Yu Zhan was surprised, I thought a girl would have to invite a truck to move.

I came here and I haven't bought anything, Liu Man whispered.

Yu Zhan heard the words, and thought and doubts flashed in his heart.

Before Liu Man left, he left a note on the coffee table in the living room. When Liu Chengyu got home at 8 o'clock in the evening, he came back before Zhang Pei, and when he entered the door, he saw what she wrote:

Mom: In order to facilitate my studies, I rented a house near Capital University. The address is: XXXXXXX. I have moved in from today, and I have brought two cats with me. If you have anything, please feel free to contact me.

Liu Chengyu was so angry that as soon as he returned home, the princess moved out to live. Isn't it because he couldn't see him? He hasn't blamed her for taking his daughter's body, how dare she slap him?

And only the mother's title was written on the note, where is his father?

As soon as Zhang Pei got home, she saw her husband sitting on the sofa angrily, with a sullen face, his face blushing unnaturally, she smelled the alcohol in the air, and said angrily,

Are you drinking again?

Liu Chengyu snorted coldly, You still said that the ghost princess is a good child, she...

I ask you, have you been drinking again? Zhang Pei interrupted him and asked again, his voice was loud, almost roaring.

Liu Chengyu was still afraid of his wife. He was confused by Zhang Pei's roar, and he said, The leader is very happy to see me coming out. He is the host, and he invited me and others to have a drink...

Before he could finish his words, Zhang Pei walked up to him in three steps and slapped him in the face.

Zhang Pei used all his strength to knock a big man down on the sofa. Liu Chengyu was so stunned that he didn't recover for a long time.

Zhang Pei pointed at Liu Chengyu's head-to-head scolding and said, You've been in the detention center for so long, how come you don't have a long memory? Did you forget why you got in? You forget how the courier named Wang Chunhua died. Right? Have you forgotten how much we paid for you? How good is the wine, making you take the risk once or twice?

I didn't drive, Liu Chengyu said stubbornly. His car that caused the accident was still parked in the garage. The car keys were kept in Zhang Pei's hands, and he had no car to drive.

When I looked at the princess, I thought of the daughter I would never see again. I was in a bad mood. When I was in a bad mood, I wanted to drink. It's not like you don't know my problem, don't I even use wine to drown my sorrows? Do you have any rights?

Liu Chengyu felt that his actions were all right, and he even complained for himself.

Before the accident, Zhang Pei hated Liu Chengyu's love of drinking, What's your dissatisfaction, tell me straight, why do you have to drink? Can't you save me worry?

I said it as soon as I got back, is it useful? Aren't you more worried about what the princess thinks? For fear that she will be unhappy! The daughter is gone, I said a thousand and ten thousand words, and she won't come back!

The more Liu Chengyu thought about it, the more aggrieved, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

How can I refuse the kindness of the leader? He tried every means to keep me, and I am very grateful to him. I offended him, and I will not even have a job in the future, Liu Chengyu felt very reasonable. I am a man, and I have to take on the responsibility of supporting my family. If you don’t let me drink alcohol and socialize, how can I still work? How do I deal with my social circle? You haven’t worked seriously for 20 years and stayed at home. Am I working to support you?

Liu Chengyu's complaint made Zhang Pei froze in place. She looked at this husband, whom she had been thinking about for half a year in disbelief, and in her heart she actually looked at her dedication like this.

You don't think it's tiring to do housework? Raising children doesn't require energy? Taking care of the whole family doesn't require brains?

In the face of Zhang Pei's series of stern questions, Liu Chengyu completely sobered up.

There was a panic on his face, I'm sorry, I drank too much and said stupid things, don't take it to heart.

Zhang Pei sneered, she was no longer the housewife who was divorced from society and reality before. She followed Liu Man in her career, broadened her horizons, became smarter, and her personality became independent.

As the saying goes, when you tell the truth after drinking, what Liu Chengyu says is what he says in his heart!

You know how grateful you are for your leader, but you don't know how to thank Manman. She is the one who contributes the most in your affairs. Your leader just said hello and ignores the rest of the matter. If we knew it earlier, we would not have done this. Working hard, I will fish you out and let you sit in jail! Zhang Pei had the confidence to speak without mercy,

Didn't you tell Yiyi yesterday, are you going to visit lawyer Xie Li? He helped you clear the relationship between the court and the procuratorate. His appearance fee was 300,000 yuan, and Manman paid you 150,000 yuan. Since you are so capable , the leader has helped you find a new job and your career is developing well, you will definitely be able to continue to make money, and the remaining 150,000, you can pay it back yourself, oh, it is best to give the money to others at the end of this month, so as not to offend If you get a barrister, they will send you in again.

150,000, he just got out of prison, where did he get 150,000?

Before he could digest the information about such a large amount of legal fees, Zhang Pei continued, Because of your drunk driving, our family is heavily in debt, and we have to repay 8,900 yuan to the bank every month until 25 years later, since you hate it. Manman, she is not obliged to help you, so you have to fight and pay it back yourself, after all, it is your own fault, you are a man, one person does things and one person is responsible.

Zhang Pei returned Liu Chengyu's words to him intact, which was very ironic.

When Liu Man left, he not only left a note, but also sent Zhang Pei a WeChat message, so Zhang Pei didn't need to read the note and knew that Liu Man had left home and rented a house alone.

Time is really a scary thing. Zhang Pei and Liu Chengyu did love each other very much before, but at that time, their family was wealthy, and they had no worries about food and clothing. Her daughter is beautiful, capricious but frank. Zhang Pei always thought she was a very happy woman.

But these are just appearances. When there are substantial problems, such as money, people's sinister people can show it.

Before Liu Chengyu's accident, his salary was in the early 10,000s of a month. He just went to report to a new unit today. It is a public institution, very idle, and there is no work pressure. His monthly salary is less than half of his previous salary.

Asking a person with a monthly salary of less than 5,000 to repay a loan of 8,900 would kill him, not to mention 150,000 in legal fees.

Only then did Liu Chengyu realize why his wife tried so hard to persuade him before going to bed last night.

Without the princess, their family would have been ruined long ago.

Liu Chengyu sat on the sofa blankly, is it too late for him to regret it now?

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