Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 741 Mental Problems

My girlfriend's father had a car accident the year before last and killed a person. He took full responsibility and stayed in the detention center for a long time. He may have been hit hard. Since then, he It just became like this, Yu Zhan had a trace of compassion in his eyes, Man Man told me that her father was very suspicious and sensitive, maybe such a person is more likely to become like this. In his words What kind of this is Yu Zhan, but he doesn't say clearly, he looks like he has something to hide, and his eyes are quite distressed, but the policeman can understand what he means.

He either ignores his wife and daughter, or wants to control all their whereabouts. If he doesn't like it, he will be furious. Later, Man Man's mother couldn't stand him, so she filed for divorce,

Yu Zhan paused for half a second, looking at the policeman, And her mother left the house without leaving home. All the property was given to her father, and all the debts were borne by Man Man and her mother.

What? There is such a thing!

It makes no sense!

The other two male policemen who stole (fairly) listened to gossip slapped the table angrily.

The young policeman was also indignant, This is too much, it is simply not done by a man.

Yu Zhan shook his head, There is no way, if Man Man's mother doesn't give in, there is no way to get rid of him. They would rather lose some money than live with such a man.

It's like this again, Yu Zhan's hint is already obvious.

The three policemen were very complicated. They all felt that it was too difficult for Liu Man and her mother. At the same time, they also felt that Liu Man's father, the man sitting outside was a bastard.

No wonder his ex-wife blocked his phone and turned off the phone! I can't afford it, just hide from the head office.

This is my girlfriend's private family matter. She is a public figure, so she must always pay attention to her personal image. The matter of her father is a stain on her. Please keep it secret for her.

Yu Zhan's tone was very sincere, and the policeman nodded repeatedly, That's for sure.

The police sent Yu Zhan out, and saw Liu Man and her father sitting far away, like two strangers who didn't want to do anything. The weirdest thing was Liu Chengyu's expression, staring at the wall in a daze, with his chin one Red holes, eye circles are also red, it seems to have cried? !

Didn't he just fall down, he's an uncle, he hasn't seen any storms, he shed a few drops of blood, why cry?

And his daughter was right in front of him, he made himself feel like the hero in a bitter drama, compassionate. The police were even more sure that Liu Chengyu's brain was abnormal, not just a neurotic problem, but maybe a mental illness.

Yu Zhan walked up to Liu Chengyu, bent down respectfully, and said to Liu Chengyu, Hello, Uncle Liu.

Liu Chengyu's eyes moved, looking at the handsome young man in front of him.

He knew that this man was called Yu Zhan, and he was a rich second generation. Because his former colleague often said in a tone of envy and hatred on WeChat, your daughter's boyfriend is amazing, he is a rich man, and if he moves casually, it will be hundreds of millions or billions.

The richer and more outstanding Yu Zhan was, the more angry Liu Chengyu became. Yu Zhan was supposed to be his daughter's boyfriend, and all these riches and honors should belong to his daughter. But he still has reason, and he won't be cold-hearted to the rich second generation, and no one will have trouble with money.

Yu Zhan said politely, Manman and I will take you to the hospital now.

No need, Liu Chengyu refused coldly.

Yu Zhan didn't force it, and asked him, That's okay, you can go to the hospital to have a look at the injury yourself. Do you have Alipay? I will transfer the medical expenses to you.

Liu Chengyu was confused by the wealth from heaven, he and Zhang Pei broke up the property, the other's nose was not nose, eyes were not eyes. This young man offered to give money? As expected of the rich second generation, the realm is different from that of ordinary people.

Liu Chengyu immediately reported his phone number to him, My Alipay also has this number.


As Yu Zhan spoke, he operated a few times on the phone.

Alipay collection: 50,000 yuan.

This arrival reminder was particularly abrupt in the quiet police station.

Liu Chengyu didn't notice that the police officers looked at him with contempt, and looked at the bill cheerfully, as if Yu Zhan should be filial to him.

Uncle Liu, if there is nothing else, Man Man and I will leave first, please pay attention to safety.

Yu Zhan's attitude was still gentle and respectful, which made Liu Chengyu very useful, and he immediately felt relieved, Okay, let's go.

Okay, you must pay attention to safety alone, Yu Zhan reminded again.

Over there, Liu Man had already got up from her chair when Yu Zhan sent money to Liu Chengyu, and she wanted to leave a long time ago. Before leaving, she also said softly to Liu Chengyu, Goodbye.

Liu Chengyu looked down at his phone, pretending he didn't hear her, as if she was a cloud of air.

In the eyes of the police officers, this scene undoubtedly further confirmed what Yu Zhan said just now.

They walked forward, and Liu Chengyu, who got the money, no longer wasted time at the police station. He grabbed his mobile phone and limped away from the police station.

The young policeman couldn't help cursing, What the hell, how can there be such a father in the world?

Another police officer said, It's hard to feel sorry for Liu Man. No wonder the Internet said that she is a desperate Saburo in the Internet celebrity world.

When the young policeman returned to the office, he suddenly found that there was an extra line in the column of Liu Chengyu's data and data in the computer: There is a difference in spirit, please pay more attention.

Brother Chen, did you type this word? The young policeman asked the older policeman next to him.

The older police officer said, Well, please make a note to save colleagues from other offices from trouble.

here you go!

The meaning of this line of remarks is not ordinary. All personal identification information in the public security system is connected to the Internet. In the future, every policeman who retrieves Liu Chengyu's information will be able to see this line of words. If Liu Chengyu makes trouble again, they will see With such words, if the matter is not serious, naturally it will not waste energy and time to deal with it; if the matter is serious, the police will directly treat Liu Chengyu as mentally ill.

This is Yu Zhan's purpose.

It's just that at this moment, he didn't know that his idea could be implemented so smoothly, and the police would cooperate with him in this way.

Yu Zhan's description of Liu Chengyu's mental state was half false and half true. The false ones were fabricated based on his experience, misleading the police to believe that Liu Chengyu really had mental problems.

On the way back, Liu Man immediately transferred 50,000 yuan to Yu Zhan, but he refused to accept it, so she forcibly transferred it.

Yu Zhan didn't care about the money, he repeated what he said to Liu Man, and told her his plan, Liu Man was surprised by his thoughts.


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