Although Peter took care of everything and told Liu Man and Zhang Pei not to worry about his work, Liu Man turned around and told Yu Zhan about it. What she thought was that Yu Zhan studied veterinary medicine in the United States and had some contacts, such as That Professor Stephen, what if they can help Peter?

The next day was Saturday, and after a night's rest, Liu Man immediately went to visit Xu Wen and his wife in Yangpu. When she got off the plane yesterday, she sent a WeChat message to Xu Wen, saying that she had just returned from the United States and brought some souvenirs, and asked if she would available. Later, Xu Wen replied that there is no problem and she is welcome to come.

Liu Man has been to Xu Wen's house not once, and she is familiar with the road. She just got out of the car and walked to the entrance of the villa. Before she rang the doorbell, four dogs gathered first. Three of them stuck out their tongues friendly, and one greeted her. He yelled and looked very irritable. Liu Man remembered that it was called Abao.

Then Xu Wen also came out, first to appease A Bao, and explained to Liu Man, It's a little angry and in a bad mood. Seeing Liu Man holding large and small bags in both hands, he said in surprise, The souvenir you said There are so many things! How polite!

Liu Man smiled and said, It's all for dogs.

Oh, pet supplies are everywhere in China, why bother to buy them all the way from America!

Although Xu Wen said that, she didn't refuse. She happily took the bag, welcomed Liu Man into the room, and asked the nanny to prepare tea and snacks.

In fact, people at her level have seen many kinds of gifts. When relatives and friends go to unfamiliar cities or countries, they will buy some local specialties before leaving. The problem is that the world is now integrated, and most specialties can be bought online. . Therefore, souvenirs from the United States are not a big deal. Xu Wen also studied in the United States when she was young. She also has a green card in the United States and travels to and from the United States at least once a year. She actually does not expect Liu Man to give her anything. That's fine.

However, the dogs were very interested in the contents of the bag. When they were at the door, they circled the bag and sniffed it with their noses. When they entered the house, they jumped onto the sofa and tried to pull the plastic bag with their hands.

The biggest change in the living room of Xu Wen's house is that there are four more huge doll ornaments. Xu Wen put them under the TV, sitting in a row, and the guests can see them as soon as they enter the door, which is particularly eye-catching.

Seeing Liu Man staring at the doll, Xu Wen said with a smile, Your dolls are so lifelike, my friends thought they were real, and asked how I cloned all the pets.

Cartoon dolls are everywhere. It's not unusual. We want to do something different.

Your idea is right. The other dolls you gave me were taken away by my friends, said Xu Wen, who spends 100,000 yuan a month in Liu Man's store, so she can naturally get a bunch of gift dolls. Grab these four dolls from me, and I told them that this is a private order and cannot be given as a gift!

Liu Man couldn't help laughing, As long as you like it. It's very difficult to give a gift to a rich woman, but fortunately she did not make a mistake in her first step.

On the other side, the dog had already pushed out all the items in the bag. Xu Wen picked up one casually and asked curiously, What is it, they like it so much, is it a dog snack?

She said that she wanted to unscrew the bottle cap and take a look.

Liu Man hurriedly stopped her, These are all common medicines for dogs.

Xu Wen was surprised, Medicine? I wanted to feed them medicine before, and they wanted to tear down their house.

Before Liu Man left New York, Yu Zhan took her to a pet hospital owned by Professor Stephen to buy these things.

Yu Zhan said that Professor Stephen is a major shareholder of an American veterinary drug company. Many drug clinical trials of this company are carried out in his laboratory, so his pet hospital has many exclusive drugs, let alone not available in China. It is also not available anywhere in the US except Stephen's Veterinary Hospital!

Yu Zhan originally wanted to buy these medicines for him, Liu Man, and other friends' pets in case of emergencies. At that time, he never thought of using this method to please Xu Wen, so Liu Man sent the souvenirs that originally belonged to Paul and Bai Xue. Take it as a favor and give it to Xu Wen's four dogs.

Xu Wen carefully read the English on the package and found that it was really all medicine! Antidiarrheals, anti-inflammatories, allergy meds...even antidepressants for dogs! She couldn't understand some uncommon terms and vocabulary, but fortunately, there was a sticky note on each medicine, which wrote down the usage and dosage in Chinese, which was very considerate.

You wrote this? Xu Wen asked Liu Man.

She shook her head, Where do I know veterinary medicine? It was all written by Yu Zhan. All the medicines came from a pet hospital owned by an American veterinary professor. He was Yu Zhan's tutor when he was studying in the United States. Yu Zhan said that the efficacy of the medicine is better than that of domestic medicines better.

Xu Wen had always been convinced of Yu Zhan, and now she felt more at ease about these medicines, A Bao has been very angry recently, intermittently, and has never recovered, so I just tried to give him this medicine, she opened a bottle, A white pill poured out of it.

Yu Zhan's label said: Mash up, dissolve in water for dogs to drink, and she asked the nanny to do so immediately.

Because of getting angry, Ah Bao has a circle of red blisters around his mouth, and his temper is quite violent. It is because he bit the plastic bag and pulled things everywhere. Xu Wen was also worried that she would not cooperate with taking the medicine, so she asked Liu Man and the nanny to help subdue the dog. Unexpectedly, the water bowl was brought over, and it actively licked the water. After a while, it drank the whole bowl of water with medicine . Afterwards, it voluntarily walked to Xu Wen's feet and nestled down, squinting its eyes and resting its mind, very well-behaved.

Regardless of the efficacy of this medicine, at least it calmed down the dog, and the dog seemed to be in a better mood. Xu Wen thought it was reliable, and asked the nanny to put away the other medicines, and thanked Liu Man.

Liu Man quickly said, You take care of my business every month, and you continue to support Grandma Zhan. I should thank you.

Xu Wen smiled heartily, It's so troublesome for us to thank you back and forth like this. We are all friends now, so don't talk about these empty courtesy in the future.

Liu Man has been waiting for the opportunity to discuss the shares with Xu Wen, and the opportunity finally came! Actually, I'm here tonight, and I want to trouble you with one more thing.

What's the matter? Just say it! Xu Wen said in a big voice, as if she could help Liu Man handle it as long as it was within her ability.

Your husband is a shareholder of Xinji Group, right? Liu Man first confirmed.

Xu Wen's expression was a little surprised, as if she didn't expect Liu Man's matter to go so far, Yes, those shares originally belonged to his elder brother, and they were transferred to him later.

This rhetoric is the same as Song Junzhe's guess.

There are two shareholders of Xinji Group who want to transfer their shares to Yu Zhan, and the general meeting of shareholders will be held in seven days. Could you, sir, please vote for Yu Zhan?

Xu Wen was even more surprised. In fact, neither she nor her husband knew about Xinji Group, nor did they participate in the business operation. These shares were purely used for dividends.

The first update ~ the second update night ~

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