The next day, everyone's grades for each course in the fourth semester were entered into the school database.

At that time, Liu Man was helping the workers deliver goods together in the warehouse.

She received a text message automatically sent from the school's official website, telling her that she could check her grades. She immediately logged into the school's official website with her hands and entered her student number and password.

Her report card has been generated in pdf format, and it will pop up automatically after entering the account. Open the file, and the first thing in the form is English 4:63 points


Liu Man browsed down one by one,

All other courses are between 80 and 90 points.

The chamber music ensemble course is 60 points...

In the total column at the bottom, her weighted average score for this semester is 68 points...

Seeing her staring blankly, Zhang Pei couldn't help but ask,

What's the matter? Is there another messy moth on the Internet?

I'm looking at the test results, Liu Man said in a low voice.

Zhang Pei thought of her own daughter, who was ignorant, failed countless exams, and had poor grades. She felt that Liu Man must have done better than her daughter in the exam no matter what.

Have you passed?

That's right, in Zhang Pei's cognition, she thinks that as long as she passes the exam, she is good enough, and she has such low requirements for her daughter!

Liu Man nodded slightly, Passed.

That's pretty good, why are you drooping?

English is 4 credits. I only got 63 in the test. It's my problem. I didn't review well. I have another course that takes 16 credits. I only got 60 points in the test. I think there is a problem with this score. I will never It should be only 60 points, Liu Man frowned, and told Zhang Pei truthfully, The two courses directly lowered my average score, and I ranked 117th in my grade in the fourth semester.

It's nothing bad to be ranked 117th, Zhang Pei didn't care, and instead encouraged Liu Man, We don't look at rankings. You are an ancient person, and English is a holy book for you. You can score 63 in the exam. It's been great.

However, the school depends on the ranking. On the total report card, the computer has automatically calculated the total score of the four semesters, and the ranking is automatically re-ranked. Speaking of this, Liu Man's tone was a little dazed, and he looked up at Zhang Pei.

There are only 132 students in our grade, and I happen to be No. 123. The school's new regulations: those who rank in the bottom 10 will be dismissed,

Zhang Pei didn't turn her head around all of a sudden, she counted her fingers, and suddenly realized that Liu Man was actually the tenth from the bottom, You're going to be dismissed by the school!? No, no, no, it won't work, absolutely not.

Zhang Pei was a little emotional and couldn't control her voice, which startled the four workers who were working. The workers thought their boss was arguing with her daughter.

The rules are dead, you are so talented, your school will not really let you drop out. Zhang Pei calmed down a little, and said with a glimmer of hope.

Liu Man shook his head, This ranking is visible to everyone. Everyone knows the rules. I don't think the school will make fun of the rules it made. I may really be persuaded to quit. It would be great if I could do better in English. Liu Man blamed himself very much.

Of course, if Liu Man passed every exam in the past, she would not be in such a situation.

English is only 4 credits, how much will it affect? ​​Your class is only 60 points, what's going on? Zhang Pei immediately grasped the point.

I don't know the reason. These 60 points are the scores of my performances with my classmates in early May. No wonder Zhu Xiyang didn't immediately announce the results of each team at that time. Liu Man can conclude that he did it on purpose.

Such a wonderful performance, you only have 60 points?! Zhang Peimeng threw away the work in hand, I have to go to your school and talk to your department leaders, why do you only give you 60 points for that course? !

At the same time, the teachers in the piano department were also thinking about this issue, and had differences and disputes over it.

Teacher A spoke for Liu Man, Liu Man is a very good student. Her wonderful performance in the ensemble concert is obvious to all. We cannot deny her talent just because she failed a test once.

Teacher B held a negative attitude, She failed the exam more than once. In four semesters, she failed the professional assessment in two semesters. In addition, there were several homework that were passed after the make-up exam. Her grades are just shitty.

Teacher C also felt that Liu Man was wronged, But Liu Man has made great progress in his studies since he entered his sophomore year. He was ranked 102 in the last semester. Although he ranked a little lower this semester, none of his theoretical courses scored below 80. That is to say, English is slightly poorer.

The female teacher who is in charge of teaching English in Liu Man's class is very entangled and regretful. She can see Liu Man's usual hard work and study. Even if he only scored 63 points in the final test, it is a huge improvement.

She filled in the total score sheet based on Liu Man's actual score in the English test, with 63 points, no more than one point, no less. If she had known that Liu Man would be dismissed by the school for this, she risked being punished and had to call her 73 Minute!

But now that the results have been announced to the public, there is no way for her to change her score if she wants to.

Teacher D questioned, I read Liu Man's report card for this semester. The reason for the low average is mainly because English 4 and chamber music ensemble were slowed down. Her score for chamber music ensemble was too low. In the whole grade, only She and Li Xiaoru scored 60 points. The chamber music ensemble itself is a performance course. As long as the students prepare carefully and complete the performance, the score should not be lower than 70 points. I wish the teacher that they changed instruments midway and did not meet the definition of trio standards. Is it too harsh to judge that their performance is not in compliance and give a low score?

Zhu Xiyang, who was named, said with a smile, If I really criticized Liu Man and Li Xiaoru, I should let them fail this course. 60 points is already a big concession for me. At least they There is no need to make up the exam.

Zhu Xiyang spoke so eloquently that Teacher D didn't dare to say anything, even though he sympathized with Liu Man very much.

At the beginning of Zhu Xiyang's tenure, he didn't have a few good classes, but he didn't do his job properly. He held a special concert, and the whole sophomore year was so noisy. Many students skipped other teachers' rehearsals in order to prepare for his concert. In order to take care of Zhu Xiyang's face, so that the concert can be held smoothly, a notice was issued to suspend classes for two days for all the sophomores of the Western Music University.

Teachers of other courses are well-behaved, honestly follow their own teaching plans, and come to class according to the rules of class hours. Zhu Xiyang's troubles disrupted their original lesson plans and forced them to spend a little longer than usual. Therefore, some teachers have begun to criticize Zhu Xiyang's publicity, but because of Zhu Xiyang's background, they dare not speak out.

Today's first update

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