Especially the young teachers in their early thirties in the department. They are in a competitive relationship with Zhu Xiyang. Everyone has worked hard for several years in order to evaluate the title of associate professor. Seeing that they are finally able to survive, they suddenly appeared Come to wish Xiyang.

Zhu Xiyang's employment was appointed by the leader, and he did not go through the formal recruitment process, because he is the son of the former principal - a super-connected household, and the school attaches great importance to him. Obviously, the next chance to be promoted to an associate professor will only be given to him .

The young teachers were aggrieved, but they couldn't do anything to Zhu Xiyang.

While they sympathized with Liu Man and Li Xiaoru, they also wondered how they offended Zhu Xiyang and told him not to listen to any advice, but to give them both low marks.

At that time, Li Xiaoru, who was packing her bags back home in the dormitory, also saw her report card. Her average score of all courses this semester was 77 points, and she ranked 71st in her grade.

Regression from 15 to 71, this shock, as long as a student who has strict requirements on himself, cannot bear it.

Li Xiaoru sat blankly on her chair, not recovering from it for a long time.

At this time, the door of the dormitory was opened from the outside, and Wang Nina, who hadn't been back to the dormitory for a long time, came back unexpectedly.

Even though Li Xiaoru calmed down immediately, Wang Nina still caught the bewilderment and loss in her eyes.

Wang Nina glanced at the mobile phone in her hand, and asked gloatingly, Is it because the test scores are not satisfactory?

Li Xiaoru immediately realized that something was wrong. Zhu Xiyang said that the performance of the chamber music ensemble was just a formality, and the final grade was composed of two parts: the performance grade and the usual grade.

Even if she and Liu Man scored 60 points in the performance, it is impossible to score 60 points in normal times. They arrived on time for every class, signed in, and completed the class exercises.

Li Xiaoru stood up from the chair all of a sudden, and said angrily, So it was you who did it!

Wang Nina smiled triumphantly, noncommittal.

Manman and I's grades are not as good as yours. Apart from concealing some things from you, we have not harmed your interests. You and Xu Zihan have already won the first place in the recital. Why do you push people too much? You Don't you know that if you do this, Manman will be dismissed by the school. Li Xiaoru was really anxious.

Yes, of course I know, I just want her to be fired.

Wang Nina's coldness made Li Xiaoru unbelievable. She had lived in this dormitory with such a terrible person for nearly two years.

Wang Nina didn't want to do such a trick at first, if Liu Man succeeded in making a fool of herself at the ensemble concert, she would not care about it, but Liu Man managed to turn the tide, turned the situation around, and won everyone's admiration. Li Xiaoru has also become a celebrity in the piano department - an excellent pianist among teachers and classmates.

How could Wang Nina swallow this breath?

There are so many excellent students in the school, Shen Mozhen, Wen Fangfei, and Tang Tu are no worse than Liu Man, but Wang Nina is the only one who keeps her eyes on Liu Man.

Because they used to be friends, people always hated the closest person first, but Liu Man suddenly surpassed her and left her far behind.

If Liu Man hadn't become friends with Wang Nina at the beginning, she wouldn't have made comparisons with her.

Why did you become like this? Li Xiaoru looked at Wang Nina's strange face, extremely angry and disappointed.

Do you think Man Man and I don't know that you asked Xu Zihan to cut Wen Fangfei's strings? Do you think we don't know that you spread Man Man's rumors to Zhang Daqiang on Weibo? You think we don't know, Is it a disgusting affair between you and Zhu Xiyang? We didn't expose you, we just missed the old relationship, and we still remember that you used to be our friend.

When she heard the word friend, Wang Nina looked dismissive, and she interrupted Li Xiaoru, What kind of friend, I don't believe that there is a real friendship in this world, everyone is a relationship of interest, you use me, I use you , I used to be friends with you just because we lived in a dormitory together and were more familiar with you. You look uglier than me, and Liu Man's grades are worse than mine. You two can just be my foil... .”

Before Wang Nina could say anything, Li Xiaoru, who was extremely angry, rushed up and slapped her hard. With a slap, Wang Nina's face was turned to one side.

One can imagine how much effort Li Xiaoru used.

Wang Nina was beaten until her head was numb. She covered her face and remained motionless.

Li Xiaoru didn't regret hitting her at all.

Standing in front of Wang Nina, she looked coldly at the face that made her sick, I slapped you for Man, if she is expelled from school because of you, I will never let you go in my life.

Hearing her oath-like words, Wang Nina laughed out loud as if she had heard a big joke.

Every time you are like this, you are hot-headed, you think you are full of blood, but in fact you are extremely stupid. I don't care about this slap with you. I am a civilized person and an artist, Wang Nina raised her head proudly. Half of her face turned red in the shape of five fingers,

Actually, I didn't mean to target you, but whoever let you hang out with Liu Man, and even teamed up with her to participate in the concert, you were implicated by her, and I can only blame you if you want to blame her. Treat it as a friend. Oh, friends are unreliable, you have to rely on yourself.

So, what you call relying on yourself is relying on Zhu Xiyang? Li Xiaoru was very contemptuous.

I'm just conforming to the reality. This is the way of the world. The weak eat the strong. We were born as commoners and have no power. Why should we gain a foothold in society? Talent? Struggle? There are many talented people in the school, but only Shen Mozhen is the one who really stands out. Children from rich families like Tang Tu, they have their parents paving the way for them, and their future is destined to be prosperous. If we rely on our own efforts, how long will it take to achieve their achievements? Their starting point is our end point , I'm just not convinced, why is God so unfair, I just found a shortcut for myself when I went to Zhu Xiyang.

No, you just found a backer for yourself. You just want to sit back and enjoy what you get, and get something for nothing, Li Xiaoru said contemptuously, Do you think people like Zhu Xiyang will really create shortcuts for you?

He helped me get the qualification to participate in the anniversary concert in the second half of the year. This is a shortcut!

Wang Nina threw down these words triumphantly, turned and left the dormitory.

She is now living in a luxury apartment rented by Zhu Xiyang, and her living conditions have been greatly improved. She came to the dormitory specifically to watch the jokes between Li Xiaoru and Liu Man.

The second update, 200 chapters, make a mark!

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