Top of the big era

Chapter 597 Dominated by Fear

go home at night.

The house was too big, and there was no nanny, so it looked empty. There was no one on the first floor. When I went to the study, I saw Wen Zhixia writing a report, so I walked over and hugged her gently, telling her to pay attention to her body and not to be too tired.

Go find Shi Jinglin and Wu Yu again.

It's like hide and seek.

I didn't even find a few rooms, but I didn't see it until I went to the gym, and I saw Wu Yu was slamming Shi Jinglin on the wall, as if kissing.

"Okay, you two are not doing good things!"

Zhou Buqi found out about the adultery and walked over angrily.

Good things were interrupted.

Shi Jinglin looked irritable and lost her temper: "What are you yelling at? Don't you see that we are busy?"

Wu Yu turned her head, showing a rosy face with bright eyes and white teeth, and said with a happy smile, "My husband, you are back, I have good news!"

Zhou Buqi walked over and snorted: "What's the good thing, I'll talk about it later, my master wants to have a wall... Well, you go and stand next to her, I will wall you two!"

Then there is a lot of left and right, right and left, dilemma, left hugging and right hugging, left and right looking, left and right...

After a lot of success, I walked out of the gym with one arm in my arms, planning to go to the kitchen for supper.

"What good news?"

"I got a job!"


Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback, quite abruptly.

Wu Yu smiled and showed off: "This month, I participated in three school recruitments and got two offers. I chose one and I will go there for an internship next semester. Husband, I have found a job!"

Zhou Buqi praised: "Okay, it's great. Hmm... what company is it?"

"What about the big company, Tianwei Construction Group, do you know?"

"I've never heard of it, what are you doing?"

"A construction company, a real estate company, is rich. In the last offer, the salary was only 4k. This company is amazing. They gave me 5k during the internship, and I can get an increase if I become a full-time employee!"


Zhou Buqi's reaction was relatively flat. He felt that the real estate industry was very irregular, especially for local unknown companies.

There is a real estate tycoon in the Taishan Club, Feng Lun from Wantong, and he told Zhou Buqi one thing.

It is said that he once visited a real estate company and was shocked.

The real estate boss recruited more than 20 young and beautiful female secretaries. They did not wear formal dresses such as skirts or suits in the office, but dressed like female stars, all wearing Chanel skirts neatly, With Dior's cosmetics, jewelry and jewelry are all available.

And they are required to wear luxury items on weekdays. Anyone who doesn't dress up well and damage the company's image will be fired directly.

After the boss appeared, everyone lined up and bowed in a semi-arc, the scene was magnificent.

It's like the emperor's visit to the harem.

It's normal for the boss of such a big company to have five or six secretaries around him, and he can't be busy without one.

But it is really rare to recruit more than 20 beautiful female secretaries to fill the scene in one go.

If you say that there is nothing wrong with it, no one will believe it.

After all, even Zhou Buqi, an outstanding entrepreneur with restraint, integrity, and family and country feelings, has some unclear relationship with his secretary.

Shi Jinglin's thoughts were similar, and she tentatively said, "Xiao Yu, what's the point of working for 5,000 yuan a month? You work as a part-time manager of a milk tea shop, it's no less than this."

Wu Yu pouted and said, "Can it be the same? This is an affirmation of me, not a question of money."

Zhou Buqi asked, "What kind of job are you applying for?"

"Human resources, you have to manage people." Wu Yu looked very excited, and didn't think there was a problem at all.

Seeing her like this, Zhou Buqi shouldn't discourage her enthusiasm too much, "Okay, I'll ask someone later to find out the bottom line of that company. When you go to practice next semester, I will give you a car and a driver .”

"Ah?" Wu Yu was very reluctant, his head turned into a rattle, "I don't want it!"

Zhou Buqi was very surprised, "Didn't you always want to own a car? You also secretly bought a sports car."

Wu Yu said coquettishly: "That's different. Life is life, and work is work. If I have a driver to pick me up and go to and from get off work every day, what will my colleagues think of me? That would be boring."

"Well, you're beautiful, and you're right!"


That night, Zhou Buqi had sex with the two of them, and then called Feng Lun while they were taking a shower.

"Old Feng, are you asleep?"

"Writing my new book, is there anything?"

"To ask you something, there is such a Tianwei Construction Group, it seems to be engaged in real estate, do you know?"

Feng Lun said with a smile: "Tianjian, I know, it's not a small business. In fact, it's not a real estate company, but a construction company, mainly in North China. It undertakes some large and medium-sized construction projects, and also cooperates with Vantone."

Zhou Buqi was relieved a lot, and asked again: "Is it regular?"

"It's normal, what's wrong?"

"I mean...uh, what's the corporate atmosphere like? My girlfriend has found a job and is going to work as a clerk there. Let me consult you."

Feng Lun laughed and said, "Xiao Zhou, you really...don't worry, this is a well-known company. What's your girlfriend's name? I'll tell their boss later, so I can help you take care of it."

Zhou Buqi was a little guilty and didn't want him to know about his private affairs, so he said: "That's okay, it's fine as long as it's formal. She wants to work hard on her own and doesn't want to be known by others. That's it, I'll come to you later when I have something to do."

"By the way, I heard from Old Lu that you want to build a headquarters park?"



"It's going to start around this time next year."

"So fast?" Feng Lun was surprised, "Xiao Zhou, you are amazing! But, why did I hear Lao Lu say that you want to cooperate with him in this headquarters park?"

Zhou Buqi said with a headache: "Fanhai has worked in Lenovo's headquarters park, and has similar experience."

Feng Lun said disapprovingly: "Xiao Zhou, you are wrong. Didn't you say that you can get a piece of land in the North Fourth Ring Road? What kind of place is that? Let Oceanwide do it. It's a waste. Wantong has developed it. CBD, more experience in this area.”

Zhou Buqi didn't want to offend anyone, so he simply said: "That's it, next year I will plan two parks at the same time, Vantone and Oceanwide will plan one, how about it?"

Feng Lun was stunned for a moment, then cursed: "Damn! You are so fucking deep!"


It's the weekend again, and it's time for a ball game.

This time the game was a bit intense, Zhou Buqi and Chen Tong formed a group to go to the Guoan Club together, intending to teach the children a lesson.

"We may be close to tactical discipline, but football is the most important thing to rely on. When the situation is not right, we will use our bodies. We are all in our 20s and 30s, and we can't hit a few elementary school students?"

Yes, elementary school students.

Guoan sent a youth echelon of 12-13 years old, probably all of them were in the fifth grade of elementary school.

Moreover, this team is not the main team participating in the city's elementary school competition, but a reserve team.

Chen Tong's relationship is quite tough.

Guoan heard that there was a big boss coming to play, and the general manager came out. It was the well-known commentator Zhang Lu who guided him and personally served as the head coach of the boss team.

In terms of tactical arrangements, Director Zhang is very conservative. He said that two fast horses will be arranged on the side, and the others will hide in the middle to defend and use their bodies when they can. Rush and hit more, but don't kick people, they are still children.

Zhou Buqi and others felt very disapproving.

I feel that this guide is a bit contemptuous.


See you on the field!

On the other side, the youth training coach did ideological work for the children, and said furtively: "When you play for a while, don't tackle the ball, don't kick the ball, and don't physically collide. Opposite is a team of entrepreneurs, football lovers, we are professional football players. , don’t hurt anyone.”

The Guoan team leader acts as the referee, and the Guoan assistant coach acts as the line referee.

It's pretty formal.

The game officially begins.

"Come on!"

Like a mad dog, Meng Houkun charged at the pupils.

Sure enough, the elementary school students were scared.


But what about the ball?

Meng Houkun turned his head, only to see the ball was passed three times and fell twice, and it reached the penalty area line, a through ball...Damn it! It's single-handed!

Another shot, the ball went in!

It's less than half a minute into the game.

Meng Houkun was dumbfounded.

Zhou Buqi was also a little dazed, and the eldest brother Chen Tong clapped his hands to boost morale, telling everyone not to underestimate the enemy and be vigilant, this group of elementary school students seemed to have some skills.

A minute later, the goal fell again.

Half a minute later, the ball was conceded again.

Two minutes later, the gate fell again...


Zhou Buqi and Chen Tong looked at each other, both looked desperate, feeling that they had encountered a hard stubble.

5 minutes into the game, 0:4 behind!

The most important thing is that the Entrepreneurs team can touch the ball except when kicking off, and can't even touch the ball at other times.

20 minutes at halftime.

The score is 0:20.

After walking off the field, these men in their twenties and thirties were all dumbfounded, and they were all at a loss, feeling a sense of astonishment dominated by fear.

This gap is too big!

There is no way to kick it!

Back in school, several of them were on the school team.

Throughout the first half, Zhou Buqi touched the ball 10 times.

In fact, it was the serve in the middle circle, and he only drove the ball 10 times. In other time periods, the ball cannot be touched at all.

Director Zhang laughed and said that if he continued to play like this, he would lose 50 goals in the whole game. It is suggested that everyone should not attack in the second half. Everyone will block the gate and try to keep the score within 0:30.

One less loss is one.

According to the previous agreement, for every goal lost, the entrepreneurs will donate 10,000 yuan to the children to help them play football.

As a result, the youth training coach quit before the second half started.

Indicates that the second half cannot be played.

Can make money and don't make money.

Playing against such a team, and continuing to play, will affect the mental health of the children.

Zhou Buqi and others collapsed on the spot.

I really realized what it means to be ignorant of unknown forces.

I still have to pretend to be happy, donate 300,000 yuan to the children, and praise them for their good football skills, and continue to work hard.

Zhou Buqi blushed when he said this.

However, there are also good things.

That night, everyone drank together, laughed and talked about being tortured by blood today, and they were all a little excited.

When we left, we all had too much to drink.

This kind of experience of being tortured by elementary school students is really a rare and precious experience.


When he was about to get in the car and leave, Chen Tong suddenly stopped him from behind.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Do you want me to see you off?"

Chen Tong shook his head, "No, my driver is waiting for me over there. Let me tell you something."


"Next Monday, I will go to Sina to file a resignation report, and try to complete the resignation within one month and join Ziwei Star."


Zhou Buqi waved his hand with a smile on his face.

It is also a shared adversity.

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