Top of the big era

Chapter 599 Xiao Wang, who is struggling to start a business

As soon as December entered, Chen Tong came.

He hasn't officially left the job yet.

Come here first to make a statement, communicate with a few senior executives, and reach a verbal agreement. After finishing the procedures at Sina, he will come over to take up the position of vice president and editor-in-chief of Ziwei Star.

Boss Zhou's football diplomacy can be said to have achieved great success, greatly saving recruitment expenses.

For executives of this level, let headhunters help with recruitment, and a single case cannot be settled without 1 million yuan.

This position is too important.

In the next few years, the most influential blog site in China will not be Sina Blog, but Luo Yonghao's In the next few years, the earliest microblog website in China will not be Sina Weibo, but Wang Xing's

But not long after, those two websites were dead.

The reason is that the website lacks self-censorship, the editorial team is not good enough, and the content does not comply with laws and regulations, so it was forcibly shut down., in particular, has been forced to shut down many times, and its treatment is similar to that of Google.

This kind of punishment has a huge lethality on users.

The result is doomed.

Sina Blog and Sina Weibo have grown up under the general trend.

The editor-in-chief Chen Tong contributed a lot.

Now, Ziweixing's management system is gradually improving.

Nie Caijun, who joined the job last month, has won the approval of the executives. Dong Zidan, the financial manager, asked for a week's leave, which he approved. But after the vacation was over, she had to ask for another week off, expressing that she didn't want to work with Nie Caijun, and he approved it again.

As a result, the leave request got stuck at Wang Haoyang's place.

Wang Haoyang was furious, and directly called Dong Zidan, with a very strong tone: "If you can do it, you can leave! The company doesn't raise moths!"

Dong Zidan panicked immediately.

It didn't take two hours to rush to the company, with red eyes, wronged and scared.

She just wanted to show off Nie Caijun, but she never thought of leaving the company.

She knows the company's financial situation, the huge flow of money coming in and out every month, and what kind of potential the company has. As an early employee, she has certain options in her hand. If you continue to work for a long time, you will at least be a multi-millionaire. Going to another company, how can there be such an opportunity?

However, the boss lost his temper!

Might as well be fired.

At this time, Nie Caijun came forward. He didn't add insult to injury, nor did he sneer at her. Instead, he accepted her with a big heart and forgave her past behaviors. Expressed the hope that each other can abandon the previous suspicions and work together to do a good job in the company's finances.

Dong Zidan burst into tears on the spot.

Nie Caijun went to Wang Haoyang in person again and talked about this matter, which solved the crisis of Dong Zidan's dismissal.

So far, in just three weeks, Nie Caijun has successfully conquered the entire finance department and has become a veritable chief financial officer. Cooperate with Dong Zidan to build the company's financial system more perfectly.

Not only that, but he also did some work that should have belonged to the chief financial officer.

However, he understands the rules of the workplace, so he didn't leapfrog to report to Zhou Buqi or He Yang secretly, but first went to his immediate boss Wang Haoyang. Wang Haoyang felt it was very important, so he went to Zhou Buqi's office.

" Well, they also do social networking on SNS, I've heard of it." Zhou Buqi nodded.

Nie Caijun said: " imitated LinkedIn in the United States. It was built in the trend of Copy_to_China in the past few years. It is a business social networking site. It did well at the beginning, and it got Softbank's investment."

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised and asked, "Is it Softbank China, or Softbank Headquarters?"

There may be some university questions here.

Although they are all Softbank, the executive team is different.

Softbank China is a branch of Softbank Capital in China. It is operated by Chinese people and makes some venture capital. The investment style is very popular and will abide by the most basic investment logic, that is, multiple rounds of lightweight investment can not only avoid risks, but also encourage entrepreneurial teams.

In other words, they are worried about investment failure and their strategies are relatively conservative.

But Softbank headquarters is different, it is run by Masayoshi Son himself, which is a big wonder in the venture capital world. I'm not interested in staged small investments such as round A, round B, round C, round D, etc. This buddy is investing heavily like a bet. If he is optimistic about the project, he will directly spend a lot of money to get the most shares.

For example, investing in Yahoo, investing in Yahoo Japan, investing in Alibaba, investing in Renren, etc., when you make a move, you will spend a lot of money and get a 30%-40% share.

Once the bet is successful, you will feel unimaginable returns.

The most classic case is to get a 33% stake in Yahoo for US$2 million, which helped him create the Softbank empire.

But if you are unlucky and the bet will be miserable. A typical case is investing in WeWork, failing the bet, almost bankrupting SoftBank, or relying on selling Ali stocks to save your life.

Nie Caijun said: "I have a friend who works in Softbank China, he told me about it. Sun Zhengyi personally paid attention to the Ruolin case."


"In the past two years, SNS-like social networking sites have blossomed all over the country, at least hundreds of them. But until now, the damn ones are basically dead, including can't continue. But Sun Zhengyi is not dead. Xin, I heard that he is in Silicon Valley and wants to invest in Facebook. It seems that he is very interested in social networking sites."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I know about this. Zuckerberg sent me an email. However, Facebook is different now than half a year ago. You can't buy shares just because you want to, and it doesn't matter if you have money. "

Nie Caijun said: "He also pays special attention to domestic social networking sites. Lao Song... is the managing director of Softbank China. He told me that if fails, Sun Zhengyi will not give up in this field, for sure. I will look for better and more excellent SNS websites in China.”

Zhou Buqi nodded and looked at Wang Haoyang.

Wang Haoyang was a little embarrassed, and coughed lightly, "Why don't you try to get in touch first, Sun Zhengyi is well-known and has plenty of funds. If Ziwei Star needs to raise funds, the amount will be huge, and one or two investment institutions may not be able to absorb it. I think it is better Let Liu Qing be in charge of half, and we will handle the other half by ourselves."

Zhou Buqi said: "You are the CFO, you are in charge, and communicate well with Liu Qing. Try to get Ziweixing's A round between August and October next year."

"What about the valuation?"

Wang Haoyang wanted to test the tone of the boss.

Zhou Buqi said indifferently: "It must be 10 billion US dollars, right? In the summer, the valuation was 5 billion US dollars."

"$10 billion..."

Wang Haoyang took a breath of air in shock, his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

Nie Caijun said calmly, "Our revenue is definitely higher than Baidu's, but our expenses are also higher. This year's overall financial situation is still a loss. We are also burdened with a debt of 80 million US dollars to Sohu. Well, if Baidu If the stock is sold, it may be able to turn losses into profits."

Wang Haoyang sighed, and said bitterly: "There is no need to think about turning losses into profits. As soon as Baidu's stock is sold, we will start another big project and jointly establish an electronics company to make mobile phones."

Zhou Buqi saw that he started to complain again, and hummed: "This is a strategy, you will understand in the future. When the financing negotiations are officially launched next year, Ziweixing's valuation cannot be lower than 20 billion US dollars. With Ziweixing's growth rate, This is not unusual. Alright, let's not talk about it, Cai Jun, you go out with me."

"Where are you going?"

"Meet a startup team."

Wang Haoyang asked: "What team? Kuliu or Youku?"

"Neither." Zhou Buqi shook his head and glanced at him, "Haineiwang."


If has SoftBank's investment, it will not be able to continue. It is conceivable that other social networking sites of the same type will not have an easy life.

Among them is Wang Xing's Hainei website.

Even has not raised a penny in the past two years since its establishment. Fortunately, Wang Xing is a rich second generation, and he can get money from his family to subsidize the company.

But it's not justified to always pay out of your own pocket like this. has been unable to find a profit model for a long time, because the direction of the website is to open up a communication bridge for Chinese people on, and it is aimed at Chinese... This advertisement is not easy to advertise, and the positioning is too vague.

It is useless to advertise domestic products to overseas Chinese.

At this stage, Wang Xing couldn't hold on anymore.

There are currently three options available for

One is to give up and transform to other directions.

One is for sale.

One is to grit your teeth and persevere, waiting for the day when there will be a bright future.

The best outcome is a sale.

Sell ​​part of the money, and then take the money to lead the friends to start anew and re-enter the journey of entrepreneurship.

But this road is too difficult.

Since Wang Xing gave up his studies in the United States and returned to China to start a business, he has changed three or four directions one after another, all of which failed. is the website that has been in business for the longest time and has devoted the most effort, but it still failed.

Who can sell it to?

For more than half a year, Oak Interactive has contacted them many times, intending to wholly acquire and merge with But the asking price was too low. It was once as high as 6 million yuan in the summer, but it was lowered to 3 million yuan last month.

This made Wang Xing very unwilling and felt insulted.

A mere 3 million, he would rather not sell it.

In addition to Thousand Oaks Interactive, there are many teams that have also had contact with them, including Xiaonei. Guo Pengfei has been here no less than a dozen times, and each time he has to have an in-depth discussion.

On this day, Guo Pengfei came again.

Wang Xing doesn't have an office, so he just sits at the entrance of the company and acts as the front desk. When he sees him, he sighs: "I told you, I'm not interested in working for others."

Guo Pengfei smiled and said, "Don't refuse in a hurry, let's talk. Come on, let me introduce you, Zhou Buqi, you know? He came to see you before, but he didn't reveal his identity."

"Is it a week?"

Wang Xing was a little strange to this name, never heard of it.

All right!

The current him is still too far away from the mainstream Internet circle.

Zhou Buqi is so low-key, usually only the big shots in the industry know his existence, and Wang Xing's level is still a little lower.

Guo Pengfei introduced very seriously: "He is my boss, the founder, chairman, CEO, and president of Ziweixing. He is 20 years old this year and a third-year student at Beijing University of Science and Technology."

"I rely on it!"

Wang Xing was stunned and completely convinced.

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