Ji Qiansong's microblog has aroused great social repercussions. Netizens are going to explode because of this. Among the voices of opposition, some sympathize with the Wang family, some are shameless for using power for personal gain, and some criticize Liu Chengyu for driving and dragging people insanely.

Public opinion also involved those who had helped Liu Chengyu in this matter, and was deeply involved in the whirlpool.

Naturally, the upper class knew about the trouble, but this time Yu Zhan's elders didn't help him immediately, they chose to stand by and watch. Everyone has enemies, and they are not omnipotent. They will still be caught in this matter, and it happens that their enemies support Ji's family. Even if they don't, there are some people who are secretly waiting In order to catch the pigtails, the bosses weighed the pros and cons, not only did not help Yu Zhan, but also decided to send someone to investigate the matter thoroughly. After all, Yu Zhan is only the grandson of an old man and has no blood relationship with them. They can care about him, love him, and In some innocuous matters, they do their best, but political struggles are different, and they don't have to take risks for him.

The boss who was named to take the lead in the investigation of this matter was Tang Daqing. Tang Daqing is a newcomer in the circle, behaves in the world, is rigorous and principled, not the kind of flatterer, he has nothing to do with both parties in the struggle, and has won the trust of the elders, Tang Daqing's leader told him to use the most peaceful way Dealing with this matter must not let Yu Zhan be affected in any way! Nor can it harm the interests of the Ji family.

Tang Daqing couldn't shirk it, and accepted this arduous task unwillingly.

But before Tang Daqing started working, Tang Tu said to him, Dad, I asked Li Shuhua to mediate and solve the case of Liu Man's father. It has nothing to do with Yu Zhan. He is innocent!

Tang Daqing: ...

He never expected that Yu Zhan, who was called a dog by netizens, was actually taking the blame for his son! ! !

Do me a little favor, settle an ordinary car accident, of course Tang Tu doesn't have to report it to his father. For people like Tang Tu, this is just a matter of little effort. Tang Daqing, who is usually busy with official duties, would not bother to pay attention to such trivial matters.

Tang Daqing felt troubled and entangled. On the one hand, how to suppress the boiling public grievances and protect Yu Zhan under the premise of protecting the interests of all parties; on the other hand, he must protect his son.

You can't push your child out for Yu Zhan's sake!

Tang Tu calmly analyzed to his father, This incident is obviously a secret rivalry between the Ji family and Yu Zhan. This is not the first time that the Ji family has targeted Yu Zhan. Not long ago, Ji Qiansong spent money to enter the entertainment industry. Under the banner of an actor, he tried to suppress Xinghe Film and Television, but was turned by Yu Zhan. The new drama almost lost money, so he became angry and used ruthless tactics, but he ignored a very important issue-whether it was reporting or hype Public opinion, the prerequisite for success is based on facts. Everyone knows that Sweet Jesscial214 is Ji Qingqing. Ji Qingqing has used this to spread rumors more than once, and she has been exposed before. This time, she is also spreading rumors——Liu Chengyu's Yu Zhan never intervened in the case. I was responsible for everything alone. As long as I stood up, Ji Qingqing's rumors would be self-defeating. Compared with my helping Liu Chengyu, Ji Qingqing's rumors and slandering Yu Zhan were more serious. We It's all juniors, and the elders will laugh away at the disputes of the juniors, so that you won't be caught in the middle, and the pressure on your body will be less.

After listening to Tang Tu's words, Tang Daqing fell into deep thought. He seldom asked about Tang Tu's work. He really didn't know anything about the entertainment industry. The leader mentioned that Ji's family looked disgusted and helpless. Ji Qiansong's power is deeply intertwined, and it cannot be pulled out in a short while.

In the end, Ji Qiansong has been making small moves, and he didn't dare to bring the conflict between him and Yu Zhan to the front. He used his daughter as a shield from the beginning to the end. If this is the case, they can also pretend to be stupid. Let Tang Tu disclose the facts to the public, and make the netizens and those big bosses staring at this incident smile in a daze, oh, it turned out to be just a misunderstanding!

This is a dangerous move, and it may have an impact on Tang Tu and even Tang Daqing's political career in a short period of time, but in ancient times, he sacrificed his life for righteousness, but now he retreats to advance, he sacrificed himself, even his son, In exchange for peace between the two parties and solving their most troublesome problems, it is likely that they will be praised by the upper class in turn. They understand the righteousness and win the hearts of the people. Even the Ji family has nothing to say.

Thinking of this, Tang Daqing said to Tang Tu, What are you going to do?

Since Ji Qingqing likes posting on Weibo so much, I'll pay her back by posting on Weibo as well.

At this time, the public opinion on the Internet evolved from Liu Man and Wang Zhihua's simple confrontation to questioning Yu Zhan's doing everything in order to make his girlfriend happy, playing with power and oppressing poor people.

Liu Man resisted the pressure of public opinion and posted a Weibo, clarifying that Yu Zhan was the most innocent person in the whole incident, he did not help her, and no one believed her except her die-hard fans.

Don't quibble, it's not Yu Zhan. At that time, were you and your family capable of clearing up so many relationships?

Liu Man, your family background has been picked up by netizens. Although your father once had a half-job, but in the capital, what is this kind of small sesame official? I don't believe that so many relevant departments will give your father the green light.

I think it's better for you to admit it honestly now, at least show your attitude of admitting your mistake first. After all, this matter is excusable, and most people can understand you and Dr. Yu. Blindly denying it will only make people disgusted.


first update~

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