Top of the big era

Chapter 620 Technology is Money

In just one morning, the installation volume of the micro-point security browser reached 3.95 million, and the installation volume of the lightweight micro-point browser reached 270,000, with a total of 4.22 million.

In addition to the previous upgrade of the old version of the Window of the World browser, there are 850,000... So far, the total number of installations of the Weidian browser has exceeded 5 million!

Sure enough, the plan is not as fast as the change. Such data is really surprising and headache.

With such a large download volume, the server is a bit overwhelmed.

I was already worried, so this morning, Weidian Security Guard only sent a pop-up promotion to 5 million users, and the conversion effect was amazing.

Among the existing 5 million installations, 3.35 million are pop-up recommendations from Weidian Security Guard, 80,000 are information flow advertisements from, 780,000 are hot recommendations from campus news, and 850,000 are old versions Upgrading, 10,000 are advertising seats from other websites, and more than 10,000 are directly downloaded from Weidian official website...

It stands to reason that Ziweixing has been very restrained in promotion, for fear that the download volume in a short period of time will be too much, causing the server to be unable to bear it. But it worked out so well this morning.

More importantly, the morning is the low season for surfing the Internet, the afternoon is the peak season, and the evening is the peak season for surfing the Internet.

If we continue to recommend with the strength of the morning, it is estimated that the installation volume of Weidian browser will exceed 20 million in just one day!

This puts too much pressure on the company.

The end result is that the user's download speed will be limited, which will affect the experience.

Therefore, it should be carried out in batches, and everyone should not be rushed to download, but should be carried out today.

Not even eating lunch, Xu Liangjie urgently called a meeting of various departments to request adjustments in promotion strategies.

External websites like, Douban, Youku, Fresh Graduate Job Search Network, and Mobai no longer need to focus on recommending resources. For information flow advertisements on, the recommendation density should be reduced.

The point is to be more cautious about the pop-up recommendation of Weidian Security Guard.

The data shows that the vast majority of users attach great importance to the recommendations of Micropoint Security Guard, with a reading rate as high as 92% and a download conversion rate as high as 67%.

It can be seen that netizens trust Micropoint.

This sense of trust cannot be squandered!

"I make a rule that from today onwards, the number of pop-up advertisements pushed by Weidian security guards cannot exceed 5 million times. We must use the trust of ordinary people in us reasonably and to a limited extent."

Xu Liangjie was the center of the meeting, talking eloquently.

Boss Zhou sat in a corner and had no room to speak. When it came to specific business execution, the executives didn't want him to get too involved.

After getting along for a long time, everyone has also discovered the advantages and disadvantages of Boss Zhou. The strengths are high vision, large layout, strong decision-making ability, clear strategic thinking, and the thinking of a superior, which is the material for a real boss. Execution is not satisfactory, at least not as good as other executives.

Xu Liangjie glanced at Ji Zian's male colleague wearing a dirty shirt, "Ji Hua, how is your technical team?"

"no problem!"

"Let's go! Raise soldiers for a thousand days, use them for a while, this is an opportunity to test your team. The company has used a lot of resources to promote the browser. Netizens can learn about the existence of this product through different channels. Ji Hua, You have to do a good job of statistics to avoid duplication and waste promotion resources.”

Zhou Buqi was baffled, and even this Ji Hua didn't know who it was, so he couldn't help asking: "Old Xu, please explain clearly, there are so many laymen."

Xu Liangjie was a little speechless, "He Yang is not here, you are a layman here."

Everyone laughed.

Laughing at the boss for not understanding technology is one of the few ways that everyone can joke with the boss.

But he is the boss after all, let Ji Hua explain.

It turned out that the technical team he was in charge of used Micropoint Security Guard and Micropoint Antivirus to scan users' computers.

Not scanning for viruses, but computer information.

Small companies generally don't do this because the technology is not enough. Large companies usually do this, as is the case with computers and mobile phones. Only by scanning can they better grasp the user's personal information and make accurate recommendations.

The difference is that the background scanning of many software is against business ethics and is not allowed. It can only be done secretly. But antivirus software is different. Antivirus software already has the priority of the computer and can monitor the entire computer. All actions are aboveboard, and there is no such thing as peeping.

In the process of monitoring the computer, Micropoint Antivirus will definitely scan all the files in the computer, especially the newly installed files, and will focus on supervision.

A large amount of data will be generated.

What Micropoint does is organize the scanned data accordingly.

Xu Liangjie had communicated with Zhou Buqi about this matter, and he acquiesced.

This arrangement is actually an advanced application of data collation.

No matter what channel the user uses, downloading, U disk transfer, or network transmission, as long as they accept or install it, it is a "new file" for the computer, and it will focus on the monitoring of Micropoint Antivirus.

Once it is confirmed that this new file is a micro-point browser, it will be marked and sent back to the background.

Then, Micropoint will recognize that this computer already has Micropoint browser.

Next, no more pop-up recommendations will be sent to this computer.

Even using this computer to log in to the websites of Ziweixing, such as, Mobai, and Fresh Graduate Job, there will no longer be advertisements recommended by the Micropoint browser.

Because these websites have already used the advertising distribution system, they can push advertisements personalizedly.

There is no need to waste advertising resources and recommend repetitive content to users.

Zhou Buqi followed up with his ideas, and his eyes lit up, "Well, this idea is very good, and it can be further expanded. The Weidian business group and business group should cooperate closely! Not only for the Weidian browser, but also for other products. If Qianqianjingting has been installed in the user's computer, and the information flow advertisement of pushes Qianqianjingting's advertisement, the conversion rate can only be zero, which is meaningless. It is necessary to use data integration to come up with the optimal solution. Maximize the use of our personalized distribution technology to improve advertising conversion!"

Zhang Yiming said with a headache: "This idea is feasible, but the technology is not yet achieved. Our advertising distribution algorithm does not yet have this logic."


"This is an algorithm developed by Facebook. This model does not work in the United States, so there is no such function."

Xu Liangjie said: "Next year, we will also build a R\u0026D center in Pengcheng, with at least 300 people. We can realize this idea by doing some in-depth optimization of our internal algorithms."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What about the Weidian browser?"

Zhang Yiming said: "If we do this for all products, we need to use algorithms to run it automatically. If we only target the micro-point browser, we can do it manually. After all, there are too many advertisements, and it is easy to cause people's disgust. As for We don’t have enough technology for other companies’ products, so we can’t control so much.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Technology is money. We must pay close attention to research and development. Without this function, our advertising conversion rate will be wasted and we will lose a lot of money."

Xu Liangjie knocked on the table and got back to business. He continued to talk about the promotion of the micro-point browser. In addition to the maximum 5 million pop-ups per day, users must be treated differently. High-end users do not need pop-ups, and mid-range users can have one pop-up , low-end users can pop up the window twice at most.

Then, it will be described in detail.

Judging the class of users is also judged by scanning computers. If a lot of professional software is installed in the user's computer, such as MATLAB, VC, PS, etc., it can be assumed that he is proficient in computers, and there is no need to pop up windows.

Such users are elites, and they will pay attention to Internet dynamics at the first time. It is impossible for them not to know such a big thing as the micro-point browser. If necessary, go to the official website to download, no recommendation is useless.

Mid-end users have relatively clean computers, no high-end software, and a lot of repetitive software, so I can recommend it once.

Low-end users refer to the mess in the computer, full of all kinds of unscrupulous software, and the file storage is messy. They lack computer knowledge and can pop up windows twice. It is strongly recommended that they install the micro-point security browser to protect online security.

Afterwards, Xu Liangjie arranged two more points.

In summary, there are three points.

First, push the micro-point browser into every personal computer as much as possible.

Second, the time should not be too urgent, it should be done in batches, and the results will be seen after 10 days.

Third, avoid repeated recommendations, resulting in waste of resources and disgust.

In the end, Zhou Buqi summed up and said with a smile: "The data in the morning is indeed amazing. In just a few hours, the micro-point browser surpassed Firefox and became the second largest browser in China after IE. This makes We were a little caught off guard, but this is a good direction and a good thing! Everyone, keep working hard and climb the peak bravely!"


Zhou Hongyi was sitting in the office with her brows furrowed and her mind full of thoughts.

too difficult!

Qihoo started out as a search company, but after more than half a year of doing it, it couldn't continue. Later, Zhou Hongyi stood at the front desk in person, brought in a large sum of money, became the chairman of Qihoo 360, led the company's transformation to security, and launched two free products, 360 Security Guard and 360 Antivirus.

It's tough.

As a result, the new round of financing has been unable to start for a long time, and the attitude of investors is very weak.

Fortunately, the Panda Burning Incense virus broke out recently, and netizens collectively panicked and actively searched for anti-virus software to install. The free 360 ​​anti-virus is of course the first product.

But I didn't expect that Weidian Antivirus was doing something!

He had no choice, he had no choice but to scuttle the boat, bluffing and saying that 360 anti-virus can also kill panda burning incense, and encouraged netizens to download and install it. The most important thing is to be able to cheat for a while, and to find investors to attract investment with a beautiful report card.

Otherwise, there will be no money and no living!

But paper can’t hold fire. Related posts appeared on Tianya, Maopu, and Tieba successively, saying that 360 Antivirus cannot resist Panda Burning Incense at all, and appealed to everyone not to be deceived.

"too difficult!"

Zhou Hongyi let out a long sigh, feeling very bad, and felt that this venture might be over.

At this time, the assistant rushed in, "Zhou... Mr. Zhou!"

"What's wrong?"

"watch TV!"


"A TV commercial!"

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