Top of the big era

Chapter 452 Is the school intranet going to be open?

The real-name authentication process is relatively simple.

After all, it is not real-name authentication in the true sense, as long as it is theoretically determined to be one-to-one correspondence, that is enough.

Therefore, once the plan was launched, the promotion process went smoothly.

When Xiaonei was first established, it held high the concept of a real community and required users to fill in their real names and real personal information.

This is very simple, just compare the information with the student status information.

If the name, gender, high school, university, and major of the department are all listed, you can basically be sure that this person is real and valid.

This greatly improves efficiency.

You can use the database of Xiaonei to directly connect with the database of Xuexin.

If, like ID card authentication, the user is asked to fill in the information again and then connect online to the database of the Ministry of Public Security... then the waiting time will be long, and the authentication may not be successful even after waiting for a few minutes.

There may even be too many people authenticating at the same time, causing the information to be correct and the authentication will fail.

In this regard, Xiaonei has made a very appropriate way to deal with it.

It is to hand over the time of user authentication to the background.

When new users register in the future, they will not be authenticated online. After all, accessing the official database is relatively slow, and non-IE browsers cannot connect with

You can send an internal letter to the user, saying "authentication in progress", and ask the user to wait. Xiaonei backend uses its own server to help users apply. If the authentication is passed, an internal letter will be sent to the site, saying that the authentication has passed, or the authentication has failed, and the information needs to be changed for further confirmation.

For this project, needs to pay a one-time operating fee of 2 million yuan, and will have to pay a management fee of 500,000 yuan every year in the future...

Money is small things.

The important thing is that after three days, all the 16.2 million users of Xiaonei completed the comparison with their student status files.

Among them, 9.87 million users successfully passed the authentication.

This shows that the vast majority of college students are honest and kind, and they filled in the real information as required when using the Xiaonei website.

For the remaining more than 6 million users, either the personal information was filled in incorrectly and needs to be changed, or the information is incomplete and needs to be supplemented. Or... it's most likely an illegal account, not a college student at all.

According to the estimate of Xiaonei, the scale of illegal accounts will be between 2 million and 3 million.

After such a decision was made, the Finance Department immediately submitted a report.

After the implementation of the so-called real-name system, the advertising revenue of will drop by 10%. After all, illegal users can also contribute traffic and advertising revenue by accessing the school intranet.

Then, Wang Haoyang offered a very creative suggestion: "I think Xiaonei can relax the registration system."


" is a very popular website, and its daily traffic ranks among the top ten in the country. In addition to college students, there are also many people in the community who are very interested in the content of In particular, there is an obvious loophole in it, which must be made up .”

"Tell me."

Wang Haoyang said: "Students in the senior year can have real-name authentication, and they can participate in group buying, job-hunting website for fresh graduates, sign-in benefits on Xiaonei website, etc. But it will be May soon, and they will graduate soon. When they graduate, they won't be in As a school student, according to the regulations, you can no longer participate in the group buying on the Xiaonei website, will your certification be cancelled? The real-name system is real."

Zhou Buqi pondered and said: "This is the reason, and it really needs to be solved. It seems that multiple authentications are required, not only real-name authentication, but also student authentication. Only students can enjoy the many benefits of"

At this time, he already had a general idea in his mind.

Behind the person's name on the Xiaonei website, there can be a small logo, a box with the word "real" inside, indicating that they have passed the real-name certification. If you are a student at school, there will be a small icon behind the "real", and "school" is written in the box, representing a student at school.

If you graduate, the "school" mark will be canceled and only the "real" mark will be kept.

If the test is successful, you can reapply and restore the "school" standard.

Wang Haoyang smiled and said: "That's what it means! Now that the cooperation has been reached, we can fully play the important role of as a platform and dig deeper into the benefits of the real-name system!"

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, "Tell me specifically!"

Wang Haoyang said: "In the database of, there are not only the student status files of current students, but also the student status files of all college students since my country's reform and opening up. This means that we can help many white-collar workers complete real-name authentication. To We know that a group of college students will leave the university campus every year. If they leave the campus, they will lose the platform of Xiaonei, and the scale of Xiaonei will never be large.”

"You mean, keep all college students, whether they are current students or graduates, on the Xiaonei platform?"


Wang Haoyang spoke loudly.

His direct purpose is very clear, which is to ensure that the traffic of the school intranet will not be lost too much due to the graduation of college students. Where there is traffic, there will be advertising fees.

Zhou Buqi thought more.

Xiaonei has many sticky sections, such as the school forum. Compared with Tianya, Maopu and other forums, the discussions here are cleaner. There are very few unreasonable abuse posts, and the atmosphere of the forum is very harmonious.

If you stay here for four years in college, you will get used to it. It is a pity that I can no longer use the school forum after graduation.

Zhou Buqi was shocked, and felt that Wang Haoyang's proposal was too constructive!

He couldn't make a decision by himself, so he immediately asked the secretary to arrange a meeting for the main leaders of Xiaonei, including He Yang, Zhang Yiming, and Liu Qing.

The school net in this life has the same name as the school net in the previous life, and the business is not the same at all.

It can even be said that is an original website created by Zhou Buqi according to his own ideas. There is no successful template from the previous life, and it is completely crossing the river by feeling the stones.

This requires that every decision made by Xiaonei must be implemented smoothly.

If Wang Haoyang's proposal goes ahead, it will be a major revision of Xiaonei.

Because everyone's work schedule is full, the meeting time is really difficult to arrange.

Zhou Buqi simply asked his secretary to order takeaway, and then called He Yang, Wang Haoyang, Liu Qing, Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Shi Jinglin, Chen Dong, Meng Houkun and others to his office.

Have a meeting while having lunch.

The office is small and the sofas are limited, so they are given to the ladies and seniors. Chen Dong, Zhou Buqi and Guo Pengfei are all sitting on small stools, and Meng Houkun even squats there without any image, eating and discussing at the same time.

This scene, through the transparent glass wall, is displayed in the eyes of every employee.

Quite shocking.

Wang Haoyang recounted his thoughts, which aroused everyone's deep thinking.

Zhou Buqi swallowed the rice, and said: "I think this idea is very good. The positioning of the Xiaonei network should not only be located in the school. It should serve the school, and the demonstration should be outside the school. The Xiaonei network should be used as the image project of Ziwei Star. Create. If users outside the school cannot access the school intranet, how can it serve as a demonstration? Don't worry, speak one by one, Pengfei, you speak first."

Guo Pengfei said: "There is no pressure in terms of technology, but the difficulty is that the operation is too complicated. If we only rely on the team of college students, we cannot do such a large project."

Seeing that Shi Jinglin was about to move, Zhou Buqi nodded at her.

Shi Jinglin said: "I think this proposal is very good. To make the school network bigger, it should not be targeted at current students, but should be aimed at all college students, including those who have graduated many years ago. When they were in college, they might still be It doesn’t feel like much, but after graduation and work, the university feelings will really burst out. But time can’t be reshaped, Xiaonei is a platform to help them reminisce about their university time.”

Next, Chen Dong and Meng Houkun also expressed their personal opinions, and they all felt that this direction could be pursued.

Zhang Yiming said: " should not be a public platform. It should have a different positioning from Youyou. is for the public and can be used by everyone. However, should be positioned as an elitist, oriented to undergraduates. The above user groups. The more elite, the less sense of collectivism and self-pursuit. How difficult is it to gather elites on one platform? If this direction is achieved, the unique attribute of Xiaonei will be established .”

Zhou Buqi tentatively said: " is a website for the general public. Should the Xiaonei website be high-end?"

"Aimed at college students, it is a high-end product." Zhang Yiming paused, then said with a smile, "Don't we still have a shelved project called Weizhiwang? Xiaonei and Weizhinet are complementary, and the promotion is Professional and in-depth knowledge. is paired with the official account project, which can include entertainment gossip, emotional gossip, and even some popular conspiracy theory articles.”

As soon as the thoughts diverge, they will be matched immediately.

He Yang's eyes lit up, and he praised: "That's a good idea! I've always been skeptical about the positioning of, and I even think it should be put on hold indefinitely. It makes sense to say so. The Xiaonei website requires two-factor authentication, and the real-name system is required. Certification and student certification. Anyone who has passed the real-name system certification and has a bachelor’s degree or above can become a user of, and can post questions and answer questions.”

Zhou Buqi's idea of ​​Weizhiwang originated from Zhihu in his previous life.

Zhihu did a brilliant job in the early stage, attracting a large number of loyal users. Mainly relying on the invitation system, ordinary people cannot post at will, and messy posts will affect the reading experience of high-end users.

However, when Zhihu became open and anyone could participate, the quality of the content declined. Many stupid questions and answers made many old users miserable.

If is targeted at people with a bachelor’s degree or above to post and answer questions, the troubles will be much smaller.

The product positioning of Weizhiwang and official accounts is also clear.

Both projects are still on hold.

When the positioning is clear, the product design and architecture concepts are also clear.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Don't digress, let's continue talking about the opening of registration on the Xiaonei website."

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