The latest news is that has closed its group buying business. From the establishment of the project to the closing of the door, it took only 9 months.

In the university campus market, Xiaonei is invincible.

Recently, another important meeting was held by the business group in the school. Zhou Buqi, He Yang, Wang Haoyang, Nie Caijun, Chen Guohuan and others also attended the meeting.

It is a discussion of the possibility of B4C business.

Operability is still very high.

There are not many products that can be sold in group buying for college students, such as mosquito nets, slippers, long johns, underwear, computers, mobile phones, desk lamps, fans, flashlights, chargers, earphones, cosmetics, hairpins, scarves, dolls, and pillows , books, snacks spree and so on.

Except for a few commodities, they are basically small gadgets with high quality and low price.

They are all produced by small and medium-sized manufacturers. Electronic products are located in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and clothing products are located in eastern Guangdong.

With the strength of Xiaonei, directly connecting with manufacturers is enough for them to customize a batch of products. Exclusively for Xiaonei, major shopping malls and other platforms are not available.

There are too many benefits here.

First, it can increase the brand of Xiaonei. Private mass customization, dedicated network for exclusive use, only for college students, will further enhance the status of Xiaonei network in the hearts of college students.

Second, improve competitiveness. Although 5Q closed down its group buying business, there is no guarantee that other platforms will not enter the campus group buying market in the future. The customized plan of Xiaonei will be the biggest moat.

Third, the formation of commodity differentiation, which is the most important.

Just like selling mobile phones.

A mobile phone that costs 3,000 yuan outside, but Xiaonei only sells it for 2,000 yuan. How does this make mobile phone peers think? What about those big shopping malls and mobile phone stores?

These days, the sales of electronic products on Taobao are limited, and has not started is a top performer, and has often been suppressed by relevant departments and associations.

But with the addition of the logo of "customized on the school intranet, exclusively for college students", it is different.

In name, it is equivalent to a different product.

No matter how low the price of this product is, it is still a small circle product, just like the 299 yuan custom-made mobile phone for college students that cooperates with Lenovo.

Another point is that it is also very safe for the school intranet itself.

Xiaonei mainly focuses on high quality and low price, serving college students. But what if the same product is sold for 100 yuan by yourself and 90 yuan by others, what do college students think? If it is a customized model, if there is no outside world, there will be no price comparison, and such risks will no longer exist.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantages are also obvious.

Because of Shi Jinglin's management oversight recently, she lost face. So last night, she pestered Zhou Buqi to talk about group buying on Xiaonei, and she planned to show off at today's meeting and win back some face.

"Customized products for students subconsciously give people the subconscious feeling that the price is cheap and the quality is average. It is difficult for us to change this cultural habit. It sells for 3,000 yuan outside, and we sell it for 2,000 yuan. After comparison, everyone knows that our products are very affordable. But There is no reference outside, and if we sell it for 2,000 yuan, it will give people the impression that it is cheap and not good. The deviation of this cognitive structure comes from information asymmetry, and unless the manufacturer discloses the cost price, there is no way to change it.”

Shi Jinglin pointed out the biggest disadvantage of the B4C customization model.

She continued: "For merchants, the price standard is compared with the cost. But for users, the reference is other sellers. For a product with a cost of 10 yuan, other merchants sell it for 1,000 yuan, and we sell it for 900 yuan. They also think it’s cheap. For a product that costs 10 yuan, others sell it for 12 yuan, and we sell it for 11 yuan, and they will feel that the price is about the same. Relatively low prices are the sharpest knife in the consumer market, not purely low prices.”

After finishing speaking, his little eyes looked at Zhou Buqi.

According to what was agreed last night, at this time the big boss will stand up and praise her, praise her, and sing a double reed to restore her leadership prestige.

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, and said sternly: "We are an Internet company. Even if we are making consumer-grade products, we must have a completely different thinking mode from the traditional one. Internet thinking, we must look at problems from the perspective of customers. Relatively low price The formulation is very good, we might as well do some demonstrations and explorations in this area.”

Wang Haoyang said: "You can try to promote pre-sales to reduce the backlog of inventory..."

Shi Jinglin said flatly: "The pre-sale model cannot be expanded unless the process of the intermediate links can be minimized so that users can get the goods as soon as possible."

Chen Dongdao: "Successful online shopping requires three elements: low prices, good products, and fast logistics. The pre-sale model will greatly improve the delivery time. This is contrary to online shopping."

Guo Pengfei also agreed: "Getting out of stock for too long will bring anxiety to people and reduce the shopping experience."

Nie Caijun was a little embarrassed.

His own management suggestions are indeed idealistic. Relying on this standard, I am afraid that the B4C website love shopping agent started by a friend will not have any good results. It is difficult to popularize the pre-order model in the consumer market.

Zhou Buqi said: "The idea of ​​customizing the school intranet and exclusively for college students is still possible. Our customized mobile phones and customized MP3 players have achieved great success. There is room for exploration in this direction, but the amount of products must be controlled. I think 20%-25% of the products can be customized to enhance the brand effect and novelty, Shi Jinglin, what do you think?"

Shi Jinglin saw everyone's expressions in her eyes, and she was very happy in her heart. She pretended to be very plain, and said arrogantly: "Customizing products requires a whole set of processes, especially the relationship between merchants. How much is it? The proportion, this needs to be verified slowly in the future, first of all, it depends on the ability of the marketing department and whether it can get through the upstream product line."

Chen Guohuan was named, and quickly said: "No problem, I will take charge! The small and medium-sized enterprises in Jiangsu and Zhejiang can be secured within half a year."

Shi Jinglin nodded in satisfaction, "I think that's the way to go. Boss Zhou and Boss He, what do you think?"

Zhou Buqi said very seriously: "I think it will work."

He Yang said with a smile: "It seems that you have a plan already. You are the president of the business group in the school, and you are responsible for the group buying business. Since you have a blueprint, let's do it."


The meeting is over, and Zhou Buqi returns to the office.

Ning Yaxian sighed softly: "Nie Caijun has been hit. His management suggestion report is quite good, but Miss Shi didn't give him good looks."

Zhou Buqi said casually: "The more blows and setbacks he suffers will help him in his career path in the future. Sigh, my waist hurts a bit, take a break."

Ning Yaxian helped him sit down on the sofa, and persuaded him lovingly, "You are young now, don't be too indulgent, and be moderate."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but feel a little angry, "What are you talking about? I went to play football yesterday, and I don't exercise. My back hurts after running. What do you think?"

"Huh? Play football?"

"What do you think? You don't know what my fighting power is?"


Ning Yaxian couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhou Buqi was dissatisfied, and snorted, "Take your conscience and say, we two are duel, who is better?"

Ning Yaxian didn't want to say much, she could only stay low and follow him, and said in a soft voice: "You are the master, the head of the family, it's my god, of course you are amazing."

Zhou Buqi nodded in satisfaction, "It's good to know. Well, you say I'm the head of the family?"


"Can be your master?"

"Yes, the relationship between master and servant is agreed. I am yours, and I will obey you. I can do whatever you want."


Ning Yaxian bit her lip and said, "Well, I feel like a woman only after following you. I'm very satisfied."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "As long as you are obedient and do your duty, I will love you."

Ning Yaxian's beautiful eyes sparkled, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said sweetly: "Well, I can feel it, you are kind to me."

Zhou Buqi gave a "huh" and said casually: "Isn't your sister also divorced? It's not easy to help you take care of the children. I'm also in love with my house. When you are free, you can bring her to see me, I will Help you take care of it. She is a woman in the capital, and it’s not the case. If she is sick, I can help, give an injection and feed medicine or something.”

Ning Yaxian's face was stiff, and she shouted that she had been fooled.

She thought it was flirting.

Only then did he let go of his dignity, and carefully flattered him with good words, trying to curry favor with him.

Unexpectedly, they were setting up a trap!

Finally, I waited for my sister!

Although it was not clearly expressed, the fangs were already exposed.

be cheated!

No, you can't let them meet.

The younger sister is different from her.

She is 31 years old this year, and she has a child, and after getting married, she will will be very difficult to find a good husband. Moreover, the children grow up day by day, and the consumption in the capital is so high, what will happen to the housing in the school district in the future? What about going to school? These are all questions.

She felt that she was going to be like this for the rest of her life, so she accepted her fate.

But my sister is different.

She is only 27 years old.

Although she is also divorced, she has no children, and she is very beautiful. With her elder sister taking care of her, her overall conditions are better than those of unmarried girls, and she still has a very beautiful life to pursue.

No need to be tied to a tree.

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes, "What are you thinking?"


Ning Yaxian forced an unnatural smile on her face.

Zhou Buqi snorted, "Warning, don't mess with me. You have to know what is right and what is wrong. The most important thing in life is choice, and you must know it."

Ning Yaxian bit her lips tightly, lowered her eyes, "I see."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Okay, let's go to work, you're out of your mind. I have good intentions, and it's like I'm bullying you."

Ning Yaxian mumbled, "You are just bullying me."

Zhou Buqi stared, "Huh?"

"Ah, I went to work!"

Ning Yaxian's expression changed slightly, and she fled in despair.

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