfolded the ancient scroll in his hand in front of him. The scroll unfolded and suddenly became several feet in size. The ink characters and texts on the surface of the scroll were floating around, and the aura was flashing in various colors, and the voice of a Confucian poet could be heard singing.

"The ink speaks Confucianism, the clouds chant wind songs, the mountains and rivers are picturesque, and the world sings..."

One after another, the powerful ink spirit aura flows out from the scroll magic weapon.

The charm is natural, and the pen and ink are world-famous.

"Necromanticism - the ink sea rises!"

The next moment, a sea of ​​ink suddenly rose up to a thousand feet, rolling up the power of the surging air, like a true dragon of ink, swooping out.

Ji Wuhen's psychic technique is also unique. Using the power of the ink spirit as a guide and the scroll magic weapon as a medium, he can directly channel the power of a large river.

The river in this area is not an ordinary river, but the legendary, mighty river in the Confucian paradise.

The Confucian Sect’s Shenjing is a mysterious high-level mystical realm. It is said that only Confucian monks who have understood the way of a gentleman have a small chance of wandering around and achieving great fortune.

High in the air.

Zhan Yunfei's Ice Lotus Sword Sealing move collided with the ink sea tide channeled by Ji Wuhen.

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