Top of the big era

Chapter 962 Have you taken gunpowder?

As Ziwei Star grows bigger and stronger, some meetings are inevitable.

In particular, the country is encouraging technological innovation and embarking on the route of independent research and development...Ziweixing can be regarded as a representative enterprise.

Zhou Buqi participated on behalf of Ziweixing.

The level of the meeting was very high, and the heads of all major Internet giants participated.

Needless to say, private enterprises must respond to the country's call in this regard and are willing to assume more and greater social responsibilities.

Zhou Buqi was called to speak by name, and he couldn't get around it, so he described a grand blueprint for cloud computing to the leaders.

"When we were building websites in the early days, we usually bought servers ourselves, installed corresponding systems, databases, middleware, and created source files. After our cloud computing platform was established, the model changed."

Zhou Buqi sat on the chair calmly. Although he was the youngest guy present, he didn't have stage fright at all. His confident appearance surprised many people, and he felt like the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

"After Ziweixing is built, it will be much easier to build a website. By purchasing the corresponding services, all the original functions can be realized, just like shopping on Taobao. Entrepreneurs can purchase according to the scale, concurrency, and traffic of the website. Corresponding server resources, database resources, network resources and storage resources. We will even further open up cloud computing-related industries to provide users with domain name registration, SMS gateway, trademark registration and other services. It is equivalent to realizing it without leaving home One-stop service for website architecture.”

Leaders can't just listen to Xiao Zhou's one-sided words.

Just ask others for their opinion.

The first to speak is the group of entrepreneurs.

Mr. Li from Baidu, what's your opinion?

Mr. Li: "Cloud computing, to put it bluntly, is old wine in new bottles. It's not as magical as the rumors say."

President Ma of Penguin, what's your attitude?

Mr. Ma: "This matter...may be realized in hundreds of years. Looking at it now, it is still too early and unrealistic."

Everyone was speechless.

The opposite is true!

Although both of them were refuting Xiao Zhou, their ideas were completely opposite. One thinks that cloud computing is scum, not worth mentioning. One feels that cloud computing is too avant-garde and too far away to be realized at this stage.

Fortunately, Alibaba, Sugon, Lenovo, Founder and other companies that have cooperated with Ziweixing are unanimously optimistic about the cloud computing business, believing that it will become an important infrastructure for the Internet industry in the future.

Since cloud computing is so good, is there anyone willing to follow up? You can't hand over such a major infrastructure project to Ziweixing, can you?

A vote of entrepreneurs are silent.

There is also a scientist advisory group speaking, saying that the technical content of cloud computing is too high, involving many directions such as operating system, database, high-speed storage, distributed, big data, etc., and it is very difficult to realize. In particular, the investment in cloud data centers can cost tens of billions, which is too expensive.

With this money, it is better to engage in chips.

Entrepreneurs are speechless.

Chips are a century-old project, can private forces make it work? Can you stop putting good things on your heads and leave all problems to us private enterprises?

No country in the world can play the chip industry from upstream to downstream. This is the most typical industry of global resource allocation. The country wants to achieve the goals that can only be achieved by dozens of countries in the world with the power of one country... Please, scientists, come out of the ivory tower, don't be too idealistic, and don't fool your leaders anymore.

Even if it is to be done, it should be done by the power of the state, not that the industries that are the easiest to make money are monopolized by state-owned enterprises, and the burden of industries that are hell-level difficult are dumped on private enterprises.

I thought that everyone was complaining in their hearts and smiling perfunctorily, so it passed.

Unexpectedly, Boss Ma jumped out.

There is an air of fearlessness.

Boss Ma is very eloquent, and he talked eloquently: "I checked the data. Last year, the national financial expenditure on science and technology was more than 210 billion, which was 42.5 billion more than in 2006. The growth rate exceeded 25%, ranking first in the world. This is a good thing, and it is also the only way for our country to revitalize the science and technology industry. But where did all this money go?"

The atmosphere is a bit cold.

Boss Ma didn't care about this, and said bluntly: "After the reform and opening up, the private economy has developed rapidly and has become more and more important in the economy. Private enterprises have contributed 50% of tax revenue, created 60% of GDP, and developed 70% of scientific and technological innovation achievements, 80% of the employed population, and 90% of the market entities.”

"It can be seen from the data that private enterprises do not do research and development. On the contrary, the research and development capabilities of private enterprises are far beyond imagination, accounting for 70% of the country's total! Most of the technological products that can be seen on the market are from private enterprises. Scientific research results. However, in terms of national scientific research funding allocation, how much do private enterprises get?"

"Last year, more than 210 billion scientific research expenditures were provided to private enterprises, which was less than 2 billion, less than 1%. With less than 1% of national scientific research funds, private enterprises created 70% of scientific and technological innovation for the country. Is this not enough? ? Is there still not enough scientific research and development done by private enterprises? If the scientific research results of private enterprises are not enough, then where did the 99% of the scientific research expenditure go? What kind of scientific research results did they produce?"

"As I mentioned just now, Ziweixing's cloud computing project has a huge investment, at least tens of billions of investment. This is a huge Internet infrastructure project, but how much research funding have they received? I am an independent of Ziweixing. Director, I have read the special materials, only 15 million yuan..."

Zhou Buqi was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood!

Good you old horse!

You are a demon yourself, can you not take me with you?

Everyone was silent.

No one dared to say anything.

In the end, only Boss Liu expressed his opinion, supported Lao Ma with confidence, and even used Lenovo as an example. As a result, it immediately attracted a backlash from the group of scientists, who unanimously criticized Lenovo as an assembly plant with no technical content, and the "trade, industry and technology" route was a huge mistake...

Entrepreneurs did not dare to confide the truth in front of the leaders like Lao Ma did, but when faced with these academic scientists, they were very confident and stood behind Boss Liu one after another. Even Li Yanhong, who is elegant and modest, was very upset and said: "Academic scientists can only stay in the academy. You don't understand business matters."

This remark immediately resonated with everyone.

That's true.

Academic scientists are famous one after another, but the distance from private enterprises is getting farther and farther away. Not to mention leading a science and technology group of a private enterprise, you can't even hold the title of scientific consultant.

Ziweixing is engaged in cloud computing business, and a team of scientists came to investigate and offered to be a scientific research consultant, but the technical committee rejected it unceremoniously.

The money of the enterprise is hard earned, and every penny must be used wisely. The funding of academic scientists is all given by the state, and it is hard work to feel every detail.

Spend your own money to buy things for yourself, so that you can get good quality and low price.

Spending other people's money to buy things for others, the result can only be that it is neither good nor cheap, and there may be oil and water in the middle.

The debate continues.

Scientists point their fingers at the high salaries in the Internet industry, "You pay such high salaries, all the outstanding talents go to you, and they don't want to come to the research institute to do scientific research."

Lao Ma is a genius for debating, "That's strange. Private enterprises receive so little national scientific research funding, but they can pay high salaries to scientific researchers and produce a series of scientific research results of both quality and quantity. You have received national scientific research funding. There are so many research funds, but the scientific research results can’t be produced. Your scientific research personnel’s wages are so low, where does the money go?”

Zhou Buqi felt that the topic was a bit crooked, so he couldn't help expressing his opinion, and said lightly: "Private enterprises are still too poor. If the funds are sufficient, they should offer higher salaries to scientific researchers. We have lost a large number of top talents overseas. A large part of the reason for not returning to China is that domestic wages are too low. If you want a horse to run, you must feed the horse. Feelings can’t be eaten, and the era of scientists tightening their belts and dedicating themselves to the country is over. Now, it's a market economy."

What was supposed to be a very serious scientific and technological innovation seminar turned into a mess.

Fortunately, the leader who presided over the meeting had a big heart and smiled, saying that no matter whether it was a white cat or a black cat, it was a good cat if it caught mice. Study the difficulties of all research institutes, private enterprises have complaints from private enterprises, each has its own difficulties, we must be considerate of each other and cooperate sincerely.

After the meeting, Zhou Buqi was very upset.

After finding the old horse, he said angrily: "You are almost done, have you taken the gunpowder?"

Boss Ma said: "Only by telling the truth can we serve the country and the people."

Zhou Buqi laughed angrily, "Don't tell any lies, and don't tell all the truth, why do you still need me to teach you?"

Boss Ma was not very happy either, and sarcastically said: "You are so young, why do you look like an old fritter? You don't have any blood? If all the revolutionary martyrs are like you, the country will die long ago!"

Zhou Buqi said in a cold voice: "Read more history, and stop talking to me. Liu Bang is a gangster, he won. Xiang Yuyi Bo Yuntian, he died. The blood is to cheer up the soldiers below. You are a soldier. Still handsome? A handsome man with hot blood, are you looking for death? Next time you want to die, don’t take me with you. I think you have achieved a little achievement, so I don’t know how high you are, who do you think you are?”

Boss Ma wanted to explain a few more words, but when someone came over, he kept silent.

After leaving the field, went to the parking lot.

Boss Ma took the initiative to come over, and after recovering, he said with a relaxed smile, "I thought you had the guts to invest tens of billions in cloud computing."

"Boldness has nothing to do with stupidity."

"It's okay, I know what's going on, don't worry."

Zhou Buqi sighed, and pointed to the scientists who left the field over there, "Did you see that? They are all very old. Some of them have to take a taxi home, and some drive home by themselves. We all have drivers and assistants. Wait. Each is his master, each his own life. Enjoy life, there is nothing to complain about. Complaining is useless!"

Boss Ma smiled and invited, "I'm going to the United States in two days, and I'll take my wife with me to participate in the case of Microsoft and Yahoo, and take a vacation by the way. Are you going?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Forget it, next time."

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