True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 940 Red Robe and Green Shirt

In the square, the crowd watching the game was full of expectations.

"The next step is the challenge on the third floor of Qingyun Pavilion."

"It stands to reason that the higher the level, the more powerful the guardians will be."

"Starting from the second level, the guardians of each level are the peak masters of one of the seven peaks of Yu Dao Sect."

"The seven peaks of the Yudao Sect are all dedicated to martial arts. The peak leader Baili Qing of the Purple Feather Peak on the first level just now was amazing enough."

"I don't know which peak master will appear next."


At this time, the deacon of Yu Dao Sect announced loudly: "The challenge of the third floor of Qingyun Pavilion has begun. The next challenger is Xia Yu from Qinglian Dojo. And the guardian guarding the third floor of Qingyun Pavilion is from Qingyu Peak of Yu Dao Sect. Peak Master Lu Qian.”

After confirming the names of both parties, the crowd in the square couldn't help but start talking.

"Xia Yu from Qinglian Dojo was one of the top eight young heroes in the previous True Lotus Glorious World Conference. He is a powerful fire sword cultivator."

"The peak master of Qingyu Peak, Lu Qianna, is a strong man who has been famous throughout the Northern Territory for many years."

"You talk about the world with your hands, and move the stars with your chess. That's the master of Qingyu Peak, Lu Qian."

"I think Qinglian Dojo's Xia Yu is still a bit young. Even if it takes him just one stick of incense, it's hard not to be defeated by Lu Qian."

The demon dragon Ming Lin squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder said impatiently: "Master Xu Yang, when will it be our turn to appear? Why don't we just go up and fight from the third floor to the eighth floor? Wouldn't it be great?"

Xu Yang turned his head and whispered: "The Yu Dao Sect is adjacent to the Tian Gui Sect. As far as I know, the combat power of each peak master of the seven peaks of the Yu Dao Sect is on par with the masters of the seven battle halls of the Tian Gui Sect. We If you challenge all the way up, you will be exhausted and fail. You won't be able to see the eighth floor at all. Once you step on the Qingyun Pavilion, you will know that the sky is high. Don't worry, when my name is called, it will naturally be you. It’s time to make an effort.”

Ming Lin tapped one of its shiny black dragon heads, stretched out one of its dragon claws to scratch it, and said: "Ming Lin still has energy left, hehe."

The red-robed Xia Yu, who was standing in the same row as Xu Yang, heard the deacon of Yudaomen calling his name and muttered in his heart: "When it comes to my appearance, Liu Haiyu is still behind me. Even people here know that I am not as good as him." , I’m going to show you that I, Xia Yu, am definitely no worse than Liu Haiyu.”

Red-robed Xia Yu turned to look at Liu Haiyu, who was standing side by side with him.

Liu Haiyu in blue said: "Senior brother, you can do it."

The red-robed Xia Yu nodded and said: "Don't worry, I won't lose the face of our Qinglian Dojo. It only takes one stick of incense to carry it."

After that, the red-robed Xiayu walked out of the crowd with his head held high and came to His Excellency Qingyun.

"Xia Yu, a disciple of Qinglian Dojo, comes to challenge Qingyun Pavilion." Red-robed Xia Yu said loudly.

"Please." said the deacon of Yu Dao Sect.

Under the guidance of the disciples of the Yu Dao Sect, the red-robed Xia Yu entered the gate of Qingyun Pavilion. The red robe behind him rolled slightly, raising a red color, as if the flames of war were ignited.

After a while.

The psychic stone realm in the square reflected the scene on the third floor of Qingyun Pavilion.

A young man in red robe stood on the left side with a flaming sword box on his back.

A scholar in green shirt stands on the right side with his hands behind his back.

"Qinglian Dojo disciple Xia Yu comes to challenge." Red-robed Xia Yu said.

"Lu Qian of Yudao Sect Qingyu Peak, accept your challenge." Qingshan Lu Qian said.


A loud bell rang, and incense was lit according to time.


The sword behind the red-robed Xia Yu was unsheathed, setting off a stream of flying fire, and then came into his hand. The sword was red all over, as if it had just been tempered in a furnace. On the surface of the Dao sword, lines of fire were rolling continuously, and the pattern of a fire unicorn flickered on the surface of the Dao sword.

The red clothes are like fire, and the Tao sword is also like fire.

Green-shirted Lu Qian saw this and said calmly: "It is said that Qinglian Dojo has produced two young genius sword cultivators in recent years. One of them is called Water Path Qinglong. The second name is Fire Path Qilin. I can't see Water Path Qinglong today. Let me, the master of this peak, see your Fire Dao Qilin to the end.

How about it. "

When the red-robed Xia Yu heard this, he felt dissatisfied: "Water Path Qinglong, Liu Haiyu. With him here, can I, the Fire Path Qilin, only be the second in command in a thousand years?"

The red-robed Xia Yu pointed the tip of the Qilin Fire Sword in his hand towards the opposite side. The surface of the sword was flowing with light, and said seriously: "The Fire Qilin will leave a deeper impression on you."

If a sword cultivator points the tip of his sword at an opponent, then this sword cultivator is serious. With his sword skills, he lives up to his reputation as a sword cultivator, and this is what the red-robed Xia Yu is doing right now.

Lu Qian, who was in green shirt, put his hands behind his back in front of him and spread out the palm of his right hand.

When the mana was activated, circles of white mana vortex appeared in the palm of the hand. With just two breaths, a number of white "chess pieces" appeared in the palm of his hand. Those "chess pieces" are just special talisman forms, but they are solid and real.

Lu Qian, a man in green shirt, said: "Young man, you are very confident."

The red-robed Xia Yu's eyes were sharp, and he tapped his toes on the ground, walking on the red fire, holding a fire sword, and the sword produced a wave of fire.

"What a fiery sword energy." Qingshan Lu Qian swung out his right hand, and the "white pieces" hung in front of him. Between the white stones, there is a white arc jumping, using the void as a chessboard, the white stones fall into the formation, just like a small talisman formation.

Puff puff puff, puff puff puff.

The red-robed Xia Yu thrust out more than a dozen swords in succession, only to find that as soon as the sword edge entered the chess piece array in front of the opponent, the force of the sword edge would be slightly deflected. On the opposite side, the green-shirted Lu Qian just moved his feet slightly and seemed to easily dodge the sword edge thrust out by him.

The red-robed Xia Yu attacked fiercely, but was unable to hurt the opponent at all.

"He used the talisman array of chess pieces to protect his body and did not directly conflict with the power of my sword. He used the dexterity of the talisman array to defeat my sword. If this continues, I have no chance of winning. In this situation, if he takes the initiative to attack, how can I It's not full of loopholes." Hongpao Xia Yu thought quickly.

Thinking in his mind, Hongpao Xia Yu's offensive was slightly restrained.

At this time, Lu Qian in green shirt took a step forward, stretched out his left hand, and kept flicking his fingertips.

But several sunspots were shot out, arranged tightly, and turned into a long black sword, stabbing out.

"Chess-shaped sword!"

The red-robed Xia Yu quickly raised his flaming sword in front of him and activated his magic power.

"Horizontal Sword Style—Fire Shield!"


The fire breath billows on the surface of the fire sword, like a huge flame shield. In the breath of fire, there is a shape of fire unicorn jumping.


There was a loud noise, the breath of fire exploded, and black light burst out. The red-robed Xia Yu took advantage of the situation and took a few steps back without any injuries.

"It's the Fire Qilin Sword Spirit." Qingshan Lu Qian narrowed his eyes and said.

Next, the two switched offense and defense for several rounds, but neither could get any advantage.

After some testing, I had a rough estimate of the opponent's combat power.

The red-robed Xia Yu was thinking: "This Lu Qian is good at talking about the talisman formation. The black and white talisman is his unique talisman formation. The white is good at defense, and the black is good at attacking. The balance between offense and defense is achieved to the extreme. His soul power is with me again." Above that, even if I have the blessing of the Fire Qilin Sword Spirit, I can hardly get any advantage. I am worthy of being one of the seven peak masters of the Yu Dao Sect."

Green-shirted Lu Qian thought to himself: "Xi Yu and I are both at the first level of Daoming Realm. If my soul power were not slightly stronger than his, it would be difficult for my hand talisman formation to suppress his powerful sword realm. Usually, my soul power is slightly stronger than his. , Sword cultivators are good at attack power, but their defense is slightly weak. His Tao sword is blessed by the Fire Qilin Sword Spirit, which is rare. "

In the square, everyone was staring at the situation on the psychic stone mirror.

"The Taoist sword in Xia Yu's hand in Qinglian Dojo is blessed by the Qilin Fire Spirit, which is really enviable."

"Lu Qian of the Yu Dao Sect is worthy of being the master of a peak. He can achieve perfect offense and defense just by placing the talisman array with his bare hands."

"Both of them are masters."

"Can't guess who wins and who loses."

Among the crowd, Liu Haiyu, who also came from Qinglian Dojo, whispered to himself: "Senior brother Xiayu only needs to hold on to the incense stick for half a time, and he will pass. But with his competitive personality, he will never be willing to do this."

The third floor of Qingyun Pavilion.

The fight between the two sides suddenly escalated.

Red-robed Xia Yu turned one hand into a sword and pointed at his own

Ajna. Where the fingertips landed, a circle of fire breath lit up.

A fire waterfall appeared behind him, which was as huge as a hundred feet. In the Fire Breath Waterfall, the shadow of a fire unicorn jumped up and down, so happy.

Taoist realm - Qilin Fire Waterfall!

The flame field outside Hongpao Xiayu suddenly became stronger by a level, and his physical performance directly reached the second level of Daoming Realm.

With the power of Taoism, Hongpao Xia Yu was determined to win this battle.

Red-robed Xia Yu activated his magic power, and a line of fire ignited on the surface of the red Dao sword in his hand. Miraculously, the line of fire went directly along his arm and ignited his body.

In the flames, his body switched back and forth between the fire unicorn and the human form.

Hongpao Xiayu used the blessing of the sword spirit to temporarily achieve the state of unity between man and sword.

Sword Spiritual Technique——Fire Qilin Slash!

Cut it out with one sword!

The sword energy rushed up a waterfall of hundreds of feet of fire. In the waterfall, the flames condensed and turned into the shape of a fire unicorn.

The fire sword array falls!

Just as the red-robed Xia Yu used the power of the Tao realm to temporarily improve his body and perform extreme sword moves, the green-robed Lu Qian on the opposite side also made a move at the same time.

Seeing this, the green-shirted Lu Qian showed no fear at all, and said calmly: "This is the true appearance of the Fire Dao Qilin."

Lu Qian, who was in green shirt, turned over with one hand, and a light flashed in his palm, and a square and simple chessboard appeared.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the ancient chessboard in his hand over his head.

The ancient chessboard whirled around, and in an instant it became as big as ten feet.

Without stopping, a series of his magic formulas landed on the huge chessboard above his head. The light flashed and countless black and white phantoms suddenly appeared on the chessboard.

As his fingers clicked out quickly, there were more and more black and white pieces on the chessboard. Miraculously, there is a mysterious light outline between these black and white pieces, connecting them into the shape of a constellation of stars.

At the same time, in the distant sky, a huge chessboard shadow suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and the light of the stars in the sky was like the chess pieces on the chessboard.

"Necromanticism - moving the stars!"

The ancient chessboard above the head of Lu Qian in green shirt was overflowing with the shining light of stars. His body was bathed in the light of stars, and his physical performance improved to the level of the second level of Daoming Realm.

Then Qingshan Lu Qian held a little space with one hand.

The light of countless stars spewed out from the ancient chessboard like a miracle.

The two extreme moves collided at a high altitude.

For a moment, stars were falling, fire was falling, the star god was roaring, and the unicorn was roaring.

After a long while, the power of both sides' moves was exhausted.

The explosive force of the technique pushed their bodies backwards.

The red-robed Xia Yu flew backwards a hundred feet away, his body swayed, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with bright red. He supported the ground with the Dao sword in his hand to prevent him from falling.

Lu Qian, who was in green shirt, also flew backwards a hundred feet, holding the ancient chessboard with one hand. The light of stars emitted from the chessboard fell on him, holding him firmly like a hand.

Green-shirted Lu Qian felt the energy and blood rolling in his chest, and thought to himself: "I remember the Fire Dao Qilin."


A loud bell sounded, the incense in the incense burner had been burned out, and the time was up.


In the square, cheers erupted.

"The duel between the two just now was too amazing."

"The fire unicorn slashed out by Qinglian Dojo Xia Yu's sword was too scary."

"Lu Qian of the Yu Dao Sect is worthy of the legend of talking about the world with his hands and playing chess with the stars. He can actually channel the power of the stars."

"The chessboard in Lu Qian's hand is an incredible magic weapon."

"A fantastic showdown."

In the crowd, Liu Haiyu squeezed the sweat for Xia Yu in his palms and whispered: "Fortunately, time has run out. If the fight continues, I am afraid that senior brother Xia Yu's physical weakness will be fully exposed."

Ming Lin, who was squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, blinked his black crystal eyes and said: "This fight is really interesting. Master Xu Yang, I don't know which floor it is before it is our turn to go up and try it."

Xu Yang smiled and said nothing.

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