Liu Man told Xu Wen about Yu Zhan's current situation and Ji Qiansong's secret methods against the Tao family, Yu Zhan and He Lushen. Xu Wen felt unbelievable. After listening to the story, she suppressed her smile and her expression became heavy. She is a full-time housewife who lives a carefree life and never cares about business affairs. Her husband is an architect and also runs a construction and real estate company. company.

I usually don't ask about my husband's work, let alone his shares in other companies. I don't know at all, Xu Wen said, Besides, it's something left to him by their family. I can't decide on this matter. , How about it, I'll call him and ask him to come back now, and you two can talk.

It's not very good, Liu Man hesitated, Why don't I come over next time when he is at home.

The shareholding change is such a big matter, it can't be delayed, it should be discussed in time, and you must be in a hurry, Xu Wen had already understood at this time that Liu Man's intention for this trip was not to drink, and to give gifts on the surface, but in fact For her husband's share. She didn't care, she met Liu Man and Yu Zhan because they adopted stray animals. One was in charge of publicity and the other was in charge of treatment. If they can put their minds on small animals, they must have good thoughts towards the world. How could they be like that? What about profit-seeking people?

Xu Wen had only heard a little about the Yu Shan Group. When the Yu family changed dramatically, she and her husband had just entered college, and they were both studying in the United States at that time, so they didn't know the details. Even Yu Zhan's identity, after they took the dog to him for treatment a few times, and then read the news reports, they realized who he was after a while. After all, who would care about a little carrot head more than ten years ago. Even if they knew that Yu Zhan was Yu Xianwen's son, they only had a little more intimacy and would not think otherwise.

Without giving Liu Man a chance to object, Xu Wen took out her mobile phone and dialed her husband's number. She didn't say what was going on, but told him to go home immediately. Yang Pu didn't have any doubts, Okay, I'll be right back. It's not that Xu Wen is too strong, but that she is seldom willful, once willful, it is absolutely true.

Yangpu's speed is very fast, within half an hour, Yangpu arrived home.

Seeing him coming in, Liu Man quickly sat up from the sofa and greeted him respectfully, Mr. Yang, hello.

Xu Wen covered her mouth and smiled, Why do you do this every time? Call me Sister Xu, call him Mr. He and I are family, and you still treat them differently.

She smiled at Liu Man and stood in embarrassment. Yang Pu also laughed. He asked his wife, It turns out that Liu Man is here. Why did you call me back in such a hurry? Is the dog sick or something? The four dogs on the ground don't look like each other depending on their condition.

Xu Wen and her husband stopped talking nonsense, Have you received the notice of the shareholders' meeting of the New Season Group?

Yang Pu was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood Liu Man's reason for coming!

Because not long ago, Ji Qiansong also found him and talked about two things. First, asked him if he would sell his shares to him; second, asked him to vote against it at the upcoming shareholder meeting.

The first thing, he refused without hesitation. He said that although the shares were in his name, they were still the property of his elder brother, and he could not move them casually. He asked Ji Qiansong to contact his elder brother.

The second thing, he dismissed Ji Qiansong temporarily on the grounds that he needed time to think about it.

He didn't have friendship with Ji Qiansong before, but he and his wife had some friendship with Yu Zhan. In comparison, he was of course more inclined to approve of Yu Zhan getting He Huaguang and Gao Yihuai's shares. Besides, these two equity transfers have no impact on him. At the end of the year, he will not lose any dividends that should be paid.

Yang Pu looked at Liu Man and asked directly, Did Yu Zhan ask you to come?

She shook her head, No, it's me who wants to fight for a better chance of winning for him.

Don't worry, I will vote for it. Yang Pu was as easy to speak as Liu Man thought, I will definitely stand on your side in this matter, even if I didn't know you before, I would not be with Ji Qiansong.

Do you also know about Ji Qiansong's bad things? Xu Wen asked her husband. Their previous relationship with Ji Qiansong was limited to a few casual conversations in some social occasions. If Liu Man hadn't told her what Ji Qiansong had done today, she would never have imagined that Ji Qiansong was so bad! He actually wanted to put the He family boy in an American prison!

Yang Pu knew Ji Qiansong better than his wife. It has something to do with his elder brother Yang Bo. Before Yang Bo immigrated, he decided to transfer the shares to him. Ji Qiansong also opposed it. He said to Yang Bo, You should give priority to me when you transfer the shares. I can offer you a price that satisfies you.

In the end, Yang Bo asked him, If that's the case, why were you unwilling to give the children of the Yu family a price that at least seemed reasonable?

These words are extremely sarcastic and don't give Ji Qiansong any face.

Yang Bo told Yang Pu that after getting the shares, he would just take the dividends honestly, never pay attention to Ji Qiansong, and don't get involved in the affairs of the Ji family.

Yangpu had only been working for a short time at that time, and he was a young and tender young man, but he kept his brother's words in mind. Except for the shareholder meeting that he had to attend, he never appeared in Xinji Group. Ji Qiansong probably thought he was honest, so he didn't bother to talk to him. .

Unexpectedly, they who are wise and safe will one day become sweets and potatoes.

Liu Man was not satisfied with Yang Pu's guarantee. Her ultimate goal was to persuade Yang Pu to sell the shares to Yu Zhan. After careful consideration, she asked Yang Pu, I would like to ask, are you willing to transfer the shares to Yu Zhan? Cham?

As soon as she finished speaking, Yang Pu and Xu Wen stared at her, and even the nanny who was serving them looked surprised. She had seen countless people come here to ask the couple to do things, but no one was as aggressive as Liu Man.

At the moment when the atmosphere froze, Yang Pu laughed out loud, and Xu Wen squinted at him, What are you laughing at? She was a little angry in her heart, Liu Man asked too much!

I just heard the exact same question from another population.

Ji Qiansong also looked for you?! Liu Man said in an affirmative tone.

Yang Pu nodded slowly, What do you think my answer is?

The answer is self-evident, Liu Man felt that Yang Pu was rejecting her in a disguised form, hey, forget it, some things can't be forced, if people are willing to stand by their side, they should be thankful, if they continue to entangle, in case they annoy the other party , Wouldn't it be counterproductive to vote against it?

As soon as Liu Man started to retreat, Yang Pu said again, It's not impossible to sell it to Yu Zhan. Liu Man's small heart seemed to circle half a circle in the air, and then circled back again, with a thud.

She looked at Yang Pu with burning eyes, with a very sincere look, as if she was saying, You can negotiate whatever price you want.

The second is more done~

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