Peter put down another $100 bill, said sorry to all the diners and Uncle Ma who were watching the show, and dragged Zhang Pei away.


Zhang Pei didn't recover until she got in the car. She said to Peter, Thank you, I wanted to kick him a long time ago, and you made me angry.

Peter laughed, like a glimmer of light in the cloudy sky, I thought you would condemn me, you shouldn't hurt people in public.

Some people are too hateful, and when there is no way to restrain them, you need to beat them to relieve your anger! Zhang Pei also laughed, and she really felt refreshed in her heart!

She quickly started the car and backed out from the parking lot. At this moment, she saw a police car driving past and stopped at the entrance of the alley, and two policemen got out of the car.

Some onlookers probably called the police. Peter saw the police, noncommittal.

Zhang Pei also ignored it, stepped on the accelerator to accelerate, and drove away directly.

Zhang Pei and Peter were silent for a while,

Peter suddenly asked, Why did you and your ex-husband divorce?

Zhang Pei held the steering wheel tightly and looked at the road ahead.

Sorry, it's okay if you don't want to, Peter said, respecting her privacy.

There is nothing to say. My ex-husband was an alcoholic. At the end of the year before last, he drove drunk and had an accident and killed a person. In order to prevent him from being criminally punished, we reached a settlement with the victim's family and paid them 3.1 million cash.

These words involved some technical terms and words, which were beyond Zhang Pei's English ability. The words she described were grammatically incorrect, but Peter could guess what she meant. He didn't speak, but looked at her and listened carefully.

Zhang Pei doesn't know why she trusts Peter so much, maybe it's because Peter's beautiful kick to Liu Chengyu hit her heart, The compensation of 3.1 million means a huge debt for ordinary people like us. Sadly, these debts were basically paid off by Liu Man alone, and she was also an agent of Cats' Garden's cat food in order to pay off the debt.

The family has gone through such a great tribulation, but my ex-husband didn't know how to repent. He drank the wine as usual and wasted time on useless entertainment and socializing. He didn't have any intention of taking on the family debt, and enjoyed Liu Man's contribution as he should , On the cognition of many issues, my disagreement with him gradually became bigger and bigger, and in the end we had to divorce. During the divorce, I didn't ask him for anything. I backed down to this point, but I didn't expect him to be still greedy and dissatisfied.

Ridiculous man, Peter felt that his kick was too light. How could a man let his wife and daughter bear the serious consequences of his mistakes?

No wonder the other party gave him such an unappetizing feeling, This kind of person is an incompetent scum, but I can't figure it out, as a father, why doesn't he love his daughter? Because I will never let my daughter suffer any grievances.

He doesn't like Liu Man, was all Zhang Pei could say. The fact that Liu Man is an ancient princess is a secret, but not a secret. She trusts Yu Zhan and Sun Weiwei, but she doesn't trust her ex-husband at all. Zhang Pei is most worried about the day when Liu Chengyu, because life is not going well, will frantically reveal the truth.

Hey, if Liu Chengyu dies,

How nice it would be!

Thinking of this, Zhang Pei was taken aback. How could she have such a terrible idea?

Liu Man's status in Zhang Pei's heart has far surpassed that of her former husband. She also thought about what would happen if she and her biological daughter faced such a huge change without Liu Man? She dare not imagine. Liu Man brought her a brand new life, and she wanted to protect and maintain this life, to protect this princess.

Peter didn't care too much, he knew that many traditional Asians were patriarchal, and he thought Liu Chengyu was a patriarchal person. He thought about countermeasures in his heart, and he wanted to help Zhang Pei get rid of her ex-husband completely.


Liu Man never expected that she would receive a call from the police station. The police said that her mother's lover (???) beat her father! ! ! Ask her to come to the XX Street Police Station immediately.

At that time, Liu Man was having dinner with Yu Zhan. The meal Yu Zhan cooked himself was so delicious that the two of them only ate half of it.

After receiving this call, the two lost their appetite instantly.

Yu Zhan immediately drove Liu Man to the XX Street Police Station. As soon as the two entered, everyone in the police station paid attention to them.

A young policeman said, My God, he is really Liu Man's father.

Liu Man saw a gray-faced middle-aged man sitting on a chair, it was indeed Liu Chengyu...

Liu Chengyu's clothes and pants were covered with mud and soup. When he fell, his chin hit the stones on the ground, and the blood flowed out. Uncle Ma used a towel to help him stop the bleeding briefly, so he got into the police car with him and went to the police station. Be a witness.

At this moment, Liu Chengyu covered his chin with a towel in his hand, and looked at Liu Man.

Liu Man nodded slightly to him, Liu Chengyu turned his head aside, not wanting to look at her face. Liu Man was also expressionless, with no emotion in her heart. She asked the police, What happened?

The policeman was surprised, how did the father and daughter look like strangers when they saw each other?

The policeman in charge said, I have already told you on the phone, your mother's lover...

Liu Man interrupted him, My mother has no lover, she is single, and keeps her life clean. Her voice was stern, and her mother's reputation was at stake, and she had to solemnly declare, You policemen do things like this indiscriminately and indiscriminately. ?

The police were a little flustered when Liu Man scolded her. Although Liu Man was young, she was a public figure, and the police didn't dare to provoke her casually. will be criticized by the leaders.

Yu Zhan spoke at this time, Please tell us the ins and outs of the matter first, can you? Yu Zhan is gentle and refined, and seems to be easier to talk to than the cold-faced Liu Man.

Let me tell, the restaurant owner Uncle Ma who accompanied Liu Chengyu stood up. Uncle Ma has been in the catering business for fifty years and has met all kinds of people. He can tell at a glance that this couple is not ordinary. In his memory, Liu Man was just a pretty little girl. He never thought that when she grew up, she would be so outstanding, completely different from when she was a child. Uncle Ma thinks of the radiant Zhang Pei and that luxurious foreigner again, they really don't belong to the same world as Liu Chengyu.

Uncle Ma roughly told what happened, and the police also added something. What they said was more to the point, without biasing any side. There were many witnesses at the scene, and the police quickly investigated the cause and effect—Liu Chengyu attacked first, and Peter fought back.


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