Top of the big era

Chapter 961 Integrating Advertising Platforms

Now in, Polaris Capital holds 20% of the shares, and Ziwei Star holds 8% of the shares.

The financing this time is mainly based on Ziweixing.

Liu Qiangdong asked the accountant to take the account book, and Zhou Buqi looked at it, but he didn't even glance at it.

Who can understand this?

Just negotiate the price!

In this regard, Liu Qiangdong is trustworthy, far superior to other peers.

Liu Qiangdong offered $220 million.

Zhou Buqi didn't counter-offer at all, and agreed directly.

Then, it said that it would invest 100 million US dollars.

Liu Qiangdong thinks a lot, but Zhou Buqi is very firm. He thinks that should seize the opportunity of the financial crisis, take advantage of the tightening of other people's business, and make a quick attack to make the business model run.

After a little discussion, the matter was settled.

However, the specific details need to be further coordinated. also has other investors, and their opinions should be respected. In this round of financing, the valuation of is not low. Coupled with the economic crisis, maybe the early investors will withdraw.

These are the little things.

Once the general direction is finalized, it is enough to celebrate with champagne.

When I returned to the company in the afternoon, it was already past 4 o'clock.

After Zhou Buqi drank two glasses of wine, he didn't really feel like working, so he just wanted to talk to a few people.

"By the way, where are those little guys?"

"Who is it?"

"Those in the secretary's room."

Ning Yaxian couldn't help laughing, she felt that Boss Zhou could really pretend!


Yes, the three of them are quite young, they are only seniors this year, fresh graduates. But, your big boss Zhou is also a senior, okay? People are the same age as you!

Ning Yaxian was not quite sure, so she went to find Wang Yaojin.

Wang Yaojin took care of this and said with a smile: "It's all arranged, let them suffer. At 8 o'clock in the morning, come to the general affairs office to clean up. At 9 o'clock, I will return to my shift. Yang Xue is in the personnel department, and Sun Guanran is in the personnel department." In the finance department, Ning Lu is in the marketing department... This Ning Lu is quite interesting, and she is very active in her work. I heard that she went to the market with her master yesterday."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It's good. It's better to look at the long-term scenery. Young people are blessed when they suffer hardships, and they suffer when they enjoy themselves."

Wang Yaojin asked: "How long is the shift?"

Zhou Buqi thought for a while and said, "One month, don't rush. Give them more time and let them familiarize themselves with the business of each department. Go and ask for a departmental feedback report every month."

Weibo is already online.

However, Ziweixing is not in a hurry to increase the traffic, and there is no large-scale promotion. Go online and run in a low-key manner to see the effect. When the time is right, start the flow again.

Wang Xing is no longer Zhou Buqi's assistant, but has become the president of the Weibo business department.

Ning Yaxian has to undertake more tasks.

She has this ability.

However, relying on Ning Yaxian alone is not enough, neither Wang Yaojin nor Feng Muer can be relied on. Feng Muer is better, after all, she is young and ambitious. Wang Yaojin is just a pure vase, she can only do some odd jobs.

Among the three newcomers, it would be great if one could be trained to share Ning Yaxian's work.

The rotation system of "Guan Peisheng" is very challenging, it will be very tiring and hard work, and it will consume more physical strength, energy and brain power. Likewise, there is reward for giving.

Such a post learns more and progresses faster.

Next, Ning Yaxian picked out an important document and handed it over.

Zhou Buqi took a look, ho!

Good guy!


Is this the great effect of the economic crisis?

Last month, that is, in February, Chen Guohuan led the marketing department and brought back a total of 92 advertising orders for Ziwei Star, with a total amount of 1.27 billion yuan!

On average, each order is worth 13 million yuan.

It's amazing!

I haven't seen the specific order details, and several sets of more general data are given in the materials. These orders are mainly placed on the three major platforms under Ziwei Star -, Jinri Toutiao and Weidian Search.

Among them, Friends Network has the most, with a total of 960 million yuan!

The order with the longest time limit is 30 months; the order with the shortest time limit is only 3 months. On average, the contract period of each insertion order is about 12 months.

In other words, relying on these new orders, Ziwei Star can generate 100 million new advertising revenue every month.

The market feedback really echoed the analysis and forecast!

As soon as the financial crisis took hold, advertisers swarmed in and began to concentrate on advertising on platforms with strong influence.

Zhou Buqi called He Yang and Chen Guohuan over.

Chen Guohuan was in a meeting, a little slow.

He Yang came first, and when it came to advertising, he was also very happy, and said with a smile: "Indeed, the online advertising business is going to explode this year. Last year, Ziweixing's advertising revenue was nearly 2.5 billion yuan. This year, the situation... doubles. It's a little less."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, there are only 29 days in February, and there is a long Spring Festival holiday, and the days when you can work seriously, that is half a month. So many orders have been brought in in such a short period of time. Of course To praise Chen Guohuan for his outstanding work, the influence of the general environment is also very important."

He Yang nodded, "It's not just offline orders. In February...more precisely, in the past half month, online orders have increased by 300%."

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

He Yangdao: "The amount of online orders is relatively small, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and ranging from hundreds to thousands of yuan. It can add up to more. In February, the number of new online orders exceeded 8,000, and the total amount It reached 490 million. The largest is Weidian, with 220 million, followed by, with 150 million.”

If it is an advertising bill with a huge amount, it is usually the advertiser who contacts Ziwei Star offline and signs the contract in black and white.

If it's a small bill, it's not worth running door to door.

I can't even run.

A direct online agreement will suffice.,, and under Ziweixing all have their own automatic advertisement storage system. Advertisers log in to these systems, then quote their own prices, and fill in the relevant information. The marketing department will work with the legal department to check the relevant advertisements, and after passing the verification, they will call the merchants and ask for payment.

Then you can post your ad.

However, different platforms have different advertising formats. Weidian is mainly about bidding ranking, is "bidding + personalized recommendation", and Toutiao can also have traditional page advertisements in addition to "bidding + personalized recommendation". The Xiaonei website mainly consists of advertisements on the page, as well as adverts on the top of the school's forums.

In addition, there are advertising spaces on’s open platform, as well as advertising spaces on Mobai,, and In the future, we will even try to add some open-screen advertisements to Meitu Xiuxiu, Weidian Music, and Weidian Player.

"By the way, Xu Liangjie has to take action to rectify the advertising platforms of major websites." He Yang thought of something and felt that it was necessary to report, "Did he tell you?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Not yet."

He Yang nodded, "Old Xu is still communicating with several business presidents. To convince them, there is probably no movement today, and the next two days will be almost the same."

Zhou Buqi asked: "How to rectify?"

He Yangdao: "China-Taiwanized operations save costs and prevent corruption. The current online advertising storage systems are all fighting on their own. has its own system, and Toutiao and Weidian also have their own systems. They are all similar. functions, and created a bunch of similar things. Of course, these systems are essentially the same, and they are all built with a set of architectures. But it is unnecessary to separate operation and maintenance.”

Zhou Buqi understood what he meant, "Integrate all advertising platforms into one?"

"Yes, it integrates, and then allows advertisers to choose to place advertisements on different platforms according to their own needs. It not only saves our internal labor costs, but also facilitates the advertising of customers."

"Well, this idea is fine."

He Yang smiled, "I'm afraid that someone will disagree."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Is there oil and water?"

He Yang pondered for a while, "There must be ludicrous things... For example, advertisers colluding with our internal personnel, getting internal prices or giving priority to advertising, will harm the interests of the company."

Where there is sunshine, there are shadows.

Corruption is inevitable.

Advertisements on and Micropoint are scarce, and they adopt a bidding model. For the same type of advertisement, whoever bids the highest price will be listed first.

For example, the unit price of Dangdang’s advertisement is 3 yuan, and the unit price of Jingdong’s advertisement is 2 yuan. Both are B2C e-commerce promotions of the same kind, so Dangdang gives priority.

If there is internal and external collusion, there will be problems.

If Dangdang found out that the first-ranked had an offer price of only 2 yuan, it would not have paid 3 yuan. It would be enough to directly pay 2.1 yuan, which would invisibly damage the interests of Ziweixing.

The next problem is more serious.

It is a violation of the company's principles to give priority to advertising to advertisers who have colluded. Obviously Dangdang paid a lot of money, but if insiders colluded with, they would put’s advertisements first, which not only violated the interests of Ziweixing, but also the interests of customers.

Zhou Buqi's expression was calm, he guessed it a long time ago, and said: "In July, let's set up the Supervision Department and recruit two powerful auditors, and see if we can invite some public officials with experience in solving crimes. "

"That's another matter." He Yang waved his hand and coughed lightly, "This time, the biggest difficulty in operating the advertising platform in Taiwan is Shi Jinglin."

"What? What happened to her?"

"This...integrates the advertising spaces of,,, Weidian, Mobai, etc., and displays them to advertisers on one page. There is a problem of ranking. The advertising revenue of Not many, and the ranking is relatively low. The enthusiasm of advertisers may be discounted.”

Zhou Buqi didn't care, and waved his hand, "What is this? Advertisers are all enterprise-level users, they are rational and calm enough, and will be affected by the ranking order just like ordinary users? Before they put an advertisement, they must have Do your research. Don’t make things difficult for Xu Liangjie, I will make a decision. When ranking, the first is Weidian, the second is Xiaonei, the third is Toutiao, the fourth is Friends, and the fifth It is an open platform, the sixth is, and the seventh is Navigate. Other small websites are placed in other categories.”

He Yang nodded, and tentatively asked, "Actually, the most profitable advertising business is the pop-up advertisements of Helo and Weidian Security Guard."

Zhou Buqi immediately refused, "No way!"

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