Liu Man felt that he was far away from Zhu Xiyang, and he hadn't even said a word to him.

Zhu Xiyang has a very good reputation in the school. The young pianist and associate professor successfully held the first chamber music ensemble concert. He has a bright future and looks handsome. The students all adore him. Why is Xue Yunfei so Hate him?

She was puzzled.

Why? Liu Man asked.

The gentle scum is people like Zhu Xiyang, Xue Yunfei felt that he had to sound the alarm for Liu Man,

Zhu Xiyang and I are at the same level in Berkeley. He is in the piano department, and I am in the composition department. You may not know it. Although the Berklee Conservatory of Music in the United States is very famous, this school focuses on modern popular music majors, such as Jazz, country music, rock music, blues, and classical music are relatively unpopular in this college. To put it bluntly, excellent pianists would not choose to study in Berkeley. Zhu Xiyang's admission to Berkeley's piano major is enough to show his piano level Very bad.

Liu Man thought about it carefully, and Zhu Xiyang really rarely played the piano in front of them. The only time he played the piano was in the music classroom as a demonstration, and he only played a short section.

But he gave a solo performance at the New Year's Symphony Concert on New Year's Day this year.

Don't you know that this kind of concert is very hot? Xue Yunfei sneered, The programs at this kind of concert are all taken over by related parties, and those with real talents and learning will not be invited.

Poor grades are a small problem. Zhu Xiyang's biggest problem is his character. Xue Yunfei didn't want to talk about these dark sides, polluting Liu Man's innocent heart, and was afraid that she would be fooled by Zhu Xiyang because of her simplicity, so Tell her to forget it, Zhu Xiyang's family is very rich, he lives in a luxury house in Boston, drives a luxury car, and his private life is very corrupt. As long as there are good-looking female international students in our school, he will try to approach them and use money to lure them Take the bait, almost none of them have escaped his palm, they have been played by him, and what is even more disgusting is that he also takes drugs!

Liu Man was taken aback. Zhu Xiyang had a gentle appearance, and he couldn't tell that he was such a person at all.

He was forcibly sent to a drug rehabilitation center by the American police three times, and it is estimated that he quit the last time. His reputation in the United States has been ruined, and he can't get along at all, so he returned to China. Unexpectedly, he got a position in your school, Xue Yunfei said. , As for his background, I don't know.

Liu Man remembered Li Xiaoru's words and said, My classmate told me that his father was the former principal of our school.

Oh, so that's the case, no wonder he is so rich, Xue Yunfei understood, It seems that when his father was in office, he made a lot of money.

Xue Yunfei really hated Zhu Xiyang, and he was already outspoken. How could he say such things casually outside.

Liu Man asked Xue Yunfei about Zhu Xiyang, but because of Wang Nina's matter, she only gave Zhu Xiyang a little bit of attention, just a casual mention.

She only listened to Xue Yunfei's words as gossip, but she didn't expect that she would have a direct confrontation with Zhu Xiyang not long after.

Four days after Tang Tu's solo recital, Liu Man ushered in the first English test in her life.

She is nervous!

She has read all the textbooks, and she can roughly understand the texts through various dictionaries.

Liu Man came to the examination room full of confidence. The moment she got the test paper, she was discouraged by the dense Latin alphabet.

Her mind was blank, and she found herself reciting those words, as if she didn't know them all of a sudden. No matter how good the memory is, one cannot use it at the same time. Liu Man is an ancient person who has never been exposed to English. She usually recites a large number of ancient poems and articles in accordance with Professor Su's instructions, and writes them down in official script or regular script. , Practicing calligraphy, and reciting thousands of English words, her energy and brain capacity are simply not enough.

Besides, English cannot be improved by memorizing words by rote.

At the end of Liu Man's test paper, there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

She has done her best.

At the end of the exam and the moment she handed in the paper, she already had a bottom line in her heart, and she knew that she did not do well in the exam.

Li Xiaoru was very worried when she saw Liu Man's expression. The English course was very important and took up 4 credits. The school considered that they were all art students, so the test papers were very difficult, and most of the students could pass the test smoothly. to the high score.

But Liu Man is different. If her English is still failing or her score is very low, then her total grades in the four semesters will be really hanging.

The ominous premonition in Li Xiaoru's heart came again, she was so afraid that Liu Man would be dismissed by the school.

English 4 is the first shot of the final exam, and then the exam week of the Conservatory of Music is coming. Exams, big and small, are coming one after another. Liu Man and Li Xiaoru are so busy that they can't take care of other extracurricular things at all.

Before the exam week, Liu Man broadcast live for the last time and said to fans,

I have to prepare for the final exam in the past two weeks, and there is no way to broadcast it live. I wish other students who are going to take the exam like me, pass all the exams smoothly!

The fans were very considerate of her, and they also sent their blessings to the anchor one after another. In the eyes of everyone, Liu Man is already a god-like existence. What is the exam? It's a piece of cake, so there's no need to worry.

Indeed, the next exam is very easy, Liu Man has no problem, but she has no problem, and other students who are better than her think it is no problem.

The last exam is the final professional assessment of the fourth semester.

After practicing piano for a whole semester and participating in three recitals, Liu Man's piano level is enough to easily pass this assessment.

The three invigilators of the piano department all knew Liu Man. To be precise, there was no teacher in all the departments of Western Music who did not know her. After Liu Man finished playing her exam repertoire, the teachers nodded in satisfaction and let her pass without asking any questions.

Walking out of the examination room, Liu Man saw Li Xiaoru waiting outside. Li Xiaoru walked up to her with a smile and asked her how she was doing in the exam.

Liu Man was in a trance for a while, she remembered last semester, at the same place, also just finished the final exam, Li Xiaoru and Wang Nina surrounded her concerned and asked questions.

She looked at Li Xiaoru in front of her. Li Xiaoru hadn't changed, but Wang Nina was no longer the same Wang Nina.

In the afternoon, Liu Man got to know her professional assessment score - 90 points, 4 points higher than last semester. These 4 points are probably the encouragement points given by the teacher for her progress this semester.

After all the exams are over, the students with good grades welcome the arrival of summer vacation happily, while the students with poor grades are anxious and keep checking on the school's official website to see if the grades of other subjects have come out.

The third one is done

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