This is an ad.

In a simple family, a couple was scrambling in front of the computer. On the computer screen was the process of pandas burning incense and raging. The couple said in panic: "Oh, the computer is poisoned, what should I do?"

At this moment, their daughter, Miss Yang Mi, was standing on the sofa in a white dress, pinching her waist with one hand, holding a loudspeaker in the other, and shouted very fast: "Micro point antivirus! Micro point antivirus! Micro point antivirus!" Antivirus!"

Then, the camera turned, and the couple happily went online again.

The camera is back to Yang Mi, she proudly stepped on the sofa with one foot, and said very fast: "When you buy a computer, you need to install Micropoint Antivirus!"

The entire commercial is very fast-paced, not only the camera cuts are fast, but the speech is also very fast, as if the X4 is turned on at double speed, and the total time is only 6 seconds.

One broadcast is over, followed by the second one!

Zhou Hongyi stood in front of the TV with an extremely ugly expression.

Behind them, almost all the executives were there, some were melancholy, some sighed, some shook their heads in distress, and some were lost and hesitant...

Last week, Micropoint Antivirus just created an incident of "Micropoint Antivirus VS Panda Burning Incense" on the Internet. It has only been a few days? Ads are up!

In such a short few days, can the advertisement be shot? Even if it can be filmed, doesn't it take time to negotiate with the TV station? Even if the negotiation goes well, the schedule arrangement will take time.

There is only one explanation, that is, the micro-point has been in preparation for a long time!

These two waves of operations were planned a long time ago. It is a step-by-step marketing campaign aimed at completely occupying the domestic personal computer security market.

Looking at the whole layout, it is really stable and ruthless.

Looking back at my own side, I have no money, no technology, no plan, no plan, and I rush forward like a green head.

At one time, I imagined that with the help of Panda Burning Incense virus, I could compete with Micropoint Antivirus!

After all, it's a free product.

Unexpectedly, people are camping layer by layer and advancing step by step, but on my side, there is a hammer here and a stick here.

This is no longer a question of money and technology, but that the general direction of corporate decision-making is wrong.

Take a look at other people's advertisements, and get the essence of marketing god Shi Yuzhu!

It is simply a technological version of melatonin.

Brainwashing is too strong.

Not surprisingly, the second episode was broadcast, followed by the third one.

That tsundere little girl was yelling again with a loudspeaker, urging everyone to quickly install Micropoint Antivirus.

One advertisement is called three times, and three advertisements are called nine times!

"Micro-point antivirus... Micro-point antivirus..."

After watching the ad, all the executives were thinking about the little girl shouting with a loudspeaker, it was too magical and brainwashing.

Zhou Hongyi's eyes were still on the TV, but his thoughts flew away.

He thought about many things.

It's too late to regret.

Various appeals have appeared in major forums, calling on everyone to uninstall their own products.

If the market is gone, there will be no present.

Without word of mouth, there is no future.

Look at the competitors' advertisements again, and show off on the TV station...

"By the way, has Weidian's search business started?" Zhou Hongyi was very calm and calm, and asked politely when she turned around.

"Started, browser, navigation network, search engine."

"Use the security guard as the entry point to promote the browser, then use the browser to promote the navigation network, and then use the navigation network to promote the search business... From micro-point antivirus to micro-point search, this is a continuous line!"


"This kid is really amazing!"

Zhou Hongyi let out a long sigh and waved his hand, "Okay, let's all go back to work, the sky hasn't fallen yet."

He didn't even have confidence in what he said.

When I got back to the office, I called the chief financial officer.

"There are still 8.2 million yuan of working capital available on the books. There are 126 people in the company, and the monthly salary expenditure is 2.2 million yuan, but the year-end bonus will be issued this month..."

"I asked you a few days ago, isn't there more than 10 million left?"

Zhou Hongyi stared.

The Chief Financial Officer said bitterly: "You just allocated a sum of money, 1 million marketing expenses, 1 million public relations expenses, many people on the Internet said that they can't deal with panda burning incense, need..."

"Cancel it!"


"Go right away! Get these two sums of money back!"

This time, Zhou Hongyi didn't make a fool of himself and made a decision right away.

The situation is now very clear.

Sprinkling the 2 million won't help.

Micro-point antivirus has become a god and cannot be stopped.

Right now, it is time to gather as much food and grass as possible, to collect, to withdraw, and to prepare for the road ahead. Investors still have some hope, so try to fight for it. If it doesn’t work, it’s really game over.


On the first day of 2007, in addition to the launch of the search service, there was also a lot of movement on A project that had been hidden for a long time was launched - Happy Farm.

The first day of data was not so good.

Zhou Buqi didn't care.

This kind of game, as long as enough time is given to settle, it will definitely become popular. Now he's focusing on search.

As of 9:00 p.m., the installation volume of Weidian Security Browser has exceeded 8 million.

It's a pity that further data about the search was not available.

Don't look at what Boss Zhou said nicely, he doesn't look at the data, he doesn't care about market share, but how could he not pay attention to such an important product?

I can only secretly find the previous data and make some references.

This is the domestic search report for December last year.

Throughout December, the total number of monthly visits to the pages of home and work Internet users in China was 3.31 billion, of which, the number of searches by Baidu was 2.17 billion, with a market share of 65.7%, far ahead.

Google is second with 16.2%.

Yahoo is third with 7.8%.

The fourth is QQ's search service, with a market share of 3.3%.

Because Sogou was acquired by Ziweixing, with the introduction of the search boxes of and, its share increased to 1.9%, ranking fifth.

The latest data is not yet available.

But Zhou Buqi could vaguely feel that in just one day, the market share of Weidian Search could surpass that of QQ. If you can't do it in one day, you can definitely do it in two days.

The situation is very good!

Zhou Buqi yawned and sent a text message: "Are you done?"

Quick reply: "5 minutes."

"Alright then, I'll wait for you in the car."

Zhou Buqi is going to get off work, and more specific data will be seen later. Search is a big deal, and it depends on the long-term.

Tomorrow, Shi Jinglin's sister and brother-in-law are coming.

Gotta be ready.

After getting in the car and waiting for a while, Shi Jinglin sneaked into the car and covered her ears, "It's really cold!"


Zhou Buqi opened his arms.

Shi Jinglin curled her lips, ignored him, untied her scarf, then blinked, and turned to look at him, "The data on the browser side is not very good?"

"Okay, who said it's not good?"

"I ran into Wang Xiaozhou when I was leaving. He seemed dissatisfied. The conversion rate of the navigation page did not meet expectations."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's because he set his goal too high! I mean, a navigation conversion rate of 60% is pretty good. His goal is 80%, which is too optimistic."

Shi Jinglin asked: "What is the navigation conversion rate?"

Zhou Buqi said: "You are now the vice president of Ziwei Star, you should raise your horizons, don't just focus on the Xiaonei website. You don't know anything about other businesses, how can you be an executive?"

"Why don't I ask you! What's your attitude? When my sister comes tomorrow, I'll tell you that you bullied me!"

"Don't mix public and private affairs together."

"I haven't seen you doting on me much in private. Teacher Wen is pregnant. Well, you hug Wu Yu every day."

Zhou Buqi was a little amused, "Huh? Are you jealous?"

Shi Jinglin snorted, "I'm not interested in flirting with you, tell me quickly, what is the navigation conversion rate?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The default navigation page of the Weidian browser is our Hellogo navigation network. The only search engine for Hellogoo is Weidian Search. Through this progressive approach, we can increase the market share of Weidian Search .However, many users are accustomed to other navigation pages and will modify them.”

Shi Jinglin opened her eyes wide, and asked in surprise, "What do you mean? Could it be that some users used the Weidian browser, but used a navigation network like hao123?"


"How can it be like this, we have worked so hard to make a browser for everyone to use for free, and they don't appreciate it, and use the competitor's navigation page?"

"This is also impossible."

"Just let it go?"

Zhou Buqi looked at her strangely, "What can we do then? Every user has their own preferences and surfing habits."

Shi Jinglin didn't take it seriously, "No, besides Weidian Security Browser, what other browsers can protect users' online security? Ours is a unique product. Let me tell you, our browser should be locked and bound to the navigation network. , do not give the user permission to modify."

Zhou Buqi pondered for a moment, hesitating slightly, "Isn't this too domineering?"

"Habits can be cultivated. Besides... don't we have two types, one called Weidian Secure Browser and the other called Weidian Browser. There should be obvious differences in user groups, right?"

"Yes, generally high-end users prefer the ultra-fast Weidian browser, while low-end and middle-end users will choose the more secure Weidot browser."

"So the download volume of Micropoint Browser is small, and the download quantity of Micropoint Secure Browser is large, right?"

"Do you have any idea?"

"The micro-point browser can modify the navigation page to give high-end user experience. As for low-end users... I think there is basically no difference in what navigation page they use. It can be bound and modification is not allowed."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "This method is too domineering and has a bad reputation."

Shi Jinglin said: "How domineering? We gave them the right to choose. If they don't like it, they can use the micro-point browser. Our reason is to protect users' online security. Have you ever experienced this? When surfing the Internet, the inexplicable browser homepage is forcibly modified. We directly lock the homepage, and no one can modify it to protect the rights and interests of users."

"You really..."

"What's wrong?"

"Steady and ruthless!"

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