That night, Zhou Buqi took Shi Jinglin back to his room, loved her a lot, and then talked about the browser.

Shi Jinglin's attitude is very firm, and she thinks that the homepage of Weidian Security Browser should be locked as Hellogo navigation, and modification is not allowed.

"Our reason is very good. Micropoint Security Browser is to protect users' online security. It can block phishing websites and malicious websites, monitor malicious code in web pages, prevent automatic download of Trojan horses, and has an integrated malicious URL library. , to alert users... such a powerful function can only be done best by bundling it with our own navigation page."

"But now there are more than 8 million installations..."

"Chang it! The new product has just launched, and there must be many problems. Immediately update the version, saying that the original technical problem was found, and replacing it with someone else's navigation page will affect the browser's own functions, so for the sake of users, only It can be bundled. If users have needs, they can use the lightweight micro-dot browser, which can change the homepage at will.”


"There's an even better reason!"


"Midian Safe Browser will sacrifice part of the response speed for security. If it is paired with our Hellogo navigation, we have certain optimizations. If it is replaced by other people's navigation, it will be slow due to lack of optimization. From the perspective of user experience Looking at it from above, our own products are better.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, ask a few people tomorrow."

He was a little convinced.

Because Shi Jinglin's idea is really good.

Doing so would definitely be very domineering.

But domineering is not the same as hooliganism.

Qihoo 360's products use overbearing means to continuously push various advertisements to users, seriously affecting the user experience, and this is called hooliganism.

Apple is more domineering than 360. Its business strategy is one-sided, and there is no room for negotiation. However, behind Apple's overbearing, it is to improve the user experience and make the user's use easier and easier. It is called protecting user privacy and improving product performance.

The former's domineering offends users and is angrily called rogue software by everyone.

The latter's overbearing is to please users, which has won praise from users and greatly improved the stickiness and vitality of Apple's ecology.

It can be seen that the cause is not important, but the result is the most important.

In the previous life, 360 was also the leader in the peak period. The number of users of 360 secure browser was close to 400 million, and the market share was as high as 69%. In other words, 7 out of 10 people use 360 ​​browsers.

Driven by browsers, the share of 360 search has also increased significantly, with a market share of 30%.

The share of browsers is 69%, and the share of search is 30%. It can be seen from this that the navigation conversion rate of 360 browsers is about 43%.

It's a pity that when we entered the mobile era, 360 failed to find the right track and was left behind by the times. Qihoo 360's stock price plummeted. In order to stabilize the stock price, Zhou Hongyi wanted to frantically increase his income, so he came up with the method of drinking poison to quench his thirst...

360's products started to recommend advertisements crazily, and the hooligan methods intensified, and all kinds of disgusting gameplays were unbearable even for low-end users... Then, 360 was finished.

The status of the browser has plummeted.

Google Chrome followed the trend and quickly seized the market, with a market share of 60% in just a few years.

360 search also ended with the loss of browsers, and its market share has dropped to about 5%.

Later, Zhou Hongyi had no choice but to withdraw from the market in the United States and return to China to harvest leeks.

The whole process is exactly the same as the recent 360 antivirus PK micro-point antivirus process.

Zhou Hongyi made a foolish move, smashed the signboard, ruined word of mouth, and completely offended consumers.

The difference is that the 360 ​​in the previous life has already been built, the family has a big business, and the fault tolerance rate is relatively high. The 360 ​​of this life is still in the start-up stage. Do search, fail, do security products, fail again.

If you do it again and again, there is basically no play.

The beauty beside her was already asleep, breathing evenly, and Zhou Buqi was lying on the bed, but didn't sleep much that night, thinking about the browser.

In the short term, Micropoint Security Browser can become a big hit, especially in the absence of competitors, it is not a problem to achieve a market share of more than 90%.

At this stage in 2007, there were too few high-end users, and most of them were low-end users.

They are particularly concerned about computer security, and would rather sacrifice a little efficiency to ensure security.

But in a few years, it will be different.

This wave of low-end users will grow up and become mid-end and high-end users. As computer knowledge increases, courage increases. Coupled with the decline of computer viruses, the fear of security is not so strong, and the pursuit of high efficiency is even more important.

It was at that time that Google Chrome, which was simple, efficient, and responsive, had the opportunity to grow rapidly and occupy the browser market across the country and even the world.

So in the short term, the micro-point security browser can firmly rule the people's computers and PCs, and the time... is about 5-6 years.

If the time is longer, the micro-point security browser will not be able to keep up with the times.

Lightweight, efficient micro-dot browser is the representative of the future trend.

Can Weidian browser compare with Google Chrome?

Not so far!

Google has its own kernel, and has invested tens of billions of dollars in browser research and development. Even Microsoft has been beaten to the ground, giving up its own kernel, and allowing IE browsers to use the Google kernel.

Because Google is the best, fastest and most efficient.

If you fight for products and technology, you will definitely not be able to fight.

But there is a very critical problem here, that is, the browser itself cannot make money.

For Micropoint to make money, the Micropoint browser is just a carrier, and it needs to be matched with its own navigation page and search service to make money through matching advertisements.

In other words, it doesn't matter at all what the market share of Micropoint Security Browser and Micropoint Browser are.

The important thing is to let users use their own navigation pages and search services!

Zhou Buqi didn't feel sleepy at all, he was very excited.

I feel that I have clarified the relationship between browsers, navigation pages and search engines.

Google Chrome, has never been a competitor!

The micro-point browser has never been the core product of Ziwei Star. In order to make the rocket take off, the boosters below are often discarded.

As Shi Jinglin said, habit is the most important thing!

And habits can be cultivated.

In recent years, Micropoint Security Browser can dominate this market, and then strongly recommend Hellogo navigation page and Micropoint search to users.

Let these low-end users form a habit.

Ten years later, they have grown up and become high-end users. They have given up the micro-dot browser and changed to the better Google doesn't matter.

Because habits are hard to change.

After switching to Google Chrome, they will also set Hellologo as the homepage, and will continue to use Weidian search.

Therefore, the current micro-point browser should not focus on the future, but should focus on the present.

The first priority is to promote your own navigation homepage and search service!

In the future, young people will definitely choose the high-end Google browser, and the fate of micro-dot browsers will not be much better than that of old antiques like IE.

After figuring out the whole set of business logic, Zhou Buqi felt that every cell in his body was beating.

I have an idea in my mind.

The left hand is the present, and the right hand is the future, so grasp both!

Shi Jinglin's suggestion is promising!


When he went to the company the next day, Zhou Buqi called Wang Xiaozhou over and told him about it immediately.

Wang Xiaozhou slapped his thigh, "I said it a long time ago, I should do it like this! In the current browser market, besides IE is Firefox. IE has been criticized and everyone doesn't like to use it. Firefox is too well-known, only a small part The choice of high-end users. With such a large promotional resource and such a high brand reputation, Weidian Security Browser does not need to be so humble at all, and can be stronger."

"Is there any technical problem?"


"How long will it take?"

"With a few lines of code, a new version can be launched at noon."

Zhou Buqi said: "Then do this. The promotion in the morning will be suspended, and a new version will be launched immediately. Make a statement, mainly three points, first, safety; second, optimization; third, there are currently If there are too many web pages to navigate, the browser’s homepage will be tampered with at every turn, so we simply lock it.”

Wang Xiaochuan said with a smile: "No problem, in fact, there is no need to worry too much. The current installation volume is 8.64 million, and the conversion rate is 78%. That is to say, only 1.9 million users have chosen other navigation pages, which has little impact. within control."

Zhou Buqi said with a headache: "On the first day after downloading and installing, you can find the modification function of the homepage and replace it. The level of these users is not low."

Wang Xiaochuan said: "Because it is high-end, they don't worry about offending them. They download the Weidian security browser, at most it is a trial. After a period of time, they will return to the faster Weidian browser and use the search service. , and there is a high probability that it is also Google. In the short term, it is difficult for our products to have an impact on them.”

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "As long as you know what's in your mind, be careful about this, don't mess it up."

"Boom boom boom."

Someone is knocking on the door.

After entering, it was Wang Haiyang, the director of human resources. It stands to reason that at his level, he is not qualified to report directly to Boss Zhou.


"It was Boss He who asked me to come to you. He was negotiating with Taobao in Hangzhou, and it was inconvenient to deal with it."

"Oh," Zhou Buqi nodded, "Okay, what's the matter?"

Wang Haidao: "Two people sent me emails yesterday, wanting to join Ziwei Star. They are all technical, and they are both very high-level."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Good thing!"

Wang Haidao: "They belong to Qihoo 360. One is the technical director of 360 Security Guard, and the other is the technical director of Qihoo Community. They are all veterans."


Zhou Buqi was a little surprised. People of this level are going to come out to find a job? It stands to reason that they will have a lot of options in their hands. At this time, if you resign, the stock will be gone.

Unless there is only one possibility, those stocks no longer have any value.

Wang Xiaozhou got up from the sofa and said with a smile: "It seems that Weidian antivirus is going to dominate the world, and Qihoo 360 is completely finished. Congratulations!"

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