What happened this time gave Zhou Buqi a deep sense of vigilance.

At first, the old Spurs were still within controllable range. Later, Lao Liu came out to support, and the problem became serious, and the entrepreneurial group all stood up.

The so-called sky has fallen and the sky is falling.

The old horse is too short, and everyone is afraid that he will not be able to stand up. Boss Liu has come out, so don't be afraid.

This problem is serious.

It’s okay to have commercial influence, but you can’t rely on commercial influence to openly play confrontation. What do you want to do? State-owned enterprises, research institutes, and universities are all sons, and scientific research funds are left-handed and right-handed. Complaining in front of the father that he passed all the money to his son and not to himself, what is this called?

More importantly, should the development model of private enterprises be determined by you, Lao Liu, Lao Ma, or who else?

This time the leader is very generous and doesn't care much, but it may not be the case in the future.

If these two people don't change, something will happen.

Zhou Buqi sat in the car, silent.

In a few years, Lao Liu's reputation will be ruined, and he will become a low-key person, and will not openly express his business philosophy. It should be so. Under the changing times, Lao Liu's style is a bit outdated, and the new generation of entrepreneurs can no longer use him as a benchmark.

However, Lao Ma's way is getting more and more solid, and his business is getting bigger and bigger and expanding.

In the future, the status of some old horses in the domestic commercial market will be even worse than that of today's old willows.

Speech everywhere, preaching and instructing all living beings with the attitude of business godfather.

Even came up with a lakeside university.

To recruit foreign students, the recruitment conditions are very strict, only those young entrepreneurs with potential and ability are recruited, and they are given business management guidance.

This is certainly a good thing, and it can help young entrepreneurs avoid detours and grow rapidly.

But the question is, what do you want to do, old horse?

Do you think your business influence is not enough, and you still want to train future generations of entrepreneurs in China to be your students? Are you Teacher Ma or Principal Ma? In the future, do domestic entrepreneurs listen to you or who else?

If you are an official, you can do it with one heart, but you can be a thorn in the head every day, and you often sing the opposite tune. You are so eloquent and have such a great influence. One can't get used to the other, and you open your mouth regardless of the occasion...

"Floating! It's too floating!"

Zhou Buqi shook his head again and again, thinking that Lao Ma had done too much business and dealt too much with Western capitalists, and was influenced by their evil ways.

Recalling the scene at the meeting again, I remembered that Penguin's Xiao Ma was very low-key, he didn't say a word during the whole process, and he didn't participate at all.

This is not surprising, he is not from the Beijing circle.

This is great wisdom.

For example, President Ren of Huawei is also a role model to learn from.

Last year, after years of iron-blooded reforms, Huawei finally saw the rewards, opened up all European businesses, and ranked among the top five global communication giants in one fell swoop.

Huawei has taken off.

In the selection of financial figures at the end of the year, I wanted to award the grand prize to Boss Ren. As a result, Lao Ren waved his hand in the south, and ignored him at all, not interested in accepting the award.

Think of how high-spirited Li Yanhong was when she received the award a few years ago. It is not easy for private entrepreneurs to become economic figures of the year. As a result, Boss Ren didn't bother to show up.

What kind of soil breeds what kind of entrepreneurs.

The Beijing circle is too close to the political center, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

At this moment, Zhou Buqi's thoughts were flying.

At present, Ziweixing has spent huge sums of money to build two headquarters parks in China, one in the north and one in the south.

This one to the north is the headquarters.

The one to the south is Huaxia headquarters.

In the future, when overseas business starts, we will go to the United States to set up a headquarters, called the global headquarters. The so-called global headquarters refers to the headquarters other than the domestic market, that is, the overseas headquarters. This is a neologism invented by Lenovo. If it is called an overseas headquarters, it will make foreigners feel like a "foreign company". It is different to call it the global headquarters, which can make some people think that the headquarters is really in the United States.

The same goes for the Global Vice President.

The global vice presidents of Microsoft, Google, and IBM are the highest positions under the CEO and president, and above the senior vice president, they are responsible for the global market. The global vice president of a domestic multinational company refers to the vice president in charge of overseas business, which is only lower than the senior vice president.

This is also one of the reasons why domestic multinational companies are scarce.

Although both domestic and foreign countries are doing business, they have different business systems and behavioral logics.

This year, the headquarters in the south can be built and moved in.

Zhou Buqi was thinking about whether to move his work place... Anyway, the big framework of Ziwei Star has been laid down, so there is no need to worry too much about the specific business execution.

Going to the south to work, one is closer to the magic capital, and it is more convenient to see his wife and children. On the one hand, you can also keep a certain distance from the Beijing circle, and avoid getting involved in some messy things.

Back in the office, Zhou Buqi asked Ning Yaxian to set up the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and then called Shi Jinglin over.

"Why? Writing again?"

When Shi Jinglin saw this posture, she understood.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "President Shi, please?"

Shi Jinglin pursed her lips, gave him a white look, walked over confidently, dipped her pen in the ink, and asked in a poised manner, "What are you writing this time?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't get flustered."

"Don't get mad?" Shi Jinglin was stunned for a moment, with a weird look on her face, "You've watched too much of Marshal Ma, right? Have you learned a lesson from Brother Biao?"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Floating! People are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be stabbed? Do you understand?"

Shi Jinglin thought for a while, then nodded slightly, "Then write this sentence. Hang up the words 'Don't get flustered', and people will come to your office to have a look, and don't know what to think."

Then, scratched his head.

I used the computer next to me to surf the Internet, checked the traditional Chinese characters, and then wrote it with ink, and it was done overnight.

"Oh, it's not well written, this doesn't count."

Shi Jinglin tore up the written words and wrote another one.

And wrote a third one.

Only then was he satisfied, threw the pen away, and said with a smile: "It's all right, do you want to sign it?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Yes!"

Shi Jinglin turned her head and ordered, "Secretary Ning, go to my office and ask my secretary to bring over my seals. There are five stamps in total, and I want them all."

After dismissing Ning Yaxian, Shi Jinglin turned her head and asked him in a low voice, "Didn't you go to a meeting? Was it stimulated?"

Zhou Buqi sighed, "It's hard to say."

Shi Jinglin gave a soft "hmm", and then hummed: "I wrote it for you again this time, how long can I hang it up? Last time, the 'self-control' was hung up for more than a year, and it didn't seem to have any effect. .”

Zhou Buqi said bluntly: "I am self-defiled, your realm is too low, and I tell you that you don't understand. Go read "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" and taste the way of being a minister."

"Stop it!"

Shi Jinglin rolled her eyes, thinking that this scumbag will always have a reason.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "If you don't understand "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", you can also read "Women's Virtue" and "Women's Commandments" to improve."

Shi Jinglin snorted softly, "This is the company, I'm not in the mood to flirt with you."

After a while, Ning Yaxian took back the seal.

Shi Jinglin signed and signed, and it was done.

A commandment of "How can a person not suffer from the knife when he is floating in the rivers and lakes" is finished.

The word "Gone with the Wind" is intentionally large, a bit fancy and eye-catching.

Zhou Buqi was very satisfied, so he instructed the secretary to mount it. Upscale and hang in the office.

It's much more comfortable to go back to my own company.

After reading the company's financial report last month, I am very satisfied.

Net profit, 420 million yuan!

Among them, Friends.com made a net profit of 280 million yuan, the Academy of Engineering made a net profit of 240 million yuan, SP business made a net profit of 110 million yuan, Toutiao made a net profit of 29 million yuan, and Weidian Search also made a net profit of 16 million yuan.

After deducting 230 million yuan in special funds for subsidies of tens of billions, as well as expenses for research institutes, cloud computing, database business, and Spring Festival benefits...

Such domestic profits can be called a surprise.

The achievements are dazzling, and Ziweixing's internal reform has not stopped.

After careful inspection and personnel recommendation, Xu Liangjie chose Jiang Zhiyong, the vice president of the software business group, a doctor who studied in the United States for less than a year, and former Google technical director, as the president of the newly established China Taiwan business department. M6 grade.

This middle office business department currently has two main businesses, one is the gold coin wallet system, and the other is the automatic advertisement storage system.

At the same time, it is also necessary to coordinate the work of the Engineering Institute and assist the CTO in completing the processing of the architecture and middleware...

In short, the China-Taiwan plan, which has been explored for a year, has officially begun to be implemented.

According to Xu Liangjie, the centralization of the advertising system of each platform can not only prevent the internal operations of various departments, but also reduce the annual salary expenditure of at least 6 million to 7 million yuan.

Next, the China Taiwan Division will try to deconstruct the business segments of more websites and integrate similar products together.

Zhou Buqi gave instructions to this document: "It is better to delay than rush, and make decisions carefully."

At this time, a call came, it was Wang Haoyang.

Wang Haoyang spoke quickly, "Two things! First, I just approved 150 million and authorized it to Fang Qiwen. He has already tried to develop new business, just like you said, he went to Changbai Mountain to talk about mineral water. "

Zhou Buqi was relatively calm, "Under the economic crisis, we must seize the opportunity. There will be no dividends in the past few years, and the money earned will be used to develop new business lines. We must provide the factory manager with the greatest back-up guarantee. "

"Well, the second thing is that you have your plane."


Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up.

This is a good thing!

Now, with his rising status, it would be too inconvenient for him to take civil aviation. Every trip, at least four or five people, as many as a dozen people. You can't fly first class by yourself and let someone else fly business class or economy class, right?

Can only be chartered.

But the price of a charter flight is too expensive. A single domestic flight costs two to three hundred thousand yuan.

Hurry up and buy a private jet, this is just what you need.

Wang Haoyang said with a smile: "The financial crisis seems to be quite serious, and it has already spread. This time, the president of a French bank wants to resell the aircraft he ordered. But in the current situation, it is very difficult to resell. He started It is said that it is a 50% discount for resale, but now it is 10% off. I guess it can be reduced further, and his bank is going bankrupt."

"The plane has left the factory?"

"Yes, it hasn't been renovated yet, it's brand new."

"Good thing!"

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