At such a sensitive moment, Tang Tu took the initiative to get angry, I wanted to stay out of it, but seeing the attacks on Yu Zhan on the Internet, I couldn't sit still. After all, he is my boss! Let me testify, Yu Zhan Zhan didn't help the Liu family in Liu Man's father's drunk driving accident, because I was the one who really helped them!

Tang Tu's Weibo is not long, but it brought the discussion of netizens to an abrupt end. Before they could respond, he sent several screenshots in succession, which were the WeChat chat records between him and Liu Man on a certain day last year, and the topic was all about Liu Chengyu's car accident.

It mentioned that Tang Tu found a very famous lawyer in the capital and even the whole country for Liu Man (the name has been mosaiced). This lawyer can help Liu Man get through the relationship with relevant departments and let her father come out safely. The chat records also mentioned high lawyer fees and money transfers. Liu Man also sent several electronic documents related to the case to Tang Tu, saying that he would transfer them to the lawyer on his behalf.

In the last chat record, Liu Man said to Tang Tu: My father has been acquitted, thank you very much! Thank you very much!

Tang Tu replied: It's okay, there is no need to be polite about such a small matter.

This is not the first time that netizens have seen the chat records of Liu Man and Tang Tu. Everyone still remembers that the last time when they were rumored, Qiao Xin secretly took screenshots and tampered with the chat content, causing a commotion.

The only two dissemination of chat records left netizens dumbfounded. They subconsciously thought that Tang Tu's Weibo had been stolen? Who secretly took his mobile phone to take pictures? How similar is his behavior to He Lushen changing his name and admitting that he is a green turtle. But even if his Weibo was stolen and his mobile phone was stolen, the content in his Weibo was too real, and this kind of chat record could not be fabricated by simply modifying a few words.

So, Tang Tu is blaming himself? Is he crazy!!!

Looking at the time of chat records, it is completely in line with the timeline of Liu Man's father's car accident. It should be true.

My mother, this reversal is amazing.

Hey, Dr. Yu has been slandered again, but a large group of people believed it to be true, and scolded him in various ways, feeling sorry for my male god.

I still feel sorry for my Tutu! It's already messed up, why should he admit such a thing?

Tang Tu replied to this fan message, I just want to clarify the facts and restore the truth. Regarding whether my actions are right or wrong, everyone can discuss rationally. Anyway, Yu Zhan is not wrong.

Some people also raised doubts, If the date is more accurate, Liu Man had already dated Yu Zhan at that time. Why did she not ask her boyfriend for help when she was in trouble, but went to Tutu for help? Isn't this going far away? Tutu , can you answer my question?

Tang Tuzhen replied! Sorry, I didn't make it clear. It wasn't Liu Man who asked me for help. It was her lawyer who made the request to this lawyer first. The lawyer didn't agree at first because he thought it was troublesome. After my persuasion, he took over the case of Liu Man's father. In order to protect the privacy of the relevant people, I am sorry that I cannot reveal the name of this lawyer, please do not pursue the identity of the lawyer, all consequences will be borne by me!

Seeing Tang Tu's earnest reply to fans, the first question in the minds of netizens is, Tang Tu risked his life to protect Yu Zhan, what is he planning? Not to mention that Yu Zhan is his boss, with Tang Tu's fame and background, he can open his own studio and become independent in minutes. What's more, Yu Zhan used to be Tang Tu's rival in love—now everyone doesn't think Tang Tu still likes Liu Man, and the two have no interaction at all!

Netizens' focus was completely off track. They were all moved by Tang Tu, thinking that Tang Tu had a high-minded spirit, a noble and selfless character, and a manly spirit. They would rather take the initiative to bear the infamy than let Yu Zhan be wronged. What a commendable character this is, it is simply a great love in the world!

As for his matchmaking between Liu Man and a famous lawyer, netizens also think it is acceptable, at least it is not a mistake in principle. After all, judging from his explanation and WeChat content, he is just helping Liu Man. He is a lawyer with great energy, and his speech is aboveboard. Besides, he was pursuing Liu Man at that time, so it is already very good to be able to achieve this step. Of course, such a powerful lawyer must not be accessible to ordinary people.

Therefore, unlike Sweet Jessical214's reaction to Yu Zhan's courtship and power manipulation for Liu Man, netizens are more tolerant towards Tang Tu. Maybe there is a reason why he voluntarily admits his mistake, or because he is the loser in the triangle relationship between himself and Liu Man and Yu Zhan. , People tend to sympathize with the weak.

It turns out that the lawyer is responsible for this incident, and we were brought into rhythm by Sweet Jessical214 again!!! (angry)

And according to Tang Tu, it was communication between lawyers in the beginning, and he just played a role in fueling the flames.

If I were Liu Man, and I met such a powerful lawyer and such a good opportunity to save my father, why wouldn't I accept it? Liu Man is not a god, and she has all the emotions and desires of a normal person. Could it be possible for her to see her own? Father suffers, but remains indifferent?

The Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius in China is all about maintaining the most basic principle of filial piety in human nature. There is also a rule in the ancient law called 'kin relatives conceal each other'. It is believed that there is nothing wrong with covering up and concealing the guilt of one's relatives, and there is no need to be punished. I I don't think there is anything wrong with Liu Man seeking the best interests of her father, besides, their family has paid a huge amount of compensation for this, if her father goes to jail, the Wang family will definitely not get that much money.

So it seems that Sweet Jessical214 is spreading rumors again? Didn't the police report say that the police will hold the rumormonger legally accountable!

I'm so angry, Sweet Jessical214 has repeatedly lied to us as fools. Doesn't she know the story of the wolf coming? I will never believe any Weibo she posts in the future!

Why didn't the internet police block her?


Tang Tu's fans are more than a hundred times that of Sweet Jessical214, and the influence of the two of them on Weibo is not in the same order of magnitude. In less than ten minutes, the whole situation was turned around by him alone.

Yu Zhan himself did not expect that Tang Tu would do this for him.

To be honest, he was a little touched! !

He knew Tang Daqing's intention to push Tang Tu to his side before, and pretended to be on the surface, but he never regarded him as a friend in his heart, not only because Tang Tu was his rival in love, since his parents passed away, very few people could walk into his heart , became his true friend, he did have a relatively deep friendship with many people, and his popularity was very good, but when it came to close friends, there were only a few of them, He Lushen.

Second update~

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