At this moment, Liu Man and Yu Zhan are still cleaning the new house. Both of them have a little bit of cleanliness. From the afternoon until now, their pockets are empty again, and the shy Liu Man is reluctant to pay for part-time work.

After Liu Man finished sweeping the floor, Yu Zhan started mopping the floor. The two cats kept staring at the mop in Yu Zhan's hand. When the mop moved, they also moved.

Yu Zhan, who rarely does housework, discovered for the first time that housework was actually very interesting, and he enjoyed it. Or maybe it's because I work with the people I like that I'm tired and happy.

The floor of the study has been cleaned, the guqin is placed on the desk, the pen, ink and inkstone are placed in a corner, and the paper scroll is rolled up and placed next to the guqin. Teacher Zhang's modernly decorated study suddenly becomes antique.

Several books brought by Liu Man were placed on the desk.

She is wiping Teacher Zhang's bookshelf with a rag, and her eyes are also browsing his books. She is worthy of a teacher in the Chinese Department. Although he teaches foreign literature, his collection of books is all over the world. Liu Man also saw Tang poetry and Song poetry and Yuan songs. She thought she could return the two books that Professor Su lent her.

After Yu Zhan dragged the floor, he walked to the door of the study, and saw Liu Man standing in front of the bookshelf, looking up at the name of each book, with an elegant gesture, as if he was integrated with these ancient books, full of learning. So solemn, it's a beautiful and quiet picture.

No wonder that Professor Su cherished Liu Man.

No wonder Liu Man told him that she finally chose the Department of Classical Literature, which was a bookish major.

Yu Zhan saw the English-Chinese-Chinese-English Dictionary and other English textbooks on the desk. He remembered that Liu Man had only scored 63 in English 4, and he had an idea in his mind.


Liu Man turned back, What's wrong?

Let me help you with your English lessons.

Do you have time? Liu Man knew that Yu Zhan's working hours were from day to night, and it was already eleven o'clock when he got home from get off work every day.

Tuesday is my day off. From now on, I'll come to you every Tuesday and teach you English. It's such a happy decision! Yu Zhan didn't give Liu Man a chance to object.

This is what you said on your own initiative, don't think I'm stupid then, Liu Man thought of Yu Zhan's fluent English when talking with Song Junzhe, and felt so inferior! ! !

He will definitely laugh at her!

Yu Zhan couldn't help laughing when he saw the tangle on her face. He really wanted to hear her English accent and see how she recited words. It must be cute and interesting.

You and Sunlight and Moonlight, go to my house to rest tonight. It's just been cleaned, the air is not good, and the bedding has not been bought. You can't sleep on the mattress.

Okay, I'll go to the supermarket tomorrow to buy all the household items.

Yu Zhan chuckled, Now you are also a girl with her own family.

Yeah, I can control my time freely and don't have to care about other people's feelings. Liu Man used to be alone, and she feels good to be alone again.

Yu Zhan's home is not far from Capital University, about ten minutes' drive away.

Sunlight had already recognized his way, and as soon as he entered the elevator, he started to scream excitedly, Meow. Moonlight lay down in the pet box with his head covered and his head covered. When the elevator door opened, Paul didn't jump at Yu Zhan, but used his nose first. Arched the pet box in Yu Zhan's hand.

Yu Zhan immediately released the two cats, Sunlight jumped up, jumped on Paul's back, and looked down at the moonlight, like a cat queen.

Yueguang ignored it, took small steps, and walked into Yu Zhan's house curiously, looking in the east and sniffing in the west.

Seeing this raw face, Paul quickly followed, and yelled at it Wow, so frightened that the moonlight jumped onto the tall cabinet in the living room, hid behind the vase, and couldn't come out.

Liu Man felt sorry for the moonlight and wanted to appease it, but Yu Zhan stopped her, Don't worry about them, they will be familiar tomorrow.

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang.

After reading the caller ID, Yu Zhan answered the phone and said with a smile, Is it a melon again, or is it a bitter gourd?

Liu Man was happy, was Yu Zhan buying vegetables and fruits, or was he playing a riddle.

Yu Zhan answered this phone call for a long time. He basically didn't say anything after that. It was the other party who was talking, and he said um from time to time.

Finally he said, I'll think about it, and hung up.

Facing Liu Man's curious eyes, Yu Zhan said, The call was from Ye Ziliang.

Oh, I remember, his cat is called Melon.

His dog's name is bitter gourd, Yu Zhan continued.

Liu Man chuckled, He's pretty good at naming names.

What is he doing to you so late? Is the cat or the dog sick?

Yu Zhan shook his head, His pet is fine, he wants to make an online documentary with me.

Ye Yeliang, like his brother, is also a director? Liu Man didn't know Ye Yeliang at all.

Because of Yeliang's repeated approach, Yu Zhan and he were already very familiar with each other and could be regarded as friends.

Yu Zhan told Liu Man: Ye Yeliang returned from studying in the UK at the end of last year. He has been working as a producer intern assistant in the documentary department of the national TV station. It has just been half a year and is about to become a regular. The position he is competing for is a producer. Assistant, there are three people competing with him at the same time, which is very fierce. In order to test whether the four of them can actually do the job, the department assigned them an assessment task and asked them to make a documentary about 30 minutes long. Published on the online platform, and the final popularity will be used to select the best.

Liu Man felt that this hiring condition sounded extremely harsh.

The subject of the documentary is up to them to play freely. Ye Liang thought about it for a few days and decided to shoot his documentary with the title of Hospital for Cute Pets. He wanted to choose the shooting location in my store and let me be the one in the documentary. The protagonist - an ordinary veterinarian. He said he was willing to pay me 20,000 yuan.

He also went to the hospital to find me today, and when he found that I was not there, he called me this number.

Liu Man's eyes lit up, It's a very good idea, and I can still make 20,000 yuan. Are you willing to help him?

I haven't thought about it yet. Yu Zhan has no intention of making a documentary now. His top priority is to clean up all the people and things that are inconvenient for Liu Man, so that Liu Man can settle down in his new home.

And people in their family have always been low-key, no one has appeared in public, and no one has been in the news. He was captured by the live camera at Tang Tu's graduation recital before, and the video screenshot was posted on the Internet. Fortunately, the light below the stage was not good, and only a general outline could be seen. Fortunately, the audience watching the live broadcast did not know him. Otherwise, you can see through his identity at a glance.

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