Besides, without Tang Tu helping him out, Yu Zhan could handle this matter well by himself. Tang Tu really didn't need to put his own reputation on the line with his father's career for him.

Yu Zhan suddenly felt that Tang Tu was quite a friend!

He found Tang Tu's account from WeChat—the two of them had never spoken a word since adding him, and he sent Tang Tu a message: Thank you! (smiling face)

Tang Tu was still interacting with fans on Weibo at the moment, when he suddenly saw the WeChat notification that popped up, the corner of his mouth raised, and he clicked it and replied in seconds: You're welcome! (smiling face)

Ji Qiansong, who thought he was in control of the overall situation, had already successfully dominated the public opinion, but was completely destroyed by Tang Tu. The trend of the Internet changed suddenly. Netizens changed from supporting Sweet Jessical214 to scolding her, and this time it was worse than the previous few times. Up to eighteen generations of personal attacks and curses on the ancestors, they called Sweet Jessical214 the Queen of Rumors.

Ji Qiansong, who was hiding behind the scenes, became in a very bad mood. Seeing netizens swiping the screen and scolding him as the queen of rumors, he was so angry that he threw his phone on the ground. The phone broke. The items on the computer were swept all over the floor, teacups, documents, landlines... made a loud crashing noise.

The administrative secretary assistants in the chairman's office of Xinji Group heard the movement, and they were so scared that they didn't dare to take a breath. They didn't understand what happened. Recently, the group has been going smoothly, and there is no problem in the operation. Why is their chairman making such a big fuss? the fire? Besides, when it comes to the level of chairman, there are not many people who can provoke him.

Everyone was gossiping, and someone mysteriously lowered their voice and said, You know the famous rumor-monger Sweet Jessical214 on the Internet now, she seems to be Director Ji's daughter.

! ! ! ! ! !

Being able to sit in the chairman's office, everyone is a person with a very high emotional intelligence, and everyone understands it in seconds, showing the original and suddenly enlightened expression. After giving birth to such a worry-free daughter, it's no wonder the chairman is so angry!

Ji Qingqing, who was crying silently at home, was shot again by an arrow, but she was already numb from the pain.

At this moment, Liu Man still didn't know that Tang Tu had done her and Yu Zhan such a big favor. She and her mother were under investigation by the police at the Public Security Bureau. Liu Chengyu had already been detained, and they hadn't seen him.

The reason why the police called the two of them here was not because of the pressure of public opinion, but because they saw Liu Chengyu's personal information transferred from the system, and there were two lines written in the remarks column: There is a difference in spirit, please pay more attention. , Extreme thinking, radical behavior.

So far, the police have grasped the ins and outs of Liu Chengyu's dragging of Wang Zhihua. All witnesses, Liu Chengyu's leader, and Wang Zhihua's relatives have been questioned, and they even have a general understanding of the information on the Internet.

Now, they are entering the stage of detailed investigation, mainly investigating these two lines, which come from two police stations, one is the police station on XX Street in the city center, and the other is the police station in XX Lake Village.

The police got in touch with the heads of the two police stations and learned why their policemen wrote such remarks. The remarks from the XX Street Police Station are due to disputes between Liu Chengyu, Zhang Pei, and Peter, so I won’t repeat them here.

The XX Lake Village Police Station is located in a suburban county of the capital, and there is a small lake called XX Lake in its jurisdiction. The water quality of XX Lake is good and relatively clear. It is a favorite place for wild fishing enthusiasts in the capital to visit by car. Liu Chengyu is one of them. He often came to XX Lake to fish, but he basically drove alone, rarely bringing his wife and daughter with him. Therefore, his divorce does not prevent him from fishing.

Liu Chengyu is a frequent visitor to XX Lake. Many fishing friends know him. Seeing that his car changed from 170,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan after disappearing for a long time, it suddenly changed to 21 million yuan on a certain day! ! !

Everyone regards him as a big boss, and those who already know him, if they want to get to know him better, they'd better ask for help; those who don't know him, try to curry favor with him. In such a small pond, Liu Chengyu still has his own authoritative position. He has a fishing seat, which is the best position in the whole lake. It is facing the wind and facing the sun. You can catch big fish!

As long as Liu Chengyu is present, no one else can fish in this perfect spot. Even if someone originally took advantage of Liu Chengyu’s absence and occupied the spot, they have to get out of the way when Liu Chengyu comes. This is a customary rule that no one dares to break. What terrible consequences will there be for a big guy who drives a 21 million sports car?

But on March 21 (weekend), four days before the tragedy of Wang Zhihua being dragged, Liu Chengyu had a dispute in XX Lake—he pushed a fishing friend into the lake.

The cause of the incident was very simple. After breakfast, Liu Chengyu drove to XX Lake for fishing just like the previous weekends, and found that his throne was taken, but it was nothing. This happened often. Just open it.

As a result, this time, the other party was an ordinary person, so he didn't give in.

Occupying his seat was a young man in his twenties with a strange face. Liu Chengyu had never seen him before. The young man was using an ordinary fishing rod. He was dressed in ordinary clothes and looked ordinary. Pay attention to the place.

Liu Chengyu first stood behind this person, but the other person did not respond, and then he walked to the front of the young man, but he still did not respond. Ever since he became a rich man, everyone respected him superficially. Liu Chengyu had hardly met such an ignorant person. He felt that he was being slighted. He asked the young man, Don't you know who I am?

Then the young man turned his head, looked him in the eyes, and said casually, Who are you, I need to know you?!

Liu Chengyu was stunned, a little annoyed, This is my position.

Yo, when was XX Lake contracted? You said it was yours, so it was yours? Then I said that the Forbidden City is my home! Smelly old man, don't rely on the old to sell the old, treat everything as your home, and go back to your own home in a domineering way. Domineering go!

The tone of the young people was particularly disdainful, as if they regarded Liu Chengyu as those middle-aged and elderly people who bully their seats on the bus and subway. Liu Chengyu was so annoyed by the phrase stinky old man, he held it back and advised himself not to care about Lengtouqing.

You are new here and don't know the rules. I'll teach you. This position is mine. If you don't believe me, ask other people.

The young man rolled his eyes, Can you tell me where your name is written? If you have the ability to put up a sign or stone tablet here, which says who owns the territory, I will leave immediately.

The third one is done~

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