Top of the big era

Chapter 451 Hit it off

At the end of every month, there will be a training session for internal management. In order not to delay normal work, classes are usually held on weekends, or after nine o'clock in the evening.

In the classroom, there is not only the transmission of corporate values, but also the teaching of management skills and a macro outline of future career planning.

There are not only executives inside the company, but also business talents recruited from outside.

Now Ziweixing is still small in scale and lacks confidence.

If he was older, Zhou Buqi would definitely send invitations to Boss Liu, Boss Duan, Boss Lu and other Taishanhui bosses to give them a few lectures.

It doesn't matter what the lecture is about.

What matters is the cohesive effect it creates for the company.

The outsider who came here today to preach and get rid of doubts is Liu Qiangdong from

He certainly can't talk about some corporate philosophy and management methods.'s approach is very different from Ziweixing.

He told an inspiring story.

It is said that when he was in college, he earned hundreds of thousands by self-reliance. I opened a restaurant, but I lost all my money after being scammed, and I couldn't even afford the train ticket to go home for the Spring Festival. The New Year's Eve ate instant noodles in the basement, but his girlfriend came over to fill him up.

Then he went to find a job, went to work in a Japanese company, learned the Japanese management culture and the almost harsh corporate system, and was deeply inspired. He also worked very hard personally, promoted again and again, and soon became the head of the class.

However, working as a part-timer couldn't marry that well-off girlfriend, so he refused to be retained by the leader, resolutely resigned, and founded

As a result, Jingdong in the early days was selling CDs in Zhongguancun. There was no dignity at all, there was no future in sight, and the relationship was broken...

Lao Liu really started from scratch, and he has come all the way through ups and downs. The hard years made every participant empathize.

Zhou Buqi could not tell such an inspirational story.

His road to success is actually a bit smooth.

He can't talk about the management methods in too much detail, because he is not very good at it.

He can only talk about some great principles of life and an outline of the future world to provide everyone with a reference.

"What determines who you are is not ability, but choice. Every progress is a process of jumping out of the comfort zone. The progress of life is to step out of the circle and go to the upper circle. To put it bluntly, it is to add Leverage. It’s the same as the economic principle. It’s a bull market recently, so many people are investing in stocks, right? Do you want to increase leverage?”

"The more leverage you add, the greater the risk, and the higher the return. The more you add, the more you can't resist, and you're done. If you resist, you'll go up and get out of the circle."

"At Ziweixing, I am the boss, and I look very glamorous. However, I am the same as every one of you, and I have to keep jumping out of my comfort zone. I went to Silicon Valley some time ago and was shocked by the technological revolution. I was despised by others. Even in China, I have to work hard to participate in high-level business circles, serve tea and pour water to business seniors, and learn life experience and business rules from them."

"Now, the Internet pattern in China is already obvious. Information, search, e-commerce, social networking, security... It's like a race track, and everyone is running on their own race track, which means it's a bit safe. But it's not All, the Internet market in the future must be more and more diverse. It’s like a big square, where everyone dances square dances. There is no distinction between tracks, only whoever dances is more beautiful and more attractive.”

"I say this because I want to tell everyone that as a manager, you must not block yourself or be blocked by the general environment. You must have a more open mind."

"The promotion process of a manager is actually the process of changing from a single-celled animal to a person with complex thinking. Some people have been promoted, but their skills are obviously not as good as yours. Why can't they do it? Remember, management What managers are looking for is not familiarity with the profession, but experts and technical backbones. What managers need is the comprehensive quality of products, marketing, operations, etc. "

"To sum up, whoever dances more beautifully will stand out!"

When a person succeeds, farts are delicious.

Zhou Buqi felt that what he told was far worse than that of Liu Qiangdong. His inspirational stories were true and sincere, and his own was a bit fake.

But the warm applause could knock the floor down.

Next, He Yang talked about management.

He is much more professional.

It's all dry goods.

For example, a concept-indispensable people must never be promoted.

With just one sentence, everyone was stunned and fell silent, feeling that it was against common sense.

He Yang gave a very detailed explanation.

The first step in promotion is to be a Bole and train good successors. Without a successor, the indispensable person cannot be promoted. Because of being promoted to a new position, the original business will collapse, which is a huge management risk.

Therefore, every manager is an educator.

The stronger the ability and the greater the number of apprentices taught, the greater the possibility of promotion. If anyone has the idea of ​​"teaching the apprentice to starve the master to death", no matter how strong his ability is, he will not be able to rise up.


Zhou Buqi and Meng Houkun went to the agency to implement the real-name system strategy.

If it is a powerful institution like the Ministry of Public Security, and the basic information of citizens is involved, the possibility of success is very small. But the Ministry of Education is different. This is a cold government office, and it is not qualified to dance with guns and sticks.

However, the student status files involving all college students are still relatively sensitive.

Once leaked, it is not a small incident.

It is impossible to run down at once, the leaders need to hold a meeting to study.

Unexpectedly, they were extremely efficient this time. In the afternoon of the next day, they received a reply from the Department of Higher Education, saying that they could cooperate in principle.

This is so important.

University campuses, especially some key colleges and universities, are overwhelmingly filled with remarks that are contrary to mainstream voices. The country is laissez-faire to a certain extent in this regard. If the voice of the mainstream is instilled in college students like ordinary people, there will be no need to think about pioneering thinking, which will greatly stifle innovation and creativity.

In college classrooms, it is common to speak casually and casually, without censorship or restraint. But if a teacher turns into a public knowledge and spreads the words in the university classroom as public knowledge to the outside world, then it has to be dealt with.

This kind of laissez-faire has led to a much higher level of instability on the university campus than in the outside world.

Moreover, college students are very passionate.

Strengthening the supervision and monitoring of college students has always been one of the most important tasks of the Department of Higher Education.

Unexpectedly...someone will give you a pillow when you doze off!

The Xiaonei website must implement a real-name system!

Let every school net account have a one-to-one correspondence with college students, this is simply doing them a huge favor!

These days, the internet is still somewhat of a lawless place.

There is some bad information everywhere on the Internet, because there is no real-name system, and there is no way to investigate and deal with it. Just deleting posts, how can it have a deterrent effect?

It is secondary to publish some anti-mainstream remarks. The key point is that some people commit fraud, betting on pornography, and even selling guns on the Internet, which are very serious in nature.

The real-name system on the Xiaonei website, and you can bind friends, MSN, Jingdong, Weidian security guards and many other accounts... This is great, it is equivalent to real-time monitoring.

At least it can ensure that college students across the country are well-behaved and clean.

If something really happens in the future, the education system can remove its responsibility first.

Very good!

This is simply a great gift from Xiaonei to the Ministry of Education!

So this time when the application was received, the leaders of the Ministry held a meeting to study it immediately, and then accepted it with almost no opposition. The only difference is that they will not hand over the file information of college students to Xiaonei.

In case of information leakage, no one can bear the responsibility.

The maximum authority given is that the school intranet can call and access the database of the Ministry of Education for one-to-one comparison. It can only be called, not collected.

The specific operation process is that can cooperate with under the Ministry of Education.

Of course Zhou Buqi was not reconciled.

Go for it again. is an official website with slow updates and slow response, and it can only target the IE browser kernel. If college students use the Firefox browser to log in to the intranet, they will not be able to perform real-name authentication.

Unfortunately, they strongly disagree.

How can such important student status file information be disclosed to private enterprises casually?

After fighting for several times, I can only choose to cooperate with

Coming out of the ministry, Zhou Buqi said helplessly, "Cooperating with will probably cost a lot of money."


"If we want to access other people's databases, it will increase their operating costs. How can we do it without paying?"

"Isn't it?"

Meng Houkun was a little surprised.

Zhou Buqi said: "Education is originally Qingshui Yamen, and does not post advertisements like commercial websites, and can only rely on financial expenditures. The process of real-name registration should not be rushed, it must be done slowly. If the school network has 16 million If an account goes to their database for comparison in a short period of time, it will paralyze them."

Meng Houkun nodded, "I have a question, the real-name system I need to verify the ID number?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "What do you think?"

Meng Houkun thought for a while, and said: "There is an ID number in the student status file. If the ID number is verified, it will be safe. But the problem is... Let me talk about my own feeling. If a website asks me to enter my own ID number, I might quit."

"Crisis of Confidence."


"The Xiaonei network should not be a big problem..." Zhou Buqi paused, then shook his head, "Forget it, then don't verify it. The verification of the ID number is a bit like police verification, and the user experience is very bad."

Meng Houkun said with a smile: "Actually, there is no need for verification. We can verify the information that everyone is willing to disclose, such as name, gender, high school, university, and department, and the network verification among classmates. It is basically the same. .”

"What if, for some reason, some college students don't have student status files?"

"Then it's a two-track system."


"It is divided into certified and uncertified. Uncertified ones cannot enjoy the benefits of, cannot participate in the selection of school flowers and grass, cannot open membership purchases, and cannot participate in group purchases."


Zhou Buqi nodded in satisfaction.

I think he can be very good at the job of Xiaonei.

The vast majority of college students will actively participate in the sign-in activities on the school intranet. Every seven days after signing in, there will be a lucky draw, and valuable gifts such as MP3s, mobile phones, and computers may be drawn.

Plus group buying activities.

Under the supervision of the two major benefits, the real-name system can be implemented.

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