This should be the most common grievance, mainly involving foreigners. Now people are very sensitive to certain behaviors of foreigners in China. If foreign-related incidents are not handled properly, the police will take the blame, and netizens will say foreigners. Something like privilege. Moreover, Liu Chengyu kept clamoring that he was seriously injured and wanted to punish the other party. Out of a responsible attitude, the police tried to contact the other party. Liu Chengyu, who was blackmailed by Zhang Peila, provided her phone number, but the police couldn't get through to Zhang Pei. Phone——Zhang Pei knew about Liu Chengyu's urinating nature, and thought it was annoying, so he turned off the phone immediately when he got in the car.

At this time, Liu Chengyu suddenly said loudly at the police station, My daughter is Liu Man, that very famous Internet celebrity Liu Man, you will definitely find her! She can't run away!

Liu Man crossed over and did not change the phone number of the original owner. Liu Chengyu has always stored it in his mobile phone, but he never took the initiative to call Liu Man. He regarded this number as his last thought of his own daughter. He hoped that one day The phone connected and he could hear his daughter's voice.

But this time, he gave the call to the police.

After listening to Uncle Ma and the police, Liu Man and Yu Zhan were silent. Outsiders thought it was an emotional dispute, but they knew the truth very well. Even if Yu Zhan had never met Liu Chengyu before, he could still see his purpose for making such a fuss.

Liu Man told the police very sincerely, The foreigner is the boss of our company's supplier and a New Zealander. He just arrived in the capital last Thursday. It's his first time in mainland China. My mother entertained him and wanted him to experience it. The customs of the capital, I didn't expect to encounter such a big misunderstanding, no wonder he was angry!

When the policemen heard this, they all felt embarrassed. Uncle Ma let out an oops, he really has good intentions and bad intentions! have a finger in the pie! It's the first time that foreign friends come from afar, their hospitality...

Liu Chengyu raised his head in astonishment, he didn't expect Zhang Pei to be telling the truth. Liu Chengyu was able to make Uncle Ma, the onlookers, and the police stand up for him because he held fast to Zhang Pei's affair with his foreign boyfriend. Now that the truth is revealed, he himself finally feels ashamed. The police at the police station They all looked at him with a trace of condemnation, as if he had ruined the international image of the entire capital by himself.

Uncle Ma suddenly understood why Zhang Pei wanted to divorce Liu Chengyu, why she said that Liu Chengyu had a big problem, and why a fifty-year-old man is still so unstable, reckless, and neurotic!

The truth came to light, Uncle Ma was embarrassed to stay at the police station, thanked the police, and said to Liu Man, Take care of your father.

Thank you, Liu Man was still very grateful for the restaurant owner's kindness.

It's okay, Uncle Ma turned and left.

As soon as he left, Liu Chengyu became even more restless, and the injuries on his jaw and calf seemed to hurt even more. He called Liu Man over to make a bet with Zhang Pei. If Zhang Pei dared to blackmail him or turn off his cell phone, he would call her cash cow over. He wanted to see if this fake Liu Man would listen to him. Hello, do you take him seriously.

He was very satisfied with the speed at which Liu Man came over, at least she knew how to respect herself. However, facing her face, he couldn't say a word. He couldn't argue with Liu Man like he did with Zhang Pei, or talk to her about property, or talk about 100 million yuan. He felt alienated and weird, and he would rather avoid her as a person.

So he was very silent, and he thought of his own daughter again. If she was still there, his life would definitely not be like this. The more he thought about it, the more sad he became, his eyes gradually turned red.

Yu Zhan looked at Liu Chengyu thoughtfully.

The policeman wanted to quickly understand the case, so he said to Liu Man, Just follow me to make a simple record, and then sign your name.

Before Liu Man could say anything, Yu Zhan suddenly said first, I'll go.

The policeman hesitated for a moment, That's fine. Anyway, neither Liu Man nor Yu Zhan were involved, and the injuries were not serious.

Yu Zhan followed the police into an office further inside, and there were two older police officers in the office. Yu Zhan registered his personal information first, and then the policeman showed him the transcript made by the police and asked him, Do you have anything to add?

Yu Zhan glanced at the transcript casually, No more.

Then you can sign here, the policeman pointed to a blank space. When Yu Zhan signed, the police stared at his face and couldn't help asking curiously, Are you really Dr. Yu himself?


The policeman is also a young man who often surfs the Internet and knows Liu Man and Yu Zhan. He said in a particularly envious tone, I have watched your girlfriend's videos and movies. I like her role as Ji Ning very much. She is so perfect. She Just as perfect as Ji Ning.

You Liao praise, how can there be a perfect person in the world? Look at Man Man's father... Yu Zhan half-spoken, and sighed heavily, as if some facts were hidden in words, he did Showing a headache, he said helplessly, He's quite old, and we need to clean up the mess for him.

The policeman agreed. Today is the weekend, and Liu Man and her boyfriend must be dating together. The happy world of the two of them has been destroyed. He comforted Yu Zhan, It's okay, it's okay, this matter is just a small dispute, and it didn't go online until the Shanggang the point.

But it's always bad to make trouble at the police station, and it's not the first time Man Man's father has been like this, Yu Zhan hesitated for a moment when he said this, as if he had something hard to say.

The policeman was a bit gossip and curious, Has he done this before?

Yu Zhan asked him back, How do you think his mental state is?

The policeman immediately recalled the scene he and his colleagues went to the restaurant to see. At that time, Liu Chengyu was even more embarrassed. He had just been lifted up from the ground and sat on a small bench. The lower half of his face was covered with dirt and dirty. At first glance, he looked a little scary, but as if he didn't know it, his back was arched, his eyes were staring straight ahead, and he was sluggish.

But when the two of them walked in front of Liu Chengyu, he immediately jumped up, with a vicious and angry face, and shouted very powerfully, My ex-wife beat me, and she instructed her foreign lover to beat me! You arrest them quickly, Otherwise, they will definitely kill me in the future!

The exaggerated and dancing appearance made the police think that a major criminal case had taken place here. As a result, Liu Chengyu's chin was only scratched a little, and his calf was bruised.

The policeman thought about his words, His mental state doesn't seem to be very good?


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