Uncle Ma looked at the relationship between Zhang Pei and Liu Chengyu with the thinking of the older generation, and made Zhang Pei hate Liu Chengyu even more with his sweet words, Uncle Ma, you don't understand the situation, I really can't live with him, he It's a big problem.

Unexpectedly, Liu Chengyu answered immediately, and said aggrievedly, You said there is something wrong with me, can I change it?

Zhang Pei couldn't bear it anymore, and said to Liu Chengyu furiously, What kind of poor man are you pretending to be here now? Who are you acting for? And you put the family's scandals under the eyes of the big audience. You don't think it's embarrassing, I don't!

Zhang Pei was so angry that her liver hurt, and she was so angry that she exploded. After scolding Liu Chengyu angrily, she turned her head, closed her eyes, and breathed deeply a few times to control her emotions. She said to Peter, Let's go quickly. Anxiously Voice, it sounds like ordering Peter.

Peter didn't feel offended. He saw Zhang Pei's flushed face because of anger, saw the anger and disgust in her eyes, and heard the trembling and hoarseness in her voice. He felt sorry for her. He had never , eager to know everything about her.

Peter looked at Liu Chengyu, Since you're divorced, don't bother her again.

This was the first sentence that Peter said to Liu Chengyu after watching him for so long. Liu Chengyu didn't react immediately. Peter uttered words very slowly and clearly, as if deliberately giving Liu Chengyu a chance to understand his own words.

And Liu Chengyu did understand.

But for a while, he couldn't even think of words to swear at foreigners. He didn't know the skill of swearing in English, and he couldn't speak English anymore. The panic in his heart, as if the 100 million yuan had nothing to do with him, became even more serious. If Zhang Pei asked this foreigner to remarry, wouldn't he have nothing?

The bamboo basket fetched water in vain, and the divorce with him was to make room for others to make a fortune?

Liu Chengyu thought about it carefully, and felt that his marriage and divorce were unclear. He said to Zhang Pei, I must have a private talk with you today, and you will follow me immediately.

As he spoke, he strode forward and was about to pull Zhang Pei's arm.

It was too late to say it, but Peter took a step ahead of him, grabbed Zhang Pei's wrist, and protected her behind him. The situation was so sudden that Zhang Pei didn't have time to react, and she didn't have time to pay attention to Peter's intimate contact with her.

Because Liu Chengyu was looking at her with vicious eyes like a wolf, looking at Peter, as if he was looking at a couple of dogs and men.

Money can force a person who is gentle on the surface to change beyond recognition, and the bad nature of humanity emerges from Liu Chengyu's bones.

The people around, including Uncle Ma, didn't know the truth. They thought they saw a scene of two men competing for a woman over fifty years old. Some young diners whispered, This aunt's charm is really great. .”

Peter stared at Liu Chengyu, he was a head taller than Liu Chengyu, the condescending sense of oppression, and the powerful aura from the superior made Liu Chengyu retreat involuntarily, but when he thought of hundreds of millions of money, he mustered up his courage, cold Eye to eye with Peter.

Peter said in a cold voice, You're just a stupid clown.

He knew that it was useless for him to talk too much. The other party looked stupid, and he must not understand it. It was meaningless, so he used concise and concise words, which was enough to humiliate him.

No matter how hard Liu Chengyu forgot his English, he still remembered what stupid and clown meant. This foreigner really looked down on him, why should he look down on him? Liu Man is using his own daughter's body to make money, and the money should belong to him! In any case, it was not the turn of an outsider, or a foreigner to insult him.

There were two fierce storms brewing in Liu Chengyu's eyes. He looked at Zhang Pei and said, You really don't need to hide behind him. I don't want to turn against you in front of so many people, and I can't do anything to you. I tried every means I can't even contact you, even God can't see it, give me this opportunity to meet you here, I just want to talk to you about something calmly, there is no other meaning.

Zhang Pei thought, she understood Liu Chengyu's purpose, he was after the money she and Liu Man made. Zhang Pei hated Liu Chengyu very much, and felt that God had no eyes to let their distinguished guests witness this dirty and ugly farce. She said to Peter, Thank you, please let me talk to him, I will call Yu Zhan, ask him to take you back to the hotel.

Zhang Pei tried to take his hand back from Peter's, but Peter clenched it even harder, Since you are in charge of receiving me, you should complete this job from beginning to end, and send me back now.

Peter's arrogance made Zhang Pei unable to move. She looked at Peter's stubborn eyes that were not allowed to disobey him, and thought he was angry about her and Liu Chengyu's affairs. In a fit of anger, I decided not to cooperate with them, what should I do?

Zhang Pei was caught in a dilemma. After weighing the pros and cons, she said to Liu Chengyu, I'm working now, and he is a guest of our company. If you have anything to say, please make another appointment with me, or you can come to the company directly to find me. At that time, I will say hello to the security guard at the gate, and he will let you in.

Zhang Pei's candid tone made Liu Chengyu think that he really misunderstood the relationship between her and Peter, but he stared suspiciously at the handshake of the two, working with clients, does it need to go this far? Today is still Sunday, seven o'clock in the evening! Liu Chengyu suddenly woke up. He didn't believe a word of Zhang Pei's words. Let Zhang Pei go today, God knows when he will see her again!

Peter didn't wait for Liu Chengyu to reply at all, he put 100 dollars on the dining table to check out, pulled Zhang Pei and walked out of the alley, Liu Chengyu subconsciously stopped them, and wanted to pull Zhang Pei, Peter blocked, he touched Peter's elbow , to pull his sleeve.

Amid the chaos, an astonishing scene happened.

Peter raised his long legs, and kicked Liu Chengyu's calf hard. With the power of racial superiority, coupled with Liu Chengyu's unpreparedness, he threw himself to the side, and there happened to be a table of diners there, scaring him. He had to stand up immediately, and Liu Chengyu threw himself on their table, which was the simplest folding table. He fell to the ground with people and the table, in the posture of a dog chewing mud, and the plates and bowls were broken on the floor, and all the food was scattered out.

There were screams and exclamations around, and everyone was frightened.

Zhang Pei was also shocked. She saw Peter's face was very cold, with a warning to keep away from strangers. He stared at Liu Chengyu on the ground and said coldly, don't touch me! (Don't touch me!) I)

Liu Chengyu didn't move for a long time, and he didn't know whether he fell stupidly or injured himself.

Peter apologized to the frightened guests at that table and said he was willing to bear their loss.

The guests at that table were so frightened that they could only say, no, no, no.


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