But right now, she has limited funds, and renting the warehouse means another huge expense. At the end of this month, she has to pay lawyer Li's remaining legal fees. She can only save money first and spend the legal fees Pay off, and then consider the warehouse.

Liu Man and Yu Zhan came to a real estate agency near Capital University.

Liu Man is now half a celebrity, and the agent naturally recognizes her and does not dare to neglect her. They picked out a few good ones from the pile of houses in their hands, and took the two of them to see the house resolutely.

Liu Man is also a cheerful person, and soon chose a two-bedroom apartment.

This house is just outside the Capital University campus, and it is very convenient to enter and leave the school. The original owner of the house is a teacher of Capital University. He is about to stay abroad for a long time as a visiting scholar, so he hangs his house out for rent.

The teacher is single. The two-bedroom one is a bedroom and the other is a study. There is a large desk in the study. The desk is surrounded by tall bookshelves. The bookshelves are full of books. If he does not take these books, the only requirement he makes of the tenants is to love reading and cherish his books.

Liu Man likes his study very much, and also likes his books, which is why she likes this house.

The agent immediately called the landlord and asked him to sign the contract.

On the phone, the landlord asked who the tenant was and what kind of person he was. The intermediary said Goddess of Hanfu, and he directly asked the other party to hang up and came quickly.

This teacher has the same surname as Zhang Pei. He is a young male teacher in his early thirties. He wears a pair of glasses and is polite. When he sees Liu Man, the little eyes behind his glasses are shining.

There is no one in the entire Capital University who does not know that their school is about to usher in the most domineering backdoor student in history, but no one objected, and everyone was eagerly waiting for her arrival.

Teacher Zhang said excitedly, I teach foreign literature in the Chinese Department. When I was in college, Mr. Su also taught me. He supported you on Weibo, and I just liked it yesterday. , I didn't expect to see you in person today, but unfortunately I'm going abroad soon, so I can't teach you a lesson.

I will stay at Capital University for two years in the future, and there will be opportunities.

Ms. Zhang's enthusiasm also infected Liu Man. She felt that the teachers and classmates of Capital University were much friendlier than her original school.

In fact, many tenants have taken a fancy to this house before. Mr. Zhang met them, but none of them satisfied him. Some people knew by their temperament that they would not treat his book collection well, and he would rather not make this money. Rent, and will not rent the house to these indiscriminate people.

Do you also want to rent my house for two years? Teacher Zhang asked.

Liu Man nodded, If possible, I really want to rent it until graduation.

In fact, Mr. Zhang's visiting scholar ended in one year, but he said, Okay, I will rent it to you for two years. I will give you a cheaper monthly rent, 7,000 yuan.

The price he gave to the intermediary was 9,500 yuan.

Liu Man originally planned to repay the price of 500 yuan, but she did not expect Teacher Zhang to be so good at talking. She was grateful and immediately signed a contract with him.

Mr. Zhang asked to pay the rent every six months, and the deposit was twice the rent, which was 1.4w yuan. Liu Man needed to give Mr. Zhang 5.6w yuan at one time today.

Of course Liu Man can get this money, and she only has 6w for the time being.

However, they still owed lawyer Li 150,000 yuan in legal fees.

The lawyer's fee totaled 300,000 yuan, and the first one was 150,000 yuan. At the end of last month, Liu Man had already made a call to Lawyer Li's bank account. She and Lawyer Li agreed that after Liu Chengyu successfully came out, he would pay the last sum as soon as possible. In terms of money , it is best not to delay too long, it is easy to offend people.

As soon as more than 50,000 yuan goes out today, Liu Man is not sure whether she can collect 150,000 yuan this month. After all, she still has to pay warehouse rent, bank loans, manager Huang's payment for goods, workers' wages and various other expenses.

Business people don't have so much liquidity in their hands.

That's why Zhang Peicai blamed Liu Chengyu for not understanding how much effort Liu Man had put into giving him a sip of wine.

Seeing the reminder of the success of Alipay's transfer 5.6w, it should be a happy thing, but Liu Man's heart is empty.

Because from today, she will no longer go back to that house, and there is only Zhang Pei who makes her nostalgic.

But in the future, she will not report to Zhang Pei one by one for each of her income. She has to guard against Liu Chengyu. Liu Chengyu doesn't trust her, and she can't trust Liu Chengyu.

Teacher Zhang said, You can move in with your bags today. He looked at the man who had been with Liu Man, but didn't speak much from beginning to end, and smiled, Let your boyfriend work harder and help you move.

Yu Zhan didn't expect Liu Man to move out of the house so eagerly, she didn't seem to want to stay at home at all.

On the way home to pick up her luggage, Yu Zhan asked her what conflict she had with her father, because from Zhang Pei's attitude towards her daughter, their family should still be very harmonious. Besides, she didn't really hope that her father would be happy before. point release?

Liu Man said softly, My father doesn't like me.

Hope is on the one hand, and reality is on the other hand. Liu Chengyu did not accept himself, and Liu Man was helpless, so he had to avoid it.

She said that, Yu Zhan would not be able to ask further questions.

In Yu Zhan's memory, his childhood was very happy, and his parents loved him very much, but he knew that in this world, not everyone was as lucky as him.

He also thought that Liu Man's father had caused her and her mother's hard work due to drunk driving, and he felt even more that this elder was incompetent.

When Liu Man returned home, Zhang Pei and Liu Chengyu were not there. At this time, Zhang Pei must be busy in the warehouse.

Liu Man took out his large suitcase from the bottom of the closet, but did not put any clothes or shoes. Instead, he put all the cat food and pet utensils of Sunlight and Moonlight in it, and then put the two books of Professor Su on the top. Three Hundred Poems of Tang Dynasty and Selected Songs and Yuan Songs, as well as the English textbooks she bought.

All the clothes and shoes in the cloakroom belonged to the former owner, and she didn't take any of them except what she was wearing.

Yu Zhan waited in the car for about half an hour, when he saw Liu Man walking towards this side with a guqin on his back, a large suitcase in one hand, and a pet box in the other.

The two fat cats, Moonlight and Sunlight, huddled together in the pet box, looking out wrongly.

Yu Zhan immediately went up to meet her, took her bag and pet box, I'll carry Qin.

It doesn't matter, you can help me hold the pet box.

After getting in the car, Yu Zhan immediately put the sunlight and moonlight on the back seat for ventilation, and put Liu Man's suitcase and guqin in the trunk. He asked Liu Man, When will you come for the second time?

This is all my belongings.

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