Top of the big era

Chapter 3066 Comprehensive

Zhou Buqi and Zhang Yiming walked around the grassroots level, and soon it was noon, and then they went to the staff canteen to eat together.

"Outsourced employees are not allowed to come to the canteen. This rule is so inhumane!"

Zhou Buqi still couldn't help but complain.

Zhang Yiming already understood what he meant, "Do you want to cancel outsourcing?"

Zhou Buqi said: "There are many advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing. What we need to do is to retain the advantages, and then select the most critical ones among those shortcomings to improve. Such as the sense of belonging and identity The problem is, you are not even an employee of Ziweixing, how can you feel like a family to the company? "

Zhang Yiming said with a smile: "The biggest disadvantage of canceling outsourcing is the increase in costs."

Zhou Buqi said: "I don't think we need to pursue profits too much, what do you think?"

Zhang Yiming said: "Alibaba is about to go public. Many people are speculating that after Alibaba goes public, its market value is likely to exceed ours. They have already perfected their business model, have strong cash flow and a lot of profits."

Zhou Buqi said: "On the contrary, I think it's better to show off to Boss Ma. From the perspective of economic structure, e-commerce definitely plays a greater role than social networking. It can drive the development of greater peripheral industries and attract more entities." Economy. Social media is more like an advertising display platform, especially now that the social media industry is restricted, we don’t need to be too prominent.”

The two went to the cafeteria and went straight to the third floor.

There are smaller single rooms that are quieter.

When the two appeared in the cafeteria, many employees would greet them enthusiastically and shout "Mr. Zhou" one after another. It really felt like a fan meeting a celebrity and worshiping them. Zhou Buqi could only stop and talk to everyone many times. Wave.

In comparison, Zhang Yiming was quite cold.

This man has a low-key style.

He never appears on TV or accepts media interviews.

Many lower-level employees may not know him.

After going upstairs, Zhou Buqi picked up the topic: "I learned from the human resources department that our current school recruitment plan is very strict, and the lowest level is T3."

Zhang Yiming said: "Indeed, the level of fresh graduates now is much higher than that of our time. The computer industry is becoming more and more popular in the country, and young people's IT skills are getting stronger and stronger. When I was in school, I was doing Their projects are all about hotel management systems and library management systems, and the standards are much higher now.”

Zhou Buqi said: "The higher the requirements, the fewer people we can recruit."

Zhang Yiming understood what he meant instantly, "Should we expand the scale of school recruitment?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Based on the T3 standard, the number of fresh graduates recruited each year is only more than 2,000, which is far from the demand for employment. Another point is that the foundation of Ziweixing lies in the university. We need to College students have a more friendly attitude and should pay attention to the mission of the campus network.”


Speaking of this, Zhang Yiming had to pay attention to it.

Ziweixing can be said to be the company that has the closest relationship with college students.

But among the millions of fresh graduates every year, Ziweixing can recruit about 3,000 people including some non-technical positions, which is indeed a small number. There is also social responsibility, providing jobs for fresh graduates, which is the basis for social stability and economic confidence.

In addition, there will be certain state subsidies for using fresh graduates.

For example, in the capital, every time Ziweixing recruits a fresh graduate, it can get a subsidy of about 8,000 yuan within a year.

This little money is nothing to Ziweixing and is not part of the purpose of recruiting fresh graduates.

However, many inferior companies are different.

Everyone is eyeing this part of the subsidy!

Some companies specialize in cashing out subsidies and engaging in false recruitment activities.

Zhou Buqi said: "The campus network has close communication channels with college students, but when recruiting, we only focus on those top 985 colleges and universities, which will inevitably disappoint many people. Campus recruitment is a display of the brand. We should open it up to some of the more ordinary schools and give them confidence.”

Zhang Yiming frowned slightly, "It's different now than it was back then."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Yiming said: "Nowadays, colleges and universities are expanding their enrollment, and capable people can basically be admitted to prestigious universities. In ordinary colleges and universities, we can even make a blanket conclusion. It is no longer possible for ordinary colleges and universities to go out. High-level technical talents.”

After a pause, Zhang Yiming continued: "Indeed, on the surface, among fresh graduates, some students from ordinary colleges seem to have similar abilities to students from prestigious schools. But after actually joining the job, the gap will soon widen. The gap in potential and growth is too big.”

Zhou Buqi was silent.

Zhang Yiming said: "Fresh graduates have a narrow exposure and a low upper limit, so the technical gap between fresh graduates is actually very small. Many students from ordinary colleges and universities can achieve very high results if they study and specialize in computer technology." level. But in fact, it's not the same at all. When you enter the workplace, especially in high-tech companies like Ziweixing, where there is no ceiling on technology and no height restrictions, the gap becomes immediately apparent because computer technology is more than just computers. "

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "And English."

If you want to become a top industry talent, English is very important.

It is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

In prestigious schools, many classes are taught in English and there are many foreign teachers invited from abroad. Universities like Tsinghua University and Peking University are even more powerful. Hundreds of courses are all taught in English. From the teaching environment to the living and learning environment around them, students can learn English well.

For the Internet, the top papers and new technical concepts are all in English.

In other words, if a person wants to become a technical expert in the Internet industry, strong English proficiency is a prerequisite. If you don't speak good English, you can't become a top expert in the industry. This is the growth potential of a fresh graduate.

Graduates from prestigious schools, especially those from Tsinghua and Peking University, have the potential and qualifications to become top scientists because their English proficiency is good enough.

Many students in ordinary colleges and universities are different.

When I was in school, I didn’t need to use English at all for my skills. I didn’t need to learn English well, nor did I need to refer to cutting-edge English papers. Therefore, the gap was not widened, making many students from ordinary colleges seem to be different from those from prestigious schools. The technical level of the students is about the same.

After you are able to enter the workplace and start to climb the technical ladder, the gap will become wider and more obvious.

The higher you go, the lower the value of the Chinese material.

Zhang Yiming said: "English is a must-pass level, but there is actually another level, which is mathematics."

Zhou Buqi suddenly said, "Well, mathematics!"

Zhang Yiming said: "Now is the era of algorithms, as well as big data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing. The foundation of mathematics can also determine what level an Internet engineer can reach technically. If a computer student learns mathematics during school If the level cannot be compared with those in the mathematics department, then the technical achievements in the future will not be too high. "

“The threshold for mathematics is not low either!”

Zhou Buqi feels the same way. The most troublesome course in his university is advanced mathematics.

Zhang Yiming said: "The domestic computer industry has developed rapidly in recent years, and the employment trend is very good. Many colleges and universities have opened computer courses and trained many computer major students. However, the vast majority of computer colleges, The teaching is only superficial and lacks systematic teaching. Even if they can build the computer school very well, what about English? It is difficult for them to systematically lay the foundation for students to become top IT scientists. ”

Zhou Buqi further understood He Yang's concept of "academic qualifications" being increasingly important. "A good academic qualification often means a good foundation."

Zhang Yiming said: "Yes, for a student in an ordinary college to learn computer knowledge well, he may have exhausted all his energy. Those top students in prestigious schools often have balanced development. They are not only good in professional knowledge, but also good in English, Mathematics is also solid enough. When you are weak in technology, the gap is not obvious. When you enter the workplace, the door to the technical world is opened, and the role of comprehensive foundation is revealed even in markets such as literature, finance, and business. Knowledge that seems completely unrelated to this major also has a huge role in becoming a top talent. "

Zhou Buqi deeply agreed, "It's true that the domestic understanding of majors is too narrow. Indians went to Silicon Valley and studied some random and irrelevant things when they had free time. Kurian even went to Hollywood to study writing. Script. When Chinese Americans go to the United States, they focus on their majors. I increasingly find that things other than professional abilities often determine the level of attainment of a major.”

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